Guided Tour - Main Section
1: Meter - This seven-segment bar meter shows the continuous output level of
the SD8. For optimum signal-to-noise ratio, try to adjust all Levels (channel and
main) so that program material is usually at or around 0 VU, with occasional but
not steady excursions to the +3 segment. See the “Setting Up and Using the
SD8” section on page 12 in this manual for more information.
2: Status LEDs - These show the status of various conditions within the SD8.
The leftmost LED (labeled “Phantom”) lights steadily red when Phantom power is
being supplied to all mic inputs (see #3 on page 9 in this manual). The center
LED (labeled “Protect”) lights yellow for approximately five seconds whenever
the SD8 is powered on and lights steadily whenever there is a potentially
dangerous overheating situation. It indicates the activity of the built-in protection
relay circuitry during which time 0 volts DC are provided to all connected
speakers, thus preventing any “thump.” The rightmost LED (labeled “Power”)
lights steadily green whenever the SD8 is powered on and fades slowly when
the unit is powered off.
3: Ten-Band Graphic Master EQ - These sliders allow you to add 12 dB of
boost or attenuation to ten different frequency areas, affecting the main output
signal of the SD8. When a slider is at its center detented (“0 dB”) position, the
selected frequency area is unaffected (it is said to be flat). When a slider is
moved up (above the “0 db” position, towards the “+12 dB” position), the
selected frequency area is boosted, and when it is moved down (below the
“0 dB” position, towards the “-12 dB” position), the selected frequency area is
attenuated. For more information, see the “Using Equalization” section on page
17 in this manual.