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M700 and M300
Base Stations
Provisioning Guide
Provisioning Guide M700, M300
Copyright, Trademarks, Legal Disclaimers ....................................................................3
Introduction .......................................................................................................................4
Supported Provisioning Methods ........................................................................................4
DHCP .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Manually Setting the Setting Server .............................................................................................................. 5
PNP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
snom Redirection Service ................................................................................................................................ 6
User Agent ......................................................................................................................... 7
Settings and Configuration ..............................................................................................8
Viewing, Saving, and Loading Settings ...............................................................................8
Comprehensive List of Settings ........................................................................................... 9
Global Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Server Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Extension Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Repeater Settings ............................................................................................................................................22
Multicell Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Firmware Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Phonebook Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 27
File Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
Examples for Configuration Files ......................................................................................28
Basic Configuration 1 ......................................................................................................................................29
Basic Configuration 2 ......................................................................................................................................30
Basic Configuration 3 ......................................................................................................................................31
Basic Configuration 4 ......................................................................................................................................32
Basic Configuration 5 ......................................................................................................................................33
Basic Configuration 6 - Multicell ...................................................................................................................35
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Copyright, Trademarks, Legal Disclaimers
Copyright, Trademarks, Legal Disclaimers
© 2015 snom technology Aktiengesellschaft. All Rights Reserved.
snom, the names of snom products, and snom logos are trademarks owned by snom technology AG.
All other product names and names of enterprises are the property of their respective owners.
Product specifications are subject to change without notice.
snom technology AG reserves the right to revise and change this document at any time, without being
obliged to announce such revisions or changes beforehand or after the fact.
Texts, images, and illustrations and their arrangement in this document are subject to the protection
of copyrights and other legal rights worldwide. Their use, reproduction, and transmittal to third
parties without express written permission may result in legal proceedings in the criminal courts as
well as civil courts.
When this document is made available on snom’s web page, snom technology AG gives its permission
to download and print copies of its content for the intended purpose of using it as a manual. No parts
of this document may be altered, modified or used for commercial purposes without the express
written consent of snom technology AG.
Although due care has been taken in the compilation and presentation of the information in this
document, the data upon which it is based may have changed in the meantime. snom therefore
disclaims all warranties and liability for the accurateness, completeness, and currentness of the
information published, except in the case of intention or gross negligence on the part of snom or
where liability arises due to binding legal provisions.
Change Log
Release Date Description
v1.01 December 10, 2014 Initial Release
v1.02 February 23, 2015 Added valid values for subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs (applicable to M300 only), page
19 & 21; section "File settings" moved to p. 27; minor format changes pp. 11 - 27
v1.03 April 7, 2015 Added setting ldap_virtuel_lists [sic], page 13
v1.04 Jun 30, 2015 Corrected values for extension setting, subscr_sip_ua_use_base, page 19; added
example for multicell provisioning, page 35
v1.05 Nov 3, 2015 Clarified various settings on page 15, 18-21; correction on pg. 33 (removed <setting>
from firmware.xml)
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Introduction
This configuration manual covers the initial setup of M300 and M700 bases for administrators who
want to remotely configure and deploy the snom DECT solution. This guide applies to firmware 3.23
and higher.
The M300 and M700 DECT base stations share most of their settings and provisioning capabilities
with snom desktop phones. However, due to the dierent nature of the M-series products, there are
certain settings that either do not exist or are configured dierently on snom desktop phones.
Note: The M300 base station is sold as part of the M325 Bundle.
Supported Provisioning Methods
DHCP (Option 43, 66, 67, 120)
Manual Setting of Setting Server
snom Redirection Service
The DHCP server must be configured with additional DHCP options containing the URL of the
provisioning server that are provided to M300 and M700 DECT base stations when they are booting.
The base stations will then request their configuration parameters from the provisioning server which
will result in a "ready-to-use" phone setup without manual configuration.
Currently the M300 and M700 base stations support the following DHCP options:
Option Description Example for Valid Values Comments
43 Vendor-specific
For examples and a detailed
explanation, see: http://wiki.snom.
This option is used by clients
and servers to exchange vendor-
specific information.
66 TFTP server
http://provisioning.snom.com This option is used to identify
a TFTP server. The supported
protocols are http, https and tftp.
67 Bootfile name directory/snomsettings.xml This option is used to identify a
120 SIP server 00:04:63:73:31:35:04:73:6e:6f:6d:03
This option is used to define a SIP
server. Do not use this option when
you are already configuring your
sip server in the config file. This
will lead to conflicts in the settings.
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Introduction
Manually Setting the Setting Server
A very basic way of configuring the Provisioning Server for M300 and M700 DECT base stations is by
entering the configuration server address and the name of the file in the management settings of the
base‘s web interface. Every time the base station boots, it will request its configuration parameters
from the provisioning server, resulting in a "ready-to-use" phone setup without having to configure it
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Introduction
Plug & Play (PnP) provides a proprietary method to enable provisioning on M300 and M700 DECT base
stations. By default the base stations send SIP SUBSCRIBES messages to a multicast address. Any
SIP server that understands the message may reply with a SIP NOTIFY message containing the URL
of the provisioning server from where the phones can request their configuration. An example SIP
SUBSCRIBE message from the base station would look like this:
SUBSCRIBE sip:MAC%3a0004136*****@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKl1d23iyadenuaa1jr4vm
Max-Forwards: 70
From: <sip:512@>;tag=dmrud.mzfyg66
To: <sip:MAC%3a0004136*****@>
Call-ID: 6cm70qdo.o.8i@
Contact: <sip:512@>
Accept: application/url
Allow-Events: dialog,message-summary
Event: ua-profile;profile-type=“device“;vendor=“snom“;model=“snomM700“;version=“03.23.0005“
Expires: 0
Supported: replaces,100rel
User-Agent: snomM700/03.23.0005 (MAC=0004136*****; SER= 00000; HW=255)
Content-Length: 0
If any SIP application within one-hop range understands this message, a SIP 200 OK confirmation is
sent, followed by a SIP NOTIFY message containing the provisioning URL. The base station accepts
this message and confirms it with a SIP 200 OK.
snom Redirection Service
The snom redirection service allows customers to register/list/unregister the MAC addresses of
their M300 and M700 DECT base stations on snom's provisioning server and assign a redirection
URL pointing to their own provisioning server. The service is designed to implement an easy-to-use
interface (XMLRPC) for interaction with remote client applications. The communication between
server and remote client application is secure. A detailed explanation can be found here:
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 User Agent
User Agent
The devices follow snom‘s user agent scheme for HTTP and SIP communication. Two examples for
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; snomM700 3.18.0008 0004136*****)
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; snomM300 3.18.0008 0004136*****)
"snomM700" and "snomM300" identify the type of device.
"3.18.0008" defines the software version. The first part ("3") describes the major release), the
second part ("18") the version, and the last part ("0008") the specific build number.
Following the software version is the MAC address of the base station, in this case "0004136*****".
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Settings and Configuration
Viewing, Saving, and Loading Settings
You can view and save your current settings and load a settings file on the Configuration page of the
base station's web interface.
The comprehensive list of settings available for M series base stations is provided on the following
Global Settings ............................. page 9
Server Settings ............................ page 17
Extension Settings ...................... page 19
Repeater Settings ....................... page 22
Multicell Settings ......................... page 24
Firmware Settings ...................... page 26
Phonebook Settings .................... page 27
File Settings .................................. page 27
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Comprehensive List of Settings
Global Settings
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
tone_scheme GER, FRA, ITA, NLD,SWE,
This setting is used to generate special tones in the
handset, e.g., the country-specific ringtone and busy
Default Value: USA
Important: This setting is related to the timezone and
country_region_id and has to be set accordingly for
them to work correctly.
timezone USA-10, USA-9, CAN-8
MEX-8, USA-8, CAN-7 MEX-
7, USA2-7, USA-7 CAN-6,
CHL-6, MEX-6 USA-6, BHS-
5, CAN-5 CUB-5, USA-5,
VEN-4.5 CAN-4, CHL-4,
PRY-4 BMU-4, FLK-4, TTB-4
CAN-3.5, GRL-3, ARG-3
PRT-1, FRO-0, IRL-0 PRT-0,
ESP-0, GBR-0
ALB+1, AUT+1, BEL+1
CAI+1, CHA+1, HRV+1
CZE+1, DNK+1, FRA+1
GER+1, HUN+1, ITA+1
LUX+1, MAK+1, NLD+1
NAM+1, NOR+1, POL+1
SVK+1, ESP+1, SWE+1
CHE+1, GIB+1, YUG+1
WAT+1, BLR+2, BGR+2
CYP+2, CAT+2, EGY+2
EST+2, FIN+2, GAZ+2
GRC+2, ISR+2, JOR+2
LVA+2, LBN+2, MDA+2
RUS+2, ROU+2, SYR+2
TUR+2, UKR+2, EAT+3
IRQ+3, RUS+3, IRN+3.5
ARM+4, AZE+4, GEO+4
KAZ+4, RUS+4, KAZ+5
KGZ+5, PAK+5, RUS+5
IND+5.5, KAZ+6,RUS+6
RUS+7, THA+7, CHN+7
SGP+8, KOR+8, AUS+8
JPN+9, AUS+9.5 AUS2+9.5,
AUS+10 AUS2+10, AUS3+10
RUS+10, AUS+10.5 NCL+11,
RUS+12, NZL+12.75
This setting is used to specify the time zone.
Default Value: USA-6
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
country_region_id tone_scheme = US
0 = Alabama
1 = Alaska
2 = Arizona
3 = Arkansas
4 = California
5 = Colorado
6 = Connecticut
7 = Delaware
8 = Florida
9 = Georgia
10 = Hawai
11 = Idaho PST
12 = Idaho MST
13 = Illinois
14 = Indiana
15 = Iowa
16 = Kansas
17 = Kentucky EST
18 = Kentucky CST
19 = Louisiana
20 = Maine
21 = Maryland
22 = Massachusetts
23 = Michigan
24 = Minnesota
25 = Mississippi
26 = Missouri
27 = Montana
28 = Nebraska
29 = Nevada
30 = New Hampshire
31 = New Jersey
32 = New Mexico
33 = New York
34 = North Carolina
35 = North Dakota
36 = Ohio
37 = Oklahoma
38 = Oregon
39 = Pennsylvania
40 = Rhode Island
41 = South Carolina
42 = South Dakota CST
43 = South DakotaMST
44 = Tennessee
45 = Texas
46 = Utah
47 = Vermont
If a country has regions/states ( e.g. the US or
Australia), this setting allows their configuration. If
not, the setting will not be used.
Default Value: <empty>
Important: This setting is related to the timezone
and tone_scheme settings and has to be set
accordingly for them to work correctly.
48 = Virginia
49 = Washington
50 = West Virginia
51 = Wisconsin
52 = Wyoming
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
tone_scheme = AUS
1 = New South Wales
2 = Victoria
3 = Tasmania
4 = Australian Capital
5 = South Australia
6 = Northern Territory
7 = Queensland
8 = Western Australia
web_language English, Dansk, Italiano,
Türkce, Deutsch, Português,
Slovenian, Dutch, Francais,
Español, Russian
This setting defines the language used in the web
interface of the base station.
Default Value: English
language English, Español, Deutsch,
Francais, Italiano, Dutch,
Português, Dansk, Svenska,
Turkce, Polski, Russian,
Norsk, Slovenian, Čeština,
Suomi, blank (controlled by
This setting defines the language usedon the
Default Value: English
min_jittbuf_depth 0-255 Controls the minimum jitter buer depth.
Default Value: 2
max_jittbuf_depth 0-255 Controls the maximum jitter buer depth.
Default Value: 7
ac_code e.g. 1234 Defines the 4-digit code for a handset to connect
to and register with the selected base station.
Changing the code for a handset that is already
registered will have no eect.
Default Value: 0000
network_sip_log_server e.g. Specifies a server to send logged SIP messages to.
Default Value: <empty>
phonebook_reload_time e.g. 10 Phonebook reload time in (s) if phonebook_server_
location = 0.
Default Value: <empty>
0 = Local
1 = LDAP
2 = XML
Defines what type of phonebook is used.
Default Value: 0
Specifies the location of the phonebook if
phonebook_server_location = 0. Setting has to be
used in conjunction with phonebook_filename.
Default Value: <empty>
phonebook_filename e.g. phonebook.xml Filename of the phonebook if
phonebook_server_location and phonebook_location
have been set.
Default Value: <empty>
Note: In addition to the AC, the handset has a PIN for deregistering it from the
base, performing factory resets, etc. The default value of the PIN is also 0000;
it can only be changed on the handset itself. The PIN cannot be set or altered
from the base station, whether by provisioning or via the web user interface.
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
setting_server e.g. http://www.company.
An URL specifying the location from where to load
the settings file. If the tag is read and if it is dierent
from what’s already stored, the provisioning logic
will restart, using the new value as base.
The {mac} macro is supported in the URL.
Default Value: <empty>
pnp_config o / on Enable/disable PNP provisioning.
Default Value: on
dhcp_option_pnp o / on Enable/disable DHCP provisioning.
Default Value: on
This string specifies the DTMF that is sent via SIP
when the conf key is pressed. Not applicable to all
Default Value: <empty>
sip_r_key_dtmf_string This string specifies the DTMF that is sent via SIP
when the R key is pressed. Not applicable to all
Default Value: <empty>
dialplan_enabled o / on Specifies whether the configured dial plan is enabled
or not.
Default Value: o
dialplan_maxlength e.g. 6 Specifies the maximum length of a number up to
which no dialplan_prefix will be added.
Default Value: <empty>
dialplan_prefix e.g. 030 Specifies the prefix that is added when the dialed
number is longer than dialplan_maxlength.
Default Value: <empty>
o / on If STUN is enabled and sip_stun_bindtime_guard
is defined, setting this to 1 forces the base to
automatically determine the duration of NAT bindings
in the system. In this case, sip_stun_bindtime_guard
defines the initial test duration.
Default Value: on
sip_use_dierent_ports o / on If this is enabled, network_id_port specifies the
source SIP port used for the first instance, and all
following will use succeeding ports. If disabled, the
same port will be used for all accounts.
Default Value: o
o / on Sets the time zone by country/region.
Default Value: on
dst_by_country_region o / on Sets the DST by country/region.
Default Value: on
voip_sip_auto_upload o / on Enables / disables the automatic upload of SIP log
Default Value: o
web_inputs_allowed o / on If the base is configured via configuration files, this
setting can be used to allow/disallow the possibility
to edit the configuration directly on the web server.
Default Value: on
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
auto_dect_register o / on Enable/disable the automatic DECT registration of
Default Value: on
e.g. 80 If STUN is enabled, this value specifies in seconds
how often the system will guard the NAT bindings.
Default Value: 80
o / on Enables reception of SNTP broadcasts from an SNTP
server and thereby syncing with the received server
Default Value: on
ldap_name_attributes e.g. cn This setting can be used to specify the “name”
attributes of each record which are to be returned in
the LDAP search results.
Default Value: <empty>
ldap_search_filter LDAP name filter is the search criteria for name look
ups. The format of the search filter is compliant to
the standard string representations of LDAP search
filters (RFC 2254).
Default Value: <empty>
ldap_server e.g. This setting refers to the DNS name or IP address of
the LDAP server.
Default Value: <empty>
ldap_port e.g. 389 This setting specifies the port of the LDAP server.
Default Value: <empty>
ldap_base e.g. ou=snom.com -
This setting specifies the LDAP search base (the
distinguished name of the search base object) which
corresponds to the location in the directory from
which the LDAP search is requested to begin.
Default Value: <empty>
ldap_username This setting specifies the bind “Username” for LDAP
servers. Most LDAP servers allow anonymous binds,
in which case the setting can be left blank.
Default Value: <empty>
ldap_password This setting specifies the bind “Password” for LDAP
servers. This setting can be left blank in case the
server allows anonymous binds.
Default Value: <empty>
ldap_virtuel_lists 1 - on
0 - o
This setting enables the use of virtual lists. If set
to 1, virtual lists are used. If set to 0, the use of
virtual lists is disabled, and the bvase will request
a maximum of 50 hits. (Note: "virtuel" is misspelt
in the name of the setting. Please use as is until
further notice.
Default Value: 1
ldap_work_number e.g. telephoneNumber Default Value: telephoneNumber
ldap_mobile_number e.g. mobile Default Value: mobile
ldap_home_number e.g. homePhone Default Value: homePhone
http_user e.g. admin Defines the HTTP username for your base station.
Together with http_pass it will protect your web
Default Value: admin
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
http_pass e.g. admin Defines the HTTP password for your base station.
Together with http_user it will protect your web
Default Value: admin
phone_name e.g. snom M700 Defines the name of the base station.
Default Value: snom M700
ntp_server e.g. Specifies the domain name or the IP address of the
NTP server.
Default Value: <empty>
ntp_refresh_timer e.g. 3600 Specify the time in seconds after which the phone
contacts the NTP server again to refresh the time.
Default Value: 3600
vlan_id e.g. 101 This setting sets the VLAN id of the base in order to
connect to anything residing in a specific VLAN.
Default Value: <empty>
vlan_qos e.g. 7 This setting sets the VLAN priority of the base in
order to connect to anything residing in a specific
Default Value: <empty>
dns_server1 e.g. This setting stores the address of the primary DNS
server. If DHCP is disabled, the address of the
primary DNS server has to be entered here.
Default Value: <empty>
dns_server2 e.g. This setting stores the address of the secondary
DNS server. If DHCP is disabled, the address of the
secondary DNS server has to be entered here.
Default Value: <empty>
ip_adr e.g. This setting changes the IP address of the device. If
DHCP is disabled, the IP address must be entered
Default Value: <empty>
netmask e.g. This setting changes the netmask of the device. If
DHCP is disabled, the subnet mask must be entered
here.Default Value: <empty>
gateway e.g. This setting changes the gateway of the device. If
DHCP is disabled, the gateway must be entered here.
Default Value: <empty>
rtp_port_start e.g. 50004 This setting specifies the RTP start port which is
used for RTP trac.
Default Value: 50004
rtp_port_end e.g. 50044 This setting specifies the RTP end port which is used
for RTP trac.
Default Value: 50044
network_id_port e.g. 5060 This setting specifies the SIP port which is used for
SIP trac.
Default Value: 5060
dhcp o / on This setting specifies whether DHCP is enabled or
not. If it is disabled, the base will use the configured
static IP address.
Default Value: on
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
stun_binding_interval e.g. 90 If STUN is enabled, stun_binding_interval defines
how often (in seconds) keepalive are sent in order to
keep NAT bindings. If sip_stun_bindtime_determine
is set, stun_binding_interval will be overruled and
keep-alives will be sent with a frequency of half the
determined bindtime.
Default Value: 90
enable_rport_rfc3581 o / on Enables or disables rport parameter for the Via
header field. The default setting allows a client to
request that the server send the response back
to the source IP address and port from which the
request originated.
Default Value: on
syslog_server e.g. IP address of the syslog server.
Default Value: <empty>
syslog_server_port e.g. 514 Port of the syslog server.
Default Value: 514
o / on Enable / disable TLS server authentication.
Default Value: o
stun_server e.g. stun.snom.com This setting refers to the DNS name or IP address of
the STUN server.
Default Value: empty
codec_tos 0-255 This option enables the phone to support quality of
service (QOS) for RTP trac in a network.
Default Value: 160
signaling_tos 0-255 This option enables the phone to support quality of
service (QOS) for SIP trac in a network.
Default Value: 160
log_level -1 = o
6 = normal
8 = system
7 = debug
This setting defines the log level of the syslog
messages that are logged.
Default Value: 6
dst_enable o / on / auto Specifies whether or not to apply DST changes to
display time.
Default Value: auto
dst_fixed_day_enable o = Use month and date
on = Use month and day of
Specifies whether or not to use a fixed day of the
week when applying DST changes.
Default Value: o
dst_start_month 1-12 Specifies the month in which DST begins.
Default Value: 3
dst_start_date 1-31 Specifies the day of the month on which DST begins.
Default Value: 0
dst_start_time 0-23 Specifies the time when DST begins.
Default Value: 2
dst_start_day_of_week 1 = Sunday
2 = Monday; 3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday; 6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
Specifies the day of the week on which DST begins.
Default Value: 1
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Global Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
1 = First in month
2 = Second in month
3 = Third in month
4 = Second to last in month
5 = Last in month
Specifies on which dst_start_day_of_week in the
month DST begins. *
Default Value: 2
* For example, if DST begins at 2 a.m. on the
last Sunday in March, the settings are:
dst_start_month: 3
dst_start_time: 2
dst_start_day_of_week: 1
dst_start_wday_last_in_month: 5
dst_stop_month 1-12 Specifies the month in which DST ends.
Default Value: 11
dst_stop_date 1-31 Specifies the day of the month on which DST ends.
Default Value: 0
dst_stop_time 0-23 Specifies the time when DST ends.
Default Value: 2
dst_stop_day_of_week 1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
Specifies the day of the week on which DST ends.
Default Value: 1
1 = First in month
2 = Second in month
3 = Third in month
4 = Second to last in month
5 = Last in month
Specifies on which dst_stop_day_of_week in the
month DST ends.
Default Value: <empty>
* For example, if DST ends at 2 a.m. on the
last Sunday in October, the settings are:
dst_stop_month: 10
dst_stop_time: 2
dst_stop_day_of_week: 1
dst_stop_wday_last_in_month: 5
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Server Settings
Server Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
NOTE: Up to 10 servers with idx 1 to 10. Example: user_host idx="1"
o / on Specifies whether to use one
TCP connection per
SIP extension or not.
Default Value: o
o / on Specifies whether to signal TCP source port or not.
Default Value: on
e.g. snom sip server Specifies the name of the sip server.
Default Value: <empty>
o / on Specifies whether the e
xtension is shown on the
handset idle screen or not.
Default Value: on
o / on Specifies whether blind tr
ansfer is enabled or not
Default Value: on
o / on When the VLAN ID in a multicell system changes,
this setting determines whether the new VLAN ID
is sync'd to the other bases or not.
Default Value: on
o / on Determines whether SRTP Authentication is used
or not. This setting has to be enabled when user_
srtp is set to on. Likewise this has to be turned o
when user_srtp is o.
Default Value: o
disabled / enabled Enables/disables R
TP from own base station.
Default Value: disabled
disabled / enabled Enables/disables NA
T adaption.
Default Value: enabled.
o_only = SIP info
o = RTP Events (RFC2833)
on = SIP info and RTP
Events (RFC2833 )
This setting changes depending on whether DTMF
events are signaled via SIP INFO messages or via
RTP events or both.
Default Value: o
0-127 Set up the payload type for out-of-band DTMF here.
Default Value: 101
udp / tcp / tls Specifies the transport protocol used for SIP
Default Value: udp
o / on Define whether sip-stack should support the use of
s. Includes adding headers "Session-Expires"
and "Min-SE".
Default Value: on
Enabled: When the base station receives a SIP response to a REGISTER request with a “Via” header
that includes the “received” parameter (e.g.: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=, it will
adapt its contact information to the IP address from the "received" parameter. The base station will
then send another REGISTER request with the updated contact information.
Disabled: The base station will ignore the "received" parameter.
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Server Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
e.g. 3600 If timer_support is enabled, this option specifies
the SIP session timer in seconds.
Default Value: 3600
3600 Specifies the maximum time between SIP re-
registrations in seconds.
Default Value: 3600
o / on Specifies whether k
eepalive message will be sent
out to the registrar/proxy port in order to have the
port stay open and the phone remain reachable.
Default Value: on
o / on Specify if y
ou want to indicate a hold request with
sdp parameter send-only or inactive. Some pbx's
need the inactive setting for proper music-on-hold
Default Value: o
user_host idx=1-10 e.g. server.snom.com Specifies the IP or DNS address of the registrar/
proxy where you want to register this account.
Default Value: <empty>
e.g. Specify the outbound proxy in this field (format:
addr:port) to ensure all SIP packets are sent via
the specified communication point.
Default Value: <empty>
o / on Enables/disables encryption of outgoing audio
TP streams. This setting has to be enabled if
srv_srtp_auth is set to on. Likewise this has to be
turned o when srv_srtp_auth is o.
Default Value: o
o / on When the setting is turned o, the base returns a
list of all available codecs in the SDP in response
to INVITE requests.
Default Value: o
pcmu, pcma, g729, g722,
Prioritize which codecs the base should use.
Prioritized comma-separated list with max. of 5
entries, most desired codec up front.
Default Value: pcmu, pcma, g726
20, 30, 40, 60 Specifies the packet size in ms for the respective
Default Value: 20
e.g. conferencing.snom.com This setting specifies the address or FQDN of a
conference server.
Default Value: <empty>
on = AES-32
o = AES-80
When the setting is set to on, the base oers an
AES-32 auth-tag for SRTP. If turned o, AES-80 is
Default Value: on
o / on Specifies the attended transfer behaviour of the
base. If turned on, the second call will be put on
hold. If turned o, the second call is not put on
Default Value: on
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Extension Settings
Extension Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
Integers (255, 0, 1, 2 ...) Specifies whether the handset is locked to use
a specific base station or not. When locked to a
base station, the handset will not be able to make/
receive calls outside the range of this base station.
Valid values:
255: Not locked to a specific base station
0: Locked to primary base station
1, 2, 3 etc.: Locked to one of the secondary base
Default Value: 255
e.g. 1234 subscr_dect_ac_code is a handset-specific setting.
If you specify the explicit IPEI for a handset in the
config, you can enter a specific access code for
that handset. If nothing is used, the default value
of ac_code is used when registering handsets.
Default Value: <empty>
e.g. 018870DF25 Specifies the IPEI number of the handset.
Default Value: FFFFFFFFFF
1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Specifies which handset id is associated to which
extension/account, e.g., if set, <subscr_sip_hs_idx
idx=1>1</subscr_sip_hs_idx> will use the first
configured handset with the first configured
account, etc.
Default Value: <empty>
Values in decimals counted
from 1: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.
For your convenience, the
complete list of values is
provided here.
This setting only applies to the M300. The value
represents a handset ID for each SIP extension/
account. If set, the corresponding handset
subscribes to the given SIP extension/account.
Default Value: <empty>
0-9, *, # Specifies a PIN to be used for outgoing calls. The
PIN can be up to 8 digits long
Default Value: <empty>
e.g <subscr_sip_ua_
data_server_id idx=1>2</
server_id> will use the first
configured handset with the
second configured server
Specifies which configured server is used for that
specific handset/a ccount.
Default Value: <empty>
e.g. 1 Specifies which identity is preferred when
outgoing calls are made.
Default Value: <empty>
e.g. 1 Specifies which extension is used to perform an
emergency call.
Default Value: <empty>
911 112 110 999 19222 Specifies the emergency numbers that can be
dialed when the handset is locked. Separate the
individual emergency numbers by one space.
Default Value: <empty>
Emergency numbers are hardcoded in accordance with the
country code and cannot be changed.
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Extension Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
e.g. 112
Specifies the emergency number for this handset.
Only one number is allowed!
Default Value: <empty>
rtp_collision_control o / on
This setting controls whether the base checks for
RTP collision. RTP collision means that the device
is receiving RTP packages from more than one
source address with same SSRC.
Default Value: o
e.g. Line1
Specifies the line name for the respective
extension on this handset.
Default Value: <empty>
on / visual / ringer / o
Enables/disables call waiting indication on the
Default Value: on
Specifies the account with which you register to a
SIP registrar/proxy.
Default Value: <empty>
o / on
The specific account can be disabled by disabling
this option. This means that the identity is no
longer registered.
Default Value: o
Specifies the user name that is used for
Default Value: <empty>
Specifies the password to be used for challenge
Default Value: <empty>
e.g. snom mailbox
Specifies the name for the mailbox that is
associated with the particular SIP identity.
Default Value: <empty>
e.g. voicemail@snom.com
Specifies the number for the mailbox that is
associated with the particular SIP identity.
Default Value: <empty>
user_realname idx=1-
e.g Max Mustermann
Set the name that is associated with each line. This
information is also sent out to any party you are
Default Value: <empty>
fwd_all_enabled idx=1-
o / on
If turned on, all calls to the associated identity are
diverted to the number specified.
Default Value: o
fwd_all_target idx=1-200 e.g. 123456
Specifies the redirection target when redirection is
always active.
Default Value: <empty>
fwd_time_enabled idx=1-
o / on
If turned on, any incoming call will be diverted to
the specified number after the specified time has
Default Value: o
fwd_time_target idx=1-
e.g. 123456
Specifies the redirection target when redirection
after time is active.
Default Value: <empty>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Extension Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
fwd_time_secs idx=1-
e.g. 10
Specifies the time in seconds after which the
redirection target is redirected when redirection
after time is active.
Default Value: <empty>
o / on
If turned on and a call is in progress while a
second call is incoming, the second caller is
diverted to the number specified.
Default Value: o
fwd_busy_target idx=1-
e.g. 123456
Specifies the number to which calls will be
diverted when the user is busy.
Default Value: <empty>
Dfks idx=1-200 o / on
Enables/disables device feature key
synchronization (DND, FWD, etc.) on the specific
Default Value: o
List of values for setting subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="2">2</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="3">4</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="4">8</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="5">16</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="6">32</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="7">64</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="8">128</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="9">256</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="10">512</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="11">1024</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="12">2048</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="13">4096</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="14">8192</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="15">16384</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="16">32768</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="17">65536</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="18">131072</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="19">262144</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
<subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs idx="20">524288</subscr_sip_ua_subscribed_hs>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Repeater Settings
Repeater Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
1, 2, 3 The setting is used when repeater_auto_config_
mode is set to manual. Together with the setting
repeater_sync_src_rpn, this allows to specify a
unique RPN value per repeater.
Default Value: 0
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. The setting is used when repeater_auto_config_
mode is set to manual.
Together with the setting repeater_rpn it is possible
to specify a unique RPN value for every repeater.
The maximum chain length is three repeaters in
a chain after the base station. All repeaters using
manual mode must be configured to use a unique
By default, this setting uses the base station at
index 0 in network_sync _mac_chain as the DECT
synchronization source.
Value 1 uses the repeater with RPN 1 which is
connected to the base station in network_sync_mac_
chain index 0 as the DECT sync source.
Value 2 uses the repeater with RPN 2 which is
connected to the base station in network_sync_mac_
chain index 0 as the DECT sync source.
Value 3 uses the repeater with RPN 3 which is
connected to the Base station in network_sync_mac_
chain index 0 as DECT sync source.
Value 4 uses the base station at index 1 in network_
sync_mac_chain as the DECT sync source.
Value 5 uses the Repeater with RPN 1 which is
connected to the base station in network_sync_mac_
chain index 1 as the DECT sync source.
Default Value: 0
Specifies the name of the Repeater.
Default Value: <empty>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Repeater Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
mode idx=1-100
0 = Manual
1 = Local
2 = Chaining
If set to 0 (= manual), specify repeater_rpn and
If set to 1 (= local), the repeater will automatically
search for available base stations and locate the
base with the best signal. If that base station is
turned o, the repeater will move to the next best
base station.
If set to 2 (= chaining), all base stations and all
repeaters will send RSSI reports to the primary base
station. These reports are used by the primary base
station to create a DECT synchronization tree with all
base stations and all repeaters that have this setting
Default Value: 0
o / on This setting controls whether legacy repeaters are
supported or not.
Default Value: o
configured idx=1-100
o / on When this setting is set to on, the specific repeater
is actively configured; when set to o, this account is
not in use.
Default Value: o
Repeater International Portable User Identity. This is
normally not configured via provisioning.
Default Value: <empty>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Multicell Settings
Multicell Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
Specifies the DECT sync ID tree that the base stations
are using as their DECT sync source. It will be
overruled by the setting network_dect_auto_sync_
tree_config, if that setting is enabled.
If a base's ID for its own index is equal to its own ID,
then this base is the primary DECT sync source.
A secondary base which cannot find its sync source
or has been turned o will get a value of 240
which will start it looking for any base station and
sync source. This will then enable the system to
reconfigure itself.
Default Value:0
network_sync_chain_id Specifies the identity of a given multicell chain.
This is used to identify dierent chains in the same
Default Value: 512
Specifies a static IP to be used as primary data sync
address when communicating via peer-to-peer.
Default Value:
Do not use this setting in provisioning. It is a list
that is only used when multicell and peer-to-peer
synchronization are enabled, and it is automatically
updated by the primary base station when a
secondary base station boots. The list contains the
static IP addresses of all base stations in a peer-to-
peer multicell system and is used to communicate
with the other base stations.
This setting is not supposed to be used in
provisioning since it can be critical if the order of
the base stations is changed. The list contains the
chain of Ethernet MAC addresses that are connected
in the specified network. The chain will be created
automatically by the multicell system, but can also
be created by provisioning.
Valid: 8, 9 ... 30 This setting specifies the maximum number of SIP
registrations per base station. When a base station
in a multicell system has registered its maximum, it
will attempt to distribute additional SIP registrations
to other base stations in the chain. If this is not
possible, it will reject registrations exceeding its
Default Value: 8
network_sync_time e.g. 60 This is the time in seconds for keep-alive packets
to be sent between members of the chain. If no
keepalive packets are received within double
the value of the time, the base will be treated
as unreachable in the multicell setup. Minimum
recommended value is 30.
Default Value: 60
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Multicell Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
o / on This setting specifies whether auto configuration is
enabled/disabled for multiple primaries in a chain.
Default Value: o
o / on This setting specifies whether the configuration of
multiple primaries in a chain is allowed or not.
Default Value: o
o / on Specifies whether the DECT sync tree is
automatically configured or not.
Default Value: on
o / on Specifies whether the network sync debug is enabled
or not.
Default Value: o
o / on This setting specifies how SIP registrations are
handled when a handset roams from one base
station to another.
Roaming is defined as the procedure when the
handset moves its SIP and DECT registration from
one base station to another. Some PBXs are capable
of handling multiple SIP bindings per SIP user and,
consequently, when a new SIP registration is made
from a dierent base, the old SIP registration will
still be valid. As a consequence, this registration has
to be deactivated.
Other PBXs always use the latest SIP registration
and therefore no deregister is needed.
"O" means that no sip deregister takes place when
a handset roams from one base to another, while
"on" means that the old SIP registration is deleted
when a handset roams from one base to another.
Default Value: o
network_sync_enable o / on Specifies whether multicell mode is enabled or not.
Default Value: o
multicast / peer-to-peer Specifies the data transport method for multicell
Default Value: <empty>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Firmware Settings
Firmware Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
firmware-settings Container for all firmware-related tags which must
be the root node in the settings file. All firmware-
related settings must be inside this tag, i.e.,
firmware-status e.g. http://www.company.
Defines the URL of the firmware configuration file
where all firmware related settings are stored.
Default Value: <empty>
firmware e.g. http://server/directory/ This setting defines a specific path where the
firmware can be found. Only the first part of the URL
can be defined, i.e. http://server/directory/.
The base will then always try to automatically find
the respective sub-directory for the model that is
used, e.g. /directory/M700 or /directory/M65.
Default Value: <empty>
fp_fwu_sw_version e.g. 323 Defines the base station firmware version.
Default Value: <empty>
e.g. 323 Defines the firmware version for the attached
devices (handsets and repeaters). The "type"
parameter defines which type of device is used, i.e.,
M65, M25, M5, etc.
Default Value: 0
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Phonebook Settings
Phonebook Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
phone-book (or tbook) snom phonebook tag. See http://wiki.snom.com/
Directory for a detailed explanation. This has to be
the root node if used within the main configuration
item The item tag defines one directory contact entry. For
an entry to become valid, at least one name and one
number must exist.
first_name (or name) e.g. Thomas Defines a contact's first name.
Default Value: <empty>
last_name e.g. Miller Defines a contact's last name.
Default Value: <empty>
number idx=1-3 e.g. 1234567 Defines a contact's number. A phonebook item can
have from 1 to 3 numbers attached. If idx is not
provided, it defaults to 1.
Default Value: 1
number_type idx=1-3 home, mobile, work, other Defines the type of telephone number. The number_
type for a given idx defines the icon to display next
to the number having the same idx. If idx is not
provided, it defaults to 1.
Default Value: 1
File Settings
File Settings
Setting Value(s) Description
file e.g. <file
xml" />
Command tag causing the specified URL to be loaded
and handled as any other setting file.
Format: <file url=”full url” />
The file being pointed to has to be a fully qualified
xml file.
The following macros are supported in the url:
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Examples for Configuration Files
The following six examples of configuration files show how setting files are configured. Please
remember that these setting files are only meant to be guidelines; every value within each tag has
to be changed, if needed. All configuration files must be saved in ANSI format to avoid any problems
with the encoding of certain characters.
Basic Configuration 1: 1 handset, 1 base station
Basic Configuration 2: 3 handsets, 1 base station, SRTP & TLS on, German language used on all
Basic Configuration 3: 1 handset, 1 base station, two dierent lines and a dierent access code
Basic Configuration 4: 1 handset, 1 base station, phonebook included in settings file
Basic Configuration 5: Allows the inclusion of both firmware and phonebook-related settings in
the provisioning process. Each file contains specific settings and is loaded
separately, avoiding any root tag conflicts. The file will automatically check
for and fetch the latest build of any given firmware release whenever the
base is provisioned.
Multicell Configuration (M700 only): Example for multicell provisioning, two (2) base stations
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Basic Configuration 1
1 handset, 1 base station: This configuration creates a setup where the specified handset under
subscr_dect_ipui has exactly one line and a mailbox number configured.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<phone-settings e="2">
<!--Global settings-->
<!-- Server related settings-->
<srv_sip_server_alias idx="1">Server 123</srv_sip_server_alias>
<user_host idx="1"></user_host>
<user_srtp idx="1">o</user_srtp>
<srv_srtp_auth idx="1">o</srv_srtp_auth>
<!-- Handset related settings. subscr_dect_ipui has to be specified otherwise the base will reset the
connection to the handset every provisioning process-->
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="1">FFFFFFFFFF</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="1">1</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="1">Line1</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Extension/account related settings-->
<user_active idx="1">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="1">502123</user_name>
<user_realname idx="1">Max 123</user_realname>
<user_mailbox idx="1">snom voicemail</user_mailbox>
<user_mailnumber idx="1">*97</user_mailnumber>
<keyboard_lock_emergency idx="1">911 112 110 999 19222</keyboard_lock_emergency>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Basic Configuration 2
3 handsets, 1 base station, SRTP & TLS on, German language used on all devices:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<phone-settings e="2">
<!--Global settings-->
<!-- Server related settings-->
<srv_sip_server_alias idx="1">Server 123</srv_sip_server_alias>
<user_host idx="1"></user_host>
<user_srtp idx="1">on</user_srtp>
<srv_srtp_auth idx="1">on</srv_srtp_auth>
<srv_sip_transport idx=”1”>tls</srv_sip_transport>
<!-- Handset related settings. subscr_dect_ipui has to be specified otherwise the base will reset the connection to
the handset every provisioning process-->
<!-- Handset 1-->
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="1">FFFFFFFFFF</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="1">1</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="1">Line1</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Handset 2 -->
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="2">FFFFFFFFFF</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="2">2</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="2">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="2">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="2">Line1</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Handset 3 -->
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="3">FFFFFFFFFF</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="3">3</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="3">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="3">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="3">Line1</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Extension/account related settings-->
<!-- Account 1-->
<user_active idx="1">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="1">502111</user_name>
<user_realname idx="1">Max 111</user_realname>
<!-- Account 2-->
<user_active idx="2">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="2">502222</user_name>
<user_realname idx="2">Max 222</user_realname>
<!-- Account 3-->
<user_active idx="3">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="3">502333</user_name>
<user_realname idx="3">Max 333</user_realname>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Basic Configuration 3
1 handset, 1 base station, two dierent lines and a dierent access code: This configuration creates a
setup where a handset has two dierent lines under which it can be reached.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<phone-settings e="2">
<!--Global settings-->
<subscr_dect_ac_code idx="1">1111</subscr_dect_ac_code>
<!-- Server-related settings-->
<srv_sip_server_alias idx="1">Server 123</srv_sip_server_alias>
<user_host idx="1"></user_host>
<user_srtp idx="1">o</user_srtp>
<srv_srtp_auth idx="1">o</srv_srtp_auth>
<srv_sip_server_alias idx="2">Server 456</srv_sip_server_alias>
<user_host idx="2"></user_host>
<user_srtp idx="2">o</user_srtp>
<srv_srtp_auth idx="2">o</srv_srtp_auth>
<!-- Handset-related settings. subscr_dect_ipui has to be specified. If it is not, the base will reset the connection to
the handset at every provisioning process. -->
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="1">FFFFFFFFFF</subscr_dect_ipui>
<!-- Line1-->
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="1">1</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="1">Line1</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Line2-->
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="2">1</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="2">2</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="2">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="2">Line2</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Extension/account related settings -->
<!-- Account 1 -->
<user_active idx="1">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="1">502111</user_name>
<user_realname idx="1">Max 111</user_realname>
<!-- Account 2 -->
<user_active idx="2">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="2">5007</user_name>
<user_realname idx="2">Max 222</user_realname>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Basic Configuration 4
1 handset, 1 base station, phonebook included in settings file: This configuration includes a
phonebook that is loaded and updated each time the base is provisioned.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<number idx=”1”>9000</number>
<number_type idx=”1”>work</number_type>
<number idx="2">1122334455</number>
<number_type idx="2">mobile</number_type>
<number idx="3">6789546</number>
<number_type idx="3">home</number_type>
<phone-settings e="2">
<!--Global settings-->
<!-- Server related settings-->
<srv_sip_server_alias idx="1">Server 123</srv_sip_server_alias>
<user_host idx="1"></user_host>
<user_srtp idx="1">o</user_srtp>
<srv_srtp_auth idx="1">o</srv_srtp_auth>
<!-- Handset related settings. subscr_dect_ipui has to be specified otherwise the base will reset the
connection to the handset every provisioning process-->
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="1">FFFFFFFFFF</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="1">1</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="1">Line1</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Extension/account related settings-->
<user_active idx="1">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="1">502123</user_name>
<user_realname idx="1">Max 123</user_realname>
<user_mailbox idx="1">snom voicemail</user_mailbox>
<user_mailnumber idx="1">*97</user_mailnumber>
<keyboard_lock_emergency idx="1">911 112 110 999 19222</keyboard_lock_emergency>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Basic Configuration 5
This method allows the inclusion of both firmware and phonebook-related settings in the provisioning
process. Each file contains specific settings and is loaded separately, avoiding any root tag conflicts.
The file will automatically check for and fetch the latest build of any given firmware release whenever
the base is provisioned.
Main Provisioning Configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<file url="" />
<file url="" />
<file url="" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<firmware perm=""></firmware>
<pp_fwu_sw_version type="M65">323</pp_fwu_sw_version>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<number idx=”1”>9000</number>
<number_type idx=”1”>work</number_type>
<number idx="2">1122334455</number>
<number_type idx="2">mobile</number_type>
<number idx="3">6789546</number>
<number_type idx="3">home</number_type>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<phone-settings e="2">
<!--Global settings-->
<!-- Server related settings-->
<srv_sip_server_alias idx="1">Server 123</srv_sip_server_alias>
<user_host idx="1"></user_host>
<user_srtp idx="1">o</user_srtp>
<srv_srtp_auth idx="1">o</srv_srtp_auth>
<!-- Handset related settings. subscr_dect_ipui has to be specified, otherwise the base will reset the
connection to the handset every provisioning process-->
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="1">FFFFFFFFFF</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="1">1</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="1">Line1</subscr_sip_line_name>
<!-- Extension/account related settings-->
<user_active idx="1">on</user_active>
<user_name idx="1">502123</user_name>
<user_realname idx="1">Max 123</user_realname>
<user_mailbox idx="1">snom voicemail</user_mailbox>
<user_mailnumber idx="1">*97</user_mailnumber>
<keyboard_lock_emergency idx="1">911 112 110 999 19222</keyboard_lock_emergency>
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
Basic Configuration 6 - Multicell
Two config files are necessary to set up a multicell installation: Multicell settings and primary base
station settings. The multicell settings must be downloaded to all base stations in the multicell
installation; the primary base station settings are downloaded to the primary base station only.
Make sure that you replace the sample values like IP and MAC addresses, rtp ports, etc., with your
actual values. See the settings tables for valid and default values and explanations.
Multicell Settings for Primary Base Station and Secondary Base Stations
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<network_dect_sync_tree idx="1">1</network_dect_sync_tree>
Primary Base Station Settings
This is an example with EU daylight saving time, German time zone, German language, etc.
Replace sample values with your system and localization settings. Please see settings tables for
explanations and valid values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Replace sample values
with your system settings.
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
<!-- <ldap_password>**********</ldap_password> -->
<ldap_number_attributes>telephoneNumber mobile homePhone</ldap_number_attributes>
<!-- <ac_code>**********</ac_code> -->
<user_srtp idx="1">o</user_srtp>
<user_host idx="1"></user_host>
<srv_sip_show_ext_name_in_hs idx="1">on</srv_sip_show_ext_name_in_hs>
<srv_sip_enable_blind_transfer idx="1">on</srv_sip_enable_blind_transfer>
<keepalive_interval idx="1">on</keepalive_interval>
<timer_support idx="1">on</timer_support>
<session_timer idx="1">140</session_timer>
NOTE: Replace sample values with your system and localization settings.
Please see settings tables for explanations and valid values.
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
<srv_sip_signal_tcp_port idx="1">on</srv_sip_signal_tcp_port>
<srv_sip_use_one_tcp_conn_per_ext idx="1">o</srv_sip_use_one_tcp_conn_per_ext>
<user_outbound idx="1"></user_outbound>
<conferencing idx="1"></conferencing>
<srv_srtp_auth idx="1">o</srv_srtp_auth>
<user_full_sdp_answer idx="1">o</user_full_sdp_answer>
<srv_sip_rtp_base_equal idx="1">disabled</srv_sip_rtp_base_equal>
<srv_sip_ua_data_server_nat_adaption idx="1">disabled</srv_sip_ua_data_server_nat_adaption>
<srv_dtmf_payload_type idx="1">101</srv_dtmf_payload_type>
<user_hold_inactive idx="1">o</user_hold_inactive>
<srv_sip_transport idx="1">udp</srv_sip_transport>
<user_dtmf_info idx="1">o</user_dtmf_info>
<codec_size idx="1">20</codec_size>
<codec_priority_list idx="1">pcma, g722, pcmu</codec_priority_list>
<user_auth_tag idx="1">on</user_auth_tag>
<user_expiry idx="1">60</user_expiry>
<srv_att_transfer_2nd_call_on_hold idx="1">on</srv_att_transfer_2nd_call_on_hold>
<user_name idx="1">666</user_name>
<user_realname idx="1">Siegfried Atan</user_realname>
<user_pname idx="1">666</user_pname>
<!-- <user_pass idx="1">**********</user_pass> -->
<user_active idx="1">on</user_active>
<fwd_all_enabled idx="1">o</fwd_all_enabled>
<fwd_all_target idx="1"></fwd_all_target>
<fwd_time_enabled idx="1">o</fwd_time_enabled>
<fwd_time_target idx="1"></fwd_time_target>
<fwd_busy_enabled idx="1">o</fwd_busy_enabled>
<fwd_busy_target idx="1"></fwd_busy_target>
<fwd_time_secs idx="1">20</fwd_time_secs>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="1">1</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="1">666</subscr_sip_line_name>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<user_mailbox idx="1">80</user_mailbox>
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="1">025482b179</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_ua_data_emergency_number idx="1">0112</subscr_ua_data_emergency_number>
<subscr_ua_data_emergency_line idx="1">1</subscr_ua_data_emergency_line>
<subscr_sip_ua_use_base idx="1">255</subscr_sip_ua_use_base>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="1">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<dfks idx="1">o</dfks>
<call_waiting idx="1">on</call_waiting>
<!-- <subscr_sip_pincode_dialout idx="1">**********</subscr_sip_pincode_dialout> -->
<!-- <subscr_dect_ac_code idx="1">**********</subscr_dect_ac_code> -->
<user_mailnumber idx="1">80</user_mailnumber>
<user_name idx="2">555</user_name>
<user_realname idx="2">Nadja Appel</user_realname>
<user_pname idx="2">555</user_pname>
<!-- <user_pass idx="2">**********</user_pass> -->
<user_active idx="2">on</user_active>
<fwd_all_enabled idx="2">o</fwd_all_enabled>
<fwd_all_target idx="2"></fwd_all_target>
<fwd_time_enabled idx="2">o</fwd_time_enabled>
<fwd_time_target idx="2"></fwd_time_target>
NOTE: Replace sample values with your system and localization settings.
Please see settings tables for explanations and valid values.
Provisioning Guide M700, M300 Settings and Configuration
<fwd_busy_enabled idx="2">o</fwd_busy_enabled>
<fwd_busy_target idx="2"></fwd_busy_target>
<fwd_time_secs idx="2">20</fwd_time_secs>
<subscr_sip_hs_idx idx="2">2</subscr_sip_hs_idx>
<subscr_sip_line_name idx="2">555</subscr_sip_line_name>
<subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id idx="2">1</subscr_sip_ua_data_server_id>
<user_mailbox idx="2">80</user_mailbox>
<subscr_dect_ipui idx="2">025482b16c</subscr_dect_ipui>
<subscr_ua_data_emergency_number idx="2">0112</subscr_ua_data_emergency_number>
<subscr_ua_data_emergency_line idx="2">2</subscr_ua_data_emergency_line>
<subscr_sip_ua_use_base idx="2">255</subscr_sip_ua_use_base>
<subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id idx="2">1</subscr_sip_ua_pref_outg_sip_id>
<dfks idx="2">o</dfks>
<call_waiting idx="2">on</call_waiting>
<!-- <subscr_sip_pincode_dialout idx="2">**********</subscr_sip_pincode_dialout> -->
<!-- <subscr_dect_ac_code idx="2">**********</subscr_dect_ac_code> -->
<user_mailnumber idx="2">80</user_mailnumber>
<repeater_rpn idx="1">1</repeater_rpn>
<repeater_sync_src_rpn idx="1">0</repeater_sync_src_rpn>
<repeater_dect_ipui idx="1">016e81b0d0</repeater_dect_ipui>
<repeater_name idx="1">Hallway_01</repeater_name>
<repeater_data_configured idx="1">on</repeater_data_configured>
<repeater_auto_config_mode idx="1">1</repeater_auto_config_mode>
<repeater_legacy_support idx="1">on</repeater_legacy_support>
<repeater_rpn idx="2">2</repeater_rpn>
<repeater_sync_src_rpn idx="2">1</repeater_sync_src_rpn>
<repeater_dect_ipui idx="2">016e87bda0</repeater_dect_ipui>
<repeater_name idx="2">M5-02</repeater_name>
<repeater_data_configured idx="2">on</repeater_data_configured>
<repeater_auto_config_mode idx="2">0</repeater_auto_config_mode>
<repeater_legacy_support idx="2">!no_value! (2)</repeater_legacy_support>
NOTE: Replace sample values with your system and localization settings.
Please see settings tables for explanations and valid values.

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Others manual(s) of Snom M300

Snom M300 User Manual - English - 44 pages

Snom M300 User Manual - English - 84 pages

Snom M300 User Manual - English - 58 pages

Snom M300 User Manual - German - 82 pages

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