Red button is for deletion. Access the channel you
want to delete pressing P± and V+ buttons and press
the red button. On the right side of the menu, the
channel number appears with a red button. Pressing
the red button once more will delete the channel. The
following channel will replace the deleted one.
You can skip using the yellow button. When on the
channel to be skipped, press the yellow button, there
by you can adjust the skip function on that channel.
After you leave the program table; if you use the
buttons "P+, P-" for passing the channels, the channels
which you skip with these buttons cannot be seen. You
can access to that channel using numbers, the name
and number of the channel appears in a different color.
To cancel the skip function, you can press yellow
button on the channel, again in the prog. table.
In this menu;
44..11.. SSoouurrccee OOSSDD::
The source OSD option can be
adjusted as Open / Closed. It provides continuous
display of the current channel.
44..22.. LLaanngguuaaggee::
Using this option, you can change the
language in the menus.
Your apparatus finds the channel and
choose the system according to the determined country
during the automatic search. For this reason it is
essential to enter the right code of the country.
Please do not forget to choose the country's
abbreviation with "V+/V-" button. ( if you do not have a
country name choose another country which has the
same system).
44..44.. CChhiilldd LLoocckk::
In this menu "Lock and Password"
appears. When the Lock function is on with by using
the V+ button, a password will be asked when the TV