This function is used for cooking and browning foods such as gratin dishes and meats.
It may be used before or after cooking, according to the recipe.
AAcccceessssiibbllee aarreeaass mmaayy bbeeccoommee hhoott wwhheenn tthhee ggrriillll iiss uusseedd.. CChhiillddrreenn sshhoouulldd bbee kkeepptt aawwaayy..
IIff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee iiss ooppeerraattiinngg iinn ccoommbbiinneedd mmooddee,, wwee rreeccoommmmeenndd tthhaatt cchhiillddrreenn bbee ssuuppeerrvviisseedd bbyy aadduullttss
wwhheenn uussiinngg tthhee oovveenn dduuee ttoo tthhee hhiigghh tteemmppeerraattuurreess..
WWhheenn uussiinngg tthhee ggrriillll,, yyoouu mmuusstt pprrootteecctt yyoouurr hhaannddss wwhheenn ttaakkiinngg oouutt ddiisshheess aanndd uussee ccoonnttaaiinneerrss mmaaddee
ffrroomm hheeaattpprrooooff mmaatteerriiaallss ssuucchh aass ffllaammeepprrooooff ggllaassss oorr cchhiinnaa..
There are 3 grill levels: low GRILL POWER (GP 1) / medium (GP 2) / high (GP 3).
As a rule, you should use GRILL
POWER 3 to grill meat and fish and GRILL POWER 1 or 2 with the
MICROWAVE + GRILL FUNCTION for gratin dishes and browning more delicate dishes.
Insert the grill according to the height of the container or the food.
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg tthhee GGRRIILLLL ffuunnccttiioonn DDiissppllaayy
Turn the selector knob to select the grill function. GP3
flashes, requesting you choose the desired grill level.
Turn the - / + selector knob to set a lower grill level,
GP2. Confirm by pressing °C/W, the time dig
its flash
in the display.
Turn the - / + selector knob to set the required grilling
time, ex. 20 minutes.
Confirm by pressing START, the light switches on and
the programme starts.
Grilling time may be changed at any time simply by turning the - / + selector.
Place the food item on the grill and insert at level 3
Turn the food halfway through cooking.
Food Quantity Time
Andouillettes, blood sausage, sausages
(pierce with a fork)
4 - 6 units 22 - 30 min
Pork chops 4 units 27 - 32 min
Lamb cutlets 4 units 15 - 17 min
Rib roast 800 g 23 - 25 min
Side bacon 4 - 6 slices 18 - 25 min
ggrriillll ffuunnccttiioonnss
gguuiiddee ttoo ccooookkiinngg uussiinngg tthhee hhiigghh ggrriillll ffuunnccttiioonn