exercise again.
Pre-set Programs:
PROGRAM 2 to PROGRAM 7 are the pre-set programs. Press the ENTER button to select
TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES, or AGE for target pre-setting. Then press the UP or DOWN
button to adjust the values. User may exercise with different level of loading in different
intervals as the profiles show. After pressing the START/STOP button to exercise, please
also hold both two hands on handlebar grip sensors during exercise. User may exercise in
any desire level by pressing the UP or DOWN button. With the input of age, the computer
may suggest a target heart rate to exercise. The suggested heart rate is 70% (220 - age).
For example, if you are 30 years old, your calculations will be as follows:
220 - 30 = 190 (maximum heart rate)
190 x 70% (0.70) = 133 (70% of your maximum heart rate)
30 year-old (THR) Target Heart Rate would be 133
If the heart rate detected equals to or greater than the TARGET H.R., the value of HEART
RATE will keep flashing. Please note that it is a warning for users to speed down or to
lower the level of loading.
If you pre-set target values of TIME, DISTANCE, or CALORIES, the values will count down.
When one of the values of TIME, DISTANCE, or CALORIES counts down to 0, the computer
will begin beeping to remind you and will stop operating. Press the START/STOP button to
exercise again.
Body Fat Program:
Program 8 is a special program designed to calculate user’s body fat ratio and to design a
specific loading profile for user. With 9 different body types, the computer can generate 9
different profiles for each. Press the ENTER button to select GENDER, HEIGHT, WEIGHT,
and AGE. Then press the UP or DOWN button to adjust the values. After pressing the
START/STOP button to calculate body fat, please also hold both two hands on handlebar
grip sensors during exercise. The calculation values of FAT%, BMR, BMI, BODY TYPE,
and a designed profile will show up shortly. The profile shown in the display is specially
designed for your body type. Press the START/STOP button to return the main display.
Target Heart Rate Program:
In program 9, press the ENTER button to select TIME, DISTANCE, CALORIES, and
TARGET H.R.. Then press the UP or DOWN button to adjust the values. User may setup
a TARGET H.R. to exercise. After pressing the START/STOP button to exercise, please
also hold both two hands on handlebar grip sensors during exercise. The computer will
adjust the level of loading according to the heart rate detected. For example, the level of
loading may increase while the heart rate detected is lower than TARGET H.R.. Also, the
level of loading may decrease while the heart rate detected is higher than TARGET H.R..
As a result, the user’s heart rate will be adjusted to close the TARGET H.R. in the range of
TARGET H.R. –5 and TARGET H.R. +5.
If you pre-set target values of TIME, DISTANCE, or CALORIES, the values will count down.
When one of the values of TIME, DISTANCE, or CALORIES counts down to 0, the computer
will begin beeping to remind you and will stop operating. Press the START/STOP button to
exercise again.