Use this menu to configure how to help secure your device and its data.
On the Settings screen, tap Security.
Screen lock–Allowsyoutosetascreenlocktypetosecureyour
Owner info–Allowsyoutodisplaytheownerinformationonthelock
screen in case the device is lost.
Smart Lock–Setstokeepyourdeviceunlockedwithtrusteddevice
or a place. If you need more information, please refer to Smart Lock
section in Locking and unlocking the device.
Encrypt phone –Allowsyoutoencryptdataonthedevicefor
security. You will be required to enter a PIN or password to decrypt
your device each time you power it on.
Set up SIM card lock–SetsthePINtolockyourSIMcardandallows
you to change the PIN.
Make passwords visible–Enabletobrieflyshoweachcharacterof
passwords as you enter them so that you can see what you enter.
Device administrators–Viewordeactivatedeviceadministrators.
Unknown sources–Allowinstallationofnon-PlayStoreapplications.
Storage type–Displaysthecurrentstoragetype.
Trusted credentials–Allowsapplicationstoaccessyourdevice's
encrypted store of secure certificates and related passwords and
other credentials. You use credential storage to establish some types
of VPN and Wi-Fi connections. If you have not set a password for the
secure credential storage, this setting is dimmed.
Install from phone storage–Taptoinstallasecurecertificate.
Clear credentials–Deletesallsecurecertificatesandrelated
credentials and erases the secure storage's own password.
Trust agents–Selectappstousewithoutunlockingscreen.
Screen pinning–Youcanenableyourdevicetoonlyshowacertain
app's screen using screen pin.
Apps with usage access–Allowsyoutoenableordisabletheapps
that can view your device’s app usage.