Adding Dynamic Content 303
• Item ID: Add an easily identifiable string to track the item
through PayPal.
• Currency: Set the currency in which the transaction will be made
• Price: The price for the item. Shown on-screen by default.
• Allow customer to specify the amount: Check to swap the
above Price for a box in which the web visitor can enter their
own price. Use with donation forms, where the customer sets the
• Override the tax settings..: Check to override provider's
profile's tax setting for the item. If checked, specify a flat tax rate
for the item, e.g. 0% for tax-free charitable donations.
• Weight: Set an item weight if you're using weight-based shipping
(US only), set in your PayPal profile. Typically, pounds (lb) are
used as measurement, but kilograms (kg) can also be set if
Choose from the above settings and click Next>.
If you're using e-commerce database merging, this Item Details dialog
will instead let you choose an e-commerce database for use with your
chosen provider. Remember to set the currency you wish to trade in.
7. For e-commerce forms only, two subsequent dialogs are shown:
• The Item Description dialog lets you optionally include an image
(e.g., to preview the item for sale), and short and long
descriptions that will show in the form. Click Next>.
• The Item Options dialog lets you create edit boxes, combo boxes,
radio buttons, and fixed names (up to 10 options can be selected
per form in PayPal; only one price-changing option) as
appropriate—you can design from scratch or use previously
saved options fields. Click Next>. Not shown for repeating