reduction software built in to the Parrot kit is designed to take the input of the
Parrot microphone. A different microphone may result in poor outgoing audio
57. The 3200LS has 2 locations that a microphone can be installed. Is it possible to
use both at the same time?
o The 3200LS has 2 locations for the microphone for your convenience.
However, only one may be used at a time.
58. The image of my wallpaper/contact is cutoff. Why is this happening?
o This could be occurring for one of two reasons:
The resolution of the picture sent is too big to be displayed
Some phones have known issues in sending pictures via Bluetooth to
the kit.
59. How can a contact’s picture be deleted?
o To delete a contact’s picture go to Settings –> Contacts Management –>
Phonebook Management –> Select the contact –> Select Delete Picture.
60. How can a wallpaper be deleted?
o To delete a wallpaper go to Settings –> Display –> Wallpaper –> Delete
Wallpaper –> Select the wallpaper to be deleted.