Table of SD8 Effects
Preset # Description Effect settings
1 Hall reverb - simulates a Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 2.2 seconds.
medium-sized concert hall Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
1.0 second (Effect 2) to 3.8 seconds (Effect 16).
2 Room reverb - simulates an Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 0.7 seconds.
acoustically dead space Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
such as a rehearsal studio 0.5 seconds (Effect 2) to 3.3 seconds (Effect 16).
3 Plate reverb - simulates the Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 4.2 seconds.
effect of a bass-rich plate Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
3.0 seconds (Effect 2) to 9.0 seconds (Effect 16).
4 Vocal reverb - a reverb Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 4.5 seconds.
specially designed to Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
enhance vocals 1.7 seconds (Effect 2) to 4.5 seconds (Effect 16).
5 Ambience - a reverb Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 1.2 seconds.
specially designed to Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
add brightness and depth 0.6 seconds (Effect 2) to 3.4 seconds (Effect 16).
6 Orchestral - a reverb Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 1.5 seconds.
with a very wide spread Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
and distinct body 0.5 seconds (Effect 2) to 3.3 seconds (Effect 16).
7 Session - simulates a Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 1.0 seconds.
small, acoustically live room Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
0.6 seconds (Effect 2) to 3.4 seconds (Effect 16).
8 Studio - simulates a Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 0.9 seconds.
large studio with a high ceiling Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
0.5 seconds (Effect 2) to 3.3 seconds (Effect 16)
9 Percussion - a reverb Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 1.8 seconds.
specially designed to Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
enhance percussion 0.6 seconds (Effect 2) to 3.4 seconds (Effect 16).
10 Drums - a reverb specially Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 1.7 seconds.
designed to add body to Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
snare drums 0.5 seconds (Effect 2) to 3.3 seconds (Effect 16).
11 Solo - a reverb with a Alter the reverb time. Effect 1 (standard) is 3.5 seconds.
pronounced predelay, well Larger Effect values increase the reverb time, from
suited for reed instruments 2.3 seconds (Effect 2) to more than 25 seconds (Effect 16).
12 Gate - an intense, short Alter the gate time. Effect 1 (standard) is 448 milliseconds.
gated reverb Larger Effect values increase the gate time, from
88 milliseconds (Effect 2) to 1.152 seconds (Effect 16).
13 Power - a short gated reverb Alter the gate time. Effect 1 (standard) is 312 milliseconds.
good for creating a heavy Larger Effect values increase the gate time, from
power sound 88 milliseconds (Effect 2) to 1.152 seconds (Effect 16).
14 Reverse - simulates the effect Alter the gate time. Effect 1 (standard) is 858 milliseconds.
of a tape recording played Larger Effect values increase the gate time, from
backwards 88 milliseconds (Effect 2) to 1.152 seconds (Effect 16).
15 Delay - a long stereo delay Effect 1 (standard) uses delay times of 185 ms (left) and
(up to 740 ms), with varied 173 ms (right). Effects 2 through 8 have different feedback
amounts of cross-feedback amounts and increased delay times from 0.4 to 180 msec.
between the left and right Effects 9 through 16 have different feedback amounts
channels and increased delay times from 11 to 370 msec.
16 Echo - a fully discrete Effect 1 (standard) uses delay times of 173 ms (left) and
two-channel echo with 185 ms (right). Effects 2 through 8 have different feedback
varied amounts of feedback amounts and increased delay times from 0.4 to 180 msec.
Effects 9 through 16 have different feedback amounts
and increased delay times from 11 to 370 msec.