English 11
mark. Con-
tact is open
when mag-
net is app-
lied. An alarm is signalled if the
magnet is separated from the
Smoke detector (A-2926-0)
Attach the smoke detector
with fastening screws to the
ceiling of the room to be moni-
tored and connect it with the
signal cable to the alarm trans-
mitter. Use the socket marked
by a triangle framing an excla-
mation mark. The smoke
detector is triggered by smoke
from smouldering fires and sig-
nals an alarm.
Important note
All lisa devices connected to
the mains supply have a low
power consumption which may
lead to the device feeling
warm. This is normal and does
not interfere with the normal
function of the devices.
These signalling systems have
a high operational safety.
Should any faults occur in spite
of proper installation and use,
please contact your dealer.
High and low voltage spikes
(e.g. during a thunderstorm)
can occur on the mains supply.
The lisa devices have an inte-
grated electronic controller
which may stop working after
these conditions. If this hap-
pens simply unplug each of the
devices and plug them in again.
As a precaution remove all
devices from their sockets
during a thunderstorm.
The use of halogen lamps of or
other equipment (e.g. Microwa-
ve Ovens) may, in rare cases,
interfere with the lisa signals.
In these cases the use of
mains filters or suppressors is
advisable. Please ask your dea-