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But the Guilds were strong (despite their mutual animosity), and
the Sunguard stronger. Toppling them would prove no easy task.
And so, Lord Fang brooded. And plotted. And schemed. In the
course of centuries, he hired spies, mercenaries, and assassins.
He hatched conspiracies, intrigues, and collusions. He even in-
dulged in shenanigans, such was his cunning.
Arcadia had made many enemies by setting the sun and moon
in motion. And though many thousands of years had passed, the
Orcs still remembered a time when they could maraud free of
the suns tyranny. The trolls could not practice their culinary arts
on a people so well-protected by the Guilds. And the goblins,
well… they’d always hated bedtime.
Lord Fang summoned a dark council. He laid forth his plans for
the orcs, goblins, trolls, and minotaurs, and everyone agreed:
Arcadia would fall.
Lord Fang set his assassins to work. His conspiracies hatched.
His shenanigans sowed discord far and wide across the land.
Outlying settlements, distant outposts, and roaming caravans
were their main targets. He created trouble anywhere and ev-
erywhere that was far from Arcadia, and lled dungeon after
dungeon with treasure and loot for greedy heroes to plunder!
The Guilds answered these threats and plundered these dun-
geons over the course of a year. How could they resist? Such
treasures! Such forgotten knowledge! And, better, the chance
to brag about their achievements in front of the other Guilds!
Their rivalries grew to new heights, and their exploits were the
talk of every tavern from horizon to horizon, and beyond!
But they were drawn out, stretched thin. So thin, in fact, that
Good King David the Younger sent out the Sunguard as rein-
It was then, with the Sunguard exposed, that Lord Fang’s horde
struck! They laid siege to the weakened city, and it fell within
hours. Good King David the Younger and the Guild Leaders es-
caped, but Arcadia had fallen! With the Temple of the Dawning
Twilight in his grasp, Lord Fang halted the heavens, and the
Moon now rules the eternal night sky. And, ever since, all has
been right with the world!
Well, no, actually all is pretty terrible these days!
It has been many years since the horde descended on Arcadia
and eternal night fell. The Guilds assumed the monsters would
simply maraud their way through the capital, then return to
their mountains. But that hasnt happened.
Turns out the monsters kind of like houses! Much more com-
fortable than caves. And marauding need not take place after
a long commute! They’ve established many marauding-based
rms and businesses, all within an easy walk from home. On
weekends, they maraud their neighbors. Or, if feeling peckish,
simply maraud down to the market for a pastry and kebab. In
fact, their ‘maraud & barter’ system is downright civilized, and
the monsters are loathe to depart Arcadia.
Yet, these are not the monsters’ homes, and eternal night gets
old. All is not right with the world.
With the Sunguard shattered, and with Good King David the
Elder in exile, the Guilds have formulated a new plan: They shall
spare no expense to recruit their scattered heroes and re-take
Arcadia! And, whichever Guild accomplishes this task, whichev-
er Guild restores the balance of night and day, shall take their
place as the new Sunguard! Talk about bragging rights! An epic
battle, the grandest adventure of all time! The stakes have never
been higher!
The race is on, the call is sent, and the time is now to join the
Arcadia Quest!
In the time before humans, the rst races lived in harmony.
Day and night were xed things, decided by one’s position on
the map, not by the clock. The sun always bathed the Daylight
Woods in gentle warmth, and the Blond Elves danced through
the woods, happy in their realm of eternal light.
The moon always caressed the Nocturnal Mountains with silvery
rays, just enough light for marauding, which was the Burnt-It
Orcs’ favorite pastime (orc tusks make pronouncing ‘brunet’
Both races were happy in their realms, and all was right with the
But, stability bores the gods. To liven things up, they created
the human race. Humans were strange. They could dance AND
maraud! Furthermore, they weren’t satised with trees or caves,
but built ‘houses’ and ‘villages’ and ‘cities’. And, they felt their
existence lacked variety on the great plains between Night and
Day. They could live near the forests and have day, or they could
live near the mountains and have night. Some did both, but the
commute around bedtime was abominable.
But King David the Elder had a solution! He founded the great
city of Arcadia, and there, in the Temple of Dawning Twilight,
humankind worked powerful magics, and set the Cycle in
motion! The sun and moon were no longer idle. They moved
through the heavens, and Night became Day, and Day became
Night, and the humans rejoiced! For all was right with the world!
Well no, actually, the elves and orcs were quite put out.
Dancing through the forest at night resulted in bumped noggins
and bloody noses. As for the orcs, it’s nigh impossible to proper-
ly maraud at high noon. Also: bedtimes became a stark reality.
Have you tried getting an orc to keep a proper bedtime? No
easy task.
Arcadia found itself under siege, so Good King David the Elder
founded the Great Guilds to meet these threats and stem the
marauding, dancing bands of elves and orcs (er… not respective-
ly). And all was right with the world!
Well, no, actually, the wars took some years to conclude (now
that the humans had discovered years and invented calendars),
but the Guilds prevailed, and Good King David the Elder estab-
lished the Sunguard, a loyal band of Arcadias mightiest heroes
to police the Guilds and serve as his royal protectors. And NOW
all was right with the world!
Many, many years passed, and the elves and orcs eventually
acclimated to the routines of night and day, seasons and years
(although the rst autumn was terribly traumatic for the Blond
Elves who had never seen falling leaves before). The Great Guilds
kept the peace and expanded their activities to trade, industry,
and lore. In fact, rivalries became the norm, as the Guilds sought
to out-do each other in the King’s eyes.
The Guilds began competing on all levels: treasure, arcane
knowledge, political inuence, new inventions, the tastiest
snacks, and best exercise routines… anything and everything was
fair game. But the competition was healthy, and the Guilds were
prosperous, and, as they prospered, so too did Arcadia. And all
was right with the world!
And yet, while all was right with the world, not all was right for
Lord Fang (whose name was not-at-all ominous at the time). A
vampire, and Brooder of the First Class, Lord Fang had loved his
eternal night in his lonely castle high in the Midnight Mountains.
He could still lurk and brood, and wander silent halls reveling in
the stillness… but now, even he, the MIGHTY Lord Fang, had a
bedtime. Intolerable!
Rulebook • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • Rulebook
9. Spawn tile - Place the spawn tile next to the game board.
10. Common Area - Place in a common area around the game
board, within reach of all players, the piles of Wound tokens,
Death tokens and coins, as well as the Attack and Defense dice.
11. Heroes Starting Areas -
Indicated in the scenario map are
the Starting Areas for each Guild.
Each player is randomly assigned
one of them. Put one Guild token
from each player in a dice bag or
closed hand and randomly place
one token next to each starting
area, this will be the starting area for
each Guild. Players must sit around
the table in the same order as their
starting areas. Each player then places his Hero gures in any of
the indicated spaces of his starting area, in any way he chooses
(up to two gures may occupy the same Space). On a 3-player
game the Player 4 Starting Area is not used. On a 2-player game
the Player 3 and Player 4 Starting Areas are not used.
Once all the setup has been executed, your gaming table should
look like the reference picture. You are now ready to start your
Arcadia is played on a game board consisting of several tiles
arranged together according to the scenario map. These tiles
represent the streets and buildings of the city of Arcadia. Each
tile is divided into 9 equal Spaces, each with a dot marking its
center. These spaces can be occupied by a maximum of two
characters each.
Some Spaces are divided by walls which block Movement and
Line of Sight. These blocking elements are identied by a diag-
onal hatching texture. The tiles also display several other deco-
rative elements, which do not affect the game in any way and
are there just to esh out the setting. Only elements with the
identifying hatching texture are blocking elements, everything
else can be ignored for gameplay purposes.
Many rules and cards in the game refer to something be-
ing Close to something else. To be Close to something
means to be either sharing the same Space, or to be on
any of the four orthogonal Spaces that share an open
edge with it.
- A Space thats diagonal from it is not Close.
- A Space whose shared edge is blocked by a wall or
closed door is not Close.
Example: The green Spaces and any characters in them
are considered to be Close to Grom, while the red Spaces
are not.
A Hero or a Monster.
For a Hero, another Hero of the same Guild. For a
Monster, any other Monster.
For a Hero, any Hero from a different Guild and any
Monster. For a Monster, any Hero.
Rulebook • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • Rulebook
When using Ranged attacks, it is necessary to check
whether or not the active Character has a clear Line of
Sight to his target. A Ranged attack has no limitation in
regards to distance, the only requirement for it is that
there be a free Line of Sight (LOS) to the target.
To check the Line of Sight, draw an imaginary line from
the center of the active Character’s Space to the center
of its targets Space. There is free Line of Sight if this line
is not interrupted by any blocking element - a wall, a
closed door or a Blocked Space (see previous page).
The Line of Sight is not blocked if it only skims a block-
ing corner, passing at a 45 degree angle exactly through
the intersection of four Spaces where only one side is
blocked. If both sides of the intersection are blocked,
however, the Line of Sight is blocked.
Finally, the Line of Sight can never cross an area that
is not part of the board. If it ever leaves the tiles, it is
Examples: Zazu intends to use his Slingshot to make a
Ranged attack:
1 - He has LOS to Yohan through the open door, even
though it skims the edge of the opening.
2 - He has LOS to the Goblin through the open doors,
even though it skims the edge of the opening.
3 - He has LOS to the Orc in a straight line across the
empty street. The distance is irrelevant.
Rolling Dice
The Attack dice and the Defense dice are rolled to decide the
effect of the attack. What symbol constitutes a success on a die
roll depends on the type of roll being made:
This symbol scores a successful hit
in a Melee Attack roll.
This symbol scores a successful hit
in a Ranged Attack roll.
This symbol scores a successful
save in a Defense roll.
This symbol is a CRIT, and always counts as
a success, no matter the type of roll.
Besides being a success itself, each CRIT result allows an extra
die to be rolled, adding its result to the total. If that roll also
results in a CRIT, another extra die is rolled, and so on. In some
cases, rolling a CRIT also activates a special effect listed in the
card being used.
Example 1: Grom rolls 3 Attack dice for his Rusty Blade, get-
ting , and . Since its a Melee attack, that scores two
misses and one hit. He rolls an extra die because of the CRIT and
gets a , for a nal result of 2 hits!
Example 2: Zazu rolls 2 Attack dice for his Slingshot, getting
and . Since its a Ranged attack, that scores two hits. He
rolls an extra die because of the CRIT and gets another !
That’s one more hit and another extra die, which rolls a , a
miss, for a total of 3 hits.
Example 3: Wisp is being attacked, he has 2 Defense, but
the Parrying Blade in his inventory gives him +1 Defense (even
though the card is currently exhausted) for a total of 3 Defense.
He rolls 3 Defense dice, getting , and , scoring 2
saves. He rolls an extra die because of the CRIT and gets a ,so
his total is 2 saves.
Attack Results
Once all dice have been rolled, compare the number of hits
scored by the attacker with the number of saves obtained by
the target’s Defense (if he had any). Each save cancels one hit.
If there are still any hits remaining, the target suffers a number
of Wounds equal to the number of exceeding hits. Place that
number of Wound tokens on the targeted Heros card, or in case
of a Monster, next to its gure.
Example: Zazu attacks Wisp, scoring 3 hits, while Wisp gets 2
saves. The attack results in Wisp suffering 1 Wound.
4 - He does not have LOS to Diva cause the line crosses
a wall.
5 - He does not has LOS to Greensleeves because the line
crosses a closed door.
1 - He does not have LOS to the Orc because the two enemy
Heroes are blocking the Space and the line cannot pass
between their Blocked Space and the blocking wall.
2 - He has LOS to the Goblin through the open door. The
Space with Diva and Grom does not block the line
because Grom is an ally, so it is only considered Full to
Zazu, not Blocked.
1 - He has LOS to the Orcs because the central Space is
only Full to Zazu, not Blocked, and the space with just
Greensleves is still considered free.
2 - He does not have LOS to the Hammer Beastman be-
cause the Space with Scarlet and a Goblin is consid-
ered Blocked to Zazu.
Rulebook • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • Rulebook
Triggered By An Attack
When a Hero performs an attack that doesn't target any of the
Monsters Close to him, he triggers the Guard Reaction of all
Close Monsters. Whether he attacks an enemy Hero anywhere,
or a Monster at a distance, if there are any Monsters Close to
him they will seize the opportunity and attack him.
In this case, after the Hero's attack has been completely exe-
cuted, any Monsters Close to the active Hero will perform an
attack against him (they do not move). Note that if the Hero's
attack targets any Monster Close to him - whether directly or as
a special effect -, he effectively fends off all Close Monsters and
no Guard Reaction will be triggered by this attack.
Example 1: Greensleeves makes a Ranged Attack against the
Hammer Beastman. Since it's not a Close Monster, this triggers
the Guard Reaction of the Orc and the Goblin, who attack
Greensleeves once his attack has been resolved.
Example 2: Grom attacks both Jøhan and the Goblin using the
Cleave ability. Because his attack also targeted a Close Monster,
no Guard Reaction is triggered.
Attacking a Monsters is always a risk, for they will not suffer
it quietly. Attacking a Monster triggers its Payback Reaction.
Whenever a Hero attacks a Monster (even if his attack roll
completely fails), the Monster is activated and may immediate-
ly attempt to strike back at his attacker. The difference with
Payback Reaction is that the activated Monster may perform
its Movement before attacking. The player to the right of the
active player controls the activated Monster and may choose
how best to employ it.
After fully resolving the Heros attack, the Monster may move
up to its full Movement rating (as listed on its card) and then
attempt an attack against the Hero who attacked him (it can-
not move after attacking). A moving Monster may choose to
open doors and use portals or move in any direction he wishes,
following the same Movement rules and restrictions as Heroes.
The player controlling the Monster doesnt have to move it or
even perform its attack, if he so desires, but any attack made
by the Monster must necessarily have the active Hero as the
primary target (see example on page 22).
If a Heros attack targets more than one Monster at once, only
one of the targeted Monsters is activated; the player to the right
chooses which one.
A Monster’s attack follows most of the same rules as a Heros
attack. Since all of a Monster’s attack information is contained
in its own card, they dont exhaust cards to perform an attack
and thus are always ready to attack when activated. Some mon-
sters perform Melee attacks and other perform Ranged attacks.
These are subjected to same parameters of proximity and Line
of Sight in order to be executed as a Hero’s attack, as well as
any Ability the Monster may have. A Monster's attack is always
executed by the player to the right of the active player.
A. Name - The Monster’s name.
B. Level - This should be the same as the number of the sce-
nario being played in the campaign (1st scenario - Level 1, 3rd
scenario - Level 2-3, etc).
C. Life - The number of Wounds the Monster has to sustain in
order to be killed.
D. Overkill - The number of Wounds a single attack must in-
ict in order to eliminate the Monster instantly.
E. Reward - How many coins are immediately awarded to the
Guild that kills the Monster.
F. Attack Type - Whether the Monster executes Melee or
Ranged attacks.
G. Attack Dice - The number of dice rolled by the Monster’s
H. Attack Name - The name of the attack the Monster per-
I. Movement - The number of Movement points available to
the Monster when it executes a Payback Reaction.
J. Villain Status - This indicates this powerful Monster is a
Villain, so all Guilds who wound him are rewarded.
K. Defense - How many Defense dice the Monster can roll to
try to prevent an attack from inicting Wounds. Most Monsters
have no Defense.
L. Ability - Some Monsters have a special Ability that is always
in effect. They work very much like a Hero’s Natural Ability or
that of an Upgrade card.
M. Reroll - Some Monsters have a Reroll Pool available to
them. The controlling player can always choose to reroll this
number of dice both when attacking and defending with that
Monster (see Reroll Pool on page 27).
Even if the Hero’s attack deals enough Wounds to kill a Monster,
the Monster still gets to perform its full activation against its
attacker before being removed from the board. If, howev-
er, the Hero’s attack is so powerful that it deals a number of
Wounds equal to or higher than the Monsters Overkill rating,
the Monster is immediately removed from the board, without
getting the chance to trigger its Payback Reaction. Note that it
doesnt matter how many Wounds the Monster already has, in
order to Overkill it a single attack must beat its Overkill rating.
Rulebook • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • Rulebook
These orcs know nothing of
proper marauding!
One of the rare Bruentte Elves of the
southern Daylight Forests, Kanga’s clan has
long claimed shared blood with the Burn-It
Orcs from ancient days. And it makes sense,
naturally, because how else might one ex-
plain their dark hair? The Brunette Elves
tend towards ery tempers, and Kanga is
no exception. Where other elves are con-
tent to dance and sing, Kanga prefers a
good day of marauding. With the aid of her
griffon companion, Kanga has marauded
many a dungeon in her time, and now she’s
set her sights on Arcadia. In battle, Kanga’s
companions learn very quickly to keep her
aimed squarely at the enemy.
“It’s all in the wrist.
Johan and his brothers made everything a
competition. School, work, girls, and espe-
cially swordplay. Not a one of them didn’t
dream of joining the Sunguard. In fact,
they all got so good at ghting each oth-
er, they developed whole new strategies
and tactics never before considered at the
Academy. Johan had the singular distinc-
tion of defeating his admissions ofcer in
single combat, something no other aspirant
had ever done. No one on faculty had ever
considered that a sword could function like
a boomerang. Now a full Knight Errant,
Johan was questing abroad when eternal
night descended. He has returned, more
determined than ever, to conquer Arcadia
and rebuild the Sunguard.
The secret to my power? Yoga. And
rage. More rage than yoga. In fact,
I’m just gonna go with rage.”
From the time she was a tiny baby, Maya
was a prodigy in the art of ice magic. In
fact, when her mountain village suffered a
particularly brutal winter with snow piling
higher than anyone had seen it, a fearful
baby Maya instinctively created a series of
ice chutes that let the villagers escape the
imminent avalanche. As she grew, it became
clear that moments of emotional outburst
were the source of her amazing talents.
It let her drop her barriers and channel
more magic than anyone else of her age.
As a young woman, she entered Arcadia
University and has studied under all the
greats, including Professor Hobsbawm. With
Arcadia taken and monsters residing in her
house (HER HOUSE!!), Maya doesn’t have
to search far for the ire to fuel her spells.
“I steal from the rich and give to
the poor. Then steal it all over
again. Because why make things
How exactly Scarlet manages to maintain
several Guild memberships, a ten-thou-
sand gold bounty, AND never get caught
is a complete mystery. Yet, manage it she
does, and is in ne standing with even the
Sunguard. They’d lock her up on-sight,
if she wasn’t so damned sneaky. She even
considered turning herself in once, just to
collect the bounty. But she never could
gure how she’d steal it from herself, which
is really the only hitch in the plan. A mas-
ter of deception, the blade, and stealth,
Scarlet is a valuable addition to any quest…
so long as no one was expecting any loot.
It’s always inexplicably missing by the time
her companions arrive.
“Psst. Hey, buddy. Wanna buy a
Seth was admitted to Arcadia University
on a scholarship, and was expelled three
days later, just to set the record for shortest
attendance. An inveterate showoff, Seth
was unhappy with the plodding pace at
the University, and gured he could sim-
ply learn it all on his own. But books are
expensive, and arcane knowledge rare. To
fund his thirst for learning, Seth picked up
the articing trade, and sells his wands and
scrolls to anyone with the necessary coin.
Once he qualied for Guild memberships,
he took his wares on the road, questing
and peddling. Now with Arcadia fallen, he
is determined to return and be the rst to
liberate the University (or rather liberate its
Library of its excess grimoires.)
“Helmet hair?? Is that ‘sposed ta
be a joke, laddie??
Being Being born with a mohawk wasn’t
easy for Spike (to say nothing of his poor
mother), but his legendary follicles of steel
became a point of pride for his dwarven
family, and heralded the potential for so
much more. Sure enough, at age thirteen
when all dwarves awake with their full
beards, his was truly one-in-a-generation.
He was... a Dragonbeard! One of the fa-
bled heroes of old that served as barber to
the ancient dragons. But, alas, humankind
doesn’t hold the same traditions as Dwarves
about their quasi-religious gures. The con-
stant nettling and mockery has set him a bit
on edge, though his inner rage is a source of
great retributive strength.
Once a thief in a land where ‘singing oors’
became popular among the gentry, Wisp
made a name for himself by moving silently
where such a thing should not have been
possible. Unfortunately, this only drew at-
tention to himself, which is really the last
thing any thief wants. Beleaguered by his
celebrity status, and surrounded by ador-
ing fans, Wisp found it impossible to lead a
proper life of crime in his home city of Favry.
He spent most of his considerable fortune
journeying far across the sea to distant
Arcadia and made his home in the fabled
Evershadow district and learned its streets
like few others. Now that Arcadia has fallen,
his skills will be needed once more.
“’Feel my inner calm’ they said
‘Master your emotions’ they
said. Grrrrrr!!
As a young child, Zazu had rage issues. Which
is to say he raged at any issue. Bedtime.
Dinnertime. Lunchtime. Afternoons.
Mornings. Zazu could even rage while
asleep. His desperate parents had little
choice but to cloister him with the Zen
Monks of Tranquil Glade in the hopes that
they could teach him a peace that he’d
never known in life. Zazu and the monks
tried, they really did, but, in the end, Zazu
proved completely incapable of mastering
the Zen state, which, obviously, infuriated
him even more. And yet, in this circle, lay
the key. Bye opening himself up to his in-
adequacy and the fury it causes, Zazu has
mastered the perfect cycle of Furious Zen.
Like all monks he prepares himself before
battle by chanting, though, in Zazu’s case,
grinding teeth and muttering takes the
place of any meditative chant.
Why do I do this, you ask?
Because: vampire, obviously.
What else would I do?
Lord Fang is a complicated man. The only
son of the ancient Fang Dynasty, Lord Fang
was ironically the only member of his house
to embrace vampirism. And he loved it. The
Midnight Mountains were the perfect place
for the reclusive lord, and never needing to
sleep allowed for long walks in his lonely
castle, and many, many thousands of hours
of productive brooding. And then those
cursed Arcadians set the skies in motion,
and ruined everything!
Rulebook • Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest • Rulebook

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