Tips for Best Results with the ProScan Dyno Tool:
You will need to be on a level road surface. If you are accelerating downhill,
your vehicle will accelerate quicker than normal and ProScan will think your
vehicle has more power than it truly does. If you accelerate uphill, ProScan
will under-rate your vehicle's power.
You will need to avoid wheel-spin. ProScan cannot determine when your
vehicle is spinning its tires. If you spin your vehicle's wheels, ProScan will
think you are accelerating faster, and the resulting horsepower and torque
calculations will be higher than actual.
You need to make certain that your vehicle's speedometer is properly
calibrated for any wheel or tire size changes. If your vehicle’s speedometer is
not accurate, use the speedometer calibration factor in the vehicle’s profile to
You should always perform dyno runs on the same stretch of road, in the same
direction, and during similar weather.
Make sure your vehicle profile’s weight and tire size settings are accurate.
You should not expect your ProScan dyno numbers to match those generated
from a chassis dyno.
The ProScan Dyno is an excellent tool for analyzing a vehicle's performance throughout
an RPM band. Providing that you follow the above tips, before and after ProScan dyno
charts can be compared to determine how well a modification has impacted performance.
Using the ProScan Dyno
This tool is intended for off-road use only, and requires the assistance of a
To generate horsepower and torque curves for a specific RPM range, you must first
specify the range to analyze. Under the “Setup” group box, select the desired RPM range.
If you have an automatic transmission, try to use an RPM range that will allow smooth
acceleration without a change in gears. Position your vehicle on a straight and level road
and begin driving. Get the vehicle in the desired transmission gear and maintain an
engine speed lower than the starting RPM. When ready, have your friend click the “Begin
Dyno Pull” button. ProScan will not begin collecting data until the engine speed reaches
the starting RPM. You should accelerate the vehicle as quickly as possible through the
RPM range. ProScan will stop collecting data once you pass the ending RPM value and
the calculated horsepower and torque curves will appear. If you aborted the run and never
reached the ending RPM value, you will need to click the “Reset” button and start over.