•RF/SQL control action
Select [RF/SQL] control action from RF/squelch, automatic (acts as squelch in
AM modes; as RF in SSB/CW/RTTY modes), or the squelch. (See p. 15)
The default is Sq (squelch).
•Beep level
Adjusts the confirmation beep level from 1 to 99.
The default is 50.
•Side-tone level
Adjusts the CW side-tone level from 1 to 99.
The default is 30.
A beep sounds each time a switch is pushed to confirm it. This function can be
turned OFF for silent operation.
The default is on.
■ Initial set mode items
•Meter peak hold
Selects meter peak hold function on or off.
The default is on.
•Scan resume
Selects the scan resume function ON or OFF.
ON: Resumes 10 sec. after stopping on a signal (or 2 sec. after a signal disappears);
OFF: Does not resume after stopping on a signal.
The default is on.
•AM Noise blanker
When this item is set to ON, the noise blanker function is available in AM mode.
This is useful when communicating in AM mode (the noise blanker function should
not be used when listening to regular AM broadcasts as it may degrade the receive audio)
The default is on.
•Scan speed
Selects scanning speed from High and Low.
The default is HI (High).