Selecting Cable
Speaker wire and interconnecting
cables are an important component in
any audio system. With a system such
as the P roject K2 S9800, they assume a
new level of criticality.
The P roject K2 S9800 l o u d s p e a k e r s
are internally wired with proprietary
high quality copper Monster Cable
specially designed for JBL. The same
care that was given to the selection of
internal system wiring should be
a fforded to the selection and applica-
tion of the cables that will connect
P roject K2 S9800 loudspeakers to
other system components.
It is advisable to use high quality wire,
such as Monster Cable
, and to select
the highest grade wire available from
the manufacturer. Many manufacturers
produce audiophile cables worth con-
sidering for P roject K2 S9800. As with
all electronics and associated compo-
nents, however, every manufacturer
o ffers products of varying quality to
suit a range of budgets and applica-
t i o n s .
We recommend using an audiophile
quality speaker wire of not less than 16
gauge for connections up to 5 meters
(15 feet) as a minimum r e q u i r e m e n t .
If your connections will be longer,
heavier gauge wire is recommended.
P roject K2 specialist dealers have the
experience and knowledge to recom-
mend suitable speaker wire to best
complement a particular system.
The amount of speaker wire required
will depend on the distance between
the loudspeakers and amplifier(s), how
many amplifiers will be used, and the
method you select for connecting the
amplifier(s) and loudspeakers (passive,
bi-wire, or bi-amp; see Chapter 8). For
maximum signal purity, it is advisable
to locate the amplifier(s) as close as
possible to the loudspeakers, even if
this means that a longer distance will
be needed between the amplifier(s) and
p r e a m p l i f i e r.
Both the left and right speaker/ampli-
fier connections should be the same
length. If the distance between one
speaker and the amplifier(s) is greater
than the other speaker and amplifier(s),
use the longer length for both connec-
t i o n s .
For bi-wire connections, the same type
of wires may be used for both low fre-
quency and high frequency sections to
reduce wire effects (resistance, induc-
tance, etc.) and to avoid intermodula-
tion of low and high frequencies in the
wires. Specialized wires for low fre-
quency and high frequency sections
may yield excellent results. W h a t e v e r
wires are used, be sure that the low fre-
quency wires are as short as possible
and the left and right wires for each
section are the same length.
Project K2 S9800