Use this menu to add, remove, and manage your Google and other
supported accounts. You also use these settings to control how and
whether all applications send, receive, and sync data on their own
schedules and whether all applications can synchronise user data
Gmail™, Calendar, and other applications may also have their own
settings to control how they synchronise data; see the sections on those
applications for details.
On the Settings screen, tap Accounts.
Add account–Taptoaddnewaccount.
Language & input
Allows you to change the text input settings.
Select the language for the text on your device and for configuring the
on-screen keyboard, including words that you've added to its dictionary.
On the Settings screen, tap Language & input.
Backup & reset
Change the settings for managing your settings and data.
On the Settings screen, tap Backup & reset.
Back up my data–Backupappdata,Wi-Fipasswords,andother
settings to Google servers.
Backup account–Displaystheaccountthatiscurrentlybeingused
to back up information.
Automatic restore–Whenreinstallinganapp,restorebackedup
settings and data.
DRM reset–ResetyourallDRMlicenses.
Factory data reset–Resetyoursettingstothefactorydefault
values and delete all your data. If you reset the device this way, you
are prompted to re-enter the same information as when you first
started Android.