In general: F0H, 26H, 7BH, 0BH, 00H, Part, Effect, F7H
By entering in the boxes 26H 7BH 0BH 00H 00H 02h, the distorsor will go on part 0 (See table
0 Preset (right)
1 2nd Voice (right)
2 Lower1 (left)
3 Lower2 (left)
4 Bass (left)
5 Chord1 (left)
6 Chord2 (left)
7 Chord3 (left)
8 Groove (left)
9 Drum (left)
10 Chord5 (left)
11 Program voice1 (right)
12 Program voice2 (right)
13 Program voice3 (right)
14 Program voice4 (right)
Effect 00h no effect
01h Leslie
02h Distorsor
03h Chorus
04h Delay
05h Delay + Chorus
06h Distorsor + Chorus
07h Distorsor + Delay
08h Distorsor + Delay + Chorus
Press F10 to save the message, F5 to cancel the operation. NOTE. The message is always added to
the master track; therefore, if you want it to replace another message, you will first have to delete
the old one.
Master track DELETE EVENT: Pressing F4 will immediately delete the selected event (without
confirmation request) from the master track.
Master track INS/MOD TEMPO: It allows you to insert/modify tempo events.Press F2 to open
the edit window. Use the Cursor <> buttons to access the Position and Value fields, and the Value
-/+ buttons to perform changes. Press F10 to execute, F5 to cancel.
Master track INS/MOD SIGNATURE: It allows you to insert/modify signature events. Press F3 to
open the edit window. Use the Cursor <> buttons to access the Position and Value fields, and the
Value -/+ buttons to perform changes. Press F10 to execute, F5 to cancel.
Master track LYRIC: Press F8 to access the LYRIC page where you can insert lyric events in the