English - 41
Malfunctions and the display codes of the boiler
Clock loses / gains time.Time indication is blinking
1. The time indication blinks after a power failure or as a result
of an interruption of the connection to the boiler. Check the
time setting and press the TIME key to let the clock run
normally again.
2. Contact your installer when the clock loses or gains time.
Malfunction of the communication
1. Is the wiring of the IRT 30 thermostat connected to terminal
3 and 4 of the terminal block in the boiler?
2. (only for WD and WD + RTC) Has the correct wiring
(preferably 0.75 mm
), for connection of the outside
temperature sensor, been used. Does the wiring run along a
230 V power supply cable?
3. Is the cable defective? You can check this by connecting the
IRT 30 thermostat directly to terminal 3 and 4 of the boiler,
using a short cable.
9.2 Boiler display codes
When you press the HEATING key, a boiler display code appears
in the display for 3 seconds.This code is shown on the position
of the temperature indication. A boiler display code consists of
two symbols:
- The first symbol indicates the current function of the boiler,
- the second symbol indicates which part of the function is
active, or in some cases, is not active.
In case of a malfunction, the display shows the symbol of a
mechanic (refer to figure 9-1). Press the reset button on the
boiler when an error code appears on the display of the
If the malfunction keeps repeating, you should contact
your installer.
figure 9-1