tthhee ffaann ccooookkiinngg && mmiiccrroowwaavvee ffuunnccttiioonn
The fan cooking + microwave function lets you combine the microwave with fan cooking, saving you
considerable time. The following microwave power levels are available: 100-200-300-400-500W.
The cook-
ing temperature may be adjusted in 10°C increments from 50°C to 250°C.
Cooking time may be set from 0 to 90 minutes.
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg tthhee FFAANN ++ mmiiccrroowwaavvee ffuunnccttiioonn DDiissppllaayy
Turn the selector knob to select the FAN + MW func-
tion. 500W flashes in the display, requesting you
choose the desired microwave power level.
Turn the - / + selector knob to set the microwave
power level of your choice, ex. 200W (maximum
power for combi cooking is 500W). Confirm by press-
ing °C/W. 200° flashes, requesting you choose the
desired cooking temperature.
Turn the - / + selector knob to set the cook tempera-
ture of your choice, ex. 150°. Confirm by pressing
°C/W, the time digits flash in the display.
Turn the - / + selector knob to set the required cook
time, ex. 30 minutes.
Confirm by pressing START, the light switches on and
the programme begins.
Cooking time may be changed at any time simply by turning the - / + selector knob.
If you wish to verify your microwave power level, you may press
to check the dis
When cooking using the fan cooking + microwave function, do not use a metal container.
CCooookkiinngg oonn 22 lleevveellss::
To cook an 800 g veal roast and potato gratin with 800 g of potatoes at the same time, 55 min at 170°C,
microwave power level 300 W. We recommend you place the gratin dish on the turntable and the veal
roast on the grill inserted at level 3.
NNeevveerr pprreehheeaatt yyoouurr oovveenn iinn tthhee ffaann ccooookkiinngg ++ mmiiccrroowwaavvee ffuunnccttiioonn aass tthhiiss ccoouulldd ddaamm
yyoouurr aapppplliiaannccee..