#Select ÷Save Track to save the times
driven forthis track.
ShoShowing displaywing displays durs during Tring Tracack Rk Raceace
The following displays can be shown:
RTire temperature
RMini map
RSector overview
REngine data
RG-force display
RLap overview
#Select ïStart Race.
#Select ZSetup.
#Pull the desired display from thegrid on the
le or right edge of the media display.
The displays are shown during theTrack Race.
By selecting ¨on the active display, you can
deactivate this.
#Select %to return to the navigation map
DisplaDisplaying tying the analyhe analysissis
#Select õAll Tracks .
An overview of all the driven tracks appears.
#Select a track.
#Select a session.
The following data is displayed:
RLap and sector times
RAverage and maximum permissible speed
#Select Compare to Rec. to use a dierent ses-
sion as a reference value.
#Select %to return to theoverview.
#Select òDiagram.
#Set parameters íand î.
The analysis is displayed.
2424 MBUX multimedia system