F8 Bas Octav: The parameter indicates the +/- transposition by two octaves of the bass timbre and is modified using the
push buttons.
F9 Ped. Board: This function must be enabled by pressing the relevant function button in order to use the optional pedal board con-
trolling the arranger performance. For further information please see the section dedicated to the pedal-board.
F10 Bass To Pb: If a pedal-board is connected, activating this function with the relevant function button and with
MMaannuuaall BBaassss
bled, the pedal-board allows you to play the bass timbre of the Style, independently from the Arranger, while on the
keyboard part to the left of the split point you may still play the Arranger chord.
F1 4SW. Mode:
This activates the chords acknowledgement mode on the
pedalboard. For further details, please refer to the end of
this chapter.
F2 Bass Lock: Activating this, the Bass sounds are 'locked', i.e. the
voice used for the bass remains the same, even if you
change from the current style to another.
F3 Lower Lock: Activating this, the Lower sounds are 'locked', i.e. the
voice used for the Lower voices remains the same, even
if you change the Style.
F4 Tempo Step: If selected with the relevant function push button and
modified with the
push buttons, this function allows you to define the value by which the Tempo is to
be increased or decreased by each single press of the
) push button.
F5 Sync Time: This can be modified using the
buttons and allows you to define after how many milliseconds exactly
the Arranger continues playing with the
button activated and the chord played. If a chord is played for a
period of time that is shorter than the value set,
terminates the execution of the Style. In those musical
styles requiring quick intervals (like for the Tango) values around 150 milliseconds are recommended, in the slower
ones like the 16 Beats a value of about 500 or 600 milliseconds are recommended. Pressing the push buttons
together, you restore the standard value of 250 milliseconds.
F6 Chord Mode: Pressing repeatedly the
function button modifies the chord acknowledgement mode, choosing among the fol-
lowing four possibilities:
FFiinnggeerreedd 11
acknowledges the chord only according to the notes actually played in the very moment, so that
even chords made up of two notes are acknowledged if one single note is released after playing a three notes
chord, with the other two notes still pressed down, even with HOLD activated.
FFiinnggeerreedd 22
is similar to Fingered 1, but keeps all the notes of the chord played in memory. If in a chord of three
notes only one is released, the chord will remain still the original one.
EEaassyy 11
performs a chord with a minimum of notes. If for example you play only the keynote, you obtain a major
chord; adding the third minor you create a minor chord, playing the seventh with the keynote you obtain a
seventh chord.
EEaassyy 22
is similar to Easy 1 but acknowledges also chords to which further notes are added in addition to the
original ones, avoiding that you need to replay the hole chord again.
F7 Touch Assign: This is used to assign one of the twelve groups of One Touch to the Style in use. When the Style is selected again later,
the SD5 will automatically load the One Touch group assigned to it.
F8 Touch Style: When enabled, when the Style is selected, one of the twelve One Touch groups is also simultaneously pulled up. In
this way you may program first the single One Touch groups with the sounds that are most suitable for the specific
musical genre, and then you may assign the specific group to the Style you are modifying.
F9 Auto Fill: With Auto Fill feature activate SD5 will assign relative Fill in conjunction to arranger button (A, B, C, D). Break feature
will be assign to arrange D button.
F10 Bass Accordion: Manual bass will be forced (or unforced) in accordion mode in conjunction to automatic arrangement status.
NNoorrmmaall ::
manual bass will be active when automatic arrangement will be in Stop position.
manual bass will be deactivate in Stop position.
From the main page of the display you can access five pages, using
FF55 AArrrraannggee VViieeww
, to modify timbres, volumes, reverbs, effects, pan and mute