Fraction Rounding
Fraction rounding is used to round figures with decimals up or down
to the nearest whole numbers and is used for percent tax, percent
discount and percent add-on calculations. Choose from the following
three options to select the rounding as needed:
Rounding Code Fraction Rounding
00 a fraction of a pence is rounded down one pence
50 a fraction under one half pence is rounded
down one pence, a fraction above one half pence
is rounded up one pence
99 a fraction of a pence is rounded up one pence
Setting the Rounding Code
Proceed as follows to program fraction rounding:
1. Turn the PRG key to the PRG position.
2. Type the [rounding code] and press the [Charge] key.
3. Program another feature or exit program mode by turning the PRG
key to the OFF position.
Example: Program the rounding code so that a fraction under one half
pence is rounded down one pence, a fraction above one half pence
is rounded up one pence up.
[50] + [Charge]
Decimal Point Position
The decimal point setting is preset to the x.xx format. This format
can be changed, as needed, to one of the other settings below.
Changing the Decimal Point Position
Proceed as follows to define a new position for the decimal point.
1. Turn the PRG key to the PRG position.
2. Type the status number [0, 1, 2 or 3] to select the desired format as
indicated in the following table:
Status Number Format
1 x.x
2 x.xx
3 x.xxx
3. Press the [-%/RA] key to set the new format.
4. Program another feature or exit program mode by turning the PRG
key to the OFF position.
Example: Program the cash register so that two digits are left after the
decimal point.
[2] + [-%/RA]