6. Repeat the procedures 4 and 5
for the other frequencies
7. When you press P- button after
the lowest frequency line, you
access to the Equalizer modes
line. If you want to set the other
modes, repeat the parts 2 and 6.
8. You can return to the “Volume”
menu by pressing MENU button
You can activate or deactivate the
Surround sound effect
1. Go to the Surround line pressing
P± button
2. Confirm by pressing OK or V+
3. Select Open by P± buttons
4. You can return to the "Sound"
menu by pressing MENU button
BBaassss EEffffeecctt
You can activate or deactivate the
Bass Effect function
1. Press P± button to go to the
Bass Effect line.
2. Confirm by pressing OK or V+
3. Select "Open" option by
pressing P± buttons
4. You can return to the Sound
menu pressing MENU button
AAVVLL ((aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr ssoommee mmooddeellss))::
AVL(Automatic Volume Levelling)
option in Sound sub menu, can be
switched on for automatically
levelling sound during switching
of channels with different sound