SaSaving a desving a destination as a favtination as a favororiteite
#Select ßFavorite.
#Select an option.
Calling up tCalling up the rhe routouteoveovererviewview
%When Plan Charging Stops is switched o,
this option is available instead of thefavorites
#Select Routes.
#Select an alternative route.
Sttararting rting routoute guidancee guidance
#Select ¥Let's Go!.
Calling up tCalling up the dethe detailed displaailed display wity with desh destinationtination
#Pull the bar above the¥Let's Go! symbol
Depending on the destination selection and
availability, online content, forexample rat-
ings, prices and weather information, is
If the destination is in a dierent time zone, a
message is displayed.
#TTo sharo share a dese a destination:tination: select ÇShare.
This option allows youto scan the displayed
QR code.
#TTo savo save a dese a destination as a favtination as a favororitite:e: select
ßFavorite and then an option.
#TTo call up an Into call up an Interernenet addrt address:ess: if a web
address is available, select www.
#TTo call to call the deshe destination:tination: if a telephone number
is available, select Call.
Searching fhing for POIs in tor POIs in the vicinity of the vicinity of the deshe destina-tina-
tion shotion shownwn
#Select In The Vicinity.
#Search using categories, enter a search entry
or search for a personal POI .
SwitcSwitching on thing on the Electrhe Electric Intic Intelligelligence rence routoute ope optiontion
#Select Zin the navigation module
(/page 321).
#Select Route.
#Activate Plan Charging Stops.
If theroute has been calculated and the state
of charge of the high-voltage battery is not
sucient to reach the destination, charging
stations are set automatically as intermediate
SeSetting ttting the condition of che condition of chargharge of te of the high vhe high voltoltageage
battbatterery when ty when the che charharging stging station and desation and destinationtination
arare re reaceachedhed
#Select Zin the navigation module
(/page 321).
#Select Route.
#Select State of Charge at Destination or
State of Charge at Charging Stations.
#Move the control knob to the le or right and
set the preferred condition of charge in per-
cent (%).
The destination or charging station along the
route is reached with the set condition of
To reach a charging station, the system uses the
battery capacity, e.g. up to 10% residual energy
content (condition of charge). You can increase
this condition of charge on arrival at thecharging
station and destination, e.g. to 25% at thecharg-
ing station and 50% at the destination.
326326 MBUX multimedia system