Choose “Artists” to enter folder(s) list menu grouping by Artist name, then choose who name of Artist folder >
choose a song file in list where start the play.
c. Album
Choose “Album” to enter folder(s) list menu grouping by Album name, then choose who name of Album
folder > choose a song file in list where start the play.
d. Genre
Choose “Genre” to enter folder(s) list menu grouping by Genres name, then choose who name of Genres
folder > choose a song file in list where start the play.
e. Update playlist
Choose “Update playlist” to update the playlist when you found it show incorrect; actually, it is normal due to
some media files could be manual deleted in Micro SD card by user in some case. However, update the playlist
when necessary.
f. Delete file
Choose “Delete file” a list menu appear, and then choose which music file that you want to delete by using
/ and buttons.
Once file is selected, press button and choose Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
g. Delete All
Choose “Delete all”, a dialog appear to choose, then selects “Yes / No” by using the / and
Choose Yes to confirm or No to cancel and press the button to confirm.
All music files will be deleted once YES is selected and confirmed, a “Deleting” screen appear for a while and
deleting process is in progress, then “Empty disk!” message will shown on screen for few seconds.
h. Exit
Select Exit to back to music now playing screen.
9. Use Music Submenu in Music Playing Mode
You might need to do some changes for music playing, such as repeat, EQ settings for music files… etc. To
change setting:
a. To Set Repeat
In music playing mode, press M button, a Music Submenu appear;
Choose “Repeat”, then choose “Normal / Repeat one / Repeat All / Repeat folder / Random All / Random
Folder” as you desired by using / and buttons.
b. To Change Equalizer
Choose “Equalizer”, then choose “Natural / Rock / Pop / Classic / Soft / Jazz / DBB” as you desired.
c. Exit
Select Exit to back to music now playing screen.
10. Use Movie Menu
a. To Play Movie
From Main Menu, choose “Movie” by using / and button, a “Movie Now Playing” screen
appears to use.
In “Movie Now Playing” screen, press key to start the play.
Press button to pause and to back to Movie Now Playing screen. Press it again, the video will play