then click on Next
9. Click on Browse to select another
destination directory…
• An install directory and path can also be entered
directly into the install path list box.
8. After reading the agreement, click
on Y
• If you do not agree to the conditions stated in the
End-User License Agreement, click on No and the
software will not be installed.
6. Select D:\ENGLISH\Setup.exe
from the Open drop-down list,
then click on O
• If your CD-ROM drive is not the D drive, replace the
D with the appropriate designation for your CD-
ROM drive.
Dimâge Scan Speed
5. Select Run form the Start menu.
The Run dialog box will appear
The Software License Agreement will appear.
The Choose Destination Location dialog box will appear
Continued on the following page.
7. Click on Next
The installer flash will appear.