When you are ready to save any changes you have made, click the Save button.
To undo any changes before saving, click the Cancel button.
If you have any questions about anything on this screen, click the Help button
to bring up the Help window for this screen.
To choose another Selected Entry, simply select the Group from the pull-down
menu. Then, click the Get Data button to bring up the information specific to
that Selected Entry, if it does not come up automatically.
Access Rights
Changing the option in these fields will affect the group selected under
Selected Entry. Access Rights may be modified as follows:
• No restrictions. No packets are blocked. Use this to create an “Unlimited
Access” Group, or to temporarily remove restrictions from a group.
• Block all Internet Access. Group members cannot access the Internet at all.
Use this to create the most restrictive group.
• Use Packet Filter Table below. Use this to define intermediate levels of
access. Using the Packet Filter table gives you fine control over Internet access.
Packet Filter Table
Simply select the items you wish to block. You can choose from the pre-defined
filters in the Applications column or use your own pre-defined filters (as shown
in the Access Control:Filters section) in the TCP Packet Filters and UDP Packet
Filters fields.
• Applications. Any items checked will be blocked. Users will not be able to
use the application.
• TCP Packet Filters. This lists any TCP filters you have defined at the Access
Control:Filters screen. If no filters have been defined, this will appear empty.
Multiple filters can be selected (or deselected) by holding down the Ctrl key
while selecting filters. Any filters selected will not be accessible by members
of this group.
• UDP Packet Filters. This lists any UDP filters you have defined at the
Access Control:Filters screen. If no filters have been defined, this will appear
empty. Multiple filters can be selected (or deselected) by holding down the Ctrl
key while selecting filters. Any filters selected will not be accessible by mem-
bers of this group.
Wireless AP + Cable/DSL Router with PrintServerInstant Broadband