tons and then press F4 (FUNCTION) followed by F7 (DEMIX). Example: Suppose you have
recorded an internal style on track 01 and you want to change the bass round. By using the
Demix function, the events on the bass channel will be transferred to a separate track (e.g. track
number 5 since by default the bass plays on channel number 5). At this point, select track 05
which contains the information about the bass alone. The Chan. column highlights the number
of the demixed channel. The track can be deleted and recorded again, it can be edited, etc. and
you can be sure that the operations will concern only the bass.
MIXDOWN: This function allows you to mixdown the contents of one or more tracks unto a track.
The original midi channels of the events will be maintained.
To select the tracks that you want to mix, use the Cursor <> or Page <> buttons, then press F8
(MIXDOWN) to show that the track will be mixed. Note. Only initialized tracks (status ‘i’) can
be selected.
When you press MIXDOWN, an ‘M’ will appear in the status column. Once all the tracks to be
mixed have been selected, press F10 (Execute). A window will appear in the middle of the
display; us the Value -/+ buttons to choose the end track. By pressing F10 (Execute), all the
tracks that have been selected for mixage will be mixed down unto the end track. The original
tracks will be lost forever.
VELOCITY/TRANSPOSER: This function affects only note events.
It allows you to:
a) Transpose notes (in semitones) so that you may for example change the tone of a sequence or
re-establish the natural interval of a musical instrument.
b) Change the velocity, i.e. the volume in general of each note, to achieve improved performance.
Access the menu by pressing F4 (FUNCTION) and then F9 (VELOCITY/TRANSP.). The display
will show the selected running track on which changes will be made and the FROM -> TO posi-
tion locators outlining the temporal interval where the operation will be performed.
The two fields VELOCITY, TRANSPOSER are in the lower part of the display. Use the Cursor <>
buttons to select the locators and the VELOCITY or TRANSPOSER controls. Controls can be
accessed directly also by pressing the F5 button. Use the Value -/+ buttons to change the values.
If you set FROM: 1 1 1
TO: 4 1 1
The first 3 bars of the running track will be raised by one octave, while the velocity will be lowe-
red by 23 (less volume for every note).
MASTER TRACK: The MASTER TRACK is the track on which all bar, signature and exclusive mes-
sages controlling parameters such as effects, lyrics, etc. are recorded. Press F4 (FUNCTION) and
then F4 (MASTER TRACK) again to access the master track from the main menu. The recorded
events are shown in the center of the display.
Position: gives you the position of the events (bars, quarters, steps)
Tempo: performance tempo
Signature: musical division
ExcMsg: exclusive messages of other producers