Preload 24•1
• 24 Preload
The Preload function is a background loading
facility which allows you to playback all the Songs
and/or MIDI Files contained in a floppy disk or
Hard disk with a single command, without hav-
ing to load all the data to memory beforehand.
Note: if the disk or Hard disk contains more
than one Block, only the songs contained in the
first Block will be played while those of other Blocks
are ignored.
Furthermore, if the «Auto Preload» option is ena-
bled, Preload loads a Song together with all as-
sociated RAM-Sounds and RAM
Sounds to
ensure the correct playback.
It is also possible to prepare a “Preload” list con-
sisting of Songs and MIDI files, provided that both
files types are present on the source device
(floppy or Hard disk); you can select files from
different Blocks.
If you have a WK4 Songs disk, or have purchased
a MIDI File data disk, or your Hard disk contains
Song files, you can playback all the files in a Block
with a single command, without having to load
them to memory beforehand. Preload plays back
up to 16 Songs or MIDI files one after the other.
1. Press PRELOAD.
After a short scanning period, the Preload
window shows Songs or MIDI files present
on disk on the left, and the Preload list on the
If your instrument is fitted with a Hard disk,
pressing PRELOAD (without inserting a
floppy into the drive) shows the Preload win-
dow with a list of Blocks in the Hard disk on
the left and the Preload list on the right.
2. If necessary, select the device containing the
required file with the soft buttons F1 («Floppy
disk») and F2 («Hard disk»).
3. Select the type of file to view with soft but-
tons F5 («SONG») and F6 («SMF», Stand-
ard MIDI File).
4. If the source device contains more than one
Block, select the Block or directory and press
ENTER to open it.
5. Press F7 («Select all») to select all the Song
or MIDI files shown in the left part of the dis-
play. The files are added to the Preload list
on the right.
The Preload list can contain a maximum of
16 files.
Preload: Song or MIDI File playback from disk