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Copyright - Game Bad Rodach 2009
TL 82296 1/12 Art. Nr.: 5937
Kinderen zijn wereldontdekkers!
We begeleiden ze op al hun zoektochten
met uitdagende en stimulerende, maar
vooral erg leuke spelletjes en speelgoed.
Bij HABA vindt u alles waarvan kinderogen
gaan stralen!
Children are world explorers!
We accompany children on their journey by
providing games and toys that challenge and
foster new skills, as well as being, above all,
lots lots of fun. At HABA you will find everything
that brings a special glint to your child’s eyes!
Kinder sind Weltentdecker!
Wir begleiten sie auf all ihren Streifzügen –
mit Spielen und Spielsachen, die fordern,
fördern und vor allem viel Freude bereiten.
Bei HABA finden Sie alles, was Kinderaugen
zum Leuchten bringt!
Les enfants sont des explorateurs
à la découverte du monde !
Nous les accompagnons tout au long de leurs
excursions avec des jeux et des jouets qui
les mettront à défi, les stimuleront et
surtout leur apporteront beaucoup de
plaisir., HABA propose tout ce qui fait
briller le regard d’un enfant !
Inventive Playthings for Inquisitive Minds
Erfinder für Kinder
Créateur pour enfants joueurs · Uitvinders voor kinderen
Inventa juguetes para mentes curiosas · Inventori per bambini
Habermaaß GmbH
August-Grosch-Straße 28 - 38
96476 Bad Rodach, Germany
¡Los niños son descubridores del
mundo! Nosotros los acompañamos en sus
exploraciones con juegos y juguetes que les
ponen a prueba, fomentan sus habilidades
y, sobre todo, les proporcionan muchísima
alegría. ¡En HABA ustedes encontrarán todo
eso que pone una lucecita brillante en los
ojos de los niños!
I bambini esplorano il mondo!
Noi li accompagniamo nelle loro scorri-
bande con giochi e giocattoli che ne
stimolano la curiosità, ne aumentano le
potenzialità, e che, soprattutto, li rendono
felici! Da HABA troverete tutto quello
che fa brillare gli occhi di un bambino!
Infant Toys
Baby & Kleinkind
Jouets premier âge
Baby & kleuter
Bebé y niño pequeño
Bebè & bambino piccolo
Ball Track
Toboggan à billes
Tobogán de bolas
Pista per biglie
Children’s room
Chambre d’enfant
Decoración habitación
Camera dei bambini
Author: Hajo Bücken · Stories: Ron Solomon
The cards:
This game encourages:
Concentration, Memory, Language skills, magination, Refl exes
5 fun word games for children ages 3 and up
How to play:
The children and a game leader choose one of the following games
to play. After choosing the game, they pick a story, poem, rhyme or
group of riddles to read for that game. All of the games can be played
with a group of players or only one player.
Goal of the game:
As the game leader reads the selected text, the player or players must
listen carefully, fi gure out the right answer, then grab or point to the
correct card or wooden fi gure as fast as they can.
The booklet contains 4 different stories, poems, rhymes and groups of
riddles. Of course, you can invent your own stories, poems and riddles
if you want!
In the stories, poems and riddles, the names of the cards or wooden
gures are indicated with bold, blue letters.
Playing Time: 10 - 20 minutes per game
Game Contents: 12 cards, 3 wooden fi gures, 1 color die,
1 game booklet
Colored Pencil Scissors
Shovel Slippers
4 5
Building Blocks Train
Car Picture Book
Ball Puppet
Game Jump Rope
6 7
Warm-Up Round #2 – Card Names“
Place all 12 cards in a stack, face-down on the table. Have the youngest
child turn over the top card and try name the picture. If the child has
difficulty ask the other children to help. Play should move in a clockwise
direction, each child turning over another card and naming it.
Move around the table in a clockwise direction until all of the cards are
confidently identified. Way to go! Now you can play Warm-Up Round
Warm-Up Round #3 – Categories
Spread all of the cards and wooden figures on the table. The game lea-
der selects a category from the list below and asks the youngest child
to choose all of the cards and/or figures that fit the category. No cards
or figures are taken for correct guesses.
Move around the table in a clockwise direction until all of the catego-
ries are completed. Way to go! Now, you’re ready for Loco Lingo!
Category suggestions:
Try to make up some of your own. It’s fun!
Warm Up Game
– A game that the identity of each card and wooden figure.
Number of Players: One or more
Aim of the Game: To properly identify all the cards and figures.
The children and the game leader can discuss
what each object is called, how it is used, and
where it can be found in daily life.
Warm-Up Round #1 – “It Figures“
Place the wooden figures on the table. The game leader points to a
figure and asks the youngest player to name it. If they can’t, the game
leader points to a different figure until that child can name a figure
properly. Continue around until all the children have each taken a turn.
After the children label the figures properly (e.g. boy, girl, teacher)
and have them give the figures proper names (e.g. Bobby, Sally, Miss
Green, etc.). If you’d like you may continue and have the children iden-
tify what roles the figures play (e.g. brother, sister, mother, etc.).
Move around the table in a clockwise direction until all of the figures
are confidently identified. Good for you! Now move on to Warm-Up
Round #2.
8 9
mentioned in each text. There may be some things left over
at the end of some games.
or changing the order of riddles if you’ve read them several
Game Variations
Game Variation #1 (Younger Players)
If younger children are playing or just one child alone is playing, then
the fast grabbing part can be skipped. When the text mentions the
card or figure, the game is stopped and the correct card or figure is
searched and named.
Game Variation #2 (More Advanced Players)
This version is for older children and helps develop greater concentra-
tion and memory. Each of the mentioned cards or figures gets placed
back in the game box. When the text is read completely, the children
try to remember the mentioned things in the order they appeared in
the story.
Grab It!
– An fast-paced, action game for good listeners and fast
Number of Players: 1 - 6
Aim of the Game: Identify and grab the mentioned cards or
wooden figures before anyone else.
Set Up: Spread all the cards (face up) and figures on
the table.
How to Play
pages then read it out loud.
table is called, the children must grab it. The first child to take
the correct card or figure keeps it in front of them until the end
of the game.
or you may miss the correct answer. Good listeners have the best
End of the Game
After the text has been read, each child counts their cards and figures.
The child with the most cards and figures wins.
10 11
“Stories About Kindergarten“
- A creative, story-telling game.
Number of Players: 2 - 4 children ages 5+.
Aim of the Game: To make-up group stories and then remember
and retell them.
Set Up: Stand the three wooden figures next to each
other on the table. Mix the 12 cards and stack
them face down behind the figures. Keep the
color die ready for later.
How to Play
Part One: Make Up Stories
The oldest child chooses a figure then turns over the top card on
the stack. He or she then begins to tell a story that combines that
enough. The card is then placed face down in front of the selected
playing figure.
Moving in a clockwise direction, the second child turns over the next
card and continues the story that the first child began. Then the second
child places his/her card face down in front of the first card.
“Focus Pocus!”
– A more advanced concentration and memory game.
Number of Players: 2 – 6, ages 5 +
Aim of the Game: To identify any mentioned cards or wooden
figures that ARE NOT on the table.
Set Up: Spread 6 random cards and/or wooden figures
on the table. Place the remaining card and
figures in the box.
How to Play
they take one of the playing pieces from the table as a reward. If
they are incorrect, they put one of the cards/figures in front of
them back in the middle of the table. If the child doesn’t have one,
nothing happens.
the table as a reward.
End of the Game
The game ends when the last card or figure is gone from the table. The
winner is the child with the most cards and figures.
12 13
Options for younger children
The game can be made easier with the following additional
“What Does It Do?“
- A creative, guessing game.
Number of Players: 3 - 6 children, ages 4+.
Aim of the Game: To be the best guesser and win the most cards.
Set Up: Spread the twelve cards, face-up, in the middle
of the table.
How to Play
The oldest child begins. He or she looks at the cards and secretly choo-
ses one of them (without touching it or telling the others what it is.)
After the child has chosen the secret card, he or she explains what you
do with the object on the card.
When there are four face down cards in front of the first figure, a
second figure is chosen and a new story is begun. After there are four
cards in front of the second figure, the final four cards are used to tell a
story for the third figure.
Part Two: Retell the stories
As soon as there are four cards in front of each figure the second part
of the game begins. The youngest child starts and rolls the color die.
The child finds the wooden figure with the corresponding color. Now
the child must to try to remember which picture is shown on the first
card in front of this figure.
The narrated stories help to memorize the picture. If the child wants,
he or she may tell the part of the story corresponding to the card. Then
the card is revealed.
Was the mentioned picture correct? Great! The child keeps the card
and places it right in front of him or herself.
Was the mentioned picture wrong? What a bummer! The child must
put the card back in the box.
Play advances, clockwise, to the next child.
End of the game
When there are no more cards are in front of the figures, the game is
over. The child with the most cards wins. If multiple children have the
same number of cards then there is more than one winner!
14 15
1. Riddle Me This
Can you guess what cards or figures we’re talking about?
Who likes to wear pants, besides dresses and skirts? Girl
Where can you find a story about a mermaid? Picture Book
What’s fun to kick, throw and catch? Ball
What can you use to make towers to the sky? Building Blocks
What covers your hand and tells stories? Puppet
What chugs along on a set of metal tracks? Train
What drives on roads and goes beep-beep? Car
Who shows you how to read, color and play games? Teacher
What comes in a box with dice and cards? Game
What do you use to color on paper? Colored Pencil
What cuts paper, but also hair? Scissors
Who can be a brother, a son and a daddy? Boy
What digs holes in the sand or dirt? Shovel
What’s soft, fluffy and you wear them on your feet? Slippers
The first guesser to put his or her hand on the correct secret card gets
to take that card. That child then chooses a new secret card and exp-
lains it to the other players.
If a child guesses the wrong card that card remains in the middle of the
table. The child is not allowed to guess again in that round. All other
children continue to guess.
If no child guesses the secret card correctly, the card remains in the
middle of the table and the next child describes a different card.
point to it. That way the other children won’t know what it is!
End of the game
The game is over when there are three cards left in the middle of the
table. The child with the highest stack wins. If more kids have the same
number of cards then there is more than one winner!
16 17
3. Kindergarten’s My Favorite Place
A nice poem about a fun place... Kindergarten!
Kindergarten‘s my favorite place,
In winter, spring or fall.
I love to draw with
Or kick around a ball.
My mommy takes me in her car
And drives me to my school,
She tells me that she loves me,
To obey the teacher’s rules.
I race inside to see my friends,
I play with blocks or just pretend
That I’m the pirate in a book,
A train conductor,
Or a cook.
In the class we play a game,
Or see a
puppet show.
scissors we cut paper,
To make dollies in a row.
When outside we race around,
I shovel holes in sand
A girl¬SAYS¬h(EY¬LETS¬jump ropev
Oh, boy, this school is grand!
(Note: Pieces not used in this section are: boy, slippers)
2. Rhyming Riddles
Can you guess the card or wooden figure that finishes
the rhyme?
Game leader suggestion: Read slowly and emphasize the
CAPITALIZED rhyme word while reading.
Toss it, catch it, bounce it on the WALL,
just don’t pop your rubber...
*AKE¬CONSTRUCTS¬A¬WOODEN¬BOX using all his building... blocks
Won’t you kindly take a LOOK at my brand new picture... book
If the baby’s name is ROY, chances are that he’s a... boy
Sally drives real fast and FAR in her cool, red-colored... car
h,OCO¬,INGOh¬IS¬THE¬NAME of my super-fun, new... game
)N¬BALLET¬*ENNY¬AND¬LEARNS¬TO¬TWIRL, she’s a very lucky... girl
*OAN¬AND¬HOPE skip with their jump... rope
says my red and white striped... puppet
My pants have ZIPPERS, but my feet wear... slippers
Chugging on the rails through RAIN,
goes the bright, green choo-choo... train
She’s not some old scary CREATURE,
she’s my Kindergarten... teacher
(Note: Pieces not used in this section are: clored pencil, scissors, shovel)
18 19
After all the running around, Miss Iris called the children back inside.
They were very tired from their outside play. Now it was naptime. Soon
boy made a tall tower with building blocks. Be careful it doesn’t fall!
board games¬h)¬HOPE¬THAT¬)¬WINh¬ONE¬OF¬THE¬SHOUTED¬
went the
car¬h#HUGACHUGACHOOCHOOv¬WENT¬THE¬train. Finally,
Miss Iris told the children it was time to go home. After putting away
the toys, their mommies and daddies picked them up.
Dear Children and Parents,
It is easy to ask whether a missing part of a toy or game is still available,
simply go to http://www.habausa.com/replacements.
4. “My First Day At Kindergarten“
A story about Nicole‘s first day at Kindergarten.
Nicole was very excited that tomorrow was her first day of Kinder-
garten. After eating her dinner, she took her bath, then put on her
pajamas and slippers. Before bed, Nicole asked her daddy to read her
The story was so much fun! Every page was filled with pictures of
children arriving on their first day. Once the children in the story had
met one another, the teacher¬LED¬THEM¬INTO¬THE¬CLASSROOM¬h)¬AM¬-ISS¬
Miss Iris told the children that there were lots of different activities to
do. She told them to go and have fun. Some of the children wanted to
do arts and crafts. They sat on the floor or at desks and drew pictures
with colored pencils. Then they cut their pictures out with scissors.
Other children wanted to play make-believe. Some of them performed
made-up puppet shows.
After a yummy snack with healthy juice, the children went outside
to the playground for more fun and exercise. Some of them played
soccer with a bouncy ball. They kicked it and scored a goal! Some of
the children skipped and hopped with a jump rope. They jumped so
fast! One girl went to the sandbox and used a shovel to dig for buried

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