When you turn off the vehicle the Parrot should say “Good Bye”
on the screen. If it doesn't your ignition line is not hooked up
Usually the easiest way to fix this is to switch the Red and Orange
wires at the fuse holders.
9. How do I go into Discreet mode?
o The Discreet mode can be entered by pressing the green button while on a
single line call. Pressing the Green button on the kit will transfer the
speaker audio to the phone. If you would like to have the call go back to
the speakers, then hit the green button on the kit again.
o While you have two calls connected, pressing the Green button only
toggles between the two calls.
10. What are the keywords?
o The keywords are used for voice recognition. The “phone” keywords are
used to answer a call. It can be used without needing to press any button
on the kit. When not in a call, the kit will always listen for the phone
keyword, for this reason, it is recommended that the phone keyword is
recorded as something longer than one syllable.
o The keywords “home,” “work,” and “cellular” are used for contacts with
multiple numbers. If your contacts on the kit do not have multiple
numbers, these keywords do not need to be recorded.
11. How do I use the keywords?
o The phone keyword may be used at any time. The kit is always listening
for this keyword. It can be used to answer a call or to start voice
recognition. To use it to start voice recognition, just say the keyword and
wait for the beep.
o The “home,” “work,” and “cellular” keywords are only used for contacts
that have multiple numbers. This will allow the kit to know which number
to dial. For example, say there is a contact John Smith with a work, home,
and cell number and you would like to call his cell. The user would say
the phone keyword or press the green button. After the car kit beeps, you
would then say the contacts voice tag, in this case “John Smith.” Since
John Smith has multiple numbers, the kit will beep one more time. The
user would then say the cellular keyword to dial his cell phone.
12. Can I switch between my phone’s voice recognition and the car kit’s?
o The 3200LS will allow you to use either the kit’s voice recognition or the
phone’s (assuming the phone has voice recognition that works over
Bluetooth). This can be switched by going to Settings –> Voice
commands -> Select Voice recognition – then selecting either “handsfree”
for the kit’s voice recognition or “phone” for the phone’s voice
13. What if my phone will not synchronize the phonebook or send contacts via
o The 3200 can store up to 1000 number, meaning if you have a contact that
has 4 numbers in it (Home, Office, Cell, Other) that one contact counts as