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Understanding Mechanisms
© 2014 K’NEX Limited Partnership Group and
its licensors.
Text: Dr. Alex Wright,
AW Education, Wrexham, LL12 7LR, U.K.
K’NEX Limited Partnership Group
P.O. Box 700
Hatfield, PA 19440-0700
Visit our website at www.knexeducation.co.uk
or www.knexeducation.com
Email: abcknex@knex.com
K’NEX Eduction is a Registered Trademark
of K’NEX Limited Partnership Group.
Conforms to the Requirements of ASTM
Standard Consumer Safety Specification
on Toy Safety, F963-03.
Manufactured under U.S. Patents 5,061,219;
5,199,919; 5,350,331; 5,137,486.
Other U.S. and foreign patents pending.
Protected by International Copyright.
All rights reserved.
CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts.
Not for children under 3 years.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
A Note About Safety
Safety is of primary concern in
science and technology classrooms.
It is recommended that you develop
a set of rules that governs the
safe, proper use of K’NEX in your
classroom. Safety, as it relates to
the use of the elastic bands should
be specifically addressed.
Children should not overstretch or
overwind their elastic bands. Over-
stretching and overwinding can
cause the elastic band to snap
and cause personal injury. Any
wear and tear or deterioration of
elastic bands should be reported
immediately to the teacher.
Teachers and children should
inspect elastic bands for deteriora-
tion before each experiment.
Caution children to keep hands
and hair away from all moving
parts. Never put fingers in moving
gears or other moving parts.
Understanding Mechanisms
Your K’NEX Wheels and Axles and
Inclined Planes kit is part of a series
called “Understanding Mechanisms”.
The series has been produced to enable
Key Stage 2 pupils to investigate and
evaluate some familiar products, to
think about how they work and to
explore the mechanisms that make
them work.
Understanding Mechanisms:
Wheels and Axles and Inclined Planes Kit
 • Developedtointroducepupilstothe
way wheels and axles and inclined planes
have been used in the design of familiar
products, this construction kit also serves
to make the connection between the
models the pupils have built and the
science that makes them work.
 • Workinginpairsorsmallcollaborative
groups, the kit provides opportunities
for pupils to explore winding, lifting and
cutting mechanisms through the use of
investigative, disassembling and evaluative
activities (IDEAs) and focused practical
tasks (FPTs).
Teacher Support Materials
 • Developedinitiallyforthenon-specialist
teacher, the materials included in the
Teacher’s Guide can also be used as a
resource by more experienced teachers
as they develop their own lesson plans.
 • Implementingtheideasandinformation
included in the Teacher’s Guide can build
your pupils’ knowledge and understanding
of mechanisms, and the ways in which
they can be used to make things move.
 • Keybackgroundinformationisprovided
in “A Quick Guide”, while the Lesson
Notes for each K’NEX model provide
more detailed information and ideas
for possible teaching activities. These
teaching activities have been developed
primarily to support the DfEE/QCA
Scheme of Work for Key Stages 1 and 2
in Design and Technology and Science,
the DATA Design and Technology Primary
Lesson Plans and Primary Helpsheets.
 • Aglossaryoftechnicaltermsandscientific
definitions is offered as a resource for
the teacher.
 • Eachofthelessonscanbecompleted
in one hour but may be extended using
the suggested Extension and Research
Activities. Useful Internet web sites are
listed to help guide the research activities.
(Note: these were functioning sites at the
time of going to print.)
 • Theteachingactivitiesarealsointended
to encourage the development of key
skills by providing opportunities for whole
class and group discussions, observing,
evaluating and recording through the use
of text and drawings, working with others
to solve problems and using ICT within a
design and technology context.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Wheels and Axles 3-24
A Quick Guide to Wheels and Axles 4-7
Lesson 1: Getting Started 8-9
Lesson 2: The Well 10-16
Lesson 3: The Paddle-boat 17-20
Lesson 4: The Steering Wheel 21-24
Inclined Planes 25-43
A Quick Guide to Inclined Planes 25-29
Lesson 5: Steep and Long Ramps 30-34
Lesson 6: The Splitting Wedge 35-38
Lesson 7: The Hand Drill 39-43
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions 44-48
The wheel and axle mechanism has been in
use for about 5000 years. Many children are
familiar with the wheel and axle as it is used
in bicycles, cars and the vehicles they make
themselves in Design and Technology lessons.
They recognize it as something that helps other
things move easily.
They are perhaps less familiar with the use
of a wheel and axle as a simple machine
that helps make other mechanisms work.
Doorknobs, water taps, screwdrivers and
handles attached to winches and other types
of machinery are all examples of the wheel
and axle concept in action.
A simple machine is a tool that makes it easier
to do things. Using a simple machine does not
change the task to be undertaken; it simply
makes the job easier by changing the way it
can be done.
What is a wheel and axle?
A wheel and axle is a round disk (the wheel)
with a rigid rod (the axle) connected through
the centre of the wheel so that when one turns,
so does the other.
The wheel may be a solid, circular disk, such
as a car wheel, waterwheel, doorknob, water
tap, screwdriver or a gear wheel.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
A Quick Guide to Wheels and Axles
A wheel, however, does not have to be
a circular disk; it can be the circular path
outlined by a handle that turns. For example,
the winch handle of the K’NEX Well model,
or the peddle on a bicycle.
Wheel and axle basics:
How a wheel and axle mechanism works
depends on whether the wheel is turning the
axle or the axle is turning the wheel.
In some cases the wheel turns the axle, as
with a water wheel, doorknob and screwdriver,
while in other cases the axle turns the wheel,
as in a car or bicycle.
NOTE: Some wheels freely rotate on their
axles and do not turn when the axle is turned.
This form of wheel and axle is different from
the fixed wheel and axle systems used to
transfer forces and movement in machines and
other devices. Freely rotating wheels on axles
are mainly used to help reduce friction in a
mechanism as, for example, in single pulleys,
wheelbarrows, trolleys or conveyor systems.
A wheel turning an axle:
A doorknob, a spanner turning a nut on a
bolt, a screwdriver, a car steering wheel and
a winch are all examples of a wheel turning
an axle. We know from experience that a small
handled screwdriver cannot be used to insert
large screws because not enough turning
forces can be generated. Similarly, attempting
to unscrew a screw by turning the shaft (the
axle) of the screwdriver is difficult. Using the
wide handle (wheel) of a screwdriver, however,
makes the job much easier by enabling you to
generate large turning forces.
Key facts:
Wheels do not need to be solid disks.
Wheels can be circular paths made by
handles that turn.
What are wheels and axles used for?
 • Totransferturningforces.Forexample:
from a car engine to the road surface;
from your hand to a door lock
mechanism; from flowing water to
the machinery inside a mill.
 • Toincreaseturningforcestomakeit
easier to move objects. For example:
the handle of a winch; a doorknob.
 • Tochangethedirectionofmotion.
For example: in a winch, from the rotary
motion of the turning handle to the
linear motion of the object being raised
or lowered.
 • Tomakeiteasiertomoveheavyobjects
by reducing the effects of friction.
In the same way, it is virtually impossible
to turn a lock mechanism by trying to turn
the lock spindle itself – you cannot generate
enough turning forces - but with the doorknob
attached, it becomes an easier task.
Although the wheel and axle are connected
and they rotate through the same angle,
the actual distance moved by the rims of
the door handle (a wheel) and the axle are
different. Because the circumference of the
wheel is larger than that of the axle, the wheel
rim will move through a much greater distance
than the axle.
The resultant effect: A small input force at
the door handle (a wheel) turning through a
large distance produces a large output force
at the axle. This causes the lock mechanism
to work. The greater the radius of the wheel,
the larger are the turning forces produced
at the axle. In a wheel and axle mechanism,
distance acts as a force multiplier. A large
waterwheel generates a much greater output
turning force than a small wheel turning at
the same speed.
AXLE: Small turning
distance. Large output force.
WHEEL: Small input force.
Large turning distance.
Radius of wheel
Large output
force produced
at the axle
moving a
short distance.
Small input
force turning
the rim of the
wheel through a
long distance.
Load-the resistence to
movement at the axle.
Wheel Turning an Axle
The reason for this is because a wheel
and axle mechanism behaves as if it were a
rotating lever, with the centre of the wheel as
the fulcrum, and the wheel rim as the outer
edge of the lever. Levers help to amplify input
forces. The greater the distance they are
applied from the fulcrum, the more the input
forces are increased.
In action, this means a winch with a long
handle can generate more lifting forces at its
axle than one with a short handle.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
A Quick Guide to Wheels and Axles
An axle turning a wheel:
The context with which most people are
familiar is that of a motor connected to an
axle, which then turns a wheel.
To demonstrate this concept, try opening a
door. A door is another example of a wheel
and axle in action. The centre of the door
hinge is the fulcrum, the door hinge is the
axle and the door is the wheel. To open the
door by pushing close to the hinge requires a
lot of effort. Your hand moves slowly but the
outer part of the door moves quite quickly. A
small resistance against the door is enough
to prevent you pushing it open. Pushing open
the door a long distance from the hinge,
however, requires little effort and only a large
force in the opposite direction can stop you
from opening it.
Key facts:
A wheel turning an axle:
 • Increasestheforcesproducedattheaxle.
An axle turning a wheel:
 • Increasesthespeedofrotationbut
decreases the output forces produced at
the wheel rim.
Useful Internet Web Sites:
Turning the axle will make the wheel rim, in
the same amount of time, rotate through a
greater distance than the axle. In other words,
the wheel rim is turning faster than the axle. In
this situation, a large input force is needed
to turn the axle. The output force, however,
is reduced. This situation is the reverse of a
wheel turning an axle.
Large input
force needed
at the axle.
Axle rotates a
short distance.
Small output force-
turning the rim of the
wheel a long distance.
Rim travels much
faster than the axle.
Load-the resistence to
movement at the axle.
Axle Turning a Wheel
Radius of wheel
Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
dimensional, 2D, 3D, cubes,
cuboids, cylinders, symmetrical,
Rods, Flexi-rods, Connectors,
Spacers, Hubs, Tyres, components,
right angles, stable, rigid, flexible,
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding Mechanisms:
Wheels and Axles and Inclined Planes
kit with Building Instructions booklet
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
This lesson provides children with the opportunity to
investigate how K’NEX construction materials may be
used to create different 2D and 3D shapes. It could also
contribute to cross-curricular activities, including:
(i) Mathematics: shape and space, movement
and angles.
(ii) Literacy: speaking and listening, describing
Teacher’s Notes
For many children, this may be their
first opportunity to explore, experience
and experiment with the K’NEX
materials they will be using in their
classroom activities. This includes
learning the names of the different
components and their functions.
Note: K’NEX Rods, Flexi-rods,
Connectors, Spacers, Hubs and
Tyres are always capitalized.
The Building Instructions booklet
provided in each set includes a
building tips page, which offers
guidelines for connecting the individual
pieces. You may want to provide
time for the children to practice
connecting the different components.
It is crucial that they grasp the building
concept at this stage so that
frustrations are avoided later.
Provide some basic guidelines for
maintaining all the pieces in the set
for future use. At least 5 minutes will
be needed at the end of each lesson
for cleaning up the materials.
Working in Groups of 2-3
to make and name different:
to make stable structures.
(i) 90 degrees
(ii) less than 90 degrees
(iii) more than 90 degrees
these components?
shapes containing right angles.
rigid and flexible joints.
things move.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 1: Getting Started
Teacher’s Notes
Using labelled drawings is an
important communication skill that
needs to be learnt. Emphasize to the
children that it is not important for
their drawing to look exactly like the
K’NEX or any other machine they are
investigating. It is more important
for their drawing to show how the
machine works. For example, they
should show how the moving parts
connect to each other.
Interpreting 2D drawings to construct
3D models is an important skill to be
learnt and from the outset children
should be asked to say what
movements/functions their model
will perform before they build and
investigate the actual mechanisms.
to label them showing:
model makes.
what they are doing through facilitating questions
such as:
they make other parts move?
parts make?
Plenary session
the class.
and why?
your model?
how did you make them work?
the movements?
which these components were used and what
did the machines do?
Time: 2.5
The lesson could be divided into two separate activities:
Part 1: Investigating how a lifting mechanism works (1 hour).
Part 2: Investigating the forces used in lifting – more suitable
for Year 5 and 6 pupils (1.5 hours).
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings
wheel, axle, winder, handle, raise,
lower, up, down, turn, rotate, winding,
mechanism, lever, faster, slower,
compare, because, long, short, lon-
gest, shortest
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles
and Inclined Planes kit and Building
Instructions booklet
Felt-tipped pen
Paper cup
200 gram masses
Broom handle/30mm dowelling
You will need:
kinds of wheels and axles such as
a cotton reel with a pencil inserted
into its centre hole; a door knob;
a screwdriver
Teacher’s Notes
You may find it useful to create a
word board with the words and
technical vocabulary written on cards,
possibly with a simple description
on the reverse side to act as an ‘aide
memoire’ for the children.
Part 1: Investigating How a Lifting Mechanism Works
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
This lesson may be used to support the QCA/DfES scheme
of work Exemplar Materials for:
Design and Technology Unit
2C: Winding Up
Science Units
1E: Pushes and Pulls
2C: Forces and Movement
Some children’s stories and nursery rhymes, such as
“Ding Dong Bell” and “Jack and Jill”, provide familiar
contexts within which to introduce the lesson, especially
for younger children.
Whole Class
how the model’s mechanism works. This activity offers
you the opportunity to introduce the vocabulary the
children should use later when describing their own
observations. Alternatively, ask the children to describe
the mechanism and then formalize or clarify their
operational definitions. Vocabulary words: axle, wheel,
handle or winder.
the parts of a wheel and axle. (See diagram below.)
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 2: The Well
Teacher’s Notes
Children will be familiar with wheels
through Design and Technology Unit
2A: Vehicles, through playing with toys,
pushing trolleys or journey’s in cars
and they may have an understanding
of the terms ‘wheels and axles’. They
may not, however, recognise that the
circular (rotary) movement made by
a handle when it turns is the same
movement as that made by a wheel.
It may be necessary to explain to the
children that wheels are not necessarily
solid circles but that they can also be
the circular shape traced out by a
handle. A handle could be described
as a ‘one spoke’ wheel.
It is important to note there is a
difference between the wheel and
axle used in trolleys, prams and
wheelbarrows etc. and a wheel and
axle mechanism. In wheelbarrows
and trolleys, the wheel and axle has
only one main function and that is to
overcome, or reduce, friction. When
the wheel turns, it turns alone - the
axle is stationary. The wheel and
axle used in mechanisms such as a
waterwheel or the winch of a well,
enables you to transmit forces.
For example, in the well winding
mechanism, the use of a long handle
makes it much easier for you to lift
a heavy load. At the same time, it
converts the rotary motion of the
handle into a vertical, linear movement
for the object being raised.
If time allows, children could be
encouraged to carry out some research
using the school library or the Internet
to find other examples of winding
Whole Class
that is turned by a wheel – the handle.
know that use wheels and axles. Provide pictures
and examples.
handle in the air in front of them. Ask them what is the
shape they have traced.
Let’s Investigate!
Working in Groups of 2-3
building kit to each group.
 • Explainthattheywillbuildthemodelofawellinwhich
a wheel and axle system is used to raise and lower
a bucket.
 • AskthechildrentobuildtheirK’NEXWell(Pages2-3
of the Building Instructions booklet). Allow about 15 to
20 minutes building time. If time is a concern, ask the
children to divide up the building process. One child, for
example, can build Steps 1-3 and the other, Steps 4-7.
 • Askthechildrentoidentifythewheelandaxlein
their machine.
 • Allowthemsometimetoinvestigatehowthe
mechanism works by lifting the paper cup and 200g
mass placed in the ‘bucket.’
 • Askthechildrentoobservewhathappenswhenthey
make the winding mechanism work.
* Describe the shape made by the turning handle.
* In which direction does the ‘bucket’ move when
the handle is turned first in one direction and
then in the opposite direction?
* A circle.
* Up and down; in a straight line.
You may find it useful to write the
activities on the board as a reference
for later class discussions.
Teacher’s Notes
The K’NEX Well model works best
if placed between two desks so the
children can raise or lower the bucket
from the floor. A book should be
placed on each side of the model’s
base to hold it firmly in place. (See
Page 3 of the Building Instructions.)
 • Askeachgrouptorecordtheirobservations,todraw
and label the different parts of their K’NEX Well
mechanism and to explain how it works.
Write the children’s results on the board and discuss
their findings.
* How many turns of the handle are needed to raise
the bucket from the floor?
* Whatever the children count.
Whole Class
and ‘small axle’ on Page 3 of the K’NEX Building
Instructions booklet. Do they think the differences in
axle size might make it easier or harder to raise the
bucket containing the 200g mass?
 • Askthechildrentoexplaintheiranswers
using ‘because…’
You may find it useful to write the
activities on the board as a reference
for later class discussions.
Whole Class
thoughts were right.
findings. Encourage them to talk about and discuss
their results.
Instead of talking about big and small
axles you may wish to introduce other
ways of describing relative sizes of
circles using terms such as radius,
diameter and circumference, if
appropriate. The children should have
discovered that with the larger axle it
takes about 5-7 turns of the handle
to raise the bucket from the floor to
the desktop.
With the small axle it takes about 20
– 22 turns to raise the ‘bucket’ to the
desktop. Although many more turns
of the handle were required, using
the small axle makes it easier to raise
the ‘bucket’.
Working in Groups of 2-3
Investigating the answers:
‘big axle.’ They should begin with the blue Rod facing
up and they should turn the wheel all the way around to
lift the bucket. Ask them to record:
needed to raise the ‘bucket’ from the floor.
Each time the blue Rod faces up, one full turn
of the handle has been completed.
should remove the yellow Rods from the axle and
attach the string to the red Rod that now forms
the axle.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 2: The Well
Optional Activity
the handle that are needed to raise the ‘bucket’ 10 cm.
They can calculate and compare the distance the
bucket is raised after one turn of the big and
small handles.
 • Iftheaxlesarecircularinsection,thisdistancewillalso
be the axle circumference.
Part 2: Investigating the Forces Used in Lifting
(More suitable for Year 5 and 6 pupils)
Whole Class
than a short handle will make it easier to raise a load.
using ‘because…’
Let’s Investigate!
Working in Groups of 2-3
Investigating the answers:
* Suggest that they change the size of the handle
by using longer and shorter Rods and then repeat
the experiment.
* How do the other Rods compare with the blue Rod?
* Do they make it easier or harder to lift the bucket?
* What is the heaviest load each handle can raise to
the desktop from the floor?
Teacher’s Notes
In both cases the job done is the same
- the ‘bucket’ has been raised to the
same height. With the larger axle, the
‘bucket’ will be raised faster, needs
fewer turns of the handle and requires
more effort. With the small axle, the
‘bucket’ will be raised slowly, needs
many more turns of the handle but
requires much less effort.
The activity is best carried out using
the ‘big axle’ version of the K’NEX
Well model. The handle can be length-
ened or shortened by using different
coloured connecting Rods.
The children should note that the lon-
gest handle makes it much easier
to raise a weighted ‘bucket’ and could
be used for the heaviest loads. They
may even find that when using the
shortest handle, or when simply trying
to turn the axle on its own without a
handle attached, it may not be possible
to raise the ‘bucket’ from the floor, no
matter how hard they try to turn it.
Levers in action
When levers move they pivot around a fixed point – the
fulcrum. Some levers can be made to rotate a full circle, as
with spanners, wrenches and wheels. The well handle works
like a rotating lever whose fulcrum is the centre of the axle.
A long lever makes it easier to move a load because the
effort needed is applied a long way from the fulcrum. Long
handles make it easier to lift heavy loads because they need
less effort to turn them.
See: A Quick Guide to Wheels and
Axles for additional information.
Whole Class
 • Discusshowthehandleofthewellisanexampleofa
wheel. The handle turns in a circle, just like the rim of a
bicycle or any other wheel with which they may be
familiar. It is like a bicycle wheel with only one spoke.
 • Talkaboutotherexampleof‘wheelsandaxles’thatthe
children may not immediately recognise. Turning these
wheels and axles usually makes something else move.
For example: a doorknob, a screwdriver, a steering wheel
and a spanner turning a nut.
Teacher’s Notes
See: A Quick Guide to Wheels and
Axles for additional information.
Extension Activity 1/Optional Activity
Working in Pairs
We would like to thank Susan Frazier and the directors of the SMILE
program at the Illinois Institute of Technology for granting us their
permission to include the following activity. ©1990. [Please visit http://www.iit.
edu/~smile/ph9005.html for further information.]
This activity allows the children to experience the forces
involved in a turning wheel and axle for themselves.
 • Inascrewdriver,thehandleisthewheelandtheshaft
that connects to the screw is the axle. It is much easier
to insert a screw with a wide handled screwdriver than
with a narrow one.
WHEEL: Input Force
AXLE: Output Force
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 2: The Well
Whole Class
Discuss the children’s experiences.
Teacher’s Notes
In this example, A represents the axle
and B is the handle (wheel). When A
and B are close together, it is difficult
for B to turn the axle. However, the
further B’s hands are placed from the
axle, the easier it is for B to turn it.
Just like a lever in action.
Working in Pairs
 • Askthechildrentotrytheexerciseagain,onlythis
time A, the axle, tries to turn the wheel and B tries to
prevent this.
In the reverse situation, when A (the
axle) is being turned, it is very difficult
for A to make the wheel turn - a large
input turning force must be applied to
the axle to enable the large wheel to
be turned.
60cm length of 30mm dowelling
or a broom handle.
 • Askonememberofthepair(A)toextendonearmand
firmly grasp the centre of the dowelling or ruler. The
other member (B) places his/her hands on either side
of A’s hand and tries to turn the length of dowelling
while A tries to stop the turning movement.
 • HowdifficultwasitforAtostoptheturning
movement? How easy was it for B to turn it?
 • ChildBnowplaceshis/herhandsapproximately20cm
from A’s hand and repeats the action.
 • HowdifficultisitforAtostopthemovement?
 • ChildBshouldrepeatedlymovehis/herhandsfurther
away from A until the dowelling turns easily.
 • Thechildrenchangepositionsandrolesandrepeat
the activity.
Design Task
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • Askthechildrentocreateamechanismforraisingand
lowering the spider for the nursery rhyme, Little Miss
Muffet. The spider should be able to move slowly up
and down.
 • Discuss:
   •Whatmaterialsthechildrenmayneedtouse.
   •Howthemechanismwillwork.
   •Howtheywilladdthecharactersfromthestory
to make it look more realistic.
   •Thetaskspeoplewillcarryouttocreatethe
characters and mechanism.
 • Theyshouldbeencouragedtomakealabelleddrawing
of their design and write a description of how their
design works before starting construction.
Select some models to share with the class and ask the
children to describe:
 • Thereasonsbehindtheirdesign.“Wedidthis
 • Whytheirdesignworkswell.
 • Whatpartsoftheirdesigntheyarepleasedwith.
 • Whatteststheycarriedouttoevaluatetheirdesign
against the design brief.
Teacher’s Notes
When making a powered vehicle, as
in Design and Technology Units 6C:
Fairground and 6D: Controllable
Vehicles or in any model they may
make that is driven by an electric
motor, children often try to connect
a motor with a small axle to a large
wheel and are surprised when their
model does not run when placed on
a surface. The small amount of friction
between the wheels and the surface
is enough to prevent the vehicle mov-
ing. The electric motor cannot generate
enough turning forces to turn the
large wheel.
Teacher’s Notes
To promote the wider use and
application of ICT skills and practices,
the children’s models and work could
be recorded using a digital camera.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 3: The Paddle-boat
Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings
wheel, axle, turn, rotate,
winding, mechanism, faster, slower,
compare, friction, resistance,
larger, smaller, design
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Whole class
was found that a wheel and axle mechanism can be
used in two ways.
1. A large wheel turns an axle, as in a water wheel
or the winding mechanism of a well.
2. A small axle turns a large wheel, as in a car.
how paddle-boats use an axle turning a large wheel to
drive them through the water.
films, or perhaps their own experiences of seeing or
using pedal powered boats – pedalos - while on
holiday. The method of propulsion is the same: the
paddles push against the water, driving the boat
against the water using their arms and feet. Flippers
allow them to swim faster but it is harder to push
against the water.
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles
and Inclined Planes kit with
Building Instructions booklet
Heavy-duty elastic bands
Small blocks of wood or expanded
polystyrene foam to help the model
float (2 per model)
Sheet plastic/card
Cling film or aluminium foil
Ruler and pencil
Adhesive tape
Container or sink filled with water to
test paddle-boats
Useful Internet Web Sites:
fulton.html: Reviews the historical
development of steamboats from
the early 19th Century.
Go to: ‘Search this web site.’ Enter:
“steamboats and paddle boats” and
follow simple links. A useful source of
historical photographs.
Go to: ‘Transportation/boats’ for free
photographs of paddles in action.
Teacher’s Notes
This activity involves children
stretching an elastic band. There is a
need to carry out a risk assessment for
the activity. See: Safety Information at
the beginning of this Guide. Children
should be warned about the dangers
of overstretching an elastic band when
investigating their model.
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • AskeachgrouptobuildtheirK’NEXPaddle-boatmodel
and allow them some time to investigate how it works.
 • Explainthattheyshouldwindtheelasticbandaround
the axle using the grey end Connector and then release
it to observe how the paddle mechanism works. You
might suggest they think about the following:
   •Whatisthefunctionofthemachine?
   •Whatarethefunctionsofthemovingparts?
   •Howarethemovingpartsmadetomove?
   •Identifyandnamethewheelandaxle.
   •Howquicklydoesthewheelmovewhenreleased?
Whole Class
Using the K’NEX Paddle-boat as an example, demonstrate on
the board how to make simple labelled drawings. Include the
use of arrows to show the direction of movement.
Working in Groups of 2 - 3
 • Askthechildrentorecordtheirobservationsandresults,
using labelled drawings and notes. Arrows should be
included to show the direction of movement. The children
should be encouraged to use the correct vocabulary and
terminology as they describe how the mechanism works.
Whole Class
 • Talkaboutthechildren’sobservations.Encourage
them to use their K’NEX models to demonstrate their
explanations using the correct technical vocabulary.
* What provided the force to turn the wheel and axle?
See: A Quick Guide to Wheels
and Axles for additional information.
Children’s models and work could
be recorded using a digital camera
so enabling the wider use of ICT skills
and practices.
* The energy stored in the
stretched elastic band.
Discuss the difference between the
speed at which the wheels move when
the elastic band is being wound up
compared to when it is released.
The children should notice that it takes
a lot of effort to wind the elastic band
using the axle and the paddle-wheels
rotate slowly. Once released, however,
the paddle-wheels spin very quickly.
The elastic band serves as a “motor”
that provides the turning forces (effort)
to turn the axle and hence the wheel.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 3: The Paddle-boat
Teacher’s Notes
You may find it useful to create a
word wall showing the range of
words and terminology the children
may need as they discuss their
investigations and findings, and for
when they make labelled drawings
and write descriptions. Words could
be written on cards, possibly with
simple descriptors on the reverse side
See: Key Technical Terms and
Scientific Definitions for additional
Depending on the time available, each
group might test only one sized paddle
(5 cm x 5 cm), or a range of different
sized paddles attached to each of the
green rods on the paddle-wheel, to
find the best sized paddle to meet the
design brief.
Alternatively, different groups could
be given a specific paddle size to test.
Paddle sizes ranging from 2 x 2 cm to
5 x 5 cm + could be tried.
The class could then be asked
compare and evaluate their results.
Let’s Investigate -
How well does the paddle-boat work in water?
Whole Class
 • Explaintothechildrenthattheywillnowtesthowwell
their elastic band ‘engine’ and paddle design works.
They can use elastic bands to attach blocks of wood
or expanded polystyrene to their K’NEX model to help
it float. Alternatively, they can cover the hull with
aluminium foil or cling film.
Working in Groups of 2-3 / Demonstration
 • Ifpossible,eachgroupshouldhavetheopportunityto
test how well, or not, their paddle-boat moves through
the water.
 • Discusshowimprovementscouldbemadetothe
paddle-wheel design to help make the paddle-boat
move faster through the water.
 • Providecard,clingfilm(orsheetplastic),scissorsand
a ruler for making paddles.
Some children may find it difficult to understand how the
paddle-wheel can spin faster than the axle to which it is
connected. The children will reason that because they are
connected, they must turn at the same speed.
Try this!
 • Asktwochildrentoholdontoeitherendofalong
pole or broom handle. Both should face in the same
direction. One child is the axle and the other is the
outer edge of the paddle wheel. Ask them to turn in
a circle. As they turn, the child who is the axle must
turn slowly while their partner at the outer edge must
move quickly to keep up.
Teacher’s Notes
Some children may suggest that the
larger paddles will work best because
they will move the fastest or simply
because they are the biggest.
As they will have discovered earlier,
however, in order to turn a large wheel,
very large turning forces will be needed
to turn the axle. Their elastic band
‘engine’ may not be able to deliver
enough turning forces to overcome
the resistance of the water against
which the paddles must push.
The larger paddle-wheel may move
very slowly at first and then move
faster as the initial resistance to the
movement (friction) is overcome.
Smaller paddles will move more eas-
ily, but not as quickly, or push as much
water, as the larger paddle-wheels.
Children often make a similar error
when designing and making powered
vehicles. They frequently use large
wheels and/or connect a large pulley
or wheel directly to a motor. They are
surprised that the vehicle will not move
when put on a surface despite the fact
the wheels turn when they hold it in
their hands.
This is because a small resistance
applied to the wheel, such as the
friction between the wheel and the
desk, (or in the case of their boat,
the resistance of the water), is enough
to cause the motor to stall. With the
frictional force removed, the motor
can generate enough force to turn
the wheel.
Key Fact
 • Toturnalargewheel,verylargeturningforcesmustbe
applied to the axle.
Ask the children to discuss and explain their observations
and their recommendations for the fastest paddle design.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 4: The Steering Wheel
Time: 1.5 hours
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
This lesson may be used to support the QCA/DfES Scheme
of Work Exemplar Materials for:
Design and Technology Unit
6 D: Controllable Vehicles.
Whole Class
 • Basedonthechildren’sfindingsfromearlierlessons,
review how a wheel and axle mechanism can be used
in two different ways:
1. In the K’NEX Well model, a large wheel - the
handle - was used to turn a small axle. This
mechanism required a small effort to produce an
increase in turning forces at the axle and so made
the job of lifting a heavy object easier.
2. In the K’NEX Paddleboat model, a small axle
was used to turn a large wheel. This mechanism
needed a large effort at the axle but only produced
small forces at the wheel rim. The wheel rim,
however, moved much faster than the axle.
 • Explaintothechildrenhow,inthislesson,theywill
investigate the way in which a wheel and axle
mechanism can be used to help control the direction in
which a vehicle travels.
 • Talkabouthowdifferenttypesoftransportcanbe
steered. For example:
   •Boatsandaircraft
   •Bicyclesandtrolleys
   •Cars,trucksandbuses
   •Vehiclestheyhavemadethemselves
   •Trackedvehicles
wheel, axle, linkage,
parallel linkage, parallelogram,
steering, mechanism, faster,
slower, diameter, modify
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles
and Inclined Planes kit with
Building Instructions booklet.
Useful Internet Web Sites:
Demonstrates how a car’s steering
system works. Good background
information for teachers.
For Reference
Macaulay, David. ‘The Way Things
Work.’ Houghton Mifflin Company.
1988. Either the book or CD ROM
is an excellent resource.
Steering Wheels
Answers will vary
Two motors, using forward and
reverse gears
If time permits, allow the children to use
the school library or the Internet
to research these different methods of
controlling the direction of movement.
Encourage them to find pictures of
different types of steering mechanisms
and create a wall display.
Let’s Investigate!
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • AskeachgrouptobuildtheirK’NEXcarmodel(Pages6-8
of the Building Instructions booklet). Remind the children
that there are 3 pages of building instructions for this
model. Limit their building time to 15 – 20 minutes but
ensure that all the groups have time to observe and
investigate the steering mechanism as they push their
vehicles along a desktop or the floor.
 • Toreducebuildingtime,askthechildrentodividethe
building task between them. If they are working in pairs,
for example, one pupil should build Steps 1-5 and the
other, Steps 6-10 before completing the model at Step 11.
 • Thechildrenshoulddiscussandrecordhowthe
mechanism works.
 • Thefollowingquestionsmayhelpguidetheirinvestigation.
You may find it useful to write the questions on the board
as a reference for later class discussions.
* Identify the wheel and the axle. What is their
function in the steering mechanism?
* How does the wheel and axle mechanism cause
the front wheels of the vehicle to turn?
* Is this an example of a wheel turning an axle or
an axle turning a wheel?
* Is it easier to turn the steering mechanism with, or
without, the steering wheel attached?
* The yellow steering wheel and
the blue Rod. The wheel is
turned to make the axle rotate.
* The steering wheel does not
directly turn the wheels of the
vehicle. It turns the steering
column – axle. The axle has an
orange Connector attached to it
and this pivots when the steering
wheel turns. A white Rod
connects the orange Connector
to the steering mechanism.
When the steering wheel is
turned, the steering mechanism
pivots left and right.
* A wheel is turning an axle.
* It is easier to turn with the
steering wheel attached. The
steering wheel has a larger
diameter than the axle and so
helps to increase turning forces.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 4: The Steering Wheel
Teacher’s Notes
The steering mechanism is an
example of a linkage mechanism.
Linkage mechanisms allow (i) forces
and movements to be transferred, (ii)
the direction of a force to be changed,
or (iii) things to be moved in a
particular way.
Calliper brakes on bicycles, treadle
sewing machines and toolbox drawers
that stay level when opened are
examples of linkages.
The K’NEX car steering linkage
is based on a parallelogram. A
parallelogram linkage can be used
to make two sides move together
and stay parallel to each other while
one side (AB) remains fixed. See
diagram: Principle of Parallel Linkage.
In the K’NEX Car model AB is the
front section of the car, (Building Step
6), located between the two upright
white Rods.
Extension Activity
 • Askthechildrentoinvestigatethefollowingquestions,
using the school library and Internet:
   •Doallvehicleshavethesamesized
steering wheels?
   •Howdoesthesizeofthesteeringwheelrelateto
the job a vehicle does? Consider, for example, a
family car, a lorry, a bus, and a Formula 1 racing
or sports car.
Lorries and buses are large, heavy
vehicles with large, heavy wheels
and steering mechanisms. Turning
the wheels on such vehicles requires
a great amount of effort. The steering
wheel for this type of vehicle,
therefore, will have a large diameter
because this needs less effort to turn
than a wheel with a small diameter.
In order to turn the wheels of the
vehicle, however, the large steer-
ing wheel must be turned through a
greater distance than would a smaller
one. Lorries and buses, therefore,
tend to make turns more slowly than
do smaller vehicles. There is also
a safety issue involved here – these
types of vehicles may become
unstable if they try to turn corners too
Talk about how the design of steering wheels must take into
account their intended purpose. Ask the children to explain
the function of the mechanism they have investigated and how
they might modify the design if it was to be used for a racing
car or a large truck.
Teacher’s Notes
Formula 1 racing cars travel at high
speeds and their steering needs to
respond very quickly. At these high
speeds, a smaller steering wheel gives
the driver much greater control over the
car’s direction of movement through
the use of rapid, small hand move-
ments. More effort is needed, however,
to turn a small steering wheel com-
pared to a larger one.
Steering wheels for family cars will fall
between these two sizes.
To help explain how a larger steering wheel must turn through
a greater distance than a small steering wheel…
Try this!
Using dowelling or a wheel, ask the children to make a
mark at one point on its circumference. Place the dowelling
or wheel on a piece of A4 paper, mark the start point on
the paper, roll it until the mark touches the paper again
and then measure the distance between the two marks.
Repeat with a different diameter dowelling or wheel.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
A Quick Guide to Inclined Planes
We know from our experience of walking up
hills that it needs less effort to walk up a gentle
slope than a steep one. In the end, however,
both routes will take us to the top and we will
have climbed the same vertical distance. The
difference lies in the fact that one route will
cover a longer distance than the other, but it
will appear to be easier to accomplish.
Ramps and gentle slopes are examples of
a simple machine called an inclined plane.
A simple machine is a tool that makes it
easier to do things. Using a simple machine
does not change the task to be done; it simply
makes the job easier by changing the way it
can be done. As we noted earlier, to reach
the top of a hill you can take a short, direct
route up a steep slope that requires a lot of
effort on your part, or you can stroll up a much
longer, but gentler route. The second option is
the basis of the inclined plane.
Using ramps to move and raise heavy
objects is not new. The ancient Egyptians
probably used ramps to build their temples
and pyramids.
The same principle is used in a number of
different contexts. Ramps, for example, can
be used to load heavy objects into lorries or
to allow wheel chairs to avoid stairs.
Rather than try to lift the load vertically
onto the back of the lorry, it is much easier
to move it up a ramp.
What does an inclined plane do?
Inclined planes are used to lift a load through a
vertical distance. A load can be lifted vertically
upwards but this will need an effort at least
equal to the weight of the load. An inclined
plane makes the job easier.
Other simple machines such as levers and
pulleys could possibly be used to do this task.
Inclined planes simply give engineers another
tool to use, but the choice of tool to be used
depends on the job to be done.
What are inclined planes used for?
Not all inclined planes come as giant
structures. Their use can be found in many
familiar tools even though, at first sight, some
of these tools do not appear to look like an
‘inclined plane’. Examples include: loading
ramps, stairs, ladders, the cutting blades of
an axe, chisel and knife, spiral staircases,
screws, nuts and bolts, screw-threads in
water taps, bottle tops, car jacks, bench
vices, door stops, ploughs and zip fasteners.
Consider the practical problem of raising a
heavy stone block, weighing several tonnes,
to the top of a pyramid. An inclined plane
was the only practical tool that could have
been used by the ancient Egyptian engineers.
Inclined planes can also be used for
controlling the rate of descent of an object
from a height. The fastest way to descend
from one floor to another is to go straight
down using, for example, a fireman’s pole.
A slower, more controlled descent is achieved
by using an inclined plane – the stairs. The
gentler the slope, the longer the distance
to travel and the longer the time it takes to
negotiate the vertical change in height.
A. Weight of load balanced by floor pushing up.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
A Quick Guide to Inclined Planes
How does an inclined plane work?
Look at the example in the diagram below.
When you push an object along a level
surface (A) all your effort can be used to move
the load through a horizontal distance. (Note:
In reality, friction will come into play.)
When lifting an object vertically (B), gravity is
working entirely against you. All your effort is
put into lifting the object vertically, all the time
working against gravity. In (A), however, the
level surface balances the force of gravity for
you; you contribute nothing to this effort.
Using an inclined plane (C) to raise the load
3 meters will result in the workload being
shared between the surface of the slope
and your effort.
Why does it take less effort to
use an inclined plane?
An object must be moved to a vertical height
of 3m. It can be lifted the 3m vertically but
this would need an effort at least equal to the
weight of the load.
If the load is moved up the inclined plane,
the distance the load will travel will be 12m
but the effort needed to move it will only be
1/4 of that needed to lift it vertically. That
effort, however, must be sustained over a lon-
ger distance - 12m compared to 3m.
In both cases the load has been raised to
a height of 3m; only the way in which it was
done is different.
B. All the effort is expended against gravity.
The gentler the slope, the greater the
contribution made by the slope’s surface to
balancing gravity and the smaller the effort
needed to counter the effect of gravity on the
load. Most of your effort can then be put into
moving the load along the slope. The task of
lifting the load becomes easier.
The steeper the slope, the more effort you
have to contribute to work against gravity,
with correspondingly less effort available
for moving along the slope. The task
becomes harder.
C. Sharing the workload.
Key Facts
 • Aninclinedplanecanbeusedtoliftloads
through vertical distances.
 • Thelongertheslope,thelesseffortis
needed to complete the task, but the
distance over which the effort must be
applied is increased.
 • Aninclinedplaneisanexampleofa
simple machine.
 • Asimplemachineisatoolthatmakesit
easier to do tasks by changing the way
they are done. A simple machine cannot
change the task itself.
 • Inclinedplanescanalsobeusedto
control the rate of descent of an object
from a height.
Different Uses of Inclined Planes
Inclined planes are found not only in ramps
but also, as noted above, in smaller tools.
Many cutting tools, such as knives, chisels,
scissors, axes and forks use a moving inclined
plane or wedge. You are probably familiar with
the door wedge. Look at its shape; it is
typically an inclined plane.
When a wedge is pushed down into an object,
the object it is pushing against is forced apart
sideways in a direction that is at right angles to
the movement of the wedge.
Door wedge: As the door
wedge moves forwards,
the slope pushes upwards
against the door. Friction
stops the wedge sliding
The greater the distance the wedge moves
into the object, the greater are the lateral
forces produced.
The wedge works in exactly the same way as
a ramp but with its sharp end pointing down.
A knife is a thin wedge (gentle slope). Its
action results in a small separation of the two
sides of an object with a small amount of
applied force.
An axe is a fat wedge (steep slope). Its
action causes a large separation of the sides
of the object, but this needs a large amount of
applied force.
Knife blade.
Axe head: Two inclined
planes back-to-back.
Scissors: Two inclined
planes moving in opposite
directions across each
How is a spiral staircase an inclined plane?
Make a right angle triangle by folding and
cutting an A5 sheet of paper across the
long diagonal.
Mark the diagonal, place the marked edge
face down on the desk and roll a pencil
around the paper as shown in the diagram.
The inclined plane now forms a spiral around
the pencil shaft. The same principles apply:
the spiral or screw thread form helps you
apply the effort force over a longer distance,
so reducing the effort force needed to do
a task.
This task can be climbing a flight of stairs,
drilling a hole or inserting a screw into a piece
of wood. The longer the slope, the greater
the number of spirals, and the easier the
task becomes.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
A Quick Guide to Inclined Planes
Not all inclined planes have straight edges. Key facts:
 • Wedgesaremovinginclinedplanes.
 •Thewedgeconceptisusedinmany
cutting tools.
 • Thegreaterthedistancemovedbythe
wedge into the object being cut, the
greater are the separating forces
 • Inclinedplanescanalsobespirals
or screws.
Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings
ramp, inclined plane, simple machine,
mechanism, force, effort, load, vertical
height, distance, gentle, steep, friction,
coarse surface, smooth surface,
lubricant, force meter, Newton
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
The activities in this lesson may be used to support the
QCA/DfES Exemplar Materials for:
Science Units
2E: Forces and Movement
4E: Friction
6E: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
The K’NEX ramps could also be used in the children’s
experiments in the Science Unit 2E: Forces and
Movement to measure distances and make comparisons,
to carry out fair tests, as well as to question and predict
the behaviour of different toys rolling down ramps.
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles and
Inclined Planes kit with Building
Instructions booklet
Felt-tipped pen
Heavy-duty elastic bands
Rulers/tape measures
400 gram masses or other
heavy objects
10N Force meter
Useful Internet Web Sites
(Search >Library for pages on Simple
These web sites contain general
information on Simple Machines
but there are specific references to
inclined planes. http://edheads.org is
a particularly good site with animated
contexts for testing children’s
understanding of key concepts.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Whole Class
 • Askthechildrentotalkabouthowtheymightmove
themselves or heavy objects from a low level to a
higher level.
They may discuss, for example:
* How people reach something much taller than
themselves in a building.
* How people in wheel chairs enter and exit
buildings with high steps.
* How the ancient Egyptians moved heavy blocks
to build the pyramids.
Lesson 5: Ramps
 • Explainhowramps,stairsandladdersare‘tools’that
are used to make it easier to move heavy objects and
people from one level to another. You may want to
sketch Fig. 1 on the board to clarify the discussion.
 • Discusshowladdershavethesteepestslopeand
require the most effort to climb. A long ramp, with a
gentle slope, is much easier to climb, but the distance
you have to travel is much greater than when you use
a ladder.
* Stairs and ladders.
* Ramps.
* They probably used ramps.
Ladder Stairs Ramp
Fig. 1
 • Askthechildrentotalkaboutandcomparetheir
experiences of walking up steep hills, over gentle
slopes, and along flat surfaces.
 • Explainhowramps,stairsandladdersareallexamples
of a simple machine called an ‘inclined plane’.
Teacher’s Notes
Simple machines are exactly what their
name implies - simple ‘tools’
that make it easier for us to make
something move. Simple machines
cannot reduce the amount of work
that needs to be done, but they enable
us to change the way in which the
work is done. For example, walking
directly up a steep hill offers the
shortest route but usually requires a
large amount of effort. Taking a less
direct, less steep route, however,
requires less effort and will still get
you to the top of the hill, albeit by a
longer route. Inclined planes make it
easier to move a heavy load through
a vertical distance. Levers and
pulleys are examples of other simple
machines that will also undertake
this task.
See: A Quick Guide to Inclined
Planes for additional information.
Let’s Investigate - Ramps!
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • Explaintothechildrenthattheywillinvestigatehow
ramps (inclined planes) make it easier for people to
move heavy loads from one height to another. In this
lesson they will provide scientific data to a group of
ancient Egyptian engineers who have to implement
the design for the Pharaoh’s pyramid. Everyone agrees
that using a ramp is the best method to move the heavy
blocks for the pyramid, but the engineers cannot agree
on using a steep slope or a gentle slope to get the work
done in time. One group thinks a shorter, steeper slope
is best because the blocks only have to be moved a
short distance, while another group wants a longer,
gentler slope because the heavy building blocks will be
easier to move using fewer people. Which way is best?
 • Thechildren’staskistoprovidetheinformationthatwill
help determine which type of ramp to use. They have
two K’NEX ramps to use in their tests: one is steep and
one is long. A 400 gram weight, or other heavy object,
represents one of the stone blocks.
 • AskeachgrouptobuildtheirK’NEXramps,(Pages9,
10 and 11 of the Building Instructions), but before
starting their tests the children must first decide:
* How they will carry out a ‘fair test’ to determine
which type of ramp should be used.
* What they will need to measure and how they will
record their results?
* How they will measure the forces used to pull their
‘loads’ up the slope.
* How they will determine that using a ramp makes it
easier to move a load through a vertical height.
* For example: both ramps must
be built to the same height.
* The vertical height of the ramp,
the length of the ramp and the
force needed to pull the ramp
up the slope.
* The children could use a
heavy-duty elastic band or a
10N Force meter to pull their
loads up the ramp.
* The children should measure
the force needed to lift the load
vertically to a height that is
level with the top of the ramp.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
* One measurement is not
enough. The children should
be encouraged to think about
being able to reproduce their
results. At least three readings
should be taken on each test.
* How many measurements they will need to take?
Lesson 5: Ramps
Building Tips
1: To complete Step 7 for the Long Ramp, slide the first
section of the ramp over the yellow Connectors. Then
slip the white joining plate (technical term = biscuit) into
the end of the first section of the ramp. Finally, slide the
second section of ramp over the yellow Connectors and
the joining plate until the gap between the plates is closed.
2: Make sure the children construct both versions of the
model so that the bottom end of the black plastic ramp
touches the desktop. The models are designed to move
an object through the same vertical distance and to ensure
this happens, correct positioning of the black plastic ramp
on the support structure is critical.
 • Askeachgrouptodiscusstheirobservationsand
results. With the help of labelled diagrams and the
use of correct vocabulary and terminology, they should
describe and explain their findings.
 • Theyshouldincludetheirrecommendationsto
the engineers as to the best type of ramp. Their
recommendation should make use of the
word ‘because…’
Measuring forces: A force meter
can be used to give measurements
in Newtons. If force meters are not
available then heavy-duty elastic
bands could be used. The amount
the elastic band stretches when the
load is pulled up the ramp could give
a non-standard measurement of the
force required to move it.
The weight of the load may have to be
reduced if heavy-duty elastic bands
are not available. A risk assessment on
using elastic bands with specific age
groups should be made first. Please
review the safety recommenda-
tions provided at the beginning of this
Teacher’s Guide.
Measuring height and length:
The children should be encouraged to
observe that the vertical height moved
by the loads in all three cases is the
same, but the distances moved along
the length of the ramps are different.
Protractors also could be used to
measure the slope angles.
They should also note that the least
force (effort) is required to move
the load up the gentle slope but the
load moves the greatest distance.
The vertical lift moves the shortest
distance, but requires the greatest
effort. In both cases the job to be
done is the same.
The use of the ramp reduces the
effort needed to move the load but
that effort must be exerted over a lon-
ger distance. The steeper the
ramp becomes, the greater the
effort needed to move the load, but
the shorter the distance involved.
Teacher’s Notes
Liquid soap is a good lubricant
to use with plastic as it washes
off easily. Avoid using near
electrical components.
The coarse cloth creates a rough
surface that increases the amount of
friction between the surface of the
load and the surface of the ramp.
More force, or effort, is needed to
move the load when the amount of
friction is increased.
The trolley uses freely rotating wheels
to reduce the amount of friction, as
does the use of a lubricant. Less
effort will be needed to move the load
up the ramp.
Extension Activity 2 - Investigating friction
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • Askthechildrentorepeattheirinvestigationinorderto
find out how friction affects movement on an inclined
plane. They could modify their ramps in the
following ways:
   •Covertherampsurfacewithcoarseclothor
similar material.
   •Useawheeledtrolley/toytomovetheload.
   •Useliquidsoapasalubricant(tosimulatewet
mud and/or oil).
Extension Activity 1 - The effects of friction
Whole class
* Ask the children to describe the surface of the
K’NEX Ramp and explain how this surface affects
the movement of an object over it.
* The ramp has a smooth plastic
slope. This makes it easier to
pull an object up the slope.
 • Discusshowfrictionmightaffecttheabilityofworkers
to pull the heavy stones up the ramp.
 • Wouldmoreorlesseffortbeneededtopullthestones
up the ramp if the surface was not perfectly smooth?
 • Howmighttheyovercometheeffectsoffriction?
Ask the children to discuss and explain their
observations and their recommendations to the pyramid-
building engineers.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 6: The Splitting Wedge
Time: 1.5 hours
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
learn how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings
wedge, inclined plane, force, effort,
sideways, distance, force, increased,
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles
and Inclined Planes kit with
Building Instructions booklet
A4 Paper
Felt-tipped pen
Adhesive tape or dot stickers
4 large books (optional)
You will need:
A collection of tools that incorporate
wedges into their design. For
example: knife, doorstop, hand axe,
chisel and scissors.
Apple/piece of cheese/piece of wood
Magnifying glass
Useful Internet Web Sites
The University of Houston archive of
lessons. Search >Collections >Science
> Simple Machines >Wedge.
For Reference
Macaulay, David. ‘The Way Things
Work.’ Houghton Mifflin Company.
1988. Either the book or CD ROM is
an excellent source of information.
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Whole Class
 • Reviewthepreviouslessoninwhichthechildren:
(i) discussed how less effort is needed to stroll up a
gentle slope than to climb up a steep one, and
(ii) discovered how ramps (inclined planes) make it
easier to lift a heavy load through a vertical distance
by reducing the effort needed. The load, however,
must be moved over a greater distance.
Whether the load has to be lifted vertically or pulled
or pushed up a long ramp (inclined plane) to a given
height, the job to be done in both cases is exactly the
same. The only difference is in the way it is done.
 • Explainthat,inthislesson,thechildrenwillinvestigate
how ‘inclined planes’ are found in many commonly used
tools that are used to cut or split objects.
 • Askthechildrenhoweasy,ordifficult,itmaybeto(i)
pull apart and (ii) tear apart a piece of paper using only
their hands. One or two children could be asked to try
this for themselves.
Teacher’s Notes
They will find it very difficult to pull
apart the sheet of paper because
paper is strong when under tension,
or stretching forces, but it is easy to
tear. Tearing, however, produces very
ragged edges.
 • Demonstratehowusingscissorsnotonlymakescutting
paper very simple – the edges of the scissors are sharp
- but also allows them to cut paper accurately in lines
or curves.
The cutting edges of the scissor
blades resemble two opposing knife
blades moving across each other. As
the blades slice down and up through
the paper, the separated pieces move
sideways. Use the magnifying glass to
show the children the wedge shaped
blade edges.
 • Talkabouthowothercuttingtoolsworkinsimilarways.
 • Youmaywanttopersonallydemonstratehowaknife
cuts through an apple or a piece of cheese, or how a
hand-axe can be used to split a thin piece of wood.
Use caution regarding splinters that may be caused by
the splitting of the wood. Ask the children to carefully
observe what happens.
As the axe or knife moves downwards,
the object splits and the separated
parts move sideways away from the
blade (wedge).
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 6: The Splitting Wedge
 • Explaintotheclasshowthesetoolsarealsoexamples
of inclined planes.
 • Drawtheprofilesofthedifferenttoolsontheboardand
compare their shapes to the inclined plane investigated
previously. For example:
Knife blade.
Axe head: Two inclined
planes back-to-back.
Scissors: Two inclined
planes moving in
opposite directions
across each other.
Teacher’s Notes
A wedge used in a cutting tool acts
like a moving inclined plane. Instead
of the object being moved up the
inclined plane, the plane itself makes
the object move.
The same principle applies: the
wedge moves a greater distance
into the object than the sideways
movement of the cut side. The
sideways cutting forces, therefore,
are greatly increased.
Optional Activity
 • Askthechildrentofindexamplesofmachinesthat
use inclined planes or wedges in their mechanisms.
They should describe and explain how they work,
using labelled drawings and text. For example: zip
fasteners, ploughs and locking systems. You may
want to suggest that they investigate how a wedge
is used to ‘lock’ the wooden handle into the
metal head of a hammer or axe.
Let’s Investigate – How Wedges Work!
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • AskthechildrentobuildtheK’NEXSplittingWedge
model (Pages 12-13 of the Building Instructions).
 • Askthemtoplanhowtheywillmakethetwo
components of the K’NEX model when given only
10 minutes to complete the task.
 • Tohelpthechildren’sobservations,askthemtomark
the two halves of their K’NEX ‘log’ and the tip of their
wedge with dot stickers or adhesive tape.
 • Askthechildrentoobserveandrecordwhathappens
when the wedge is pushed into the K’NEX ‘log’.
   • Inwhichdirectiondoes(i)thepointofthewedge
and (ii) the sides of the ‘log’ move?
   • Whichmovesthegreaterdistance,thepointof
the wedge or the sides of the ‘log’?
   • (Optional)WhyistheirK’NEXwedgeanexample
of an ‘inclined plane’? You may want to suggest
that they turn their model on its side and compare
the wedge, as it moves into the ‘log’, with the
ramp they investigated in the previous lesson.
Whole Class
 • Discussthechildren’sobservationsandfindings.
 • Askthechildrentorecordtheirobservationsandresults.
Making use of the correct vocabulary, they should write
notes to explain how the mechanism works. They
should also include annotated diagrams, with arrows to
show the direction of movement of the different parts.
Teacher’s Notes
The children should note:
The sides of the ‘log’ move at
right angles to the movement of
the wedge.
The point of the wedge moves a
greater distance than either side of
the split ‘log’. The more they push
down, the more the log separates.
The sideways forces generated
from the action of the wedge can
be very large.
The K’NEX wedge model is really
two inclined planes arranged
back-to-back. This is similar to
an axe head.
To promote the wider use and
application of ICT skills and practices,
the children’s models and work might
be recorded using a digital camera.
Alternative Investigation
Working in Groups of 2-3
   • Askeachgrouptostackfourheavybooksontop
of each other. Using just the fingertips of one hand,
they should take turns lifting up two of the books.
Ask the children to notice how this feels.
   • Theyshouldthenrepeattheactivityusingthe
K’NEX splitting wedge to lift the same two books.
As they tap in the wedge they should notice in
which direction the books move. They should also
compare how easy, or difficult, it was to lift the
books with the wedge compared to their fingertips.
   • Askthemtorepeattheexperimentoncemore,this
time lifting all four books. What do they notice?
   • Thechildrenshouldrecordtheirobservationsand
include a labelled diagram.
The children should notice that it is
more difficult to lift the books using
their fingertips than it is using the
wedge, especially when they try to
lift all four books. As the wedge is
inserted, the books move at right
angles to the movement of the wedge.
Can wooden wedges be used to
split solid rock?
Yes, surprisingly! From very early
times, quarry workers hammered
dry wooden wedges into cracks in
rock and then soaked the wedges
with water. The wedges expanded,
generating enormous sideways
forces that were large enough to
split the rocks.
Ask children to discuss and explain their observations.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 7: The Hand Drill
Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives - Children should learn:
learn how they work
mechanisms through labelled drawings
inclined plane, spiral, vertical, linear
motion, rotate, groove, slope,
diagonal, right angled triangle, screw
Each group of 2-3 children
will need:
1 K’NEX Understanding
Mechanisms: Wheels and Axles
and Inclined Planes kit with Building
Instructions booklet
A5 Paper
Pencil (full length) or an equivalent
length of thin dowelling
Felt-tipped pens
A range of tools and components
that have screw mechanisms
Hand drill and drill bits
Small coffee tin or similar container
(approximately 9 cm diameter)
6 table tennis balls or small
polystyrene or similar balls
For Reference
Macaulay, David. ‘The Way Things
Work.’ Houghton Mifflin Company.
1988. Either the book or CD ROM is
an excellent source of information.
Possible Teaching and Learning Activities
Whole Class
* Talk about the children’s experiences using a
spiral staircase or spiral water slide. Would it take
them longer to go into the water using the slide or
jumping off a diving board? Why?
* They have to travel a much
longer distance using the slide
than if they jumped straight
down from the diving board.
 • Askwhytheythinkfiremenslidedownapoleto
reach their fire engines in emergencies and not a spiral
staircase or spiral slide?
Teacher’s Notes
Going vertically down the pole is the
fastest route. A spiral staircase would
take too long because it is a longer
distance than the vertical slide down
the pole.
Explain to the class that using a spiral
allows a gentler descent and an easier
way to go up when compared to
going straight up or down. The verti-
cal distance they travel is the same in
both cases; the only difference is the
route they take.
Remind the children that they explored
this concept when they investigated
the ramp. They discovered it requires
less effort to go up a gentle slope
than a very steep one although, to
reach the same height, the gentler
slope will involve travelling over a
longer distance.
Let’s Investigate – Changing a slope into a spiral.
Working in pairs (or whole class demonstration)
Each pair will need an A5 sheet of
paper, felt-tipped pen, ruler, scissors,
pencil or thin dowelling.
 • Askthechildrentocompletethefollowing:
1. Fold an A5 sheet of paper across a long diagonal from
corner to corner; then cut the paper along the fold line
to make 2 right angle triangles.
2. Use a felt-tipped pen to draw a thick line along the long
diagonal edge they have just cut.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 7: The Hand Drill
* An inclined plane.
* Ask the children to describe the shape made by the
marked edge.
* A spiral.
* What other familiar objects do they know that have
this shape and what are they used for?
Teacher’s Note’s:
Make a list on the board of the
objects and their function. For
example: Screws, nuts and bolts,
hand drill bits, cork screws, screw
tops for bottles and jars, water tap,
bench vice.
Whole class
 • Demonstratehowtosafelyusethetypeofhanddrillthe
children may use in Design and Technology lessons.
 • Askifitwouldbeeasytopushanailorscrewordrillbit
into a piece of wood by hand? Why or why not?
 • Askthechildrentoobservehowthehanddrillworks.
* What type(s) of movement does the handle make?
* What type(s) of movement does the drill bit make?
* Circular or rotary motion.
* The drill bit rotates and cuts
vertically down through the
wood. The movement through
the wood is linear motion.
* How are the wood shavings removed from the
hole by the drill?
* They travel up the spiral groove
in the drill.
3. Measure and record the length of the marked edge.
* Ask what the shape of the right angle
triangle resembles.
4. Place the paper on the desktop so that the
marked edge is face down.
5. Place the pencil or dowelling along the short vertical
edge and roll the paper around it.
6. Measure the length of the pencil/dowelling covered
by paper.
7. Compare the length of the pencil/dowelling covered by
paper with the length of the marked edge of the paper.
Teacher’s Note’s:
If resources permit, allow the
children to investigate, first hand,
the structure of a real drill bit,
especially noting the spiral grooves
that run along its length.
Please refer to the Safety Guidelines
in this guide to ensure adequate
safety measures are taken.
A hand drill usually has a small gear
wheel turning a larger gear wheel
that turns the drill bit. The gear
arrangement of a small gear wheel
turning a large gear wheel makes it
easier to turn the drill bit in the wood.
Working in Groups of 2-3
 • ExplainhowthechildrenwillmakeaK’NEXmodelofa
drill bit to investigate how it works.
 • Beforestartingtobuildtheirmodel,askeachgroupto
plan how they will make the two components of the
K’NEX model if they are given only 10 minutes to
complete the task.
 • Alloweachgrouptimetoinvestigatehowthedesignof
their hand drill might work.
* What is the shape made by the yellow
Flexi-rod edges?
* Which is longer, the yellow Flexi-rod edge or the
drill length?
* Double spiral.
• Eachgroupshouldhaveanopportunitytotrytheir
K’NEX hand drill mechanism by ‘drilling’ into a coffee
tin filled with polystyrene or table tennis balls.
* Some balls will be pushed up
and out of the tin.
* What happens to the balls?
The drill will work better if the coffee
tin is turned over to one side. When
‘drilling’ into the can, the balls are
pushed up and out of the can along
the drill bit’s spiral edge. The same
thing happens when a drill bit makes
a hole in wood. The waste materials
cut by the chisel-like tip are
channelled away along the screw
shaped grooves.
* Flexi-rod edges.
The path of the spiral is upwards,
just like any inclined plane. The only
difference is that this inclined plane
spirals around the shaft of the drill.
The same inclined plane rules apply.
While the drill bit only moves a short
distance into the wood, the drill bit,
itself, has rotated through a much
greater distance. This requires less
effort than trying to push the drill bit
directly into the wood.
Extension Activity (Optional)
 • UsingtheschoollibraryandInternetthechildren
should investigate the Archimedes’ Screw to learn
about its design and how it worked. Their research
should discover how it was used 2000 years ago and
how it is used to day.
 • Workinginsmallgroups:
Design and make an Archimedes’ Screw, using the
K’NEX kit, that can raise table tennis or small
polystyrene balls from a coffee tin.
The Archimedes’ Screw consists
of a screw inside a cylinder with an
opening at each end and a handle to
turn the screw. When one end of the
screw is lowered into a body of water
and the handle at the other end is
turned, water enters the screw at
the lower end and is moved up the
spiral, exiting at the top end. Today,
Archimedes’ Screws continue to be
used for irrigation purposes when
water must be raised to a higher
level, but they can also be found,
for example, in machines that trans-
fer grain and as devices for removing
rubble from excavation sites.
Augers are a form of Archimedes’
screw. The Combine Harvester makes
use of several Archimedes’ type
screw mechanisms.
Source: American Museum of Natural History
Ask the children to record their observations and results.
Making use of the correct vocabulary, they should write
notes to explain how the mechanism works. They should
also include labelled diagrams, with arrows to show the
direction of movement of the different parts.
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Lesson 7: The Hand Drill
Extension Activity 2 – Design and Make Class Challenge
Working in small groups:
 • Askthechildrentousetheirknowledgeofhowobjects
move up and down inclined planes, to design and make
a system for a table tennis ball to take the longest time
to descend from a height of 30cm.
The groups can use K’NEX kits and any other materials
made available in their classroom.
Choose some models to share with the class and ask the
children to describe:
 • Thereasonsbehindtheirdesign.
“We did this because…”
 • Whytheirdesignworkswell.
 • Whatpartsoftheirdesigntheyarepleasedwith.
 • Whatteststheycarriedouttoevaluatetheirdesign
against the design brief?
Useful Internet Site:
This list of key terms is intended as background information.
While we recognize that some of these terms are not fundamental
to National Curriculum requirements for Key Stage 2 Design and
Technology and Science, we have nevertheless included them here
to help you better understand some of the concepts investigated in
the K’NEX Understanding Mechanisms kits.
A simple tool used to make jobs easier to do. For example, a lever allows you to apply a
small force to move a much larger load. Try pulling a nail out of a piece of wood without a
claw hammer. A claw hammer uses the lever principle in its design. Other examples of simple
machines are wheels and axles, pulleys, inclined planes or ramps, wedges, and screws.
Simple machines can be used to increase forces or change the direction of a force needed to
make an object move. They are simple because they transfer energy in a single movement.
Simple machines make it easier for you to do jobs by changing the way in which jobs can be
done; they cannot change the job to be done. For example, you can load a heavy object onto
the back of a lorry by lifting it the short vertical distance – a process that will require a lot of
effort. Alternatively, you can take the take the longer but easier route up a ramp with the object.
Either way, the job is done.
In science, when an object is moved by a force work is said to have been done. Simple
machines make it easier for you to do work. Some simple machines allow a small force to
move a large load and are called force amplifiers. For example: crowbars and wheelbarrows.
Other simple machines can be used to convert small, slow movements into large, faster
movements. Such machines are distance or speed amplifiers. A fishing rod used to cast a
hook, or a mediaeval throwing machine, such as a trebuchet, are examples of this application.
These have two or more simple machines working together in their mechanism. For example,
two 1st Class levers make up a pair of scissors, or pliers, while a complex car engine may be
made from several hundred mechanisms.
Work is a scientific concept and is only done when a force moves an object in the same
direction as the applied force.
If you push against an object and it does not move then, from a scientific point of view, you
will not have done any work. For example, no matter how hard you push in an attempt to
move a car while its brakes are on, you will have not done any work if it has not moved. Once,
however, the brakes have been released and the car starts to move, then you will be doing
work. The amount of work you do depends on the magnitude of the force you apply and the
distance you move the object.
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
Work = Force x Distance moved by the object in the direction of the force
W = F x d
If the force is measured in newtons (symbol N) and the distance is in metres (m) then the
work done (W) is measured in newton metres (Nm).
The SI unit of work is the joule (J) and 1 joule = 1 newton metre.
A force is a push or a pull which, when applied to an object, can make it change shape, move
faster or slower, or change direction. You cannot see forces but you can feel or see their
A force has both size and direction. The size of a force is measured in newtons (N) and can be
measured using spring balances called force meters or Newton meters.
The force you apply to move one part of a simple machine, i.e. the input force that is applied
to a simple machine, or mechanism, to make it do work. With a wheel and axle simple machine,
the effort force can be applied to either the wheel, or the axle, in order to make the other part
move. Think of a waterwheel being turned by a millstream or a car axle driving the road wheels.
The function of a simple machine, or mechanism, is to transfer the force both to the location
and in the direction in which it is needed to move the load.
The weight of an object to be moved or the resistance that must be overcome before an
object can be moved.
The resistance can be the frictional forces in a mechanism itself or simply the friction between
two surfaces.
The force that works against the effort. It could be either the weight of the object to be moved
and/or frictional forces.
The force that occurs when two surfaces rub against each other. Friction tends to slow things
down, which means it can be both beneficial and unhelpful. For example: friction is beneficial in
the case of brakes applied to the wheels of cars and bicycles to slow them down, but friction
between surfaces can also cause wear - tyres wear out. Rough surfaces increase friction, while
smooth surfaces reduce it.
Friction also generates heat. You can feel this when you rub your hands together quickly.
Most machines are designed to make jobs easier to do. For example, a wheelbarrow that
allows you to move a heavy load of soil or a winch used to lift a heavy object. When a
machine enables you to use a small effort to move a large load, that machine has given you
a “mechanical advantage” you would not otherwise have had. How large or small a mechanical
advantage a machine provides can be measured by comparing the load you can move with
the effort you used to move it.
The calculation used is:
The mathematical calculation indicates how many times the machine multiplies the effort force.
For example, if a machine allowed you to move a load of 300N using a 100N effort force, the
mechanical advantage of the machine will be 3:1 or simply 3.
If the value of the MA is greater than 1 then your machine allows you to move a large load using
an effort force less than that of the load. Does this mean you can get something for nothing?
Can you get more from less? Unfortunately this is not the case. While a high MA value means
you can use less effort force than that of the load to be moved, the distance moved by the effort
will be much greater than that moved by the load. This is the trade-off.
Remember, simple machines and mechanisms can make it easier to do a job by changing
the way in which the job is done; they do not change the actual job to be done. The work
needed to be done will always remain the same, so that to move a load, you can use a large
effort applied over a short distance, or a small effort applied over a longer distance. It all
balances out in the end.
Although designed and made to do different jobs and make jobs easier to do, all mechanisms
share some common features.
Mechanical Advantage (MA) = Load
Key Terms and Scientific Definitions
wheels and axles and inclined planes
website: www.knexeducation.co.uk
One form of motion (input) can be converted into another (output) through the use of
a mechanism (process).
Lever: A rigid beam, bar or rod that turns, or rotates, about a fixed point called the
fulcrum. For example: a child’s seesaw.
Wheel and axle: A round disk (wheel) with a rod (axle) rigidly connected through the
centre of the wheel so that they both turn together. A wheel can be used to turn an axle
or an axle can be used to turn a wheel. For example: a winch raising a bucket from a well.
The wheel can be a solid, circular disk, such as a car wheel, but it can also be the circular
path made by a handle that turns, such as a lever rotating around a fixed point.
Gear: This is not a simple machine but it could be thought of as a wheel with teeth
around its outer rim. Gears are used to transfer motion and force from one location to
another, change the direction of rotational motion and amplify the force applied to do a job.
Rotary: This can be seen in the movement of car, bicycle and gear
wheels and in Ferris wheels or carousels as they go round and round
on an axis. It is the most commonly occurring type of motion in
a mechanism.
Oscillating: This is an alternating, or swinging to and fro, type of
motion. It can be observed in car windscreen wipers, children’s
swings or in pendulums as they move backwards and forwards in an
Linear: This is motion occurring in a straight line, in one direction.
Examples include the linear movement of a paper trimmer, a sliding
lock, or a conveyor belt.
Reciprocating: This involves an alternate backward and forward
motion, in a straight line, as in the movement of a sewing machine
needle or the pistons of a car engine.
4 basic forms of motion are used in mechanisms:
Pulley: A wheel with a groove in its outer rim that spins freely on an axle. A rope,
cable, or chain runs in the wheel’s groove and may be attached to a load. As the wheel
turns, the rope moves in either direction so that a pull down on one side will raise an object
on the opposite side of the wheel.
Fixed Pulley: A pulley attached to a solid surface; it does not move when the rope
is pulled, other than to turn in place. Fixed pulleys change the direction of an
applied force.
Movable Pulleys: A pulley attached directly to the load being lifted; it moves
when the rope is pulled.
Combination Pulleys: A series of fixed and movable pulleys used together to gain
the advantages of both in doing the work.
Block and Tackle: A specific combination of fixed and movable pulleys used to lift
very heavy objects; the block is the frame holding the pulleys; the tackle is the rope
or cable.
Inclined Plane: A flat surface with one end higher than the other. The most recognisable
form of an inclined plane is a ramp. Ramps make it easier to move from one height
to another.
Screw: A shaft (body) that has an inclined plane spiralling around it. The inclined plane
forms ridges (threads) around the shaft to become another simple machine: the screw. It
can be used to lift objects or fasten two things together.
Wedge: A device made of two inclined planes arranged back-to-back. Instead of
moving up the slope, wedges themselves move to push things apart. Wedges are
inclined planes that move pointed-end first and are used in many cutting tools such as
axes, knives and chisels.

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