3.2 Rotary knob
Celcia 20 has a rotary knob for selecting the main functions.
In succession they are (from top to bottom):
summer programme , standard programme P2 ,
adjustable programme P1 , constant day temperature ,
constant lower temperature (ECO-TEMP) and frost
resistant .
2.4 Opting for weather-compensated heating or
Celcia 20 is both suitable for use as a weather compensator
(the heating water temperature is dependent on the outside
temperature) or as a room thermostat (the heating water
temperature is dependent on the room temperature). Opting
for the one or the other control method depends on the way
in which the installation is set up (consult your installer).
Paragraph 5.1 describes how to switch from one method to
the other. The Celcia 20 default setting is for use as a room
3. Use
3.1 Explanation of the symbols in the display
1. Indication of the day (1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday)
2. the warm water ECO-function is operational
3. boiler burning for warm water
4. boiler burning for Central
5. time bar indicating the pro-
gress of the programme of
the day (block = comfort temp.,
no block = ECO-temp)
6. ECO/Party: the gone-for-a-while function is operational
3.2.1 Summer programme (only hot water
according to the permanently set clock pr.)
The desired temperature is constantly on ECO-TEMP and the
hot-water ECO function (paragraph 5.4) runs according to a
permanently set programme, which is the same for every day.
See table below. See for a description of the warm water eco-