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Understanding Mechanisms
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts.
Not for children under 3 years.
© 2014 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group and its
Text: Dr. Alex Wright,
AW Education, Wrexham, LL12 7LR, U.K.
K’NEX Limited Partnership Group
P.O. Box 700
Hatfield, PA 19440-0700
Visit our website at www.knexeducation.co.uk
or www.knexeducation.com
Email: abcknex@knex.com
K’NEX Education is a Registered Trademark
of K’NEX Limited Partnership Group.
Conforms to the Requirements of ASTM
Standard Consumer Safety Specification
on Toy Safety, F963-03.
Manufactured under U.S. Patents 5,061,219;
5,199,919; 5,350,331; 5,137,486.
Other U.S. and foreign patents pending.
Protected by International Copyright.
All rights reserved.
A Note About Safety
Safety is of primary concern in
science and technology classrooms.
It is recommended that you develop
a set of rules that governs the
safe, proper use of K’NEX in your
classroom. Safety, as it relates to
the use of the elastic bands should
be specifically addressed.
Children should not overstretch or
overwind their elastic bands. Over-
stretching and overwinding can
cause the elastic band to snap
and cause personal injury. Any
wear and tear or deterioration of
elastic bands should be reported
immediately to the teacher.
Teachers and children should
inspect elastic bands for deteriora-
tion before each experiment.
Caution children to keep hands
and hair away from all moving
parts. Never put fingers in moving
gears or other moving parts.
Understanding Mechanisms
accompanying Lesson Notes can be used
for assessment or enrichment activities.
 • Aglossaryoftechnicaltermsandscientific
definitions is offered as a resource for
the teacher.
 • Eachofthelessonscanbecompleted
in approximately one hour but can be
extended using suggested Extension and
Research Activities. Useful Internet web
sites are listed to help guide the research
activities. (Note: these were functioning
sites at the time of going to print.)
 • Aselectionofcopymastersisprovided
for your classroom use. These comprise
illustrations and short definitions of some
of the concepts featured in the model
building activities.
 • Theteachingactivitiesarealsointended
to encourage the development of key
skills by providing opportunities for whole
class and group discussions, observing,
evaluating and recording through the use
of text and drawings, working with others
to solve problems and using ICT within a
design and technology context.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
A Quick Guide to Gears 4-13
Lessons 1- 5
Lesson 1: Getting Started 14-15
Lesson 2: The Crank Fan 16-25
Lesson 3: The Car Window 26-30
Lesson 4: The Blender 31-35
Lesson 5: The Stationary Exercise
Bicycle 36-40
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions 41-45
Copymasters 46-57
Your K’NEX Gears kit is part of a series
of called “Understanding Mechanisms.”
The series has been produced to enable
Key Stage 2 pupils to investigate and
evaluate some familiar products, to think
about how they work, and to explore the
mechanisms that make them work.
Understanding Mechanisms:
Gears Kit
 • Developedtointroducepupilstotheway
gears have been used in the design of
familiar products, this construction kit also
serves to make the connection between
the models they have built and the science
that makes them work.
 • Throughtheuseofinvestigative,
disassembling and evaluative activities
(IDEAs) and focused practical tasks (FPTs),
the kit provides opportunities for pupils,
working in pairs or small collaborative
groups, to explore how gears are used
to transfer movement and forces, and
to change the speed and the direction
of movement.
Teacher Support Materials
 • Developedinitiallyforthenon-specialist
teacher, the materials included in the
Teacher’s Guide can also be used as a
resource by more experienced teachers
as they develop their own lesson plans.
 • Implementingtheideasandinformation
the Guide contains can build your
pupils’ knowledge and understanding of
mechanisms and the ways in which they
can be used to make things move.
 • Keybackgroundinformationisprovided
in “ A Quick Guide”, while the Lesson
Notes for selected K’NEX models provide
more detailed information and ideas for
possible teaching activities. These teaching
activities have been developed primarily
to support the DfEE/QCA Scheme of Work
for Key Stages 1 and 2 in Design and
Technology and Science, the DATA Design
and Technology Primary Lesson Plans and
Primary Helpsheets. The models without
You may claim to know very little about
gears and gearing, but if you drive a car or
have ridden a bicycle, then you know how to
use them. When driving off from a stationary
position do you choose a low gear or a high
gear? What is likely to happen if you try
to use the highest gear in this situation?
Experience tells you that your car engine will
stall if you try to move off from a stationary
position using the highest gear.
When riding a bicycle you also know that
it is easier to ride up a hill using a low gear
because it will require less effort on your part
to turn the pedals. Using a low gear on a flat
road requires very little effort, the pedals go
round quickly, but the bicycle only moves
slowly. To move faster you choose a higher
gear. You now need to apply a little more
effort to turn the pedals, but you will not
need to turn them as many times as you
would do when in a low gear.
Drawing on these experiences you know the
following about gears:
 • Highgearsenableyoutomovequickly.
 • Lowgearsallowyoutomoveslowly,but
they also help increase pedal pushing
forces (effort) when needed.
What are gears and how do they work?
Gears are wheels with teeth around their outer
rim. In order to work, the teeth on gears must
interlock or mesh so that the teeth on one
gear can push against those on the other gear.
The type of gears used in the K’NEX Crank
Fan model are called spur gears because they
look like the rowels (spiked discs) on a horse
rider’s spurs.
Try this! Take two yellow K’NEX gear wheels
and see how the teeth interlink or mesh
together. Slowly turn one gear wheel against
the other. Note how, as one gear wheel turns,
its teeth push against those on the other
gear wheel to drive it round. What do you
notice about the direction(s) in which each
gear turns?
Spur gears lie in the same plane and turn in
opposite directions, but only when they mesh
together. Different sized spur gears turn at
different speeds and with different amounts
of force. Try it!
In the K’NEX Crank Fan model, gears provide
the mechanism by which the rotary motion of
the handle is transferred to the rotary motion
produced by the fan blades.
The gears are attached to axles (or shafts) to
allow them to turn.
Strictly speaking, the gears provide the
mechanism through which motion and forces
are transferred from one axle to another.
A Quick Guide to Gears
Gears can also be connected using chain
links – as in a bicycle. Gears used with chains
are called sprockets. Sprockets do not mesh
with other gear wheels but with the links in
the chain. When moved, they turn in the same
direction. As with spur gears, different sized
sprocket gears turn at different speeds and
with different amounts of force. If they are the
same size, they turn at the same speed and
with the same force.
Crown gears are used to change the direction
of rotary motion through 90-degrees. Unlike
spur gears, the teeth on crown gears lie at
right angles to the rim of the wheel. When
they mesh with spur gears, they do so at right
angles to the plane of the crown gear wheel.
In many machines a large crown gear wheel is
often used with a smaller spur gear called
a pinion.
Another type of gear, known as a rack and
pinion, comprises a small spur gear (a pinion)
that meshes with a toothed bar (a rack) rather
than another toothed wheel. This means that
as the pinion is turned it pushes against the
teeth of the rack making it move sideways in a
straight line and produces linear motion. If the
rack is moved, then the pinion can be made to
rotate. The rack and pinion mechanism can be
used to convert rotary to linear motion and
linear to rotary motion.
An oscillating lawn sprinkler contains yet
another gear type – a worm gear. A worm
gear is a long single tooth that spirals around
a cylinder. Worm gears are usually used with
a spur gear to reduce the output speed of a
mechanism while, at the same time, changing
the direction of rotation through 90-degrees.
The mechanism can only turn if the worm gear
is the driver gear and not the other way round.
Because of this, a worm gear can be used as
an automatic locking mechanism.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
What are gears used for?
Gears are used in most machines with
moving parts, from clocks and cars to egg
whisks, lifting winches and hand drills. They
come in different sizes and forms depending
on the job they are designed to do.
• Changethedirectionofmotionthrough
90-degrees, as in an egg whisk, windmill
and waterwheel.
Gear basics
The K’NEX Crank Fan model mechanism
has the simplest gear arrangement, with two
meshed gears of equal size. Two or more
gears that interlock, or mesh, form a gear
train; if there is only one meshed gear on
each axle, the arrangement is known as a
simple gear train.
Gears can be used to:
 • Transferrotarymotionfromoneaxleto
another, as in a bicycle when motion is
transferred from the pedals to the
back wheel.
 • Transmitforcesfromoneaxletoanother,as
in a bicycle when force is transmitted from
the pedals to the back wheel.
 • Amplify,orincrease,outputturningforces,
as in changing gear to go uphill on a bicycle
or in a car.
 • Increaseordecreasespeed,asinchanging
gear on a bicycle or car.
Consider a spur gear system. The first gear
wheel to be turned, and the one to which the
effort force is applied, is called the driver.
In the K’NEX Crank fan model, the driver is
the gear attached to the handle axle. The
driver transmits turning forces to the follower,
or driven, gear causing it to rotate in the
opposite direction.
A Quick Guide to Gears
Follower/Driven Gear
Driver Gear
The number of turns, or the force, you apply
to the driver is the input movement or force;
what is produced by the follower is the output
movement or force.
Key facts about simple gear trains:
 • Inasimplegeartrainwithtwogears
the same size, the follower turns at the
same speed as the driver but in the
opposite direction.
 • Turningforcesandmovementsinput
through the driver and output through
the follower.
Slowing down
A small gear wheel turning a large gear wheel
slows the turning speed of the axle attached
to the large (follower) gear. This example
can be found in the K’NEX Crank Fan model
(See below and on Page 3 of the Building
Instructions booklet).
Driven Gear
Driver Gear
Idler Gear
How can you make the driver and the follower
gears rotate in the same direction? Add an
idler gear between them. The addition of the
idler gear will create an odd number of gears
in the gear train and make the gears on either
side rotate in the same direction.
Follower /
Driven gear:
82 teeth
Driver: 14 teeth
Slowing down
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Follower / Driven:
14 teeth
Driver: 82 teeth
The small driver gear B must turn a number
of times for the larger follower gear A to
make one complete rotation or turn. This gear
arrangement produces a slow output speed.
The term used to describe this mechanism
is gearing down.
One of the important advantages of gearing
down is to increase (amplify) the output turning
force available. Try this! Ask someone to try
to stop you turning the handle of the Crank
Fan by holding onto the fan or output axle.
They will find it almost impossible to prevent
you from turning the handle. By gearing down,
the output turning forces have been increased
six times. (A 14-tooth driver gear will make
approximately 6 complete turns for every 1
turn made by an 82-tooth follower gear.)
Gearing down means you can use less effort.
On a 10-speed geared bicycle, the lowest gear
is usually selected to go up very steep slopes
because this is when the greatest force (pedal
power) will be needed. If, however, this low-
est gear is used on the flat, the pedals will go
round very quickly but the bicycle will hardly
move forward. To go faster, a high gear is
selected but high gears need more effort to
turn them and when used in a car, the engine
may stall when going up even a gentle slope…
that’s the trade off.
Key facts about going slower
 • Asmalldrivergearturningalarge
follower/driven gear slows the output
speed but increases the turning forces
 • Themechanismbywhichthisisachieved
is called gearing down.
Speeding up
A large driver gear (B), turning a small follower
gear (A) will increase the turning speed of the
axle attached to the follower gear.
An easy modification to the K’NEX Crank Fan
model gives you this gear arrangement. Try it!
The fan now turns much faster than the handle
but it is slightly more difficult to turn the handle
than before. The output speed is increased but
more effort is needed than with the other gear
arrangement. Increasing the output speed is
called gearing up.
Ask someone to try to stop you turning the
handle by holding onto the fan. This time only
the lightest touch or resistance is needed for
the fan to be stopped, no matter how much
effort you put in.
Speeding up
A Quick Guide to Gears
This is exactly the same situation as trying to
ride a bicycle up a hill in a high gear or trying
to start to drive your car by engaging a high
gear (4th or 5th gear, for example) - the bike
and the engine will stall.
Key facts about speeding up
 • Alargedrivergearturningasmallfollower
gear increases the output speed but
decreases the turning forces on the
output axle.
 • Themechanismbywhichthisisachieved
is called gearing up.
How many times faster?
Using the example of the K’NEX Crank
Fan with a 14-toothed follower (A) and an
82-toothed driver (B): For every 1 complete
turn made by driver B, almost 6 complete turns
will be made by follower A. In other word, the
ratio of input (driver) to output (follower) is
approximately 1:6
Check it for yourself.
This ratio is called the gear ratio and may also
be calculated from the number of teeth on
each gear. For example:
Gear Ratio =
Number of teeth on the follower (14)
Number of teeth on the driver (82)
This gear ratio indicates again that for every
one turn of the driver almost six turns are
produced by the follower gear wheel - the
output speed is approximately 6 times faster
than the input speed. This is called gearing up.
If, on the other hand, the follower is larger than
the driver we get the gear ratio of 82/14 or
approximately 6:1. This gear ratio indicates
that the output will be 6 times slower than the
input speed. This is called gearing down.
Think about how, when driving your car, you
go up through the gears to go faster and go
down through the gears to go slower.
Changing the direction of
movement through 90-degrees
Simple gear trains allow rotary motion and forc-
es to be transferred in a straight line.
This, however, is not always useful. Windmills
and waterwheel mills, for example, need to
be able to change a vertical, rotary motion
from the sails and the waterwheel into the
horizontal, rotary motion needed by the
grinding wheels to process grain. This problem
was solved by positioning the teeth on one
gear wheel so that they were at right angles
to its face instead of around the rim. This
meant that the two gear wheels could mesh
at 90-degrees to each other.
Examine the two yellow gear wheels used for
the mechanism in the K’NEX Blender model
and see how they mesh together.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
This drawing represents a crown gear wheel
used to change direction of movement through
90-degrees. This type of gear is called a crown
gear – when looked at from the side it looks
rather like a crown.
The mechanism is called a crown gear wheel
and pinion. The pinion is simply another name
for a follower gear.
Crown gears can be used in the same way as
spur gears for gearing down, as in the K’NEX
Phonograph model, and for gearing up, as in
K’NEX Eggbeater model.
A chain and sprocket system
Chain and sprocket systems use a chain to
transfer rotary motion from a driver’s axle to a
follower’s axle. We are perhaps most familiar
with the chain and sprocket system used in
bicycles. This gear arrangement can be seen
in the K’NEX Stationary Bike model.
Sprockets are toothed wheels on which
a chain runs. The drawing shown below
represents a chain and sprocket system as
used in the K’NEX Stationary Bike model.
A Quick Guide to Gears
Chain and sprocket systems can be used to:
 • Transferrotarymotionandforces
 • Amplifyforces
 • Increaseordecreasespeed
They share these features with simple
gear trains.
They differ from simple gear trains, however,
in that:
 • Thedriverandfollowersprocketsrotatein
the same direction.
 • Theycanbeusedtoconvertrotary
motion into linear motion as, for example,
in a chainsaw (see the K’NEX Chainsaw
model), in conveyor belts used on
production lines, and on the lifting
mechanisms of fork lift trucks.
 • Chainandsprocketsystemsare
adjustable. To increase or decrease the
distance between the two axles simply
lengthen or shorten the chain.
Key facts about chain and
sprocket systems:
Chain drive systems use a chain and
sprocket to transfer motion from the driver
axle to the follower axle. The same rules apply
to both simple gear trains and chain and
sprocket systems:
 • Withtwosprocketsthesamesizethe
input speed is the same as the output
 • Asmalldriversprocketmakesalarge
follower sprocket turn slowly but increases
the turning forces on the output axle.
 • Alargedriversprocketmakesasmall
follower sprocket turn faster but decreases
the turning forces on the output axle.
Recording: making drawings
It is important for children to record what
they have observed and discovered in their
investigations. The use of labelled drawings
is a valuable communication skill that needs
to be learnt.
Yet, if asked to make a drawing of a K’NEX
gear or other mechanism, the children’s first
reaction may well be, “ I can’t do that!” Others,
who accept the challenge, may spend the next
20 minutes making sure they have drawn every
tooth on every gear wheel.
Children’s drawings do not need to look
exactly like the K’NEX, or any other, machine
they are investigating. What is important,
however, is to demonstrate how the machine
works. To achieve this, children could be
encouraged to make drawings that show,
for example, the way in which the moving
parts connect to each other. Drawing also
helps to focus the children’s attention on
the working parts.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
34 teeth
Axle or shaft
Letter helps to
identify gear
being referred to
in written
34 teeth
Where gears mesh
Children may be encouraged to think about
and discuss what they are doing through
facilitating questions such as:
 • Whatdoesthemachinedo?
 • Whatarethefunctionsofthe
moving parts?
 • Howarethemovingpartsconnected?
How do they make other parts move?
 • Whatarethemovingpartscalled?
 • Whattypesofmovementsdothemoving
parts make?
The use of graphic symbols is a simple
technique that can be used to help the
children focus on interpreting the key parts
of the mechanism.
For example, the simple gear train used in the
K’NEX Crank Fan model could be represented
by the use of symbols and careful labelling,
as shown in the diagram at the bottom of
this page.
A Quick Guide to Gears
Useful Internet Web Sites
The University of Houston archive of lessons.
Search >Collections > Science >Lesson plans
>Simple Machines.
A general site for simple machines. It
includes some simple animated drawings of
mechanisms in action.
A library of information on different types
of machines. Useful background information
for teachers. Use the search facility to find
A site that includes some helpful illustrations
of different types of gears.
Simple machines made simpler. A good
introduction to simple machines made by
primary school children.
Some children, however, may want to pro-
duce more realistic drawings, such as this one
showing the arrangement of a crown gear, or
use photographs, taken with a digital camera,
to record their observations.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Time: 1 hour
NOTE: This lesson, which introduces children to the K’NEX
materials and building techniques, is included in each of the
Understanding Mechanisms Teacher’s Guides. If your class is
already familiar with the K’NEX Understanding Mechanisms kits
you may omit it and begin with Lesson 2.
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
dimensional, 2D, 3D, cubes,
cuboids, cylinders, symmetrical,
Rods, Flexi-rods, Connectors,
Spacers, Hubs, Tyres, components,
right angles, stable, rigid, flexible,
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding Mechanisms:
Gears Kit with Building Instructions
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
This lesson provides children with the opportunity to
investigate how K’NEX construction materials may be
used to create different 2D and 3D shapes. It could also
contribute to cross-curricular activities, including:
(i) Mathematics: shape and space, movement
and angles.
(ii) Literacy: speaking and listening, describing
Teacher’s Notes
For many children, this may be their
first opportunity to explore, experience
and experiment with the K’NEX
materials they will be using in their
classroom activities. This includes
learning the names of the different
components and their functions.
Note: K’NEX Rods, Flexi-rods,
Connectors, Spacers, Hubs and
Tyres are always capitalized.
The Building Instructions booklet
provided in each set includes a
building tips page, which offers
guidelines for connecting the individual
pieces. You may want to provide
time for the children to practice
connecting the different components.
It is crucial that they grasp the building
concept at this stage so that
frustrations are avoided later.
Working in Groups of 2-3
to make and name different:
to make stable structures.
(i) 90-degrees
(ii) less than 90-degrees
(iii) more than 90-degrees
these components?
shapes containing right angles.
rigid and flexible joints.
Lesson 1: Getting Started
Teacher’s Notes
Provide some basic guidelines for
maintaining all the pieces in the set
for future use. At least 5 minutes will
be needed at the end of each lesson
for cleaning up the materials.
things move.
• Askthechildrento:
• Askthechildrentomakedrawingsoftheirmodelsand
to label them showing:
model makes.
what they are doing through facilitating questions
such as:
they make other parts move?
parts make?
Plenary Session
the class.
and why?
your model?
how did you make them work?
the movements?
which these components were used and what
did the machines do?
Using labelled drawings is an
important communication skill that
needs to be learnt. Emphasize to the
children that it is not important for
their drawing to look exactly like the
K’NEX or any other machine they are
investigating. It is more important
for their drawing to show how the
machine works. For example, they
should show how the moving parts
connect to each other.
Interpreting 2D drawings to construct
3D models is an important skill to be
learnt and from the outset children
should be asked to say what
movements/functions their model
will perform before they build and
investigate the actual mechanisms.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
How to transfer rotary motion using a simple gear train
Time: 1 hour + 1.5 hours
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings
gear wheels, axle, handle, crank,
winder, gears, teeth, rim, opposite,
direction, clockwise, anticlockwise,
faster, slower, rotate, rotary, linear,
movement, motion, mechanism,
smaller, larger, input, output, driver,
follower, gear ratio, gearing up,
gearing down, friction, lubricant
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Gears kit with
Building Instructions booklet
Dot stickers or pieces of
masking tape
Felt-tipped pens
You will need:
An electric fan
A collection of devices and toys
that use gears
A built model of the K’NEX
Crank Fan
Useful Internet Web Sites
Please refer to Page 13 of A Quick
Guide to Gears.
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
The Crank Fan model from the K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Gears kit may be used to support the QCA/
DfEE scheme of work Exemplar Materials for Design and
Technology Unit 2C: Winding up by replacing the fan with
a string and lifting attachment. Using the K’NEX Crank Fan
model in this way demonstrates to children that similar
mechanisms can be used in different ways. It may also be
used to support Science Unit 2C: Forces and Movement
‘Explain how to make familiar objects move faster or slower.’
Younger Key Stage 1 children are not expected to construct
the K’NEX Crank Fan model themselves but a pre-built
model could be made available for their investigations. In
addition, children may not be familiar with following step-
by-step instructions and interpreting 2D plans. Extra time
and support may be needed if this is the first time children
have been asked to make K’NEX models from 2D plans.
Whole Class
Demonstrate how an electric fan works. It may be useful
to have a partly dismantled electric fan on display. Use the
K’NEX Crank Fan model to show how that fan works.
The crank fan lesson is in two parts; the first part can be used
with Key Stage 1 children using a limited vocabulary while both
parts allow Key Stage 2 children to progressively investigate
how gears work using a more expansive terminology.
Teacher’s Notes
Use caution when displaying the
dismantled electric fan. Children
should not touch the parts.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 2: The Crank Fan
* What are the functions of the moving parts?
* Will the fan turn if one of the gear wheels
is removed?
* Answers will vary, but children
should identify that one gear
wheel causes the other to turn
and this drives the fan blades.
* Look at how the teeth on the
gear wheels mesh together.
* Gear wheels, winder, handle…
* The handle, gears and fan all
move in circles.
* How are the moving parts connected or how do
they make other parts move?
* What are the moving parts called?
* What types of movements do the moving
parts make?
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • Ifacollectionofdevicesthatusegearsisavailable,
allow the children time to investigate/demonstrate these
and to talk about and discuss their observations.
Whole Class
 • Askthechildrentotalkaboutthewaysinwhich
gears are used to make the toys and devices they
have examined work. Explain that in this lesson they
wil investigate how gears work by investigating a
K’NEX model.
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • Distribute2gearsfromtheK’NEXUnderstanding
Mechanisms: Gears kit to each group. Encourage them
to think about how they would describe a gear and to
explore how gears fit together. You may choose to
accept their operational definition for how gears work,
or formalize the terms they use in describing gears and
how they fit together. (For example, mesh.)
 • Distributepiecesoftapeordotstickersandaskthe
children to place a small piece of tape on each of
the two K’NEX gears so that they can observe the
This activity will allow you to
establish the children’s level of
understanding of gears. It may also
help establish that gears, in some
form, are used in the majority of
machines that have moving parts
- from cars to clocks, from toys to
computer printers.
Teacher’s Notes
* Answers will vary but expect
them to respond that the fan
blades turn.
Children may be encouraged to think about and discuss
what they are investigating through the use of facilitating
questions such as:
* What does the machine do?
* What happens when they turn the handle?
Gears are wheels with teeth
around their outer rims. As one
gear wheel turns, its teeth push
against the teeth on the other
gear wheel, pushing it around.
If the first gear wheel is turning
clockwise, then it will push the
second gear wheel in the opposite
direction i.e. anticlockwise.
This activity provides an opportunity
to introduce formal terms that the
direction(s) in which the gears move. The children
should lay the gears on a piece of paper on their desk
so that they mesh. Suggest that one child insert a
pencil point into the central hole of each gear to hold
them in place, while the other child turns ONE gear.
 • Askthemtonoticewhathappens.
   •Dobothgearsmove?
the direction of movement.
Whole Class
reinforce the new technical vocabulary and terminology
the children will use as they undertake their
investigation. For example, gear wheels, axle, handle,
winder and rotary movement.
Working in Groups of 2-3
Before the children build their K’NEX models and explore
real mechanisms, explain that they may find it helpful to
use a process, such as the one outlined here, for their
investigations. This might involve:
Interpreting 2D drawings to
construct 3D models is an
important skill for children to learn.
and allow them time to investigate how their model
works. Ask them if they know why it is called a
crank fan.
The handle, or crank, behaves as
if it is a rotating lever mechanism.
The axle is the fulcrum and the
arm or crank is the lever. As when
using a lever, a longer crank is
Undertaking this type of process
will help the children’s skill
children should use during their
investigations with gears.
Teacher’s Notes
You may find it useful to create
a word wall showing the range of
words and terminology the children
may need when (a) discussing
their investigations and findings,
(b) making labelled drawings and
(c) writing descriptions. Words
could be written on cards, possi-
bly with simple descriptors on the
reverse side.
See A Quick Guide to Gears and
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions
for additional information.
Lesson 2: The Crank Fan
 • Otherfacilitatingquestionstoaskthechildren
might include:
* What are the names of the parts that make the
fan/lifting device turn/rotate?
* What is the mechanism, used to turn the fan/
lifting device, called?
* How would they make the fan/lifting device
turn faster/slower?
* Describe the type of movement made by the
fan/lifting device?
* What is the direction of movement made by the
handle and fan?
* Do the two gear wheels turn in the
same direction?
easier to turn than a short one –
it needs less effort force. Attempting
to turn the axle itself will require a
large effort force. You can test this
for yourself by turning the crank fan
model with and without the handle.
Teacher’s Notes
* Possible answer: Gear
wheels, axles, handle.
* Possible answer: Winder,
handle, crank.
* Possible answer: Turn the
handle faster/more slowly.
* Possible answer: Rotary/
linear motion.
* Possible answer:
* Possible answer: In different
directions: clockwise/
* Possible answer: No.
* Will the mechanism be easier to turn without
the handle?
 • Askthechildrentoprepareandsticklabelson
their model to identify the key moving parts of the
mechanism. They should add arrows to show directions
of movement. This may help them later when they
describe their observations and findings.
Extension Activity 1
Using the fan model, you may wish to ask the children
to observe that the blades of the fan make one complete
turn or rotation for every complete turn of the handle. This
happens because the gear wheels are the same size. They
can check this by marking both gear wheels with dot stickers
at the point where the two gear wheels mesh and see what
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Teacher’s Notes
The following series of investigations
require the children to rebuild their
models using different sized gears.
Guidelines are provided on the right
hand side of Page 3 of the Building
Instructions booklet. We suggest
that two groups work together,
with one group building the model
with the large gear as the driver,
while the second group uses a
small gear as the driver. Having
both models available will make
comparisons easier.
happens when they turn the handle slowly through one
complete turn. The stickers will rotate in opposite directions
and will come together again in time with the handle and fan.
Whole Class
them to use their K’NEX models to demonstrate
their explanations through the use of correct
technical vocabulary.
Extension Activity 2
Working in groups of 4-6 (using 2 building kits)
rebuild the crank fan so that a large gear drives a small
gear; ask the other half of the group to rebuild their
crank fan so that a small gear drives a large one.
fan/lifting device when:
* the large gear drives the smaller gear wheel?
* the smaller gear drives the larger gear wheel?
* The smaller gear wheel turns
* The larger gear wheel turns
more slowly.
* The fan/lifting device will
not work when the handle
is turned.
* the gear wheels do not mesh together?
to speculate what they think will happen; then they
should try it out. Were they correct?
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Children at Key Stage 2 are expected to develop their
knowledge and understanding as to how mechanisms
can be used to make things move in different ways.
Investigations and vocabulary can be developed in greater
depth, building on the activities from Key Stage 1. If this
is the first time children are using the kit, start with the
Key Stage 1 activities.
Lesson 2: The Crank Fan
These activities will allow you to
establish/review the children’s
understanding of the use of gears.
They may also help establish that
gears, in some form, are used in
the majority of machines that have
moving parts - from cars to clocks,
from toys to computer printers.
Whole Class
Demonstrate how an electric fan works. It may be useful
to have a partly dismantled electric fan on display. Use the
K’NEX Crank Fan model to show how that fan works.
Children could be encouraged to think about and discuss
what they are investigating through the use of facilitating
questions, such as:
Working in Groups of 2-3:
If a collection of devices that use gears is available, allow
the children time to investigate these and to talk about and
discuss their observations.
Ask the children to describe familiar machines that use
gears. On the board, make a list of these machines and
what they do.
Whole Class
Using a K’NEX Crank fan model introduce the technical
vocabulary and terminology the children will need. For
example: gears, input and output, mechanism, driver,
follower and gear train.
You may find it useful to create
a word wall showing the range of
words and terminology the children
may need when (a) discussing
their investigations and findings,
(b) making labelled drawings and
(c) writing descriptions. Words
could be written on cards, possi-
bly with simple descriptors on the
reverse side.
See A Quick Guide to Gears
and Key Terms and Scientific
Definitions for additional
Using a K’NEX Crank Fan model as an example,
demonstrate on the board how to make simple labelled
drawings, using arrows to show the direction of movement.
The diagram on Page 22, for example, is a symbolic
representation of gears in a simple gear train.
It is not necessary to draw every
K’NEX building component used
in the model – simply the key ones
used in the mechanism. Explain to
the children that it is not important
for their drawing to look exactly like
the K’NEX, or any other, machine
they are investigating. Help to
Teacher’s Notes
Use caution when displaying the
dismantled electric fan. Children
should not touch the parts.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Working in Groups of 2-3
provide time for them to investigate how it works? You
may want to use the following to guide their inquiry:
connected to each other.
model have?
of movement made by each.
be controlled?
their model to identify the key moving parts of the
mechanism. They should also add arrows to show
directions of movement. This may help them later
when they describe their observations and findings.
speed of the fan if, instead of two equal sized gear
wheels, their model had:
(a) a large gear driving a smaller gear wheel.
(b) a smaller gear driving a larger gear wheel.
suggestions were correct.
34 teeth
Axle or shaft
Letter helps to
identify gear
being referred to
in written
34 teeth
Where gears mesh
Teacher’s Notes
When introducing the extended
investigation the class should be
develop the children’s observation-
al skills by focusing their attention
on the way in which the machine
works. Ask, for example, how the
moving parts connect to each
other. Their drawings should
reflect these connections.
Some children may want to
draw the teeth on each gear
wheel as they may feel that this
is a more accurate representation
of the mechanism they have been
investigating. Older children may
count the number of teeth on each
gear wheel to indicate the different
sizes. Either method is acceptable.
Fan turns slower than the handle.
Fan turns faster than the handle.
Lesson 2: The Crank Fan
Teacher’s Notes
Chain and sprocket mechanisms
(see K’NEX Stationary Bike and
Chainsaw: Lessons 7 and 8), and
belt drive mechanisms can also be
used to produce similar outcomes.
Ask those children who have bicycles with gears what they
do when they want to go faster. They change into a higher
gear: the chain connects the large “gear wheel” attached
to the pedals to the smallest gear on the back wheel. It is
harder to push the pedals in this situation but you do not
have to push them round so frequently and you move
forward faster on your bike. To go more slowly, or to ride
up slopes, a low gear is selected i.e. the largest gear wheel
on the back wheel is selected. It is easier to push, but the
pedals go round more times than they would do if using the
higher gear to travel at the same speed. Their bicycles are
examples of the use of a chain and sprocket mechanism.
It may be helpful to have a bicycle
with gears in the classroom for
demonstration purposes. You
may wish to introduce additional
technical vocabulary at this point;
this vocabulary may make it easier
for the children to describe what
is happening.
In a simple gear train mechanism
comprising two gears, the driver
gear is the one that drives the
mechanism. The driver gear is
where the input force/movement
is applied. All the other gears that
are turned or driven by the action
of this gear are called driven
or follower gears. The force/
movement produced by the last
driven or follower gear is the
output of the mechanism.
Ask the children to record their observations and results.
They should use labelled drawings and written notes, and
should apply the correct vocabulary and terminology to show
what happens in the following situations:
* The driver and follower gear wheels are the
same size.
Whole Class
Discuss the effect of changing the size of the driver and
follower gear wheels.
What other mechanisms can produce the same effect?
referred back to the K’NEX Crank
Fan Building Instructions, (see the
diagrams on the right hand side of
Page 3), to show them how to
modify their models. If time is a
concern, half the class could build
one version and the other half the
alternative version. The models could
be exchanged when observations
are completed.
* Both driver and follower
gears turn at the same
speed but in opposite
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
See A Quick Guide to Gears for
additional information.
Gear Ratio =
Number of teeth on the follower (14)
Number of teeth on the driver (84)
e.g. 14 / 84 gives a gear ratio of 1:6
NOTE: The K’NEX Crank Fan model
uses an 82-toothed gear and a
14-toothed gear.
Teacher’s Notes
If available, a digital camera
could be used to record children’s
models and be included with
other ICT applications when
creating reports.
* The smaller follower
gear wheel turns faster
than the driver.
* The driver is larger than the follower.
* The larger follower gear
wheel turns more slowly
than the driver.
* The driver is smaller than the follower.
 • Theyshouldusearrowstoshowthedirection
of movement.
Extension Activity 1
 • Askthechildrenhowtheymightestimatethespeedof
movement of each gear wheel.
(Strictly speaking, this is the axle speed.)
 • Whatwouldthechildrenmeasuretoestimatebyhow
much the input and output speeds differ?
 • Helpthechildrentounderstandthatthesimplestway
is to mark each gear wheel, then count and compare
the number of input and output turns. For example:
Counting how many output turns are produced for
one input turn will give a simple ‘gear ratio’.
 • Amoreaccurateapproachistocomparethenumberof
teeth on each gear wheel. You can write the formula for
the gear ratio on the board:
For an 84-toothed driver turning a 14-toothed
follower gear…
To answer the question on speed
you may wish to introduce the idea
of gear ratios at this point.
 • Helpthechildrentounderstandhowthisworksout:
The circumference of the driver gear (measured by the
number of teeth) is 6 times greater than that of the
84 x 1 (turn of driver) = 14 x 6 (turns of the follower)
or 1:6
Lesson 2: The Crank Fan
Extension Activity 2
Science: Unit 4E Friction
When the handle is turned and released the fan quickly stops
rotating. If one gear wheel is removed and the fan spun, it
will keep turning freely for a longer time.
reduce friction?
Note: Oil cannot be used with plastic construction kits but
liquid soap can act as a good lubricant and can be easily
washed off later.
Plenary Session
Ask the children to describe and explain the movements and
the function of the mechanism they have investigated.
Teacher’s Notes
You may want the children to think
about when they have travelled in a
car. The driver goes up through the
gears to go faster (1,2,3,4,5) and
goes down through the gears, to go
slower (5,4,3,2,1).
 • Thegearratio1:6indicatesthatforeveryoneturnof
the driver gear, six turns are produced by the follower
gear wheel. Or, said another way, the output speed is
six times faster than the input speed. This is called
gearing up.
 • Ontheotherhand,ifa14-tootheddriverturnsan84-
toothed follower gear we obtain a gear ratio of 84/14
or 6:1.
 • Thisgearratioindicatesthattheoutputwillbe6
times slower than the input speed. This is called
gearing down.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
they work
through labelled drawings
gear wheels, axle, handle,
winder, gears, opposite, direction,
clockwise, anticlockwise, faster,
slower, rotate, rotary, linear,
movement, motion, mechanism,
input, output, driver, follower, gear
ratio, gear train.
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Gears Kit with
Building Instructions booklet
Dot stickers or pieces of
masking tape
Felt-tipped pens
You will need:
A collection of devices and toys
that use gears
Useful Internet Web Sites:
Please refer to Page 13 of A Quick
Guide to Gears.
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Whole Class
Children are familiar with the action of opening and closing
car windows - they turn a handle or press a button and the
window goes up or down.
This lesson is about finding out how the mechanism
Ask the children to look at the photograph on Page 4 of
the K’NEX Introduction to Simple Machines: Gears Building
Instructions booklet. Discuss the actions taking place in
the opening of the car window. The children cannot see
the mechanism in the photograph but encourage them to
describe how they think it might work. You may find the
following types of questions helpful.
* What types of movement are involved in
this mechanism?
How to convert rotary motion into linear motion
Teacher’s Notes
* (i) Rotary motion when
turning the handle/using the
electric motor and (ii) linear
motion by the window
moving up or down.
* The input movement is
rotary motion by the handle
and the output is linear
motion by the window.
* By turning the handle
clockwise or anticlockwise;
turning the handle fast or
slow; reversing the switch.
* Can you identify the input and output
* How are the movements of the window
Lesson 3: The Car Window
Teacher’s Notes
Interpreting 2D drawings to
construct 3D models is an
important skill for children to
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Ask the children to talk about other examples of lifting and
lowering mechanisms with which they may be familiar or
which they have investigated in previous lessons. These
may include: QCA DfEE Exemplar Scheme of Work for
Design & Technology Units: 1A Moving Pictures; 2C
Winding Up; 4B Story Books; 5C Moving Toys.
Would any of the mechanisms they have identified work in a
car window mechanism? Ask them to explain the reasons for
their suggestions.
Working in Groups of 2-3
Before the children build their K’NEX models and explore
real mechanisms, explain that they may find it helpful to
use a process, such as the one outlined here, for their
investigations. This might involve:
 • Identifyingthepartsofthemodelfrom2Ddrawings
 • Namingtheparts
 • Statingtheirfunctionsinthemodel
 • Identifyingthemovementsthepartswillmake
 • Buildingthemodel
 • Investigating
 • Determiningwhetherornottheirinitialideaswereright
Window (Pages 4-5, Building Instructions booklet) and
to investigate how it works.
Building Tips:
1. In Step 3 ask the children to pay
careful attention to the placement
of the blue Rod (with a free end)
within the white Connector.
2. Joining Step 4 to the section
built in Steps 1-3 may require more
than one pair of hands.
You may want to write these
questions/directions on the
board. This will help focus the
subsequent discussion concerning
the children’s findings.
* The parts that move and how they are connected.
* Gear wheels that
mesh together.
* Rotary and linear.
Undertaking this type of
process will help the children’s
skill development.
* Identify and name the input and output
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Whole Class
the model works/review the children’s observations.
This will provide an opportunity for you to reinforce
existing terms and to introduce additional technical
vocabulary and terminology.
their models to identify the key moving parts of the
mechanism and the directions of movement. This
activity may be of help later when they describe their
observations and findings.
Teacher’s Notes
* To slow the movement of the
window and to increase the
output force.
* Turn the handle faster.
* Why a small gear wheel is used as the driver to
turn a large follower.
* How they can control the speed of the output
* Why the handle turns many times but the window
only rises very slowly.
* The mechanism is gearing
down: the handle is attached
to a small gear wheel that
turns a large gear wheel.
* Not easier – the long handle
works in a similar way to
a lever.
* A crank.
* Whether or not the mechanism will be easier to
turn without the handle.
See: A Quick Guide to Gears
and Teacher’s Notes for Lesson
2: Crank Fan for additional
As part of the demonstration and
discussion you may find it useful
to add any new terms that arise
to the class word wall. These will
help the children as they create
labels, discuss their investigations,
make labelled drawings and write
Words could also be written
on cards, possibly with simple
descriptors on the reverse side.
The window is operated by a
simple crank system (the handle),
which turns the first of two simple
gear trains inside the door.
These gearing mechanisms are
designed to slow up the final
output movement of the window.
to describe, step-by-step, what occurs from the point
where effort is applied to the handle, to the point
where the window is raised. Use the following to start
the explanation:
“Turning the crank handle anticlockwise causes the tan
gear wheel to…”
* Ask the children to provide the technical name
(other than handle) for the mechanism used to
open and close the window.
Lesson 3: The Car Window
This slowing is called gearing
down. In the first gear train, a small
(tan) driver gear (14-teeth) drives
a larger (yellow) follower gear (34-
teeth), while in the second gear
train another 14-tooth gear drives a
large 82-toothed gear. This twofold
slowing down process causes the
large 82-toothed gear to move
very slowly. A consequence of
this slowing or gearing down is to
increase the turning forces available
to lift the heavy glass window.
As a possible extension activ-
ity you might ask the children
to observe how many times the
14-toothed tan driver gear wheel
must be turned to make the
34-toothed yellow follower gear
wheel turn once – approximately
two and a half turns. This number
gives an approximate measure of
the gear ratio of this part of the
mechanism. In this case the gear
ratio is 2.5:1, which indicates that
the input speed is two and a half
times faster than the output speed.
Put another way, the output speed
is two and a half times slower than
the input speed.
In the second gear train, the small
tan driver gear would have to turn
approximately 6 times to turn the
very large yellow follower gear
once. In this case the gear ratio will
be 6:1. The window opening mech-
anism, however, will not
allow one complete turn of the
large yellow follower gear wheel
to be made.
See: A Quick Guide to Gears and
Lesson 2: Crank Fan for additional
 • Askthechildrentoinvestigatehowthewindowis
moved by the second gear train.
 • Howisthemotionofthewindowdifferentfromthe
motion of the handle/winder and the gears?
Teacher’s Notes
The window is raised using a
lever arm connected to the axle of
the largest yellow gear wheel. As
the yellow gear wheel turns, the
Follower /
Driven gear:
34 teeth
Driver: 14 teeth
Follower /
Driven gear:
82 teeth
Driver: 14 teeth
Gear Train 1
Gear Train 2
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
window arm moves up and down.
The movement of the arm raises
and lowers the window. Notice
how the vertical part of the window
raising mechanism always stays
vertical. Its motion is linear while
the handle and gears rotate.
This mechanism is an example of
a linkage. A linkage is an important
control system because it allows
forces and movements to be
transferred. It also changes the
direction of a force or makes things
move in a particular way. Calliper
brakes on bicycles, treadle sewing
machines and toolbox drawers
that stay level when opened are
examples of linkages.
Linkages based on a parallelogram
can be used to make two sides
move together or stay parallel to
each other as the linkage moves.
See diagram opposite.
using labelled drawings and notes. They should make
use of the correct vocabulary and terminology to show
how the window opening mechanism works. They
should use arrows to show the direction of movement.
Extension Activity 1
window to move slowly.
car opening mechanism to be used in a car? They
should explain their reasons.
would affect the design of the car window mechanism.
important safety features should be included in the
design of the window opening mechanism? Think
about who might be using the car, where they might
be sitting and whether or not they are able to operate
the window controls.
Plenary Session
Ask the children to discuss and explain the movements and
the function of the mechanism they have investigated.
Teacher’s Notes
Using thicker glass means that
the window will be heavier. The
gear mechanisms may need to
be modified to produce a greater
output force.
To promote the wider use and
application of ICT skills and
practices, the children’s models
and work can be recorded using
a digital camera.
Lesson 4: Blender
Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
learn how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings.
gear wheels, axle, handle, winder,
gears, clockwise, anticlockwise,
faster, slower, rotate, rotary, crown
gear, right angle, 90-degrees,
vertical, horizontal, spur gear,
mechanism, input, output, driver,
follower, gear ratio, gear train
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Gears Kit with
Building Instructions booklet
Dot stickers or pieces of
masking tape
Felt-tipped pens
You will need
Food blender
Ingredients for blending
Useful Internet Web Sites:
Please refer to A Quick Guide to
Gears, Page 13.
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Whole Class
 • Talkabouthow,inthepreparationoffood,some
ingredients may need to be chopped up into small
pieces. Demonstrate the process using a knife and
using a blender and discuss the needs, advantages
and disadvantages of both processes.
 • Demonstratehowarealblenderworksand
talk about:
  •Thedifferentusesofblendersandhowdifferent
materials are used in the blender for different
purposes. For example: metal blades for cutting,
plastic or glass for the container and plastic for
the body of the blender (to cover the electrical
Teacher’s Notes
This activity may also provide an
opportunity to talk about the aes-
thetics and functionality of the
blender design.
What do the children like or
dislike about the design?
Shape? Colour? Noise? Can
they provide reasons for
their opinions?
What important safety issues
must be considered in the
design of equipment that
handles food?
How to change the direction of rotary motion through 90-degrees
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
What important safety
issues are there for the user?
Electrical precautions?
Sharp cutting tools?
Precautions required if
operated by children?
Teacher’s Notes
Interpreting 2D drawings to
construct 3D models is an
important skill for children to learn.
Ask the children to build their K’NEX Blender model
(Pages 6-7, Building Instructions booklet) and provide them
with some time to investigate, record and discuss how the
mechanism works.
each gear wheel they might place a dot sticker or piece
of masking tape on each one and an arrow to show the
direction of movement.
Undertaking this type of process
will help the children’s skill
order to chop, beat or homogenize the food.
possible mechanism to operate the cutting blades of a
blender. Their blender will be hand operated.
gear system in their K’NEX Crank Fan could either
change the output speed or change the output force.
Explain that a spur gear is just one type of gear
arrangement. In the blender they will encounter a
different arrangement that carries out a different job.
Working in Groups of 2-3
Before the children build their K’NEX models and explore
real mechanisms, remind them that they may find it helpful
to use a process, such as the one outlined here, for their
investigations. This might involve:
You may want to write the
following questions/directions
on the board. This will also help
focus the subsequent discussion
concerning the children’s findings.
Lesson 4: Blender
 • Childrenmaybeencouragedtothinkaboutanddiscuss
what they are doing through facilitating questions such as:
* Identify and describe the parts that move and
explain what they do.
Teacher’s Notes
* Gear wheels move. They
transfer rotary movement
and force.
* Crank: vertical; 1st gear:
vertical; 2nd gear: horizontal;
blades: vertical.
* The crown gear wheel
meshes at right angles to
another smaller spur gear;
this changes the direction
of motion so that one gear
turns vertically and the
other horizontally.
* Rotary in and rotary out.
* Identify the parts that move in a vertical plane
and those that move in a horizontal plane.
* How are the moving parts connected so
that they create the change in direction
of movement?
* Identify and name the input and output
* Where does the output motion take place?
* It occurs at the chopping
* The driver gear is attached
to the handle and the
follower gear moves the
cutting blades.
* Clockwise /anticlockwise.
* Identify the driver and follower gears.
* What is the direction of rotation of the driver
and follower gears?
* How is the speed of the output movement
* Why does the handle rotate at the same speed
as the cutting blades?
* Will the mechanism be easier to turn without
the handle?
* Does this gear system change speed, force or
direction of motion?
* By turning the handle faster.
* The gear wheels are the
same size.
* No.
* It changes the direction
of motion.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Whole Class
introduce/reinforce the vocabulary the children should
use when describing the working of their model. For
example: input and output, mechanism, driver,
follower and crown gear wheel mechanism.
a crown gear system. This gear system is used to
change the direction of motion. Ask them to take one
of the spare gear wheels from the kit and suggest a
reason why the name “crown” is used.
Teacher’s Notes
You may need to demonstrate
how the yellow gears have “teeth”
that are set at 90-degrees to the
surface of the gear wheel.
Looked at from its side the gear
wheel looks like a crown – hence
its name: crown gear wheel.
These teeth, at right angles to
the surface of the wheel, mesh
with those on the rim of a second
gear wheel to give the 90-degree
change in direction.
The follower or driven gear is
sometimes called a pinion and the
mechanism is called a crown gear
wheel and pinion.
Other gear wheels, whose teeth
are around the rim, are called spur
gears – because they look like the
rowels on a horse rider’s spurs.
As part of the demonstration and
discussion you may find it useful
to add new terms to the class
word wall to help the children
when they create labels, when
discussing their investigations and
when making labelled drawings
and writing descriptions.
Words could be written on cards,
possibly with simple descriptors on
the reverse side.
Using the K’NEX Blender model as an example, demonstrate
on the board how to make simple labelled drawings, using
arrows to show the direction of movement. For example:
Spur gear
Crown gear
See: A Quick Guide to Gears
for additional information.
Lesson 4: Blender
Working in Groups of 2-3
Ask the children to record their observations and results
using labelled drawings and notes. They should employ
the correct vocabulary and terminology to show how the
mechanism works. Their drawings should have arrows to
show the direction of movement.
Whole Class
Talk about how the model is constructed and how the
components are joined together to create a stable structure.
 • Whyisitimportantfortheblendertohavea
stable structure?
 • Howisthisachievedinthereallifeexample?
 • Whereisheaviestpartoftheblendertobefound?
Extension Activity
Talk about other familiar mechanisms that can produce a
similar change in direction and the types of machines that
make use of them. For example:
 • Eggwhiskshavealargecentralgearwheelthatisused
to produce two outputs. The whisks have to turn very
fast to make an effective whisking action. Hand drills
often use bevel gears, while adjustable spanners use
worm gears. Bevel gears have their rims bevelled to an
angle of 45-degrees so that when the gear teeth mesh
they form a 90-degree angle. Hand drills have a slow
output movement to enable the cutting action of the drill
to be controlled. Compare this type of movement with
that of the egg whisk mechanism.
Teacher’s Notes
To promote the wider use and
application of ICT skills and
practices, the children’s models
and work might be recorded using
a digital camera.
Building instructions for a K’NEX
model of an egg whisk are
provided on Pages 10-11 of the
Building Instructions booklet.
You may want to use this model
as an enrichment activity.
a pull down results in a pull up.
some vacuum cleaners where the motor and brushes
are at 90-degrees to each other.
Plenary Session
Ask the children to explain the movements and the function
of the mechanism they have investigated.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Time: 1 - 1.5 hours
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
learn how they work
sprocket mechanism
mechanisms through labelled drawings
axle, handle, crank, gears, sprocket,
chain, chain drive, rim, opposite,
clockwise, anticlockwise, faster,
slower, rotary, movement, motion,
mechanism, input, output, driver,
follower, gear ratio, gearing up,
gearing down, speed, modify
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Gears Kit with
Building Instructions booklet
Dot stickers or pieces of
masking tape
Felt-tipped pens
You will need
Stationary exercise bicycle (or the
K’NEX model) and/or a bicycle
Useful Internet Web Sites:
Please refer to A Quick Guide to
Gears, Page 13.
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Whole Class
connected and how motion and forces are transmitted
through a gear system.
spur gears and crown gears. The spur gear system
changed the output speed or amplified the output
force. The crown gear system changed the direction
of motion through 90-degrees. In both cases, however,
the gears meshed or touched each other.
type of gear system, one in which the gears do not
touch each other. This gear arrangement is the system
that is used in bicycles. Explain that they will examine
how it operates in a stationary exercise bicycle.
and healthy.
keep themselves fit?
designed machines.
exercise machines.
designed to exercise?
the development of the stationary exercise bicycle it
was not possible to do it indoors.
based on a 2-wheeled bicycle.
How to transfer motion and forces using a chain and sprocket mechanism
Lesson 5: The Stationary Exercise Bicycle
Foot power, via the pedals
(you could use the K’NEX model) or a bicycle for the
children to investigate. Alternatively, ask the children
to look at the photograph on Page 12 of the Building
Instructions booklet to interpret how they think the
mechanism works.
discuss what they are doing through facilitating
questions such as:
make other parts move?
the bicycle?
to push the pedals round?
to use terms they already know that are associated with
a bicycle’s gear system.
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • AskeachgrouptobuildandinvestigatetheirK’NEX
Stationary Bike model (Pages 12-13 of the Building
Instructions booklet) and provide time for them to
investigate their model.
Whole Class
 • Usingastationarybikemodel/bicycle,demonstrate
and explain the input and output movements, pedal,
sprocket, chain drive mechanism, links, driver,
follower/driven gear, and axle.
By a chain and sprocket mechanism.
The highest gear.
Teacher’s Notes
Write the questions you want
the children to investigate on the
board for reference and post
activity discussions.
As part of the demonstration and
discussion you may find it useful
to add new terms to the class
word wall to help the children as
they create labels, discuss their
investigations, make labelled
drawings and write descriptions.
Words could be written on cards,
possibly with simple descriptors on
the reverse side.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
 • Withthemodelasanexample,demonstrateonthe
board how to make simple labelled drawings, using
arrows to show the direction of movement. The diagram
below, for example, could be used as a symbolic
representation of a chain and sprocket drive system.
The chain and sprocket drive
system uses a chain to transmit
rotary motion from a driver axle to
a follower or driven axle. Sprockets
are toothed wheels on which a
chain runs. The sprockets are
placed a certain distance apart
and the chain links mesh with
the teeth on the sprocket so that
turning the driver sprocket moves
the chain and thus turns the
driven or follower sprocket.
Spur gears must mesh to transmit
movement but with a chain drive
mechanism the distance between
sprockets can be adjusted by
shortening or lengthening the
See A Quick Guide to Gears for
additional information.
 • Encouragethechildrentorecordtheirobservations
through the use of labelled drawings and notes. They
should employ the correct vocabulary and terminology
to show how the chain and sprocket drive mechanism
works. They should use arrows to show the direction
of movement and indicate the speeds of movement of
each sprocket.
drive force from the pedals to the rear wheel.
wheels. Use the terms clockwise/anticlockwise.
using the word, “because…”
* Do the pedals rotate at the same speed as the
rear wheel?
* Do the pedals and rear wheel turn in the
same direction?
To help the children see the
directions of movement of each
moving part they might place a
dot sticker or piece of masking
tape on each sprocket and one
on the chain.
The teeth on the sprockets mesh
with the chain links and push it
along when they turn. The chain
connects the two sprockets.
* Yes, because the sprockets
are the same size.
* Yes.
Lesson 5: The Stationary Exercise Bicycle
* Will the mechanism be easier or more difficult
to turn without the pedals?
* More difficult because a
pedal functions just like a
crank handle in a winding
mechanism. It helps to
amplify turning forces.
Whole Class
handle (crank) in a winding mechanism and in the other
K’NEX models they have made, such as the crank fan,
blender and record player.
bicycle? If not…why not?
 • Talkaboutthedifferencesandsimilaritiesbetween
sprocket and chain drive mechanisms and simple
gear trains.
 • Askthechildreniftheycanthinkofonereasonwhy
a bicycle uses a chain and sprocket system and not a
spur gear system.
You may find it useful to have a
K’NEX Crank Fan model available to
compare with the children’s K’NEX
Stationary Bike models. Both models
use the same sized driver and
follower gears. In both cases the
number of input turns by the pedal
crank will equal the number of
output turns produced by the wheel.
In other words the gear ratio in both
drive systems is 1 to1.
The main differences are:
(a) The direction of rotation. In
the stationary bike’s chain and
sprocket mechanism, both driver
and follower rotate in the same
direction, whereas in the K’NEX
crank fan model – a simple gear
train using spur gears – the gears
rotate in opposite directions. If a
spur gear system were used on
a bicycle you would need to
pedal backward in order to
move forward.
(b) In the chain and sprocket
mechanism the rotary motion is
transmitted over a longer distance,
determined by the length of
the chain, whereas spur gears
must mesh.
Teacher’s Notes
Bicycle pedals are another example
of a crank, identical in practice to
the handle operating the K’NEX
Crank Fan model. Cranks work as if
they are rotating levers. Remember
that long levers allow you to create
large turning forces.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
 • Askforvolunteers,takingturns,tosummarizethe
way in which motion is transferred through the station
ary bike system. The first volunteer should start the
description at the pedals and the last volunteer
describes what happens at the rear wheel.
Teacher’s Notes
Turning the pedals transfers
motion and energy through the
driver axle to the sprocket at the
front of the bike (driver sprocket).
As the front sprocket turns, motion
is transferred to the chain. The
chain transfers motion and energy
to the rear sprocket (follower
sprocket). The turning of the
follower sprocket turns the
rear wheel.
 • Discusshowtheymightmodifytheirstationarybike’s
drive mechanism to make it harder to push the pedals.
This would make the person exercising on the bike work
harder. They should be prepared to explain the reasons
for their proposed modifications.
 • Referthechildrento:
  • ThephotographonPage12.Dothesizesofthe
wheel casings give them a clue?
  • TheoutcomesoftheirinvestigationsusingtheK’NEX
Crank Fan model.
(i) One possible way is to make
the driver sprocket larger. This will
cause the back wheel to turn much
faster but it will need more effort to
turn the pedals – just like using a
high gear on a bicycle.
(ii) A second way might be to make
the pedal cranks shorter. Because
a crank acts like a rotating lever,
a short lever will not be able to
amplify forces as much as a long
lever. More effort, therefore, will
be needed to turn the pedals.
There are not enough K’NEX
components in one kit to do this
activity. Two groups of children
will have to work together.
At the end of the lesson ensure
that the parts are returned to the
kits from which they were taken
and that the children check the
contents of each kit.
Extension Activity 1
If time is available, ask the children to modify their bike
models to meet the new specification.
Plenary Session
Ask the children to explain the movements and the function
of the mechanism they have investigated.
What would they do to improve the stationary exercise
bike design?
This list of key terms is intended as background information.
While we recognize that some of these terms are not fundamental
to National Curriculum requirements for Key Stage 2 Design and
Technology and Science, we have nevertheless included them here
to help you better understand some of the concepts investigated in
the K’NEX Understanding Mechanisms kits.
A simple tool used to make jobs easier to do. For example, a lever allows you to apply a
small force to move a much larger load. Try pulling a nail out of a piece of wood without a
claw hammer. A claw hammer uses the lever principle in its design. Other examples of simple
machines are wheels and axles, pulleys, inclined planes or ramps, wedges, and screws.
Simple machines can be used to increase forces or change the direction of a force needed to
make an object move. They are simple because they transfer energy in a single movement.
Simple machines make it easier for you to do jobs by changing the way in which jobs can be
done; they cannot change the job to be done. For example, you can load a heavy object onto
the back of a lorry by lifting it the short vertical distance – a process that will require a lot of
effort. Alternatively, you can take the take the longer but easier route up a ramp with the object.
Either way, the job is done.
In science, when an object is moved by a force work is said to have been done. Simple
machines make it easier for you to do work. Some simple machines allow a small force to
move a large load and are called force amplifiers. For example: crowbars and wheelbarrows.
Other simple machines can be used to convert small, slow movements into large, faster
movements. Such machines are distance or speed amplifiers. A fishing rod used to cast a
hook, or a mediaeval throwing machine, such as a trebuchet, are examples of this application.
These have two or more simple machines working together in their mechanism. For example,
two 1st Class levers make up a pair of scissors, or pliers, while a complex car engine may be
made from several hundred mechanisms.
Work is a scientific concept and is only done when a force moves an object in the same
direction as the applied force.
If you push against an object and it does not move then, from a scientific point of view, you
will not have done any work. For example, no matter how hard you push in an attempt to
move a car while its brakes are on, you will have not done any work if it has not moved. Once,
however, the brakes have been released and the car starts to move, then you will be doing
work. The amount of work you do depends on the magnitude of the force you apply and the
distance you move the object.
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions
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Work = Force x Distance moved by the object in the direction of the force
W = F x d
If the force is measured in newtons (symbol N) and the distance is in metres (m) then the
work done (W) is measured in newton metres (Nm).
The SI unit of work is the joule (J) and 1 joule = 1 newton metre.
A force is a push or a pull which, when applied to an object, can make it change shape, move
faster or slower, or change direction. You cannot see forces but you can feel or see their
A force has both size and direction. The size of a force is measured in newtons (N) and can be
measured using spring balances called force meters or Newton meters.
The force you apply to move one part of a simple machine, i.e. the input force that is applied
to a simple machine, or mechanism, to make it do work. With a wheel and axle simple machine,
the effort force can be applied to either the wheel, or the axle, in order to make the other part
move. Think of a waterwheel being turned by a millstream or a car axle driving the road wheels.
The function of a simple machine, or mechanism, is to transfer the force both to the location
and in the direction in which it is needed to move the load.
The weight of an object to be moved or the resistance that must be overcome before an
object can be moved.
The resistance can be the frictional forces in a mechanism itself or simply the friction between
two surfaces.
The force that works against the effort. It could be either the weight of the object to be moved
and/or frictional forces.
The force that occurs when two surfaces rub against each other. Friction tends to slow things
down, which means it can be both beneficial and unhelpful. For example: friction is beneficial in
the case of brakes applied to the wheels of cars and bicycles to slow them down, but friction
between surfaces can also cause wear - tyres wear out. Rough surfaces increase friction, while
smooth surfaces reduce it.
Friction also generates heat. You can feel this when you rub your hands together quickly.
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions
Most machines are designed to make jobs easier to do. For example, a wheelbarrow that
allows you to move a heavy load of soil or a winch used to lift a heavy object. When a
machine enables you to use a small effort to move a large load, that machine has given you
a “mechanical advantage” you would not otherwise have had. How large or small a mechanical
advantage a machine provides can be measured by comparing the load you can move with
the effort you used to move it.
The calculation used is:
The mathematical calculation indicates how many times the machine multiplies the effort force.
For example, if a machine allowed you to move a load of 300N using a 100N effort force, the
mechanical advantage of the machine will be 3:1 or simply 3.
If the value of the MA is greater than 1 then your machine allows you to move a large load using
an effort force less than that of the load. Does this mean you can get something for nothing?
Can you get more from less? Unfortunately this is not the case. While a high MA value means
you can use less effort force than that of the load to be moved, the distance moved by the effort
will be much greater than that moved by the load. This is the trade-off.
Remember, simple machines and mechanisms can make it easier to do a job by changing
the way in which the job is done; they do not change the actual job to be done. The work
needed to be done will always remain the same, so that to move a load, you can use a large
effort applied over a short distance, or a small effort applied over a longer distance. It all
balances out in the end.
Although designed and made to do different jobs and make jobs easier to do, all mechanisms
share some common features.
Mechanical Advantage (MA) = Load
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One form of motion (input) can be converted into another (output) through the use of
a mechanism (process).
•Lever: A rigid beam, bar or rod that turns, or rotates, about a fixed point called the
fulcrum. For example: a child’s seesaw.
•Wheelandaxle: A round disk (wheel) with a rod (axle) rigidly connected through the
centre of the wheel so that they both turn together. A wheel can be used to turn an axle
or an axle can be used to turn a wheel. For example: a winch raising a bucket from a well.
The wheel can be a solid, circular disk, such as a car wheel, but it can also be the circular
path made by a handle that turns, such as a lever rotating around a fixed point.
•Gear: This is not a simple machine but it could be thought of as a wheel with teeth
around its outer rim. Gears are used to transfer motion and force from one location to
another, change the direction of rotational motion and amplify the force applied to do a job.
•Rotary: This can be seen in the movement of car, bicycle and gear
wheels and in Ferris wheels or carousels as they go round and round
on an axis. It is the most commonly occurring type of motion in
a mechanism.
•Oscillating:This is an alternating, or swinging to and fro, type of
motion. It can be observed in car windscreen wipers, children’s
swings or in pendulums as they move backwards and forwards in an
•Linear:This is motion occurring in a straight line, in one direction.
Examples include the linear movement of a paper trimmer, a sliding
lock, or a conveyor belt.
Reciprocating: This involves an alternate backward and forward
motion, in a straight line, as in the movement of a sewing machine
needle or the pistons of a car engine.
4 basic forms of motion are used in mechanisms:
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions
•Pulley: A wheel with a groove in its outer rim that spins freely on an axle. A rope,
cable, or chain runs in the wheel’s groove and may be attached to a load. As the wheel
turns, the rope moves in either direction so that a pull down on one side will raise an
object on the opposite side of the wheel.
•FixedPulley: A pulley attached to a solid surface; it does not move when the rope
is pulled, other than to turn in place. Fixed pulleys change the direction of an
applied force.
•MovablePulleys: A pulley attached directly to the load being lifted; it moves
when the rope is pulled.
•CombinationPulleys: A series of fixed and movable pulleys used together to gain
the advantages of both in doing the work.
•BlockandTackle: A specific combination of fixed and movable pulleys used to lift
very heavy objects; the block is the frame holding the pulleys; the tackle is the rope
or cable.
•InclinedPlane: A flat surface with one end higher than the other. The most recognisable
form of an inclined plane is a ramp. Ramps make it easier to move from one height
to another.
•Screw: A shaft (body) that has an inclined plane spiralling around it. The inclined plane
forms ridges (threads) around the shaft to become another simple machine: the screw. It
can be used to lift objects or fasten two things together.
•Wedge: A device made of two inclined planes arranged back-to-back. Instead of
moving up the slope, wedges themselves move to push things apart. Wedges are
inclined planes that move pointed-end first and are used in many cutting tools such as
axes, knives and chisels.
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Gears: Changing direction,
speed, and force...
A gear is a wheel with teeth along its outer rim.
Gears can:
Gears: On the move
The gear to which the effort force is applied.
The gear connected (meshed) to the driver gear.
Driver Gear
the direction of rotation…
Two or more gears meshed together make up a gear train.
Meshed gears turn in opposite directions.
An idler gear makes the gears on either side of it turn in
the same direction.
Driver Gear
Idler Gear
Changing planes…
A crown gear meshes at right angles (90-degrees) to another
gear and changes the direction of motion. One gear turns
vertically (up and down), while the other turns horizontally
(side to side).
speed and force
A large driver gear makes a small follower gear turn faster.
This increases turning speed, but reduces turning force.
Large driver
gear - (slow)
Small follower gear
- (fast) output
Small driver
gear - (fast)
Large follower gear
- (slow) output
A small driver gear makes a large follower gear turn
more slowly. This reduces turning speed, but increases
turning force.
GEARS: Try This ...
Which way will these gears turn?
c) f)
a) d)
b) e)

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Enter your email address to receive the manual of Knex 78630 Education Intro to Gears Teachers Guide in the language / languages: English as an attachment in your email.

The manual is 7,82 mb in size.


You will receive the manual in your email within minutes. If you have not received an email, then probably have entered the wrong email address or your mailbox is too full. In addition, it may be that your ISP may have a maximum size for emails to receive.

Others manual(s) of Knex 78630 Education Intro to Gears Teachers Guide

Knex 78630 Education Intro to Gears Teachers Guide Instructions - German - 42 pages

Knex 78630 Education Intro to Gears Teachers Guide Instructions - Dutch - 42 pages

Knex 78630 Education Intro to Gears Teachers Guide Instructions - French - 42 pages

The manual is sent by email. Check your email

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