Game 3: G as Ghost
As if by magic a word appears on the old wall of the castle. Who has a
bit of imagination and wins the most ghost cards?
An advanced game idea for experienced word ghosts.
Preparation of the Game
Put the game board in the center of the table. Place an empty A4 sheet in
the frame. Get the cards ready next to the game board, face down in a
Then you put ...
• any five stamps into four of the ghost tins,
• any six stamps into the remaining tin.
Close the tins and shuffle them.
Place the inkpad and the pencil on the table, within everyone´s easy
How to Play
The player with most vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in their name may start. If there
are various players with equally as many vowels, the youngest player
Choose a tin, open it and have a secret look inside.
Think of a word, that contains a minimum of three letters, starting with
one of the letters you have seen. Say the word and print the starting
letter on the sheet. Then you put the stamp back into the tin, close it and
return it to the table.
Bianca stamps a “P” and says: “the ghost wants to write PAPER”.
Then the next player in a clockwise direction takes a tin and looks inside.
There are four options:
1. You can continue the previous word.
Jana takes the A and says: “I also think that the ghost wants to
write PAPER”.
game board with A4
sheet in center of
table, pile up cards
face down
close tins with
stamps and shuffle,
get inkpad and
pencil ready
choose tin and
secretively look
inside, think of word
with any letter seen
in tin, say it and
stamp first letter
next player can
1. continue word