• If it is a letter from the word, the ghost says loudly “Wooooo, the
letter is there!” Then they take the stamp and print the letter on the
corresponding dash. Then they return the letter to the lid.
Important: If the letter appears various times in the word, the ghost
has to stamp it various times.
• If the letter does not appear in the word:
Bad luck for the searcher. The ghost shakes his head! Nothing can be
stamped and, as a reward, the ghost puts the stamp in the lid in front
of him.
Then it’s the turn of the following searcher to choose one of the
remaining stamps.
As soon as a searcher thinks they recognize the word they may yell out
their guess.
Important: For each wrong guess the ghost may choose a stamp which
does not appear in the word, and put it in the lid.
End of the Round:
The round ends, as soon as …
• the word searcher has guessed the word. As a reward the player who
has guessed right, receives the ghost card,
• the ghost has collected seven stamps in their lid thus winning the
game and receiving the card as a reward.
Then a new round starts. All stamps are placed back as at the beginning
of the game. The ghost passes the empty tin, the pencil and the pad on
to the next player in a clockwise direction who now becomes the new
End of the Game
As soon as each player has been the ghost twice, the game ends. The
player with the most ghost cards wins the game. If there are various
players with the same number of cards, they win together.
Hint: If you know the 48 cards well, the ghost can think of a proper
word which the searchers have to guess.
letter exists in word
= letter on corres-
ponding dash
letter does not exist
= ghost gets stamp
suspicion of solution
= say guess
guess wrong =
ghost gets stamp
guess right =
card as reward =
end of round,
ghost has 7 stamps =
gets card and also
end of round
new round starts
each player ghost
twice = end of
game, player with
most cards wins