Preload 24•3
Selects the floppy disk. The list on the left corre-
sponds to the disk directory showing the files con-
tained in the disk (Block files or Song/SMF files).
The files that appear depend on whether the
SONG (F5) or SMF (F6) option is selected.
Selects the Hard disk (if installed). The list on
the left corresponds to the Hard disk directory
showing the files contained in the disk (Block files
or Song/SMF files). The files that appear depend
on whether the SONG (F5) or SMF (F6) option is
When this option is selected (negative highlight),
Songs are loaded into memory together with all
associated RAM-Sounds and RAM
Sounds. If
there is not sufficient memory in RAM to accept
the associated Sounds, ROM Sounds will be used
instead and the Song may playback incorrectly.
If the Auto Preload option is not selected, the
Songs associated RAM-Sounds and RAM
Sounds will not be loaded.
Cancels the current list and stops the playback
When this option is selected, the left part of the
display shows WK4 or WX/SX format Songs only.
5. Select other files and press ENTER each time
to include them in the list.
IMPORTANT: If you are working from
Floppy disk, do not extract the disk dur-
ing the file insertion procedure; doing so
will provoke the cancellation of the list.
6. If you want to change an inserted file, take
the cursor over to the right of the display,
select the file that needs replacing, return the
cursor over to the left, select the file to insert
and press ENTER.
Return the cursor to the right again and se-
lect an empty location for the next file on the
list. Return the cursor to the left to select the
next file and continue as before until your list
is complete.
You can fill the list in a single step using the
«Select All” function (F7).
7. Press F8 («Play») to start the playback of the
Songs in the list.
During playback, the Song View page is
shown. You can select a track and set it to
key-play in order to play along with the Song.
Use the << and >> buttons to advance or re-
wind the Song at will.
Press STOP only if you want to stop play-
back, otherwise you will cancel the Preload
The Preload functions