3Distance from current vehicle position and
remaining driving time
4Searches for an additional charging station
You can inuence theroute calculatedby the nav-
igation with Electric Intelligence using options 1
and 4.
#Select one of the options.
Ignoring a cing a charharging stging stationation
If you do not want to drive to the selected charg-
ing station, it can be removedforthe current
route guidance. The navigation with Electric Intelli-
gence tries to plan the best possible alternative
charging station fortheroute.
#Select 1.
The expected charging power, the dynamic
condition of charge display as well as the cur-
rent condition of charge and the predicted
charging target are displayed, forexample.
#Select Ignore.
#Select Ignore during this journey.
The charging station is removed from the cur-
rent route.
%Aer selecting Details,the detailed informa-
tion about thecharging station is displayed.
AAdding a cdding a charharging stging stationation
If youwant to drive to acharging station earlier on
theroute, forexample, you can search for an
additional charging station. If thecharging station
is suitable fortheroute, it will be acceptedby the
navigation with Electric Intelligence.
#Select 4.
#Select a charging station.
%You can also search for a charging station
using thewsymbol on the digital map or
next to ªWhere to? .
Selecting a r
Selecting a routoute typee type
#Select Zin the navigation module
(/page 321).
#Select Route.
The route is calculated as a fast route with a
short journey time. Trailer mode is available if
a trailer has been coupled with thevehicle. If
available, you can select online routes. Trac
announcements fortheroute are taken into
account via Reroute Based on Traffic r.
%Trailer mode and online routes are not availa-
ble in all countries and for all vehicles.
Activctivating a commutating a commuter rer routeoute
%A user prole has been created and Allow
Destination Suggestions has been activated
in the user options (/page 313). Route guid-
ance is not active.
#Select Zin the navigation module.
#Select Route.
#Activate Activate Commuter Route.
The navigation system automatically detects
that thevehicle is on a commuter route.
Forthe daily commuter route, trac events on
theroute are also reported when driving with-
out active route guidance.
To select or deleto select or delete a commute a commuter rer routoute:e:
selectStart or ¨.
AvAvoiding or using roiding or using routoute sections, e.g. highwaye sections, e.g. highways ors or
#Select Zin the navigation module.
#Select Route.
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