The DSPs of the DG 90 are capable of producing Reverb, Chorus, Delay and Modulation effects that can be applied to the Upper and Lower parts,
to the accompaniment tracks and to external audio signals. The DG 90 employs up to three DSPs to generate the global Reverb; and for the
Upper parts, an additional three groups of Chorus, Delay and Distorsor effects that can work both in parallel and in series in Programs and in
parallel for the automatic accompaniment tracks and the Lower parts.
The assignment of the Delay, Chorus and Distorsion effects is done in the Arrange View menu for the automatic accompaniment tracks and the
Lower parts. For the Right section the assignment of the effects is done from the F2 Effect menu or using the Programs.
To access the effects menu from the main page press F2 Effect.
The Effects menu is composed of the following:
FF11 GGlloobbaall RReevveerrbb
: This is the Reverb assigned to the whole keyboard and to the whole tone generator, despite the single parts. The value (mod-
ified using the VALUE +/- push buttons) establishes the amount of the Reverb applied.
FF22 RRiigghhtt RReevveerrbb
: This is used to specify the quantity of Reverb to be applied separately to the Right part of the keyboard that is dedicated
to the lead. The value is modified using the VALUE +/- push buttons.
FF33 RReevveerrbb TTyyppee
: This is used to choose the Reverb algorithm among Room, Studio, Club, Hall, Theatre, Stage, Arena. To choose the type of
algorithm use the VALUE +/- push buttons.
FF44 MMiiccrroo::
This calls up the menu to modify the effects for the microphone input described in the relevant chapter.
FF55 VVooccaalliizzee::
This calls up the menu to choose and program the Vocal Set of the Vocalizer.
FF66 EEffff.. LLoocckk::
: This allows the user to lock the effect type (Reverb, Chorus, Delay o Distorsor) currently enabled so as to avoid changes
when e.g, you change from one style to another.
FF77 CChhoorruuss
This is used to select the type of algorithm between Chorus 1, Chorus 2, Chorus 3, Chorus 4, Chorus 5, Flanger, Short Delay,
Feedback and four User Chorus using push buttons VALUE +/-. Once the algorithm has been selected, it is edited using F10 Edit.
FF88 DDeellaayy
: This is used to select between eight types of pre-set Delays and four User Delays using the VALUE +/- push buttons. Once
the algorithm has been selected, it is edited using F10 Edit.
FF99 DDiissttoorrssiioonn
: This is used to select between eight types of distorsion and four User Distorsion using the VALUE +/- push buttons . Once
the algorithm has been selected, it is edited using F10 Edit.
FF1100 EEddiitt
: This is used to access the menu dedicated to programming the most important parameters of an algorithm.
DG 90 - Digital Piano