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User Manual
Please Read Before Proceeding
When in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere or where flammable
materials exist, the product should be turned off and the user should obey all
signs and instructions. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire
resulting in bodily injury or even death. Users are advised not to use the
equipment at refueling points such as service or gas stations, and are reminded
of the need to observe restrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots,
chemical plants, or where blasting operations are in progress. Areas with a
potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always, clearly marked. These
include fueling areas, below deck on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage
facilities, and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain,
dust, or metal powders.
Some countries require full disclosure of recorded telephone conversations, and
stipulate that you must inform the person with whom you are speaking that the
conversation is being recorded. Always obey the relevant laws and regulations of your
country when using the recording feature of your Pocket PC Phone.
When using this product, the safety precautions below must be taken to offset
possible legal liabilities and damages.
This product is intended for use when supplied with power from the battery.
Other usage may be dangerous and will invalidate any approval given to this
Due to the possible interference caused by this product to an aircraft's navigation
system and its communications network, using this product on board an airplane
is against the law in most countries.
Do not use this product at gas or refueling stations. The use of this product is
also prohibited in fuel storehouses, chemical plants, and locations containing
Do not use this product in gas stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or where
blasting operations are in progress, or in potentially explosive atmospheres such
as fuelling areas, below deck on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage
facilities, and areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain,
dust, or metal powders. Please be aware that Sparks in such areas could cause
an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death.
Vehicle drivers in motion are not permitted to use telephony services with
handhold devices, except in the case of emergency. In some countries, using
hand-free devices as an alternative is allowed.
This product may cause medical equipment to malfunction. The use of this
device is forbidden in most hospitals and medical clinics.
This product should be operated in the suggested normal condition only to ensure the
radiative performance and safety of the interference. As with other mobile radio
transmitting equipment, users are advised that for satisfactory operation of the
equipment and for the safety of personnel, it is recommended that no part of the human
body be allowed to come too close to the antenna during operation of the equipment.
Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................... 15
Getting Started ................................................................................................................... 15
1.1 Getting to Know your Device and its Accessories ...................................................... 16
Front and left side view ............................................................................................................ 16
Back and right side view .......................................................................................................... 17
Accessories ................................................................................................................................ 18
1.2 Inserting the SIM Card ............................................................................................... 19
1.3 Battery Information .................................................................................................... 20
To check the battery power ..................................................................................................... 20
To charge the battery ............................................................................................................... 21
To deal with low battery .......................................................................................................... 21
1.4 Starting Up ................................................................................................................... 21
To turn the device on and off ................................................................................................... 21
To calibrate the Device ............................................................................................................. 22
To manage screen settings ....................................................................................................... 22
1.5 The Today Screen ........................................................................................................ 22
Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 24
1.6 Using the Start Menu .................................................................................................. 25
Program Indicators .................................................................................................................. 26
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................... 28
Entering and Searching for Information ......................................................................... 28
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 29
To show or hide the Input Panel ............................................................................................. 29
2.2 Using the Keyboard ..................................................................................................... 29
To use the standard on-screen Keyboard ............................................................................... 30
To enter text using the on-screen Keyboard .......................................................................... 30
To enlarge the on-screen Keyboard ........................................................................................ 30
2.3 Using Letter Recognizer .............................................................................................. 30
To use Letter Recognizer ......................................................................................................... 30
2.4 Using Block Recognizer .............................................................................................. 30
To use Block Recognizer .......................................................................................................... 30
2.5 Using Transcriber ........................................................................................................ 31
To start Transcriber ................................................................................................................. 31
To write using Transcriber ...................................................................................................... 31
To enter punctuation and symbols .......................................................................................... 31
To edit text................................................................................................................................. 31
Transcriber Gestures ............................................................................................................... 31
The Transcriber toolbar .......................................................................................................... 32
2.6 Drawing and Writing on the Screen ........................................................................... 33
2.7 Searching for Information .......................................................................................... 33
To search for a file or an item .................................................................................................. 33
Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................... 34
Using Phone Features ....................................................................................................... 34
3.1 Using the Phone .......................................................................................................... 35
The Phone screen ...................................................................................................................... 35
To enter your PIN ..................................................................................................................... 35
To turn flight mode on and off ................................................................................................ 35
To adjust the device volume .................................................................................................... 35
3.2 Making a Call .............................................................................................................. 36
To make a call from Phone ...................................................................................................... 36
To make a call from Contacts .................................................................................................. 37
To specify the number to dial .................................................................................................. 37
To make a call from Call History ............................................................................................ 37
To make a call from Speed Dial............................................................................................... 38
To create a Speed Dial entry .................................................................................................... 38
3.3 Receiving a Call ........................................................................................................... 38
To answer or reject an incoming call ...................................................................................... 38
To end a call .............................................................................................................................. 38
3.4 In-call Options ............................................................................................................. 38
To put a call on hold ................................................................................................................. 38
To switch between two calls ..................................................................................................... 39
To set up a conference call ....................................................................................................... 39
To turn on and off the Speakerphone ..................................................................................... 39
To mute a call ............................................................................................................................ 39
3.5 Additional Dialing Information .................................................................................. 39
To make an emergency call...................................................................................................... 39
To make an international call .................................................................................................. 40
Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................... 41
Synchronizing Your Device ............................................................................................... 41
4.1 Using ActiveSync ......................................................................................................... 42
To install and set up ActiveSync .............................................................................................. 42
4.2 Synchronizing Information......................................................................................... 42
To synchronize Outlook information ...................................................................................... 43
To start and stop synchronization ........................................................................................... 43
To change which information is synchronized ....................................................................... 43
To synchronize directly with Exchange Server ...................................................................... 44
4.3 Synchronizing via Bluetooth ....................................................................................... 44
To synchronize with a PC via Bluetooth ................................................................................. 44
4.4 Synchronizing Music, Video, and Pictures................................................................. 44
To change Media synchronization settings ............................................................................. 45
To set up a sync relationship with a storage card .................................................................. 45
Chapter 5 ........................................................................................................................... 46
Managing Your Pocket PC Phone .................................................................................... 46
5.1 Personalizing Your Pocket PC Phone ........................................................................ 47
To customize the Today screen ................................................................................................ 47
To add a custom background image ....................................................................................... 47
To set options for displaying tasks on the Today screen ....................................................... 47
To customize the Start menu ................................................................................................... 47
To set Clock & Alarms ............................................................................................................. 48
To change language and regional settings .............................................................................. 48
To reassign programs or shortcuts to program buttons ....................................................... 48
To increase or decrease the size of text on the screen ............................................................ 49
To enter owner information ..................................................................................................... 49
To choose how to be notified by events or actions ................................................................. 49
To adjust the speed for scrolling ............................................................................................. 49
To find the operating system version information................................................................. 49
To make the battery last longer ............................................................................................... 50
To set the backlight .................................................................................................................. 50
Phone settings ........................................................................................................................... 50
5.2 Adding and Removing Programs ................................................................................ 51
To add programs ...................................................................................................................... 52
To remove programs ................................................................................................................ 52
5.3 Managing Memory ...................................................................................................... 52
To see how much memory is available .................................................................................... 52
To see available storage card memory .................................................................................... 52
To free up program memory ................................................................................................... 53
To close a program ................................................................................................................... 53
5.4 Backing Up Files ......................................................................................................... 53
To copy files to a storage card ................................................................................................. 53
To copy a file using ActiveSync ............................................................................................... 54
To save files on a storage card automatically ......................................................................... 54
5.5 Protecting Your Device ................................................................................................ 54
To protect your phone with a PIN ........................................................................................... 54
To protect your device with a password ................................................................................. 55
To change your password ........................................................................................................ 55
To display owner information on the Today screen ............................................................... 55
5.6 Resetting Your Pocket PC Phone ................................................................................ 55
To perform a soft reset ............................................................................................................. 56
To perform a hard reset ........................................................................................................... 56
Chapter 6 ........................................................................................................................... 57
Getting Connected ............................................................................................................. 57
6.1 Connecting to the Internet .......................................................................................... 58
To connect to the Internet via ISP .......................................................................................... 58
To connect to a private network .............................................................................................. 59
6.2 Internet Explorer Mobile ............................................................................................ 59
To start Internet Explorer Mobile .......................................................................................... 59
To choose a Home page ............................................................................................................ 59
To transfer favorites from your PC ........................................................................................ 59
To add a favorite ....................................................................................................................... 60
To delete a favorite or folder ................................................................................................... 60
To change the size of text on Web pages ................................................................................. 60
To show or hide pictures on Web pages .................................................................................. 60
To change how Web pages fill the screen ................................................................................ 60
To clear the History list ............................................................................................................ 60
To save a picture from a Web page ......................................................................................... 60
To change cookies and security settings ................................................................................. 60
To delete temporary Internet files ........................................................................................... 61
6.3 Using Bluetooth ........................................................................................................... 61
To turn on or off Bluetooth on your device ............................................................................ 61
Bluetooth modes ....................................................................................................................... 61
To make your device visible ..................................................................................................... 62
Bluetooth partnerships ............................................................................................................ 62
To create a Bluetooth partnership .......................................................................................... 62
To accept a Bluetooth partnership .......................................................................................... 62
To rename a Bluetooth partnership ........................................................................................ 62
To delete a Bluetooth partnership ........................................................................................... 63
To beam information using Bluetooth .................................................................................... 63
To use a Bluetooth device as a modem ................................................................................... 63
To configure and use a Bluetooth device as a modem ........................................................... 63
6.4 Using Wireless Manager ............................................................................................. 63
6.5 Beam ............................................................................................................................ 64
To beam an item ....................................................................................................................... 64
6.6 Internet Sharing .......................................................................................................... 64
To start Internet Sharing ......................................................................................................... 65
To connect Internet via USB.................................................................................................... 65
To connect Internet via Bluetooth PAN .................................................................................. 65
Chapter 7 ........................................................................................................................... 66
Exchanging Messages and Using Outlook ...................................................................... 66
7.1 Text Messages .............................................................................................................. 67
To create a text message ........................................................................................................... 67
To insert predefined text into message ................................................................................... 67
To reply to a message ............................................................................................................... 67
7.2 E-mail .......................................................................................................................... 67
To set up an e-mail account ..................................................................................................... 67
To compose and send a message .............................................................................................. 69
To reply to or forward a message ............................................................................................ 69
To add an attachment to a message ........................................................................................ 69
To receive attachments ............................................................................................................. 69
To download messages ............................................................................................................. 70
To download messages from the server .................................................................................. 70
To manage folders .................................................................................................................... 70
7.3 MMS Messages ............................................................................................................ 71
To set up MMS .......................................................................................................................... 71
To access MMS ......................................................................................................................... 71
To set up a MMS account ........................................................................................................ 71
To manage MMS messages ...................................................................................................... 71
To start composing an MMS message .................................................................................... 71
To create a MMS message from a template ........................................................................... 73
To add predefined text strings to a MMS message ................................................................ 73
To add an audio clip to a MMS message ................................................................................ 73
To reply to a MMS message ..................................................................................................... 73
To view a MMS message .......................................................................................................... 73
To set advanced options for a MMS message ........................................................................ 74
To change MMS settings .......................................................................................................... 74
To configure MMS settings ...................................................................................................... 74
7.4 Windows Live Messenger ............................................................................................ 75
To start Windows Live Messenger .......................................................................................... 75
To sign in or out ........................................................................................................................ 76
To add or delete contacts ......................................................................................................... 77
To send an instant message ...................................................................................................... 77
To block or unblock contacts ................................................................................................... 77
To change your Messenger status ........................................................................................... 78
To change your Messenger appearance .................................................................................. 78
To switch between Windows Live and Messenger ................................................................. 78
To set Windows Live options ................................................................................................... 78
7.5 Calendar ...................................................................................................................... 78
To schedule an appointment .................................................................................................... 79
To send a meeting request ........................................................................................................ 79
To set a default reminder for all new appointments .............................................................. 79
7.6 Contacts ....................................................................................................................... 79
To create a contact .................................................................................................................... 80
To change contact information ................................................................................................ 80
To work with the contact list ................................................................................................... 80
To find a contact ....................................................................................................................... 80
7.7 Tasks ............................................................................................................................. 81
To create a task ......................................................................................................................... 81
To change the priority of a task .............................................................................................. 81
To set a default reminder for all new tasks ............................................................................ 81
To show start and due dates in the task list ........................................................................... 81
To locate a task ......................................................................................................................... 81
7.8 Notes ............................................................................................................................ 82
To enter information in Notes ................................................................................................. 82
To set the default input mode for Notes.................................................................................. 82
To create a note ......................................................................................................................... 82
To draw in a note ...................................................................................................................... 82
To record a voice note .............................................................................................................. 83
To create a voice note ............................................................................................................... 83
To change recording formats ................................................................................................... 83
Chapter 8 ........................................................................................................................... 85
Experiencing Multimedia ................................................................................................. 85
8.1 Using the Camera ........................................................................................................ 86
To launch the Camera .............................................................................................................. 86
To use still image capture modes ............................................................................................. 86
To use video capture mode ...................................................................................................... 87
Camera Setting ......................................................................................................................... 87
Micro Mode ............................................................................................................................... 89
Location for saving Pictures and Videos ................................................................................ 89
Precautions when using the Camera ...................................................................................... 89
To exit from Camera ................................................................................................................ 89
8.2 Using Pictures & Videos ............................................................................................. 89
To copy a picture or video clip to your device........................................................................ 89
To view pictures ........................................................................................................................ 90
To play videos with audio ........................................................................................................ 90
To view slide shows ................................................................................................................... 90
To sort pictures and video clips ............................................................................................... 91
To delete a picture or video clip .............................................................................................. 91
To edit a picture or video clip .................................................................................................. 91
To set a picture as the Today screen background .................................................................. 91
To send pictures and video clips via e-mail ............................................................................ 91
To beam a picture ..................................................................................................................... 92
To assign pictures to contacts .................................................................................................. 92
To use advance options ............................................................................................................ 92
8.3 Using Windows Media Player ..................................................................................... 92
About the controls .................................................................................................................... 93
About the screens and menus .................................................................................................. 93
Playback screen menu .............................................................................................................. 93
Now Playing screen menu ........................................................................................................ 94
Library screen menu ................................................................................................................ 94
About licenses and protected files ........................................................................................... 94
To play items on your device ................................................................................................... 95
To play an item on a network .................................................................................................. 95
To copy files to your device ...................................................................................................... 95
Accessibility for people with disabilities ................................................................................. 96
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 96
Chapter 9 ........................................................................................................................... 97
Using Other Applications .................................................................................................. 97
9.1 Using Office Mobile .................................................................................................... 98
Word Mobile ............................................................................................................................. 98
To create a Word document ..................................................................................................... 98
Excel Mobile ............................................................................................................................. 98
To create a Excel file ................................................................................................................ 98
PowerPoint Mobile ................................................................................................................... 98
To start a slide show presentation ........................................................................................... 99
To stop a slide show .................................................................................................................. 99
9.2 Using Java ................................................................................................................... 99
To install MIDlets from the Internet ...................................................................................... 99
To install MIDlets from a PC ................................................................................................ 100
To install a MIDlet/MIDlet suite ........................................................................................... 100
To run MIDlets on your device.............................................................................................. 100
To manage MIDlets ................................................................................................................ 101
To change the name of a MIDlet ........................................................................................... 101
To uninstall a MIDlet ............................................................................................................. 101
To configure MIDlet security ................................................................................................. 101
9.3 Contact Manager ....................................................................................................... 102
Appendix .......................................................................................................................... 103
A.1 Regulatory Notices .................................................................................................... 104
Regulatory Agency IDs .......................................................................................................... 104
Important Health and Safety Information ........................................................................... 104
Safety Precautions for RF Exposure ..................................................................................... 104
General Precautions ............................................................................................................... 104
Safety Precautions for Power Supply Unit ........................................................................... 105
WEEE Notice .......................................................................................................................... 105
A.2 PC Requirement to Run ActiveSync ........................................................................ 106
A.3 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................ 106
Power & Battery ..................................................................................................................... 107
ActiveSync ............................................................................................................................... 107
Display & Sound ..................................................................................................................... 107
Connection & Bluetooth ........................................................................................................ 107
Operating ................................................................................................................................ 108
Memory ................................................................................................................................... 108
Media Player ........................................................................................................................... 108
Phone ....................................................................................................................................... 109
A.4 Specifications ............................................................................................................ 109
Chapter 1
Getting Started
1.1 Getting to Know your Device and its Accessories
1.2 Installing the SIM Card
1.3 Battery Information
1.4 Starting Up
1.5 The Today Screen
1.6 Using the Start Menu
1.1 Getting to Know your Device and its Accessories
Front and left side view
Notification LED
Touch Screen
Talk Button
(G1 and G2 Button)
Left Soft Key
Navigation Pad
Right Soft Key
End Button
OK Button
Start Menu Button
Sync Connector
Volume Buttons
Back and right side view
Zoom button
Use this button you can adjust the lens to Micro mode.
Self Shutter Mirror
Use it when you take a picture for yourself.
Camera Lens
Use this built-in camera to take photos or video clips.
External Speaker
Allows you to listen to audio media or hands-free calls.
Cover Latch
Slide this latch to release the battery cover.
Micro SD Card Slot
Insert a storage card (Micro SD) for storing data.
Power Button
Press this button to turn off your device temporarily and switches the
device to sleep mode; press and hold this button to turn off your device
completely. When your device is in sleep mode, you can still receive calls;
however, the phone function is off when you turn off the device completely.
RESET Button
With the stylus press the RESET button to soft-reset your device.
Camera Button
Press to launch the camera. Press again to take a picture.
Use the stylus to write, draw, or select items on the touch screen.
Note If no special designation press some button means press transitorily
some button.
The following accessories are provided with the device:
AC Adapter
Recharge the device battery.
USB Cable
Connect your device to PC and synchronize data.
Provide a Talk/End button. You can use the button to pick up and
hang up incoming and outgoing calls. To use it, plug into Earphone
Getting Started CD
Contains further documents and software to synchronize your device
to your PC.
User Manual and
Quick Start Guide
Instructions for device functions.
Rechargeable Li-ion polymer battery.
1.2 Inserting the SIM Card
Follow these steps to insert a GSM SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card which is
provided by your local network service provider. The SIM card may contain your
phone number, service details, and phonebook/message memory.
Your device supports SIM cards both 1.8V and 3V. Some legacy SIM cards will not
function within this device. The customer should consult with their service provider
for a replacement SIM card. There may be a fee for this service.
1. Always switch the device off, and disconnect the charger before removing the
2. Press the cover latch and slide the back cover to remove it from the phone.
3. If the battery is installed, use the finger grip to lift the battery from the battery
compartment. Then, insert the SIM card into the SIM card slot with its gold
contacts facing down (the cutoff corner of the SIM card should match the cut-off
corner in the device.
4. Replace the battery and gently push down to snap it into place.
5. Replace the battery cover.
1.3 Battery Information
This device is intended for use with a Li-ion polymer battery. Use only batteries,
chargers and enhancements approve by the manufacturer. Battery performance
depends on many factors, including wireless service provider‘s network configuration,
signal strength, temperature of the environment in which you operate your device,
the features and/or settings you select and use, items attached to your device‘s
connecting ports, and your voice, data, and other program usage patterns.
Battery life estimates (approximations):
. Standby time: about 150 hours
. Talk time (Screen off): up to 4 hours
Note Using the unapproved battery or destroyed battery may cause dangerous.
Warning! To reduce risk of fire or burns.
. Do not attempt to open, disassemble, or service the battery pack.
Do not crush, puncture, short external contacts, or dispose of in fire or
. Do not expose to temperatures above 45
C (113
. Replace only with the battery pack designated for this product.
. Recycle or dispose of used battery as stipulated by local regulation.
To check the battery power
Tap the battery level icon ( ) on the Today screen.
Select Start > Settings > System tab > Power.
Note You can adjust Backlight and Beam settings to conserve power. Also you
can turn off LED light in Power Saving tab.
To charge the battery
New batteries are shipped partially charged. Install and charge the battery before
use with this device. The full performance of a new battery is achieved only after
several complete charge and discharge cycles. To charge the battery:
. Connect your device directly to an external power source.
. Plug the device sync cable into the USB port on your PC.
To deal with low battery
When the low-battery warning appears, the following actions are suggested:
. Immediately save your current data.
. Recharge the battery.
. Turn off the device.
1.4 Starting Up
To turn the device on and off
To turn the device on, press and hold the Power button for several seconds.
When you turn the device on for the first time, you are asked to complete a
calibration process. For more information, see To calibrate the device‖.
To turn the device off, press and hold Power button again.
Note Pressing the Power key turns your device off temporarily and switches the
device to sleep mode. However, messages and calls can still be received
while the device is in sleep mode.
To calibrate the Device
Calibrating the device screen involves using the stylus to tap the centre of a cross as
it moves around the screen.
If the device does not accurately respond to screen taps, follow these steps to
re-calibrate it:
1. Select Start > Settings > System tab > Screen.
2. On the General tab, select Align Screen, and follow the instructions on the
To manage screen settings
The device touch screen has three orientation modes: Portrait, Landscape
(right-handed) and Landscape (left-handed). Portrait mode allows you to get a
better view or a better operation of certain programs on your device, while
Landscape mode may be optimal for viewing longer text files.
1.5 The Today Screen
The Today screen displays important information, such as upcoming
appointments and status indicators. To open the program, tap the associated
section on the screen.
. To access the Today screen, tap Start > Today.
To customize the Today screen display, which includes the background image,
select Start > Settings > Personal tab > Today.
1 Tap to open the Start menu.
2 Tap to view connectivity status.
3 Indicates the radio signal strength. Tap to configuration the phone settings.
4 Tap to control device/ringer volume level.
5 Indicates the battery status. Tap to enter the Power Settings screen.
6 Displays the current time.
7 Displays the current date. Tap to setup date, time, alarm, and more.
8 Tap to open the related menu : Messaging, Settings etc.
9 Tap to start the Wireless Manager. : To show the main card.
10 Tap to set owner information.
11 Tap to lock or unlock the device. : locked; : unlocked.
12 Tap to open the Phone screen.
13 Tap to open the Contacts screen.
3 2 3 4 5
Following are some of the status icons that you may see on your device.
Indicates the battery is fully charged.
Indicates the battery is very low.
Battery charging.
Sound on.
Sound off.
Ringer in vibration mode.
Connection is active.
Connection is not active.
Synchronization in progress.
Synchronization error.
No SIM in slot1
No SIM in slot2
Indicates maximum signal strength for GSM1.
Indicates maximum signal strength for GSM2.
No signal of GSM1.
No signal of GSM2.
No service of GSM1.
No service of GSM2.
GSM1 searching
GSM2 searching
SIM1 is turned off.
SIM2 is turned off.
Phone1 is on calling.
Phone2 is on calling.
Calls are forwarded.
Missed call.
Speak on
GSM1 GPRS connected
GSM2 GPRS connected
GSM1 GPRS AND GSM2 GPRS are both ready.
GSM1 GPRS is ready.
GSM2 GPRS is ready.
GSM1 EDGE and GSM2 EDGE are both ready
GSM1 EDGE is ready.
GSM2 EDGE is ready.
GSM1 EDGE AND GSM2 EDGE are both ready.
Biçimlendirilmiş Tablo
GSM1 GPRS AND GSM2 EDGE are both ready.
GSM1 is roaming
GSM2 is roaming
GSM1 and GSM2 are bothroaming
New e-mail or MMS.
New Text Messages
New IM
There are more notifications. Tap the icon to view all.
Indicates the device is locked.
Indicates the device is unlocked.
1.6 Using the Start Menu
The Start menu which is located at the top left corner of the Today screen displays a
list of programs. It lets you close a screen and switch from one program to another.
To start a program, scroll through the programs list and then press the Action button,
or tap a program with the stylus.
1 Tap to open the Today screen.
2 Tap to start a program. The items displayed in Start menu can be customized by
tapping Start > Settings > Personal tab >Menus.
3 Tap to start a recently-used program.
4 Tap to view and select more programs that are installed in your device.
5 Tap to change device settings.
6 Tap to see a Help topic for the current screen.
Program Indicators
Following indicators are some of the icons for the programs that are already installed
on your device.
ActiveSync Synchronizes information between your device and a PC.
Calculator Performs basic arithmetic and calculations, such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
Calendar Keeps track of your appointments and creates meeting requests.
Camera Snaps photos or shoots video clips with accompanying audio.
Contacts Keeps track of your friends and colleagues.
File Explorer Enables you to organize and manage files on your device.
Games Lets you play two pre-installed games: Bubble Breaker and Solitaire.
Help Enables you to see Help topics for a program on your device.
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer browses Web and WAP sites, and downloads
new programs and files from the Internet.
Internet Sharing It enables a Windows Mobile powered device connected to the
internet to act as a Network Access Point to devices connected to it.
JAVA Enables you to download and install Java applications, such as games and
tools, on your device.
Messaging Sends and receives e-mail and text messages.
Messenger Sends and receives instant messages with your MSN
Messenger contacts.
Notes Creates handwritten or typed notes, drawings, and recordings.
Office Mobile Lets you create, view and edit Excel workbooks, PowerPoint slides
and Word documents
Phone Makes and receives calls, switches between calls and sets up conference
Pictures & Videos Collects, organizes, and sorts picture and video files in the My
Pictures folder of your device or on a storage card.
Search Enables you to search contacts, data, and other information on your device.
Contact Manager You can manage information of contacts stored on your SIM card.
You can also copy the SIM contacts to phone and copy phone contacts to the SIM
Tasks Keeps track of your tasks.
Windows Live Establish an internet connection. You can sync Contacts and
Messenger and E-mail.
Windows Media Enables the multimedia function on your device.
WorldCard Mobile Capture and edit your Business Cards, and export Business
Cards information. You must adjust the zoom button on the back of the device
(indicated in the phone overview page) to select micro mode before capture.
Chapter 2
Entering and Searching for Information
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Using the Keyboard
2.3 Using Letter Recognizer
2.4 Using Block Recognizer
2.5 Using Transcriber
2.6 Drawing and Writing on the Screen
2.7 Searching for Information
2.1 Introduction
When you start a program or select a field that requires text or numbers, the Input
Panel becomes available automatically. Input Panel provides various input methods
which are available on your device, including Block Recognizer, Keyboard, Letter
Recognizer, and Transcriber. By default, the Input Panel icon appears on the menu
bar to indicate which input method is currently selected. The Input Selector arrow
(shown at the right side of the Input Panel icon) opens a list of available input
To show or hide the Input Panel
Tap the Input Panel icon on the menu bar.
Input Panel icon
Input method
The on-screen keyboard.
Letter Recognizer or Block Recognizer.
2.2 Using the Keyboard
To enter text, symbols, and numbers, you can either type using the standard
Input Selector arrow
Input Panel (Keyboard)
on-screen Keyboard.
To use the standard on-screen Keyboard
The on-screen Keyboard is available when text entry is possible. You can enter text
by tapping keys on the keyboard that is displayed on the screen.
To enter text using the on-screen Keyboard
1. In a program, tap the Input Selector arrow, and tap Keyboard.
2. Enter text by tapping keys on the on-screen Keyboard.
To enlarge the on-screen Keyboard
1. Tap the Input Selector arrow, and then tap Options.
2. In the Input method list, select Keyboard.
3. Tap Large Keys.
2.3 Using Letter Recognizer
With Letter Recognizer, you can write individual letters, numbers, and punctuation,
which can be converted into typed text.
To use Letter Recognizer
1. In a program, tap the Input Selector arrow, and then tap Letter Recognizer.
2. Write characters, numbers, and symbols in the designated writing area.
. Enter capital letters by writing in the ABC (left) area of the box.
. Enter lower case letters by writing in the abc (middle) area of the box.
. Enter numbers by writing in the 123 (right) area of the box.
. Enter punctuation and symbols by tapping in either area of the box and then
writing the desired character.
Note Letter Recognizer is available only when text entry is possible.
Tip For help with writing characters with Letter Recognizer, tap the question
mark near the writing area.
2.4 Using Block Recognizer
With Block Recognizer, single strokes can be used to write letters, numbers,
symbols, and punctuation, which can be converted into typed text.
To use Block Recognizer
1. In a program, tap the Input Selector arrow, and then tap Block Recognizer.
2. Write characters, numbers, and symbols in the designated writing area.
. Enter letters by writing in the abc (left) area of the box.
. Enter numbers by writing in the 123 (right) area of the box.
. Enter symbols and punctuation by tapping in either area of the box and then
writing the desired character.
Note Block Recognizer is available only when text entry is possible.
Tip For help with writing characters with Block Recognizer, tap the question
mark near the writing area.
2.5 Using Transcriber
Transcriber is a handwriting recognition program that allows you to write in cursive,
print, or a combination of both. Transcriber works transparently in the background of
programs, recognizing words with its integrated dictionary. When Transcriber is
turned on, it interprets stylus movement anywhere on the screen as handwriting
input. For more information about using Transcriber, see Help on your device.
To start Transcriber
1. Start a program that accepts user input, such as Word Mobile.
2. Tap the Input Selector arrow, and tap Transcriber. The Transcriber
introductory screen appears.
To write using Transcriber
1. In a program, position the cursor where you want the text to appear.
2. Use the stylus to write anywhere on the screen. The handwriting will be
converted to text shortly after you lift the stylus from the screen.
To enter punctuation and symbols
Transcriber comes with an on-screen keyboard that provides an easy way to add
punctuation or a special symbol to existing text.
In a program, tap on the Transcriber toolbar. The keyboard remains
visible until the button is tapped again.
Tips To reposition the keyboard, tap and hold the title bar, then drag to the
desired location. When no text is selected, you can also open the
keyboard by performing the gesture.
To edit text
1. In a program, draw a line across the text which you want to edit.
2. After you lift the stylus from the screen, the line will disappear and the selected
text will be highlighted.
3. Do either of the following actions:
Rewrite the text.
Use gestures to capitalize letters, insert a space, and so on. For information
about using gestures, see ―Transcriber Gestures‖ in this chapter.
Transcriber Gestures
Use quick strokes of the stylus to edit your text or to insert returns, spaces, or
Insert a paragraph return at the cursor. The horizontal portion of the gesture must
be at least two times longer than the vertical portion.
Insert a space at the cursor. The horizontal portion of the gesture must be at least
two times longer than the vertical portion.
Move the cursor one space back and erase any text. Do the gesture by drawing a
line from right to left.
Open the alternate words menu if a word is selected or the onscreen Transcriber
keyboard if no text is selected. Do the gesture by drawing a line straight down and
back up.
Change the capitalization of a selected letter, word, or block of text. Do the gesture
by drawing a line straight up.
Undo the last action. Do the gesture by drawing a line straight up and back down.
Copy the selected text. Do the gesture by drawing a line from left to right and back.
Cut the selected text. Do the gesture by drawing a line from right to left and back.
Paste copied or cut text. Do the gesture by drawing a line from the lower left of the
screen diagonally up toward the right and back down to the right.
Insert a tab. The horizontal portion of the gesture must be at least two times longer
than the vertical portion.
Tip You can also use the Enter, Space or Backspace buttons on the
Transcriber toolbar.
The Transcriber toolbar
The Transcriber toolbar, which appears at the bottom of the screen when
Transcriber is open, provides easy access to several tools, Enter, Space, Backspace
buttons, Left and Right arrow buttons.
Open the Options dialog box, where you can set options such as writing direction,
text entry, and shorthand.
Open Letter Shapes, where you can set your personal writing styles to maximize
Use the miniature keyboard to quickly enter numbers, punctuation, and other
Change the character recognition mode.
• a mode. This is the default for optimum handwriting recognition.
123 mode. Numbers and some letters are allowed and the calculator is
• A mode. All letters are automatically capitalized.
If you are in A or 123 mode, recognition returns automatically to the default mode
once you lift the stylus.
Insert a space at the cursor.
Insert a paragraph return at the cursor.
Move the cursor one space to the left.
Move the cursor one space to the right.
Move the cursor one space back and erase any text.
Open Transcriber Help.
2.6 Drawing and Writing on the Screen
With your device, you can draw directly on the screen, or write on the screen and
save notes in your own handwriting. For more information on what you can do with
Notes, see ―Notes‖ in Chapter 7.
2.7 Searching for Information
You can search for files and other items stored on your device in the My Documents
folder or on a storage card. You can search by file name or by words located in the
item. For example, you can search in e-mail messages, notes, appointments,
contacts, and tasks, as well as in online Help.
To search for a file or an item
1. Tap Start > Programs > Search.
2. In Search for, enter the file name, word, or other information you want to
search for.
3. If you have looked for this item before, tap the Search for arrow and select the
item from the list.
4. In Type, select a data type to help narrow your search.
5. Tap Search. The My Documents folder and subfolders are searched.
6. In the Results list, tap the item you want to open.
Note The storage card symbol is displayed next to the names of files saved
on a storage card.
Chapter 3
Using Phone Features
3.1 Using the Phone
3.2 Making a Call
3.3 Receiving a Call
3.4 In-call Options
3.5 Additional Dialing Information
3.1 Using the Phone
Like a standard mobile phone, you can use your Pocket PC Phone to make, receive,
and keep track of calls and send SMS/MMS messages. You can also take notes
while talking, dial directly from Contacts, and easily copy SIM contacts to Contacts
on the device.
The Phone screen
From the Phone screen, you can access Call History, Speed Dial, and Phone
settings. To enter the Phone screen, do one of the following actions:
Use the stylus and tap Start > Phone.
Press G1button or G2 button to enter the phone screen while no dialing
phone number on the screen,
To enter your PIN
Most SIM cards are preset with a PIN (personal identification number) code that is
provided by your wireless service provider. If this is the case, you will need to input
the PIN whenever you use your device.
1. Input the preset PIN assigned by your wireless service provider.
2. Tap Enter.
Note If your PIN is input incorrectly three times, the SIM card will be blocked. If
this happens, you have to unblock it with the PUK (PIN Unblocking Key)
obtained from your wireless service provider.
To turn flight mode on and off
In many countries it is required to turn off phone on-board an aircraft by law. Flight
mode should be activated in order to turn off the phone.
To keep device on and use other functions, flight mode can be activated soon.
Tap the signal icon ( or ) and select Wireless Manager, else you can tap
the icon ( ) on the Today screen. And then tap Phone1 and Phone2 to make
them Off on the wireless manager.
To resume call function, tap Phone1 and Phone2 again to make them On.
To adjust the device volume
1. Tap the Speaker icon ( ).
2. In Volume, do the following action:
Adjust the phone volume ( ) or device volume ( ) by moving the slider
to the desired volume level.
Tap On, Vibrate, or Off to change both the system and ringer volume settings.
Volume Adjustment
Notes To adjust the conversation phone volume, you must do it during a call.
Adjusting the volume at another time will affect the ring, notification, and
MP3 sound levels.
If Vibrate mode is activated, sound will be muted and the device will be
vibrated automatically when an incoming call is received. The Vibrate icon
( ) will appear in the title bar to indicate that Vibrate mode is activated.
3.2 Making a Call
With your device, you can make a call from Phone, Contacts, Speed Dial, and
Call History.
To make a call you need to press the Talk button which contains G1 button and G2
button. The following text you should use the Talk button to make a call. So first you
should remember the function of G1 button and G2 button as follows:
In double cards mode:
While the dialing phone number or name shows on the screen, press G1 button to
dial with card1 or press G2 button to dial with card2.
In single card mode:
The function of the G1 button and G2 button are in the same. Select or enter a
desired number and press G1 or G2 button to dial with the single card.
Note Please see the view page in chapter 1 for more information of the Talk
To make a call from Phone
On the Phone screen, enter the desired phone number, and then tap Talk. You
can also press the Talk button on the device.
On the Phone screen, enter the desired phone number, and then tap 1 IP or 2
IP. Before you use the IP Dial you must set it.
Phone Screen
Tip To delete an incorrect character, tap the Back arrow ( ), to delete all
input character, hold the Back arrow.
To make a call from Contacts
Tap Start > Contacts.
Tap the desired contact, and press the Talk button.
You can also tap the desired contact in the contacts list, and select the phone
number that you want to call. Or, tap and hold the desired contact, and on the
shortcut menu, tap Call Work, Call Home, or Call Mobile.
Else on the contacts list select a contact and tap Menu > IP Dial, you can select
Dial With Card1 or Dial With Card2.
To specify the number to dial
By default, the mobile telephone number of a contact is dialed when you make a call
from Contacts. However, you can specify that a different phone number is used
1. Tap Start > Contacts.
2. Press Navigation up or down to select the contact.
3. Press Navigation left or right. The letters representing the number (m: mobile
tel.; w: work tel.; h: home tel.) will changes as you scroll through them.
To make a call from Call History
1. On the Phone screen, tap the Call History button.
2. Tap Menu > Filter and tap a category.
3. Scroll to the desired contact or phone number, and tap Call.
Note You can select the desired contact to make IP dial: tap Menu to select
To make a call from Speed Dial
Use Speed Dial to call frequently-used numbers with a single tap. Assign a phone
number to one of dialing key, 2-9. For example, if you assign a contact to the
location 2 in Speed Dial, you can simply tap and hold on the Phone screen to
dial the contact‘s number. If speed dial number is two digits, input the tens digit first,
then tap the last digit and hold on the Phone screen. Before you can create a
Speed Dial entry, the number must already exist in Contacts.
To create a Speed Dial entry
1. Tap Start > Contacts.
2. Tap a phone number for which you want to create a Speed Dial and enter the
detail information screen.
3. Tap Menu > Add to Speed Dial to enter the Speed Dial screen.
4. In the Location box, select an available location for the new Speed Dial.
Note Location 1 is generally reserved for your voice mail, and Speed Dial will
designate the next available location by default. If you want to place a
number in a position that is already occupied, the new number will replace
the number that is already there.
Tip To delete a Speed Dial entry, on the phone screen tap Menu > View >
Speed Dial and tap a contact to enter the Speed Dial screen, and then
tap Delete.
3.3 Receiving a Call
When you receive a phone call, a message will appear, giving you the option to
either answer or ignore the incoming call.
To answer or reject an incoming call
To answer the call, tap Answer, or press G1 or G2 button on the device. While
incoming calls are at the same time, press G1 button to get the call with card 1
and press G2 button to get the call with card 2. Answer one incoming call and
another incoming call still remains.
To reject the call, tap Ignore, or press the End button on the device. While
incoming calls are at the same time, press End button to end the highlight one
and another incoming call still remains.
Note If one card is dialing and then another card has an incoming call, the
dialing will be canceled and show the incoming call.
To end a call
Once an incoming or outgoing call is in progress, you can tap End or press End
on the device to hang up.
3.4 In-call Options
To put a call on hold
When you are on the phone and receive another incoming phone call, a
message will appear, giving you the option to either accept or reject the call. If
you are already on a call and accept the new call, you can choose to switch
between the two callers, or set up a conference call between all three parties.
1. Tap Answer to take the second call, and put the first one on hold.
2. To end the second call and return to the first call, tap End or press the End
button on your device.
Note While one card is on talking and another card is on hold, the two cards
can both not get the incoming call again. While one card is both on talking
and on hold, only this card can get the incoming call and another card
cant. While one card is on talking, you can make an outgoing call from
this card or from another card.
To switch between two calls
Tap Swap.
To set up a conference call
1. Either put a call on hold and dial a second number; or accept a second
incoming call when you already have one in progress.
2. Tap Conference.
Note Not all service providers support conference calling. Contact your service
provider for details.
Note If one card is in a conference call, only this card can get the incoming call
and another card cant get the incoming call.
To turn on and off the Speakerphone
The built-in Speakerphone on your device allows you to talk hands-free or lets other
people listen to the conversation.
When speakerphone turns on, the speakerphone icon ( ) appears in the title
To turn off the speakerphone, tap Speaker Off, or press and hold Talk button
again until the speakerphone turns off.
To mute a call
Listen to the active conversation, but your voice cannot be heard by the other parties
of the call.
During a call, tap Mute.
When the microphone is turned off, the mute icon ( ) appears on the screen.
Tap Unmute to turn on the microphone again.
3.5 Additional Dialing Information
To make an emergency call
Enter the international emergency number for your locale, and tap Talk.
Tip Additional emergency numbers may be included in your SIM card. Contact
your service provider for details.
To make an international call
1. Tap and hold on the Phone keypad until the + sign appears. The + replaces
the international prefix of the country that you are calling.
2. Input the full phone number you want to dial, and tap Talk. The full phone number
includes country code, area code (without the leading zero, if any) and phone
Chapter 4
Synchronizing Your Device
4.1 Using ActiveSync
4.2 Synchronizing Information
4.3 Synchronizing via Bluetooth
4.4 Synchronizing Music, Video, and Pictures
4.1 Using ActiveSync
ActiveSync synchronizes information on your device with information on your PC,
such as Outlook content. ActiveSync can also synchronize over a wireless or cellular
network with Microsoft Exchange Server, if your company or service provider is
running Microsoft Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync. When you
synchronize, ActiveSync compares the information on your device with the
information on your PC and/or Exchange Server and updates all locations with the
most recent information.
With ActiveSync, you can:
Synchronize information, such as Outlook E-mail, Contacts, Calendar, or Tasks
information on your device with your PC, as well as pictures, video, and music.
Synchronize Outlook E-mail, Contacts, Calendar appointments, and Tasks on
your device directly with Exchange Server so that you can stay up to date even
when your PC is turned off.
Exchange files between your device and your PC without synchronizing.
Select which types of information are synchronized and specify how much
information is synchronized. For example, you can choose how many weeks of
past Calendar appointments to synchronize.
Before you can synchronize information with a PC, you must first install ActiveSync
on your PC and create a synchronization relationship between your device and the
PC. You can install ActiveSync from the Getting Started disc that comes with your
device. ActiveSync is already installed on your device.
Once you have installed ActiveSync and set up a synchronization relationship,
ActiveSync on the PC recognizes your device when you connect it, and
automatically transfers the synchronization settings you specified on your device.
You may be able to synchronize your device with Exchange Server through your
company or wireless service provider. If you plan to do so, obtain the name of the
Exchange Server, your user name, password, and domain name from your
administrator before starting the Sync Setup Wizard.
To install and set up ActiveSync
1. Install ActiveSync on your PC, as described on the Getting Started disc. After
Setup completes, the Sync Setup Wizard automatically starts when you connect
your device to the PC.
2. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the wizard. In the Sync Setup
Wizard, do one or both of the following:
Create a synchronization relationship between your PC and the device.
Configure an Exchange Server connection to synchronize directly with
Exchange Server.
3. Choose information types to synchronize.
Note When you finish the wizard, ActiveSync synchronizes your device
automatically. Once synchronization completes, you can disconnect your
device from your PC.
4.2 Synchronizing Information
When you connect your device to the PC using a USB or serial cable or a Bluetooth
connection, ActiveSync will immediately synchronize. While the device is connected,
ActiveSync synchronizes every time you make a change on either the PC or the
To synchronize Outlook information
If you have set up a synchronization relationship between your device and the PC,
synchronization keeps Outlook information up-to-date on both computers.
ActiveSync synchronizes a limited amount of information by default to save storage
space on your device. You can change the amount of information synchronized for a
given information type in Settings for the information type.
You can set up your device to synchronize with more than one PC or with a
combination of one or more PCs and Exchange Server. When synchronizing with
multiple computers, the items that you synchronize will appear on all of the
computers with which they are synchronized. For example, if you have set up
synchronization with two PCs (PC1 and PC2), which have different items, and you
synchronize Contacts and Calendar on the device with both computers, the result is
as follows:
New state
All Outlook contacts and calendar appointments that were on PC2 are now also
on PC1.
All Outlook contacts and calendar appointments that were on PC1 are now also
on PC2.
All Outlook contacts and calendar appointments from both PC1 and PC2 are on
the device.
Note Outlook e-mail can be synchronized with only one computer.
To start and stop synchronization
To synchronize Outlook information and other local information on the PC,
including media les, connect your device to the PC using Bluetooth, or a cable
or cradle.
If you are synchronizing directly with Exchange Server, you can use this
connection to the PC to "pass though" to the network.
In ActiveSync, tap Sync. To end synchronization before it completes, tap Stop.
To change which information is synchronized
1. In ActiveSync on the device, tap Menu > Options.
2. Do one or both of the following actions:
Select the check box for any items you want to synchronize. If you cannot select
a check box, you might have to clear the check box for the same information type
elsewhere in the list.
Clear the check box for any items you want to stop synchronizing.
3. To stop synchronizing with one PC completely, tap the PC and tap Delete.
Notes Outlook e-mail can be synchronized with only one computer.
To change available synchronization settings, select the type of
information and tap Settings.
To synchronize directly with Exchange Server
You can set up synchronization with Exchange Server on your device, if it is
available to you through your company or wireless service provider. However, you
should first ask your administrator for the following information and then carry on
with the steps: Exchange Server name, your user name, password, and domain
1. In ActiveSync on the device, tap Menu > Configure Server. If you have not
yet set up synchronization with Exchange Server, this will say Add Server
2. In Server address, enter the name of the server running Exchange Server,
and tap Next.
3. Enter your user name, password, and domain, and tap Next. To change the
rules for resolving synchronization conflicts, tap Advanced.
4. Select the check boxes for the types of information items that you want to
synchronize with Exchange Server.
5. To change available synchronization settings, select the type of information,
and tap Settings.
6. Tap Finish.
4.3 Synchronizing via Bluetooth
You can connect your device to the PC to synchronize using the local wireless
technologies, such as Bluetooth.
To synchronize with a PC via Bluetooth
1. Follow the instructions in ActiveSync Help on the PC for
configuring Bluetooth on your PC to support ActiveSync.
2. On the device, tap Start > Programs > ActiveSync.
3. Tap Menu > Connect via Bluetooth. Make sure that Bluetooth is turned on at
the device and the PC, and that they are within close range.
4. If this is the first time you have connected to this PC via Bluetooth, you must
rst complete the Bluetooth wizard on the device and set up a Bluetooth
partnership between your device and the PC.
For more information about enabling and configuring Bluetooth, see Chapter 6.
Note You can also use the Sync Setup Wizard to set up the device to
synchronize remotely with Exchange Server. This wizard is started when
you connect your mobile device to your PC after installing ActiveSync on
the PC.
4.4 Synchronizing Music, Video, and Pictures
If you want to carry your music or other digital media along with you along while you
travel, ActiveSync works with Windows Media Player to synchronize music, video,
and pictures with your device.
Other than selecting the Media information type in ActiveSync to be synchronized,
all media synchronization settings must be set in Windows Media Player. Before
media can be synchronized, following action should be taken:
Install Windows Media Player Version 10 on the PC.
Connect your device to the PC with a USB cable. If the device is currently
connected using Bluetooth, you must end that connection before media can be
Insert a storage card into your device (32MB or larger is recommended).
Set up a sync partnership between the storage card and Windows Media
To change Media synchronization settings
Once you select the Media information type in ActiveSync to be synchronized, any of
your favorite music, video, and picture files in Windows Media Player playlists can be
synchronized. All you have to do is set up synchronization in Windows Media Player
for those media files.
To set up a sync relationship with a storage card
1. Open Windows Media Player.
2. Click the Sync tab.
3. Select the storage card.
4. Click Set up Sync.
For information about using Windows Media Player on the device, refer to
Chapter 8.
Chapter 5
Managing Your Pocket PC Phone
5.1 Personalizing Your Pocket PC Phone
5.2 Adding and Removing Programs
5.3 Managing Memory
5.4 Backing Up Files
5.5 Protecting Your Device
5.6 Resetting Your Pocket PC Phone
5.1 Personalizing Your Pocket PC Phone
To customize the Today screen
The Today screen shows your upcoming appointments, active tasks, and information
about e-mail messages. You can customize the Today screen on your device.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Today.
2. On the Appearance tab, select the desired theme for the background of the
Today screen.
3. On the Items tab, select the items you want to appear on the Today screen.
Tip To change the order of items displayed on the Today screen, tap the item,
and tap Move Up or Move Down.
To add a custom background image
You can use one of your own pictures as the background image on the Today
screen. Be aware that pictures can affect the readability of text on the Today screen.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Today.
2. Select the Use this picture as the background check box, and tap Browse
to view a list of your picture files.
3. Tap the file name of the picture you want to use.
4. Tap OK.
If you have a large number of appointments, you may want to specify the kind of
appointments that are displayed on the Today screen.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Today.
2. Tap the Items tab.
3. Select Calendar and tap Options.
4. Do any of the following:
Select Next appointment to show only the next appointment in your
schedule, or Upcoming appointments to show multiple appointments.
Clear the Display all day events check box if you do not want to display
all-day events.
To set options for displaying tasks on the Today screen
If you have a large number of tasks, you may want to specify what kind of tasks
should be displayed on the Today screen.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Today.
2. Tap the Items tab.
3. Select Tasks and tap Options.
4. Do any of the following:
Under Display number of, select the type of tasks you want to appear on
the Today screen.
In the Category list, select whether to display only tasks assigned to a
specific category or to display all tasks.
To customize the Start menu
You can choose which items appear in the Start menu.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Menus.
2. Select the check boxes of the items you want to appear in the Start menu. You
can select up to seven items.
Tip You can also create folders and shortcuts to appear on the Start menu. In
ActiveSync on your PC, click Explore. In the Mobile Device window,
double-click My Windows Mobile-Based Device > Windows > Start Menu,
then create the folders and shortcuts that you want. You will see the
added items after you synchronize.
To set Clock & Alarms
Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Clock & Alarms or tap the date time on the
Today screen to enter Clock & Alarms.
Note During synchronization, the time on your device is updated with the time
on your PC.
Time tab: You can select the correct time zone and change the date or time.
If you visit or communicate with someone in a particular time zone often, you
can select it as your visiting time zone.
Alarm tab: Tap <Description> and enter a name for the alarm. Tap the day
of the week for the alarm. You can select multiple days by tapping each
desired day. Tap the time to open a clock and set the time for the alarm. Tap
the alarm icon ( ) to specify the type of alarm you want. You can choose a
ash light, a single sound, a repeating sound, or vibration. To play a sound,
tap the list next to the Play sound check box and tap the sound you want.
To change language and regional settings
The style in which numbers, currency, dates, and times are displayed is specified in
regional settings.
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Regional Settings.
2. On the Region tab, select your region and language.
3. The region you select determines which options will be available on the other
4. To customize settings further, tap the appropriate tabs and select the desired
To reassign programs or shortcuts to program buttons
Your device may come with programs already assigned to hardware buttons. You
can customize these buttons to open the programs you use most, or to perform
certain shortcuts such as changing the screen orientation, opening the Today screen,
or opening Input Panel.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Buttons.
2. A list of buttons and their current assignments is displayed on the Program
Buttons tab.
3. Tap the button you want to reassign. To help you identify the buttons, there are
numbers and icons representing the original function of the button.
4. In the Assign a program box, tap the program or shortcut you want to assign.
5. Tap OK.
To increase or decrease the size of text on the screen
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Screen > Text Size tab.
2. Move the slider to increase or decrease the text size.
To enter owner information
Entering and displaying owner information are best practices; they allow someone to
return the device to you in case it is lost.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Owner Information.
2. On the Identification tab, enter your personal information.
Tip If owner information is displayed on the Today screen, you can open and
edit the information directly from the Today screen. Just tap that section of
the screen.
To choose how to be notified by events or actions
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Sounds & Notifications.
2. On the Sounds tab, choose a way you want to be notified by selecting the
appropriate check boxes.
3. On the Notifications tab, in Event, tap an event name and choose how you
want to be notified by selecting the appropriate check boxes. You can choose
from several options, such as a special sound, a message, or a flashing light.
To adjust the speed for scrolling
Pressing and holding Navigation up or down (Up/Down control) scrolls through the
items in a list.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Buttons > Up/Down Control tab.
2. Do one of the following actions:
Under Delay before first repeat, move the slider to shorten or lengthen the
time that elapses before scrolling begins.
To change the time it takes to scroll from one item to the next, under Repeat
rate, move the slider to adjust the speed.
To find the operating system version information
Tap Start > Settings > System tab > About, the version of the operating system on
your device will be listed on the screen.
The Version tab displays important device information, including the type of
processor and the amount of memory that is installed.
On the Device ID tab you can change the device name.
Note The device name must begin with a letter, consist of letters from A to Z,
numbers from 0 to 9, and cannot contain spaces. Use the underscore
character to separate words.
The device name is very important and used to identify the device in the following
Synchronizing with a PC
Connecting to a network
Restoring information from a backup
Note If you synchronize multiple devices with the same PC, each device must
have a unique name.
To make the battery last longer
Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Power. On the Advanced tab, you
can specify when your device turns off to conserve battery power. For
optimum conservation, specify 3 minutes or less.
Use the AC adapter to plug your device into external power whenever
possible, especially when using a Micro SD card or when using a modem or
other peripherals.
Adjust the backlight settings.
To set the backlight
To enter the backlight settings, you can tap Start > Settings > System tab >
Brightness tab: Move the sliders right to increase the brightness, or left to
decrease the brightness.
Battery power tab or External power tab: Select the check box, and
specify the time delay.
Phone settings
To enter the phone settings, tap Menu > Options from the phone keypad screen
or tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Phone
If double cards in your device, you can select SIM Card1 or SIM Card2 and then
tap Change Settings to enter the phone settings screen.
Phone tab: you can customize phone settings, such as the ring type (the
way that you are notified of incoming calls), the ring tone (used for incoming
calls), and the keypad tone (used when entering phone numbers). Also you
can enable/disable or change the PIN.
Tip To use custom *.wav, *.mid, *.mp3, or *.wma files as ring tones, use
ActiveSync on your PC to copy the file to the File Explorer/My
Documents/My Ringtones folder or/My Documents folder on your
device. Then you can select the sound from the Ring tone list. For more
information about copying files to your device, see ActiveSync Help on
your PC.
Services tab: Lists phone services, such as Call Barring, Call Forwarding,
and Call Waiting and so on. Select the desired service and tap Get Settings
to access settings for it.
Network tab: You can view available wireless networks, determine the order
in which your device accesses another network if the current one is
unavailable, and specify whether you want to change networks manually or
automatically. For more information about network settings, see Help on your
IP Dial tab: You can change the prefix of the IP dial and select the default
phone type when dialing IP call in Contacts.
Tip By default your device displays the current network as offered by your
service provider. You can customize to set your preferred network.
5.2 Adding and Removing Programs
Before you purchase additional programs for your device, you should note the name
of your device, the version of Windows Mobile software running on it, and the type of
processor. This information will help you select a program that is compatible with
your device. For more information, see ―To find the operating system version
information‖ in this chapter.
Programs available for purchase usually include a Setup program (commonly named
"setup.exe") that you must first install on your PC. You can then use ActiveSync to
add programs to your device, or add a program directly from the Internet.
To add programs
1. Download the program to your PC (or insert the CD or disk that contains the
program into your PC). You may see a single *.exe le, a *.zip le, a Setup.exe
file, or several versions of files for different device types and processors. Be sure
to select a program designed for your device and processor type.
2. Read any installation instructions or documentation that comes with the
program. Many programs provide special installation instructions.
3. Connect your device and PC.
4. Double-click the *.exe le.
If the executable file is an installation wizard, follow the instructions on the
screen. Once the program has been installed on your PC, the wizard will
automatically transfer the program to your device.
If an installation wizard does not start, you will see an error message stating
that the program is valid but that it is designed for a different type of computer.
You will need to copy this program to your device. If you cannot find any
installation instructions for the program, use ActiveSync to copy the program
file to the Program Files folder on your device.
To remove programs
You can only remove programs that you installed. Programs that come with your
device cannot be removed.
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Remove Programs.
2. In the Programs in storage memory list, select the program you want to
remove, and tap Remove.
3. Tap Yes. If another confirmation message appears, tap Yes again.
5.3 Managing Memory
You may need to stop a program if it becomes unstable or the program memory is
To see how much memory is available
Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Memory.
On the Main tab, the amount of memory allocated to file and data storage
versus program storage is displayed, as well as the amount of memory in use
versus the available memory.
To see available storage card memory
You can see how much memory is available on a storage card that is inserted in
your device.
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Memory.
2. Tap the Storage Card tab.
Tip If you have previously inserted more than one storage card, tap the list
box and then select the storage card which you want to see.
To free up program memory
Try the following actions to free memory on your device:
Close programs you are not currently using.
Move e-mail attachments to a storage card.
Move files to a storage card. Tap Start > Programs > File Explorer. Tap
and hold the file, and tap Cut. Browse to the storage card folder and tap
Edit > Paste.
Delete unnecessary files. Tap Start > Programs > File Explorer. Tap and
hold the file, and tap Delete.
Delete large files. To find your largest files, tap Start > Programs > Search.
In the Type list, tap Larger than 64 KB, and tap Search.
In Internet Explorer Mobile, delete temporary Internet files and clear history
information. For more information, see ―Internet Explorer Mobile‖ in Chapter
Remove programs you no longer use.
Reset your device.
To close a program
In most cases, programs automatically close to free memory, however, you can
also close programs manually, if you prefer.
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Memory > Running Programs tab.
2. In the Running Programs list, tap the program you want to close, and tap
Tip In most programs, you can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctl+Q‖ on the
screen to close the program.
5.4 Backing Up Files
You can back up files to your PC using ActiveSync, or copy files to a storage card
you insert into your device. Your device has an expansion slot compatible with a
range of mini secure digital (Micro SD).
Using ActiveSync, you can copy or move information from the PC to the device and
vice versa. Changes you make to the information on one computer will not affect the
information on the other computer. If you want to automatically update information
on both your device and PC, synchronize the information instead. For more
information about copying and synchronizing files, see ActiveSync Help on your PC.
To copy files to a storage card
1. Push the storage card into the storage card slot until it clicks into place. The
card is secure when it does not protrude from the base.
2. Tap Start > Programs > File Explorer and navigate to the appropriate folder.
3. Tap and hold thele you want to copy, and tap Copy.
4. Tap the folder list (labeled My Documents by default) and tap Storage Card.
5. Tap Menu > Edit > Paste.
To copy a file using ActiveSync
Copying a file may results in separate versions of a file on your device and PC.
Because the files are not synchronized, changes made to one file will not affect the
1. Connect your device to your PC.
2. In ActiveSync, click Explore, which opens the Mobile Device folder for your
3. In the Mobile Device folder, go to the file that you want to copy on your device
or PC.
4. Do one of the following actions:
To copy the file to your device, right-click the file, and click Copy. Right-click
the desired folder under Mobile Device, and click Paste.
To copy the file to your PC, right-click the file and click Copy. Right-click the
desired folder on your PC, and click Paste.
To save files on a storage card automatically
In the Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, and Notes programs, you may find it helpful to
save all new documents, notes, and workbooks directly on a storage card.
1. From the program file list, tap Menu > Options.
2. With a storage card inserted in the device, in the Save to box, tap the
appropriate storage card to automatically save new items on the storage card.
3. Tap OK.
Note In the file or note list, a storage card symbol is displayed next to the
names of files saved on a storage card.
5.5 Protecting Your Device
There are two kinds of security actions on your device. You can protect your phone
from unauthorized use by assigning a type of password called a PIN (personal
identification number). Or, you can prevent unauthorized access to any part of the
device by using password protection.
Your first PIN will be given to you by your wireless service provider; you can change
the PIN later.
You create your own password when you begin using your device.
To protect your phone with a PIN
1. From the Phone keypad, tap Menu > Options > Phone tab.
2. Tap Require PIN when phone is used.
3. To change the PIN at any time, tap Change PIN.
Tip Emergency calls can be implemented at any time, without requiring a PIN.
To protect your device with a password
You can keep your data more secure by requiring a password when the device is
turned on.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Lock.
2. Select the Prompt if device unused for check box, and in the box to the right,
select how long your device must be turned off before a password is required. In
the Password type box, select the type of password you would like to use. Enter
the password and, if necessary, conrm the password. If your device is
configured to connect to a network, use a strong password to help protect
network security.
3. On the Hint tab, enter a phrase which can help you remember your password,
but cannot help others to guess your password. The hint will be displayed after
the wrong password is entered four times.
4. Tap OK. The next time the device is turned on you will be prompted to enter
your password.
Notes Each time a wrong password is inputted, the time the device takes to
respond will get longer and longer until the device appears to be not
Please make a note of your password.If you forget your password, you
can‘t use your device normally.
To change your password
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Lock. You will be prompted to enter
your current password.
2. In the Password box, enter your new password.
3. On the Hint tab, enter a phrase which can help you remember your password,
but cannot help others to guess your password. The hint will be displayed after
the wrong password is entered four times.
4. Tap OK.
To display owner information on the Today screen
Having your contact information displayed on the Today screen on startup allows
for easy identification of the device in case it is lost.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Owner Information.
2. On the Options tab, select the Identification information check box.
3. On the Options tab, select the Notes check box if you want
additional text displayed, such as: Reward if found.
4. On the Notes tab, enter the additional text.
Tip To display owner information on the Today screen, tap Start > Settings >
Personal tab > Today. On the Items tab, select the Owner Info check
5.6 Resetting Your Pocket PC Phone
Occasionally you may need to reset your Pocket PC Phone. A normal (or soft) reset
of your device clears all active program memory and shuts down all active programs.
This can be useful when the device is running slower than normal, or a program is
not performing properly. A soft reset is also necessary after the installation of some
programs. If a soft reset is performed when programs are running, unsaved work will
be lost.
You can also perform a hard reset (also known as a full reset). A hard reset should
be performed only if a normal reset does not solve a system problem. After a hard
reset, the device is restored to its default settings the way it was when you first
purchased it and turned it on. Any programs you installed, data you entered, and
settings you customized on the device will be lost. Only Windows Mobile software
and other pre-installed programs will remain.
To perform a soft reset
Use the stylus to lightly press the RESET button on your device. The device
restarts and displays the Today screen.
To perform a hard reset
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > Master Clear
2. On the System tab, select the Master Clear icon ( )
3. Proceed to enter the confirmation code: 1234 and push reset button, system
will auto reboot to complete the operation.
Warning! After a hard resetting, your phone will be resumed to its default
factory settings. All user data and programs on the device will be lost.
Chapter 6
Getting Connected
6.1 Connecting to the Internet
6.2 Internet Explorer Mobile
6.3 Using Bluetooth
6.4 Using Wireless Manager
6.5 Beam
6.6 Internet Sharing
6.1 Connecting to the Internet
Your device is equipped with powerful networking functions that enable you to
connect to the Internet through a General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) network or
a Bluetooth modem. The GPRS is a new non-voice value added service that allows
information to be sent and received across a mobile telephone network. You can set
up connections to the Internet or to a corporate network to browse the Internet, and
exchange e-mail or instant messages.
Your device has two groups of connection settings: My ISP (Internet Service
Provider) and My Work Network. The My ISP settings are used to connect to the
Internet, while My Work Network settings can be used to connect to any private,
corporate network.
To connect to the Internet via ISP
1. Obtain the following information from your ISP:
ISP server phone number
User name
Access point name (required for GPRS connection)
2. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.
3. Tap Add a new modem connection.
4. Enter a name for the connection.
5. Select a modem from the list. For example, if you want to use the mobile
phone network, select Cellular Line.
6. Tap Next.
7. Complete the connection wizard by entering the required information and tap
Connection Setting
Notes To view additional information for any screen, tap Help. To modify
connection settings, tap Manage existing connections on the
Connections screen, and complete the connection wizard.
Notes Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Network Switch and you
can select by which card to connect to internet.
To connect to a private network
1. Obtain the following information from your network administrator:
Server phone number
User name
Domain (If provided by an ISP or a network administrator)
2. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.
3. In My Work Network, follow the instructions for each type of connection.
4. Complete the connection wizard, then tap Finish.
Note To start browsing the Internet or private network, tap Start > Internet
6.2 Internet Explorer Mobile
Internet Explorer Mobile is a full-featured Internet browser, optimized for use on
your mobile device.
To start Internet Explorer Mobile
Tap Start > Internet Explorer.
To choose a Home page
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Tools > Options > General tab.
2. Do one of the following:
To use the displayed page as your Home page, tap Use Current.
To use the default Home page, tap Use Default.
Tip To go to your Home page, tap Menu > Home.
To transfer favorites from your PC
To transfer the favorites saved on PC to your device by synchronizing the Internet
Explorer favorites on PC with device.
1. In ActiveSync on your PC, on the Tools menu, click Options, and select
2. In Internet Explorer on PC, save or move favorite links to the Mobile Favorites
subfolder in the Favorites list.
3. Connect your mobile device to PC. If synchronization does not start
automatically, click Sync.
To add a favorite
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, go to the page preferred.
2. Tap and hold the page, and tap Add to Favorites.
3. Confirm or change the name, and select a folder for saving the favorite.
To delete a favorite or folder
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Favorites > Add/Delete tab.
2. Select the item desired to delete, and tap Delete.
To change the size of text on Web pages
In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > View> Text Size, and tap the size
To show or hide pictures on Web pages
In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > View > Show Pictures. A check
mark next to Show Pictures indicates that pictures will be displayed on
Web pages.
To change how Web pages fill the screen
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > View.
2. Tap one of the following:
One Column. Arrange the content into one column as wide as the screen
for rarely scrolling horizontally.
Fit To Screen. Maintain a layout similar to what you see on a desktop
computer, which makes items smaller and arranges the content so as to view
most of it without having to scroll horizontally.
Desktop. Keep the same layout and size as on a desktop computer, which
needs to scroll horizontally and vertically.
To clear the History list
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Tools > Options >Memory tab.
2. Tap Clear History.
To save a picture from a Web page
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap and hold the picture, and tap Save Image.
2. Do one of the following:
To save the picture in My Pictures on your device, tap Yes.
To save the picture in another location, such as a storage card, tap Save
To change cookies and security settings
Internet Explorer Mobile supports the protocols used by Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL). A connection that uses SSL helps you to send personal information more
Cookies are small files containing information about your identity and preferences so
that a page can tailor information to your needs. The page sends the file, and it is
saved on your mobile device.
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Tools > Options > Security tab.
2. Select the check boxes for the options desired, and tap OK.
Tip To prevent Internet Explorer Mobile from accepting any cookies, deselect
the check box of Allow cookies.
To delete temporary Internet les
Some Web content is saved to speed up the display of pages for frequent visit and
already seen or delete these files to free storage space.
1. In Internet Explorer Mobile, tap Menu > Tools > Options > Memory tab.
2. Tap Delete Files. All pages saved on your device, including offline favorites
content, will be deleted.
Tip To end the GPRS session initiated from the Internet Explorer Mobile
browser, press and hold the End (Call Hang up) button until the GPRS
connection is closed.
6.3 Using Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technology. Devices with
Bluetooth capabilities can exchange information over a distance of about 10 meters
without requiring a physical connection. You can even beam information to a device
in a different room, as long as it is within the Bluetooth signal coverage range.
The software included with your device makes Bluetooth available in the following
Beam information, such as files, appointments, tasks, and contact cards,
between Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Create a dial-up modem connection between your device and a
Bluetooth-enabled phone for transferring data via the Bluetooth phone as a
To turn on or off Bluetooth on your device
1. On your device, tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Bluetooth.
2. Select the Turn on Bluetooth check box and the Make this device visible to
other devices check box in Mode tab.
3. Tap OK.
Bluetooth modes
Bluetooth on your device operates in three different modes:
On. Bluetooth is turned on and ready for use.
Off. Bluetooth is turned off and not to send or receive information via
Bluetooth. Sometimes it is needed to turn the radio off for saving battery, or
prohibited to use your device by law, such as on an aircraft or in the hospital.
Visible. While Bluetooth is turned on, all other Bluetooth-enabled devices
within a range of 10 meters can detect your device.
Note By default, Bluetooth is turned off. If turn it on, then turn off your device,
Bluetooth will be turned off. When turn on your device again, Bluetooth
will automatically be turned on.
To make your device visible
1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Bluetooth.
2. Select the Turn on Bluetooth check box and the Make this device visible to
other devices check box in Mode tab
3. Tap OK.
Note To Select the Make this device visible to other devices check box also
turns on Bluetooth.
Bluetooth partnerships
A Bluetooth partnership is a relationship that is created between your device and
another Bluetooth-enabled device in order to exchange information in a secure
manner. To create a partnership between two devices involves entering the same
personal identification number (PIN) or Passkey on both devices. To create a
partnership between two devices is a one-time process. Once a partnership is
created, the devices can recognize the partnership and exchange information
without entering a PIN again. Make sure the two devices are within a range of 10
meters from one another with Bluetooth on and visible.
To create a Bluetooth partnership
1. On your device, tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Bluetooth.
2. On the Devices tab, tap Add new device. Your device searches for other
Bluetooth devices and lists them in the box.
3. Tap the desired device name in the box.
4. Tap Next.
5. Enter a passkey to establish a secure connection. (The passkey must be
between 1 and 16 characters.)
6. Tap Next.
7. Enter the same passkey on the other device, and possibly to edit and enter a
new name for the other device.
8. Tap Finish.
To accept a Bluetooth partnership
1. Ensure that Bluetooth is turned on and in visible mode
2. Make sure that Receive all incoming beams is enabled in Start >
Settings > Connections tab > Beam.
3. Tap Yes when portended to establish a partnership with the other device.
4. Enter a passkey (the same passkey that is entered on the device requesting
the partnership) to establish a secure connection. The passkey must be between
1 and 16 characters.
5. Tap Next.
6. Tap Finish to start exchanging information with the other device.
To rename a Bluetooth partnership
1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Bluetooth.
2. Tap and hold the partnership on the Devices tab.
3. On the shortcut menu, tap Edit.
4. Enter a new name for the partnership.
5. Tap Save.
To delete a Bluetooth partnership
1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Bluetooth.
2. Tap and hold the partnership on the Devices tab.
3. Tap Delete from the shortcut menu.
To beam information using Bluetooth
1. On the device, tap and hold an item to beam. The item could be an
appointment in your calendar, a task, a contact card, or a file.
2. Tap Beam [type of item].
3. Tap the device name to which you want to send the beam. The item is beamed
to the device you selected.
Note If the device you want to beam to does not appear in the box, make sure that
it is turned on, visible, and within close range (10 meters) of your device.
To use a Bluetooth device as a modem
A Bluetooth-enabled can be used as a modem for your device, which can create a
Bluetooth modem connection on your device and then send information to another
device. The device relays the information over the network and then sends back
to your device any information that you had requested over the connection.
Once a modem connection is created, it can be reused as a modem for any time.
Make sure that your device and the destination device are turned on with Bluetooth
on and the devices within close range.
To configure and use a Bluetooth device as a modem
1. On your device, tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.
2. Tap Add a new modem connection.
3. Enter a name for the connection.
4. In the Select a modem list, tap Bluetooth.
5. Tap Next.
6. If the device appears in the My Connection list, skip to step 11.
7. If the device does not appear in the My Connection list, tap New, and follow
the remaining steps.
8. Select the device name from the list and tap Next.
9. Enter a passkey and tap Next.
10. Enter the same passkey on the device and tap Finish.
11. In the My Connections list, tap the device and tap Next.
12. Enter the phone number to dial for this connection and tap Next.
13. Enter the required logon information for this connection and tap Finish. You
can start using this service for the program needed the Bluetooth connection, such
as Inbox on your device, to send and receive e-mail, or Internet Explorer to
browse the Web.
6.4 Using Wireless Manager
Wireless Manager helps you to manage the functions of Phone and Bluetooth on
your device. You can easily to enable or disable them.
To enter the Wireless Manager screen you can tap the icon ( ) on the Today
screen. Otherwise tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Wireless Manager.
On the Wireless Manager screen
Tap Phone1, Phone2, or Bluetooth to enable or disable them separately.
Tap All to enable or disable them all.
Tap Menu, you can enter the settings.
6.5 Beam
Beaming only refers to sending information over Bluetooth.
Note By default the option to receive incoming beams is disabled for security
and battery saving reasons. Make sure that Receive all incoming
beams is enabled in Start > Settings > Connections tab > Beam.
To beam an item
In the Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Task, and Pictures programs, you can beam files
and information to other devices by Bluetooth.
1. From the program, select the item you want to beam, such as an appointment
in Calendar, a task in Tasks, a contact card in Contacts, or a picture in Pictures,
In Calendar, first open the appointment in Agenda view.
2. Tap Menu > Beam [type of item]. In the contacts application, you should go to
Menu > Send Contact > Beam.
3. Select the device to which you want to send the item.
4. Tap Tap to Send.
6.6 Internet Sharing
With Internet Sharing you can use the device as a modem. If your device has a data
connection plan, your PC can use the device to connect to the Internet.
To start Internet Sharing
Tap Start > Programs > Internet Sharing to enter Internet Sharing. You can select
USB or Bluetooth PAN to set up a connection between your device and PC.
To connect Internet via USB
1. Tap Start > Programs > Internet Sharing to enter Internet Sharing.
2. In PC Connection field, select USB.
3. Tap Connect at the left bottom of the screen. The status will prompt: check
USB to connect.
4. Now connect your device with your PC using the USB cable supplied.
5. The device will show the status: Connected and your PC will be connected to
the internet.
Note You must run ActiveSync tool in order to use this feature.
To connect Internet via Bluetooth PAN
1. Turn on Bluetooth and make your device visible in the Bluetooth settings.
2. Set up a Bluetooth partnership between your device and your PC. For more
detailed information see Using Bluetooth.
3. Tap Start > Programs > Internet Sharing to enter Internet Sharing.
4. In PC Connection field, select Bluetooth PAN.
5. Choose to connect the PC with your device.
6. Your PC will now be connected to the internet.
Chapter 7
Exchanging Messages and Using Outlook
7.1 Text Messages
7.2 E-mail
7.3 MMS Messages
7.4 Windows Live Messenger
7.5 Calendar
7.6 Contacts
7.7 Tasks
7.8 Notes
7.1 Text Messages
Text Messaging (also known as SMS) is a popular way of sending short messages
to other mobile phone users
To create a text message
1. Tap Start > Messaging > Text Messages.
2. Tap Menu > New.
3. In the To: field, enter the mobile phone number of recipients. Insert a
semicolon (;) between multiple recipients. You may also choose a contact by
pressing Menu > Add Recipient.
4. Tap Send. The Text messages are sent immediately.
Note If you select send at the step 4 the message will be send in main card as
default. If you tap Menu > Send Message, you can select SIM1 Send or
SIM2 Send.
Note In the To: field, you can enter phone numbers from your contact cards
quickly. Tap To: and a new screen displays the contact list for your
selection. Select a contact and returns to the text message screen.
Repeat this for as many contacts you wish to send the SMS to.
To insert predefined text into message
To save time when entering text, you can insert predefined text into messages.
1. Tap Start > Messaging > Text Messages
2. Tap Menu > New.
3. Tap Menu > My Text.
4. Select the text you want to insert by keying the number corresponding
to that in the list above.
To reply to a message
1. At the Text Messages list select a message, tap Menu > Reply, you can select
to Replay, or Replay all, or Forward a message.
2. Enter a message in the message area.
3. Tap Send.
7.2 E-mail
To set up an e-mail account
Before send and receive mail, it is needed to set up an e-mail account from your
Internet service provider (ISP) or an account that you access using a VPN server
connection (typically a work account).
1. Tap Start > Messaging.
2. Tap New E-mail Account.
3. Enter your E-mail address, then tap Next.
4. Once Auto configuration is nished, tap Next.
5. Select Your e-mail provider: Internet e-mail or Exchange server, tap Next for
manual setup.
Internet e-mail account type: POP3 and IMAP4. If you select Internet e-mail,
according to the prompt fill your display name, Incoming/Outgoing mail server
and so on, and at last click Finish to complete setting up your account, or tap
Review all download settings to access additional settings.
If you select Exchange Server, according to the prompt fill the Server address,
User name or password, Domain, then enter the options screen. You can click
Finish to complete setting up your account, or select an item and tap Settings
to access other settings.
If Auto configuration is unsuccessful or you have not an account you access using
a VPN server connection, please contact your ISP or network administrator for the
following information and enter it manually:
User name
Enter the user name from your ISP or network administrator. It is often
the first part of your e-mail address, which appears before the sign of
Choose a strong password. You could save password so as not to
enter it for each time of connecting to e-mail server.
Not required for an account with an ISP. May be required for a work
Account type
Select POP3 or IMAP4.
Account name
Enter a unique name for the account, such as Work or Home. This
name cannot be changed later.
Incoming mail server
Enter the name of your e-mail server (POP3 or IMAP4).
Outgoing mail server
Enter the name of your outgoing e-mail server (SMTP).
Require SSL connection
It ensures that you always send e-mail from this account using an SSL
connection, which enables you to receive personal information more
securely. Note that if you select this option but your ISP does not
support an SSL connection, you will not be able to send e-mail.
Outgoing mail requires
It occurs when outgoing e-mail server (SMTP) requires authentication,
and your user name and password above will be used.
Use separate settings
It occurs when outgoing e-mail server requires a different user name
and password from the ones you entered before.
Outgoing server settings:
User name
Enter your user name for the outgoing e-mail server.
Enter your password for the outgoing e-mail server.
Enter the domain of the outgoing e-mail server.
Require SSL for outgoing
It ensures that you always send e-mail from this account using an SSL
connection, which enables you to send personal information more
securely. Note that if you select this option but your ISP does not
support an SSL connection, you will not be able to send e-mail.
Tip You can set up several e-mail accounts in addition to your Outlook E-mail
To compose and send a message
1. In the message list, tap Menu > New.
3. Enter the e-mail address of one or more recipients, separating them with a
semicolon. To access addresses and phone numbers from Contacts, tap To.
4. Enter your message. To quickly add common messages, tap Menu > My Text
and tap a desired message.
5. To check the spelling, tap Menu > Spell Check.
6. Tap Send.
Tips To enter symbols, tap Shift using the on-screen keyboard. To set the priority,
tap Menu > Message Options. If working offline, e-mail messages are
moved to the Outbox folder and will be sent the next time you connect. If
sending a text message and want to know whether it is received, before that,
tap Menu > Tools > Options, and then tap Text Messages and select the
Request delivery notifications.
To reply to or forward a message
1. Open the message and tap Reply, or Menu >Reply > Reply All, or
Menu >Reply > Forward.
2. Enter your response. To quickly add common messages, tap Menu > My Text
and tap a desired message.
3. To check the spelling, tap Menu > Spell Check.
4. Tap Send.
Tips To see more header information, scroll up.
Always reply or forward with the original message, from the list view, tap
Menu > Tools > Options > Message tab, and select the When replying to
e-mail, include body.
In the Outlook E-mail account, you will send less data if do not edit the
original message, which may reduce data transfer costs based on your rate
To add an attachment to a message
1. In an open message, tap Menu > Insert, you can select Picture, Voice Note,
or File.
2. Select the picture, voice note or le desired to attach.
To receive attachments
An attachment sent with an e-mail message or downloaded from the server appears
below the subject of the message. Tapping the attachment to open it after it has
been fully downloaded, or mark it for downloading the next time you send or receive
e-mail. With an Exchange Server mail account, you can also download attachments
Tip Save attachments on a storage card rather than on the device, tap Menu >
Tools > Options > Storage tab, and select the Store attachments on a
storage card.
To download messages
The manner in which you download messages depends on the type of account
you have:
To send and receive e-mail for an Outlook E-mail account, begin
synchronization through ActiveSync. For more information, see ―To
Synchronize Outlook information‖ in Chapter 4.
To send and receive e-mail messages for an e-mail account that you have
with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or that you access using a VPN server
connection (typically a work account), download messages through a remote
e-mail server. For more information, see ―Download messages from the
server‖ later in this chapter.
To download messages from the server
To send and receive e-mail messages for an e-mail account that you have with an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) or that you access using a VPN server connection
(typically a work account), your device firstly needs to connect to the Internet or
your corporate network, depending on the account.
1. Tap Menu > Go To and tap the account desired to use.
2. Tap Menu > Send/Receive. The messages on your device and e-mail server
are synchronized: new messages are downloaded to the Inbox folder of device,
and messages in the Outbox folder are sent, and messages deleted from the
server are removed from the Inbox folder.
Tip Read the entire message, tap Menu > Download Message while in the
message window. If in the message list, tap and hold the message, and tap
Menu > Download Message. The message will download the next time you
send or receive e-mail. This will also download message attachments if you
selected those options when you set up the e-mail account.
To manage folders
Each Messaging account has its own folder hierarchy with five default Messaging
folders: Inbox, Outbox, Deleted Items, Drafts, and Sent Items. The messages you
receive and send through the account are stored in these folders. You can also
create additional folders within each hierarchy. The Deleted Items folder contains
messages that have been deleted on the device. The behavior of the Deleted Items
and Sent Items folders depends on the Messaging options you have chosen.
With an Outlook E-mail account, e-mail messages in the Inbox folder in Outlook will
be synchronized automatically with your device. You can synchronize additional
folders by designating them for synchronization. The folders you create and the
messages you move will then be mirrored on the e-mail server. For example, if you
move two messages from the Inbox folder to a folder named Family, and have
designated Family for synchronization, the server will create a copy of the Family
folder and copy the messages to that folder. You can then read the messages while
you are away from your PC.
With a text message account, messages are stored in the Inbox folder.
With a POP3 account, move e-mail messages to a folder you created, the link is
broken between the messages on the device and their copies on the e-mail server.
When the next time you connect, the e-mail server will detect that the messages are
missing from the Inbox folder on the device and delete them from the e-mail server,
which prevents from having duplicate copies of a message, but also means that you
will no longer have access to messages that you move to folders created from
anywhere except the device.
With an IMAP4 account, the folders you create and the e-mail messages you move
are mirrored on the e-mail server. Therefore, messages are available for you
whenever you connect to e-mail server no matter from device or PC. This
synchronization of folders occurs whenever you connect to e-mail server, create
new folders, or rename/delete folders when connected. You can also set different
download options for each folder.
7.3 MMS Messages
Creating and sharing MMS messages with your friends and family is easy with your
device. You can even use the device camera to capture photos and video clips while
composing a new MMS message, and send them via your message.
To set up MMS
Before use MMS, you have to configure the required settings on device.
To access MMS
Tap Start > Messaging > MMS.
Note You can also send an MMS message directly from the Pictures & Videos or
Camera programs. Do one of the following:
Select a picture from My Pictures, and tap Menu > Send. In Select an
account, tap MMS.
• Capture a photo or an MMS video clip using the camera, and tap Send.
In Select an account, tap MMS.
To set up a MMS account
To set up your default MMS Messaging account, tap Start > Messaging >
To manage MMS messages
After configuring the required settings, you can start to compose and manage your
MMS messages.
To start composing an MMS message
Compose MMS messages in a combination of various slides, where each slide can
consist of a photo, audio or video clip, and/or text.
1. Tap Start > Messaging > MMS.
2. Tap Menu > New, then enter Choose a MMS tab.
3. In To, enter the recipient‘s phone number or e-mail address directly, or tap To,
Cc, or Bcc to choose a phone number or an e-mail address from Contacts.
4. Enter a subject for your message.
5. Tap the Insert icon ( ) to select and send a photo or video clip. By default,
it will open My Pictures folder. For any other folder containing pictures or videos,
tap the Down arrow ( ) of corresponding My Pictures folder.
6. Select a photo or video clip. When select, you can:
Tap to view all files in My Pictures folder by list.
Tap to view all files in My Pictures folder by thumbnail.
Tap to view it.
Tap to enter the photo mode of camera.
Tap to enter the video mode of camera.
Tap photo or video directly to insert it into the MMS message you are
Tap it again and back to My Pictures folder for replacement.
Tap and hold the thumbnail to display a shortcut menu containing the
options: Add to Message, Large View, File Info and Delete. Select Add to
Message add the file to the MMS message you are composing; Select Large
View to view the file in large screen; Select File Info to display the file
information; select Delete to remove the selected photo or video clip.
7. Enter text and insert audio clips by tapping the respective areas.
8. Tap Send to send the message.
Note The following icons act as shortcuts to some of the operations on the
MMS Message screen:
Tap to preview your message
Tap to go to the previous slide
Tap to go to the next slide
To create a MMS message from a template
Tap Menu > Template > New from Template to compose a message using
a pre-made template.
Note To save a message as a template, open the message and tap Menu >
Template > Save as Template.
To add predefined text strings to a MMS message
You can instantly add text to any slide from a list of predefined words or phrases,
called My Text.
Tap to add a text string from My Text list.
To edit or delete a phrase on My Text list, tap and hold a string, then
tap Edit or Delete from the shortcut menu. To create and add a new phrase
to the list, tap New.
To add an audio clip to a MMS message
You can add audio clips to your MMS message. However, you can add only one
audio clip per slide.
1. Tap Insert audio. By default, it will open My Sounds folder. For any other
folder containing audio, tap the Down arrow ( ) of corresponding My
Sounds folder.
2. Select an audiole. When selected, you can:
Tap to play the audio clip.
Tap to pause.
Tap to stop.
Tap audio directly to insert it into your MMS message.
Tap it again and back to My Pictures folder for replacement.
To record a new audio clip and add it to your MMS message, tap to
activate the recording control mode for a new audio clip. Select Record to
start recording, and tap Stop to stop recording, then tap Done to insert
new audio clip automatically into your MMS message.
To reply to a MMS message
Tap Menu > Reply, you can select Replay, or Replay all, or Forward to
send the message.
To view a MMS message
You can view MMS messages in several ways.
Use the playback controls , , and .
Tap Objects to see a list of les included in the message. To save a file,
select it, and tap Menu > Save.
View the slides manually by scrolling through the message using the
Navigation pad.
To set advanced options for a MMS message
Edit a new MMS and tap Menu > Options > Background to choose a
background color from the list.
Tap Menu > Options > Text Layout, you can select Text above, Text
below, Text on the left or Text on the right to align the included text.
Tap Menu > Options > Send Options to configure and manage the
Delivery time, Expiration, priority, and other settings for a message.
To change MMS settings
You can set options to keep track of your messages, retrieve messages
immediately, accept or reject messages, and request a delivery or read report.
You can also specify a resolution for images you send, message delivery attempts,
and set up a server to access messages.
To configure MMS settings
1. Tap Start > Messaging.
2. Tap Menu > Options > Accounts tab > MMS, enter the MMS Configuration
information. (Tap Menu > Tools > Options > Accounts tab > MMS from MMS
list screen and you can also enter the MMS Configuration.)
3. Select any of the following:
Retrieve messages immediately. Select this option to download new
messages automatically without being notified. (Typically, when connect to a
network, you will receive a notification whenever you device receives a new
message.) You can also choose to download messages when you are on
your home network only.
Confirm to retrieve messages while roaming. Select this option to
retrieve messages while your device is roaming.
Save sent messages. Select this option to save a copy of sent messages.
Allow read report. Select this option to send and receive read reports.
Disconnect network connection after MMS. Select this option to.
Disconnect the network connection after receive MMS completely.
Blacklist. On this tab, you can set the name list not to send or receive
Servers. On this tab, you can create a new server or select an existing one
from the list to store and manage your messages, also set a server as default
by tapping Set As Default.
About. Select a value from this list to choose the resolution for images that
you send. Decreasing the original resolution helps speed up the sending and
receiving of messages.
7.4 Windows Live Messenger
Windows Live Messenger delivers the features of Windows Live Messenger to
your mobile device. With Windows Live Messenger you can do the following:
Send and receive instant messages.
See which contacts are online or offline.
Change your own Messenger status and appearance.
Block contacts from seeing your status or sending you messages.
Synchronize contacts and other personal settings.
Before use Windows Live Messenger, your device must be connected to the
Note You must have either a Microsoft .NET Passport or Hotmail account to
use Windows Live Messenger. If you have a Hotmail.com or MSN.com
e-mail address, you already have a Passport. To get a Passport account,
go to http://www.passport.com. To get a Hotmail account, go to
http://www. hotmail.com.
To start Windows Live Messenger
Tap Start > Programs > Messenger.
Windows Live Messenger screen
To sign in or out
1. To sign in, tap on Windows Live Messenger screen to select the
status and then tap Sign in. Signing in to Messenger will add your Windows Live
contacts to your phones address book. Following the Windows Live setup:
Accept the Windows Live terms and tap Next.
Enter the E-mail address and Password for your Passport or Hotmail
account, and tap Next.
Select the desired items showing Windows Live on the Today screen and
tap Next.
Select what you want to sync to your device and tap Next.
Synchronizing contacts and other settings and then complete.
On the Messenger list screen you can see the online contacts and offline
Messenger list screen
Note Signing in may take several minutes which depends on your connection
Tip Tap Start > Programs > Windows Live, you can enter Windows Live
screen. Tap Sign in to Windows Live and you can also sign in Windows
Live Messenger just as the setup above.
2. To sign out, on the Messenger list screen tap Menu > Sign Out. Your status
changes to Offline.
To add or delete contacts
To add a contact, tap Menu > Add new Contact, and follow the instructions
on the screen.
To delete a contact, tap and hold the contact's name, and tap Contact
options > Remove Contact.
To send an instant message
1. Select an online contact that you wish to send a message and tap Send IM.
2. Edit your message in the text entry area and then tap Menu > Send.
Tip To quickly add common phrases, tap Menu > My Text and select a
phrase in the list.
To block or unblock contacts
To block a contact from seeing your status and sending you messages, tap
Menu > Contact options > Block contact.
To unblock a contact, tap Menu > Contact options > Block contact.
To change your Messenger status
On the Messenger list screen tap Menu > Change status and you can select any
of the status: Online, Busy, Be right back, Away, In a call, Out to lunch and
Appear offline.
To change your Messenger appearance
On the Messenger list screen tap Menu > Change appearance and you can edit
Display name, Personal message, and Display picture. Tap Done to save
them after change them.
To switch between Windows Live and Messenger
On the Messenger list screen tap Menu > Windows Live to open the Windows
Live screen. Then tap Messenger on the middle of the screen to return to the
Messenger list screen.
Windows Live screen
To set Windows Live options
On the Windows Live screen tap Menu and you can set the options as follows:
Options: You can set the options such as Home screen options, Sync
options, and so on.
Account Options: You can clear password, switch account and so on.
About: Enter to see the version information of Windows Live and for
7.5 Calendar
Use Calendar to manage appointments, including meetings or other events. Your
appointments for the day can be displayed on the Today screen. If use Outlook on
your PC, you can synchronize appointments between your device and PC. You can
also set Calendar to remind you of appointments with a sound or flashing light, for
You can look at your appointments in several different views (Day, Week, Month,
Year, and Agenda). To see detailed appointment information in any view, tap the
To schedule an appointment
1. Tap Start > Calendar.
2. Tap Menu > New Appointment.
3. Enter a name for the appointment, and starts and ends time.
4. To schedule an all-day event, in the All Day box, select Yes.
5. When finished, tap OK to return to the calendar.
Notes All-day events do not occupy blocks of time in Calendar; instead, they
appear in banners at the top of the calendar. Select the appointment and
tap Menu > Delete Appointment to cancel an appointment.
Tip To have the time entered automatically in Day view, tap the time slot for
the new appointment, and tap Menu > New Appointment.
To send a meeting request
Use Calendar to arrange meetings via e-mail with contacts who use Outlook or
Outlook Mobile.
1. Tap Start > Calendar.
2. Create a new appointment, or open an existing one and tap Edit.
3. Tap Attendees.
4. Tap the name of the contact you want to invite.
5. To invite each additional attendee, tap Add and tap the name.
6. Tap OK.
7. The meeting request will be sent to the attendees the next time you
synchronize your device with your PC.
Note When attendees accept your meeting request, the meeting is
automatically added to their schedules. When their response is sent back
to you, your calendar is updated as well.
To set a default reminder for all new appointments
You could have a reminder automatically turned on for all new appointments you
1. Tap Start > Calendar.
2. Tap Menu > Tools > Options > Appointments tab.
3. Select the Set reminders for new items.
4. Set the time when desired to remind you.
5. Tap OK to return to the calendar.
7.6 Contacts
Contacts is your address book and information storage for people and businesses
you communicate with. Use contacts to store phone numbers, e-mail addresses,
home addresses, and any other information that relates to a contact, such as a
birthday or an anniversary date, besides also add a picture or assign a ring tone to a
From the contact list, you can quickly communicate with people. Tap a contact in
the list for a summary of contact information to make a call or send a message.
If use Outlook on PC, you can synchronize contacts between your device and PC.
To create a contact
1. Tap Start > Contacts.
2. Tap New and select a contact type to enter the contact information.
3. When finished, tap OK.
Tips If someone who is not in your list of contacts calls you or sends you a
message, you can create a contact from Call History, or from the
message by tapping Menu > Save to Contacts. In the list of contact
information, you‘ll see where you can add a picture or assign a ring
tone to a contact.
To change contact information
1. Tap Start > Contacts.
2. Tap the contact.
3. Tap Menu > Edit and enter the changes.
4. When finished, tap OK.
To work with the contact list
There are several ways to use and customize the contact list. Here are a few tips:
1. Tap Start > Contacts.
2. In the contact list, do any of the following:
In Name view, you can search for a contact by entering a name or number,
or by using the alphabetical index. Switch to Name view, tap Menu > View
By > Name.
To see a summary of information about a contact, tap the contact to make a
call or send a message.
To see a list of available actions for a contact, tap and hold the contact.
To see a list of contacts employed by a specific company, tap Menu > View
By > Company. Then, tap the company name.
To find a contact
There are several ways to find a contact for long contact list.
1. Tap Start > Contacts.
2. If not in Name view, tap Menu > View By > Name.
3. Do one of the following:
Begin entering a name or phone number in the provided text box until the
desired contact is displayed. To show all contacts again, tap the text box and
clear the text, or tap the arrow to the right of the text box.
Use the alphabetical index displayed at the top of the contact list.
Filter the list by categories. In the contact list, tap Menu > Filter. Then tap a
category assigned to a contact. To show all contacts again, select All
7.7 Tasks
Use Tasks to keep track of things you need to do. A task can occur once or
repeatedly (recurring). You can set reminders for your tasks and organize them
using categories. Your tasks are displayed in a task list. Overdue tasks are
displayed in red.
To create a task
1. Tap Start > Programs > Tasks.
2. Tap New Task, enter a subject for the task, and ll in information such as start
and due dates, priority, and so on.
3. When finished, tap OK.
Tip You can easily create a short, to-do-type task. Simply tap the Tap here to
add a new task box, enter a subject, and press ENTER. If the task entry
box is not available, tap Menu > Options and select the Show Tasks
entry bar.
To change the priority of a task
Before sort tasks by priority, you need to specify a priority level for each task.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Tasks.
2. Tap the task desired to change the priority for.
3. Tap Edit and in the Priority box, select a priority level.
4. Tap OK to return to the task list.
Note All new tasks are assigned a Normal priority by default.
To set a default reminder for all new tasks
You can have a reminder automatically turned on for all new tasks you create.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Tasks.
2. Tap Menu > Options.
3. Select the Set reminders for new items.
4. Tap OK to return to the task list.
Note The new tasks must have due dates for making the reminder effective.
To show start and due dates in the task list
1. Tap Start > Programs > Tasks.
2. Tap Menu > Options.
3. Select the Show start and due dates.
4. Tap OK.
To locate a task
With a long tasks list, you can display a subset of the tasks or sort the list for quick
finding a specific task.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Tasks.
2. In the task list, do one of the following:
Sort the list. Tap Menu > Sort by, and tap a sort option.
Filter the list by category. Tap Menu > Filter, and tap the category desired
to display.
Tip To filter your tasks further, tap Menu > Filter > Active Tasks or
Completed Tasks.
7.8 Notes
Notes help you to quickly capture thoughts, questions, reminders, to-do lists, and
meeting notes. You can create handwritten and typed notes, record voice notes,
convert handwritten notes to text for easy readability, as well as send notes to
To enter information in Notes
There are several ways to enter information in a note. You can enter typed text by
using the on-screen keyboard or handwriting recognition software. You can also
use the stylus to write or draw directly on the screen. On devices that support
recording, you can create a standalone recording or embed a recording in a note.
To set the default input mode for Notes
If you frequently add drawings to your notes, you may find it helpful to set Writing
as the default input mode. If you prefer typed text, select Typing.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Notes.
2. In the note list, tap Menu > Options.
3. In the Default mode box, tap one of the following:
Writing if desired to draw or enter handwritten text in a note.
Typing if desired to create a typed note.
4. Tap OK.
To create a note
1. Tap Start > Programs > Notes. In the note list, tap New.
2. Tap the Input Selector arrow next to the Input Method icon on the menu bar,
tap the desired input method, and enter the text.
3. If the Input Selector arrow is not displayed, tap the Input Method icon.
4. When finished, tap OK to return to the note list.
Notes To select handwritten text tap and hold next to the writing. As soon as
dots appear, quickly drag across the writing before they form a complete
If a letter crosses three ruled lines, it is treated as a drawing rather than
To draw in a note
1. Tap Start > Programs > Notes.
2. In the note list, tap New.
3. To draw on the screen, use the stylus
4. A selection box appears around your drawing.
5. Tap OK to return to the note list if finished.
Drawing on the Screen
Note Tap and hold the drawing briefly to select a drawing. When you lift the
stylus, the drawing is selected.
To record a voice note
You can create a stand-alone recording (voice note) or you can add a recording to a
To create a voice note
1. Tap Start > Programs > Notes.
2. Do one of the following:
To create a stand-alone recording, record from the note list.
To add a recording to a note, create or open a note.
3. If you do not see the Recording toolbar, tap Menu > View Recording Toolbar.
4. Tap the record icon ( ) to begin recording.
5. Hold your device‘s microphone near your mouth or other source of sound.
6. Tap the stop icon ( ) when finished recording.
7. If you add a recording to a note, tap OK to return to the note list if nished.
8. An icon will appear in the note when recording in an open note.
9. The recording will appear in the note list when creating a stand-alone
Tip To quickly create a recording, press the Record button. When you hear
the beep, begin your recording. Release the button when you are finished.
To change recording formats
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Input.
2. Tap the Options tab, select the format you want in the Voice recording
format list.
3. Tap OK.
Note Recording formats can also be changed within Notes. In the note list, tap
Menu > Options > Global Input Options link (at the bottom of the
page) > Options tab.
Chapter 8
Experiencing Multimedia
8.1 Using the Camera
8.2 Using Pictures & Videos
8.3 Using Windows Media Player
8.1 Using the Camera
Your Pocket PC is equipped with a digital camera that can record both still pictures
and moving images.
View Screen
To launch the Camera
Tap Start > Programs > Camera; or
Press Camera button on the side of your device.
Note The view screen is only in the landscape mode.
To use still image capture modes
While using still image capture modes, such as Photo, Shutter, and Burst, you
can capture still image(s). In the middle of screen you will see the current image
being seen by the camera. To capture the picture, press Camera button or the
Action button of the Navigation pad. You will hear a shutter sound and the picture
will be saved. The picture could be captured as jpg format.
1. Mode: Tap to set the camera mode (Capture or Video). This is a capture
2. Environment: Tap to select the different settings for the color correction of the
camera to give the best result for the current light.
3. Picture Size: Indicate the picture size.
4. Setting: Tap to enter the setting screen. You can set the frame and Effect and
so on (See Camera Setting for more detail information).
5. Shutter icon: Indicate Shutter timer is on.
6. Exit: Tap to exit from Camera.
7. Burst: Indicate Burst shooter is on.
8. Zoom: You can set the amount of zoom which possibly is dependent on the
size of the picture captured. A picture at size 1600 x 1200 cannot be zoomed
9. Brightness: You can set the right brightness for the current light.
Tip If you enable Preview after capture in the advanced settings, it will
display the pictures you shot right after shooting and you can choose to
save or delete them. If you disabled Preview after capture, pictures you
shot will be automatically saved then it back to the view screen.
To use video capture mode
From the camera screen, tap the camera icon on the top left corner. You will see
the icon turn into a video camera. This indicates you are now able to capture
moving images. To start recording, press the Camera key on the side of the device,
or the center key of the Navigation pad. You will see a progress bar with a timer at
the bottom of the screen and a red dot followed by the word ―REC‖ on the bottom
right of the screen. This indicates you are recording. To stop, press the Camera
key, or center key of the Navigation pad and the video will be saved. Video is
captured by default as Mp4 format.
The maximum length of video capture is determined by the amount of free memory
of the device, or the storage card to which you are saving.
Camera Setting
Tap the Setting icon on the view screen to enter the Setting screen. There are
several tool icons on the camera screen. They allow you to do things like switching
between the still & video camera, setting a timer for picture capture or video length,
saving to the devices memory or the storage card, adjusting brightness, choosing
color, black & white, or ancient, etc. Take some time to become familiar with these
The tool icons on the setting screen of the capture mode are as follows:
The tool icons on the setting screen of the video mode are as follows:
Only three icons are different from the tool icons of the capture mode.
1. Capture Mode: Display the capture mode (Capture or Video).
2. Shutter: Capture a picture in a valid time (5s, or 10s, or 15s, or Off).
3. Burst: Takes a sequence of pictures in a row (9, or 18, or Off).
4. Frame: Tap to select the frame.
5. Effect: You can select an effect to apply to the photo or video.
6. Environment: Here there are several different settings for the color correction
of the camera to give the best result for the current light.
7. Adjust: Tap to enter the adjust screen where you can adjust the brightness,
the contrast, the sharpness and the saturation
8. Advanced: Tap to enter the advanced setting screen where you can set the
store position and the resolution for the size of picture to be captured and so on.
9. Album: Tap to launch the Pictures and Videos application where you can
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
review the images you have captured.
10. About: Tap to see the version information of the camera.
11. Video Mode: Display the video mode.
12. Video Length: Tap to set the length of the video (5s, or 10s, or 15s, or
13. Audio: Tap to select the audio on or off while capturing video.
Micro Mode
You can adjust the zoom button on the back of the device (indicated in the phone
view page) to allow you to choose between Micro mode for close-up shots & for
use with ―WorldCard Mobile‖ business card recognition (flower icon – left selection),
or normal mode for regular pictures & video (hill icon right selection).
Location for saving Pictures and Videos
All pictures and video files taken with this phone are saved onto the phone‘s mem-
ory. However, you can set to save them onto a Micro SD card.
To do this:
1. Ensure that a Micro SD card has been inserted into the phone correctly;
2. Launch the Camera and enter the Advanced screen.
3. Choose for the Save As either ‗Device‘ or ‗Storage Card
Precautions when using the Camera
Fingerprints or grease sticking to the lens may result in problems such as picture
blurring or the obscuring of images. You should wipe the lens clean with a lens
Try not to shake your phone capturing pictures. Keep the camera as still as
possible while capturing pictures. Movement of your device may lead to picture
To exit from Camera
Tap the exit icon ( ) on the view screen or press OK button to exit from
Camera directly.
8.2 Using Pictures & Videos
The Pictures and Videos program collects, organizes, and sorts images and
video clips in the following formats on your device.
File Type
File Extensions
*.jpg, *.gif, *.png, *.bmp
*.Mp4 , *.3gp
You can view the pictures as a slide show, beam them, send them via MMS or
e-mail, edit them, or set them as the background on the Today screen.
To copy a picture or video clip to your device
You can copy pictures from PC and view them on your device.
Copy the pictures from PC or a storage card to the My Pictures folder on your
device. For more information about copying files, see ActiveSync Help on your
Note You can also copy pictures from PC to your device using a memory card.
Insert the memory card into the memory card slot on your device, and
then copy the pictures from PC to the folder you created on the memory
To view pictures
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos. The images in the My Pictures
folder appear as thumbnails by default.
2. Select a picture and tap View. If you cannot find a picture in the default My
Pictures folder, go to another folder by tapping the Down arrow.
To play videos with audio
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos. The video files in the My Videos
folder appear as thumbnails by default, which appear with a media icon ( ).
2. Select a video file and tap the thumbnail to play it with the built-in Windows
Media Player.
To view slide shows
You can view your pictures as a slide show on your device. Pictures are shown in
full screen with 5-second intervals between slides.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
2. Tap Menu > Play Slide Show.
Note You can specify how pictures are scaled to optimize their display in a slide
show. Tap Menu > Options, then tap Portrait Pictures or Landscape
Pictures on the Slide Show tab.
Tap anywhere on the screen to display the Slide Show toolbar, which you can use to
stop or pause the slide show, rotate the view, and more. Press Navigation right or
left to move forward or backward through the slides.
To sort pictures and video clips
If store a large number of pictures or video clips on your device, you may find it
helpful to sort them by name, date, and size for quick finding a specific picture or
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
2. Tap the Sort By list (labeled Date by default), and select the desired item.
To delete a picture or video clip
Do any of the following to remove a picture or a video clip:
Select a picture or video clip on the Pictures & Videos screen, and tap
Menu > Delete. Tap Yes to confirm the deletion.
Tap and hold the thumbnail of the picture desired to delete, and then tap
To edit a picture or video clip
You can rotate, crop, and adjust the brightness and color contrast of pictures.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
2. Tap the picture desired to edit.
3. Tap Menu > Edit, and do any of the following:
Rotate a picture 90 degrees counterclockwise, tap Rotate.
Crop a picture, tap Menu > Crop. Then, tap and drag to select the area to
crop or tap outside the box to stop cropping.
Adjust the brightness and contrast levels of a picture, tap Menu >
Note Undo an edit, tap Menu > Undo. Cancel all unsaved edits you made to
the picture, tap Revert to Saved.
To set a picture as the Today screen background
You can use a picture as the background on the Today screen.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
2. Select the picture desired to set as the background.
3. Tap Menu > Set as Today Background.
4. In Transparency level, adjust between higher and lower percent for achieving
a more transparent or opaque picture.
5. Tap OK.
To send pictures and video clips via e-mail
You can send pictures and video clips to other devices via e-mail.
1. First, set up Messaging to send and receive messages.
2. From the program, select the item desired to send.
3. Tap Menu > Send, and select one account (such as Outlook E-mail or MMS)
to send the attached item.
4. A new message is created with the item attached.
5. Enter the recipient name and subject, and tap Send. The message will be sent
the next time you synchronize the device.
Note Pictures and video clips are saved automatically before they are sent.
To beam a picture
You can beam a picture to your friends or a family member using Bluetooth.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
2. Select the picture desired to beam.
3. Tap Menu > Beam.
4. Select a device to beam the picture.
5. Tap OK.
To assign pictures to contacts
You can assign a picture to a contact so as to easily identify the contact at any time.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
2. Select the picture desired to assign.
3. Tap Menu > Save to Contact.
4. Tap the contact, or navigate and tap Select to choose the contact from
Contacts list.
To use advance options
1. Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
2. Select the picture for which desired to configure further settings.
3. Tap Menu > Options. The Options screen appears as follows:
Resize a picture so as to send it faster to someone using e-mails.
Configure the view settings during slide shows and activate screensaver
Configure camera and video settings of your device.
8.3 Using Windows Media Player
You can use Microsoft Windows Media Player 10 Mobile for Pocket PC to play
digital audio and video files stored on your device or on a network, such as on a
Web site. These are the following file formats that are supported by this version of
Windows Media Player.
File Formats Supported
File Extensions
Windows Media Video
*.wmv, *.asf
MPEG4 Simple Profile
Motion JPEG
Windows Media Audio
*.mid, *.midi, *.rmi
AMR Narrow Band
About the controls
The following are available controls on the Windows Media Player.
This control
Does this
This control
Does this
Play a file.
Increase the volume level.
Pause a file.
Decrease the volume level.
This control
Does this
This control
Does this
Skip to the beginning of
the current file or to the
previous file.
Turns the sound on or off.
Skip to the next file.
Play a video full screen.
Adjust the progress of a
playing file.
Display a Web site where
you can find music and
videos to play.
Note If your device hardware supports it, you can rewind and fast-forward files
by pressing and holding the Left/Right controls.
About the screens and menus
Windows Media Player has three primary screens:
Playback screen. The default screen that displays the playback controls
(such as Play, Pause, Next, Previous, and Volume), the album art window,
and the video window. You can change the appearance of this screen by
choosing a different skin.
Now Playing screen. The screen that displays the Now Playing playlist.
This special playlist indicates the currently playing file and any files that are
Queue Up‖ to play next.
Library screen. The screen that lets you quickly find your audio files, video
files, and playlists. It contains categories such as My Music, My Video, My TV,
and My Playlists.
At the bottom of each screen is a menu called Menu. The commands on this menu
change depending upon which screen you are viewing.
Playback screen menu
When view the Playback screen, the following commands appear on Menu.
This control
Does this
Display the Library screen so as to choose a file to play.
Start or pause playback.
Stop playback.
Shuffle/ Repeat
Play the items in the Now Playing playlist randomly/ repeatedly.
Full Screen
Play a video full screen.
Adjust various Windows Media Player options, including Playback, Video,
Network, Library, skin, and hardware buttons.
Display the information about the currently playing file.
Display the information about Windows Media Player, such as the version
Now Playing screen menu
When view the Now Playing screen, the following commands appear on Menu.
This control
Does this
Display the Library screen so as to choose a file to play.
Move Up/ Down
Move the selected item up/down in the playlist order.
Remove from Playlist
Delete the selected item from the playlist.
Shuffle/ Repeat
Play the items in the Now Playing playlist randomly/ repeatedly.
Save Playlist
Save the current playlist.
Clear Now Playing
Delete all items from the Now Playing playlist.
Error Details
Display error information about the selected item (an exclamation mark
appears before the item name if error details occurs).
Display the information about the selected file.
Library screen menu
When view the Library screen, the following commands appear on Menu.
This command
Does this
Queue Up
Add the selected item to the end of the current (Now Playing) playlist.
Delete from Library
Delete the selected item from the library.
Now Playing
Display the Now Playing screen.
Display the Library screen so as to choose a file to play.
Update Library
Add new items to the library by searching your device or storage card.
Open File
Find and play files that are stored on your device or storage card but not in
the library.
Open URL
Play a file on a network, such as the Internet.
Display the information about the selected file.
About licenses and protected files
Some content (such as digital media files downloaded from the Internet, CD tracks,
and videos) have associated licenses that protect them from being unlawfully
distributed or shared. Licenses are created and managed by using digital rights
management (DRM), which is the technology for securing content and managing its
access rights. Some licenses may prevent you from playing files that have been
copied to your device. Files that have licenses associated with them are called
―protected files.‖
If you want to copy a protected file from your PC to your device, use the desktop
Player to synchronize the file to your device (instead of dragging the file from a
folder on your PC to a folder on your device, for example). This will ensure that the
license is copied along with the protected file. For more information about
synchronizing files to your device and other mobile devices, see desktop Player
Note You can view the protection status for a file by checking its file properties
(tapping Menu > Properties).
To play items on your device
Use the library to find and play songs, videos, and playlists stored on your device
or removable storage card.
1. If not on the Library screen, tap Menu > Library.
2. On the Library screen, tap the Library arrow (near the top of screen), then tap
the library that desired to use (for example, My Device or Storage Card).
3. Tap a category (for example, My Music or My Playlists), tap and hold the item
that desired to play (such as a song, album, or artist name), then tap Play.
Note To play a file that is stored on your device but not in a library, on the
Library screen tap Menu > Open File. Tap and hold the item desired to
play (such as a file or a folder), then tap Play.
To play an item on a network
Use the Open URL command to play a song or video stored on the Internet or
on a network server.
1. If not on the Playback screen, tap OK to close the current screen and display
the Playback screen.
2. Tap Menu > Open URL.
3. Do one of the following:
In the URL box, enter a network address.
In the History box, tap a URL that you have previously used.
Note To play an item on a network, you must be connected to a network. For
more information about creating a remote connection between your
device and a network, see Connections Help on your device.
To copy files to your device
Use the latest version of the desktop Player (Windows Media Player 10 or later) to
synchronize digital media files to your device (instead of dragging a file from a folder
on your PC to a folder on your device, for example). Using the desktop Player
ensures that licenses are copied with protected files.
Always synchronize the files to a storage card within your device not a storage card
reader. In addition, do not synchronize to the internal storage location (RAM) in your
device. For more information about synchronizing files to mobile devices, see
desktop Player Help on the PC.
Note Audio files will be copied faster if the desktop Player is configured to
automatically set the quality level for audio files copied to your device. For
more information, see desktop Player Help on the PC.
Accessibility for people with disabilities
Microsoft is committed to making its products and services easier for everyone to
use. Many accessibility features have been built into Microsoft products, including
features for individuals who have difficulty typing or using a mouse, who are blind or
have low vision, or who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. For more information about the
following topics, see the Accessibility section of the Microsoft Web site
Accessibility in Microsoft Windows
Adjusting Microsoft products for people with accessibility needs
Free step-by-step tutorials
Microsoft documentation in alternative formats
Assistive technology for Windows
Customer service for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing
Note The information in this section applies to users who license Microsoft
products in the United States. If you obtained this product outside the
United States, your package contains a subsidiary information card that
you can use to contact your subsidiary about the products and services
available in your area.
If you encounter a problem while using the Windows Media Player, a number of
resources are available to help you troubleshoot the issue.
For more information, see the Troubleshooting Windows Media Player Mobile page
at the Microsoft Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/
windows/windowsmedia/player/windowsmobile/troubleshooting. aspx).
Chapter 9
Using Other Applications
9.1 Using Office Mobile
9.2 Using Java
9.3 Contact Manager
9.1 Using Office Mobile
Tap Start > Office Mobile to enter the Office Mobile which contains Word
Mobile, Excel Mobile and PowerPoint Mobile.
Note Office Mobile does not fully support some features of Microsoft Word.
So there are unsupported content types such as background for the Word
Mobile, cell comments for the Excel Mobile, editing slides for the
PowerPoint Mobile. In the Office Mobile tap Start > Help to see a
complete list of features that are not supported.
Word Mobile
Word Mobile is a streamlined version of Microsoft Word. Word documents created
on PC can be opened and edited on the device. You can also create and edit
documents and templates in Word Mobile and save them as *.doc, *.rtf, *.txt, and
*.dot files.
You can have only one document open at a time. When second document is
open, the first one is saved and closed automatically.
A newly created document, it is automatically named at the first several words in the
document when closed. Then it was placed in the Word Mobile document list. You
can easily rename the documents name and move it to another folder or storage
To create a Word document
1. In Word Mobile, tap New.
2. You‘ll see a blank document or a template which is depended on what you‘ve
selected as the default template.
3. Input desired text.
4. After nished, tap OK to save the file.
Excel Mobile
Excel Mobile makes it easy for you to open and edit Excel workbooks and
templates which were created on your PC. You could also create new workbooks
and templates on your device.
To create a Excel file
1. In Excel Mobile tap New to open the blank worksheet or a template depending
on what youve selected as the default template.
2. Select a cell and enter the desired data using the on-screen keyboard, and
then tap the Enter key.
3. Tap Menu, you can insert cells, charts, symbols and so on.
4. After nished, tap OK to save the file.
Tips In full-screen mode you could read your workbook easily by tapping
View > Zoom and select a percentage to read.
PowerPoint Mobile
With PowerPoint Mobile, you can open and view slide show presentations
created on your PC in *.ppt and *.pps format with PowerPoint '97 and later.
Many presentation elements built into the slide shows such as slide
transitions and animations will play back on the device. If the presentation is
set up as a timed slide show, one slide will advance to the next automatically.
To start a slide show presentation
1. Tap Start > Office Mobile > PowerPoint Mobile.
2. In the presentation list, tap the slide show you want to view.
3. Simply tap the current slide to advance to the next slide.
4. To switch the slides, tap > Next or Previous, or tap Go to Slide and tap the
the slide you want to view.
If the presentation is set up as a timed slide show, slides will show automatically.
To stop a slide show
In a PowerPoint Mobile presentation, tap > End Show.
Notes If you have zoomed in to see a slide in more detail, you cannot navigate
to another slide until you zoom out. Tapping Next or Previous may play an
animation on a slide rather than navigate to another slide.
9.2 Using Java
MIDlets are Java applications that can run on mobile devices. Your device supports
Java 2 Micro Edition, J2ME. Java software allows you to download Java
applications, such as games and tools that are specifically designed for mobile
devices. Java gives you the flexibility of installing and managing additional J2ME
applications from the Internet.
To install MIDlets from the Internet
1. Find the MIDlet/MIDlet suite after connected to the Internet.
2. Select the MIDlet/MIDlet suite to download.
3. Confirm to start downloading.
4. Run the file(s) to install.
Note You can cancel the installation at any time.
To install MIDlets from a PC
You can install the MIDlets/MIDlet suites on your device from a PC using the
USB sync cable, the optional cradle, or Bluetooth. MIDlets copied to your
device using Bluetooth, or e-mail attachments are automatically saved in the
My Documents folder. However, you can copy the MIDlet file(s) from a PC to
any of the following temporary folders on your device from where MIDlet
Manager can install them.
Device memory: File Explorer/My device/My Documents/My MIDlets
Storage card: File Explorer/My device/Storage Card
Note If the My MIDlets folder does not exist in My Documents, you can create a
folder in the same folder name. However, a folder named Storage Card
automatically appears after you insert a storage card into your device.
To install a MIDlet/MIDlet suite
1. Tap Start > Programs > Java > Menu > Install > Local Files to install the
MIDlets currently saved on your phone.
2. Select the MIDlet/MIDlet suite from the list by using the Navigation pad.
3. Tap Install.
4. Tap Yes to continue.
5. Tap OK to confirm the installation.
Note To remove the MIDlet files from the temporary folder, tap Remove from
the shortcut menu.
To run MIDlets on your device
1. Tap Start > Java.
The Java Apps screen appears.
2. Select a MIDlet from the list by using the Navigation pad.
3. Press the Action button of the navigation pad to run the MIDlet.
To manage MIDlets
You can create a folder and put MIDlets into it.
To change the name of a MIDlet
1. Tap Start > Java.
The Java Apps screen appears.
2. Select a MIDlet by using the Navigation pad.
3. Tap Menu > Actions > Rename.
4. Enter a new name for the MIDlet.
5. Tap Save.
Note You cannot change the name of a MIDlet suite.
To uninstall a MIDlet
1. On the Java Apps screen, select the MIDlet/MIDlet suite by using the
Navigation pad.
2. Tap Menu > Actions > Remove.
3. Tap Remove to confirm.
Note You cannot uninstall a single MIDlet from a MIDlet suite; you must
uninstall the complete MIDlet suite.
To configure MIDlet security
You can adjust security settings for each MIDlet/MIDlet suite.
1. On the Java Apps screen, select a MIDlet by using the Navigation pad.
2. Tap Menu > Actions > Security.
3. Configure the security options, such as Local connection, Recording,
Messaging, Net access, Auto start.
Following are the security options that you can set for a running MIDlet.
Security Option
Net Access
Allowing a MIDlet to access Internet.
Local Connection
Allowing a MIDlet to access local connections like Bluetooth.
Auto start
Allowing a MIDlet to be started automatically, If there is another MIDlet
running, it may be interrupted,
Allowing a MIDlet to send/receive SMS/MMS.
Allowing a MIDlet to record sound or pictures.
Note Changes to permission settings for a MIDlet in a MIDlet suit will affect the
setting for the whole suite.
9.3 Contact Manager
Contact Manager enables you to copy your contacts information among SIM1,
SIM2 and phone.
1. Tap Start > Programs > Contact Manager to enter into the Contact Manager
2. From the Contact Manager screen you can select SIM1 icon, or SIM2 icon, or
Phone icon to enter contact screen.
3. On the contact screen you can delete and copy contact. Tap Menu > Option
and you can select a type (Mobile telephone, Work telephone or Home
4. Tap Exit to quit Contact Manager on the Contact Manager screen.
A.1 Regulatory Notices
A.2 PC Requirement to Run ActiveSync
A.3 Troubleshooting
A.4 Specifications
A.1 Regulatory Notices
Regulatory Agency IDs
For regulatory identification purposes, your product is assigned a model number of
To ensure continued reliable and safe operation of your device, use only the
accessories listed in this document.
This product is intended for use with a certified Class 2 Limited Power Source, rated
4.2 Volts DC, maximum 1 Amp power supply unit.
Important Health and Safety Information
Retain and follow all product safety and operating instructions. Observe all warnings
in the operating instructions on the product.
To reduce the risk of bodily injury, electric shock, fire, and damage to the equipment,
observe the following precautions.
Safety Precautions for RF Exposure
Use only original manufacturer-approved accessories, or accessories that do not
contain any metal.
Use of non-original manufacture-approved accessories may violate your local RF
exposure guidelines and should be avoided.
General Precautions
Heed service markings
Except for explained elsewhere in the Operating or Service documentation, do not
service any product yourself. Service needed on components inside these
compartments should be done by an authorized service technician or provider.
Damage requiring service
Unplug the product from the electrical outlet and refer servicing to an authorized
service technician or provider under the following conditions:
. Liquid has been spilled or an object has fallen into the product.
. The product has been exposed to rain or water.
. The product has been dropped or damaged.
. There are noticeable signs of overheating.
. The product does not operate normally when you follow the operating
Avoid hot areas
The product should be placed away from heat sources such as radiators, heat
registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
Avoid wet areas
Never use the product in a wet location.
Avoid pushing objects into product
Never push objects of any kind into cabinet slots or other openings in the product.
Slots and openings are provided for ventilation. These openings must not be
blocked or covered.
Mounting Accessories
Do not use the product on an unstable table, cart, stand, tripod, or bracket. Any
mounting of the product should follow the manufacturer‘s instructions, and should
use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer.
Avoid unstable mounting
Do not place the product with an unstable base.
Use product with approved equipment
This product should be used only with personal computers and options identified
as suitable for use with your equipment.
Adjust the volume
Turn down the volume before using headphones or other audio devices.
Unplug the product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners
or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning, but NEVER use water to clean
the LCD screen.
Safety Precautions for Power Supply Unit
Use the correct external power source
A product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the
electrical ratings label. If you are not sure of the type of power source required,
consult your authorized service provider or local power company. For a product that
operates from battery power or other sources, refer to the operating instructions that
are included with the product.
Handle battery packs carefully
This product contains a Li-Ion Polymer battery. There is a risk of fire and burns if the
battery pack is handled improperly. Do not attempt to open or service the battery
pack. Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, short external contacts or circuits,
dispose of in fire or water, or expose a battery pack to temperatures higher than
45˚C (113˚F).
WEEE Notice
The purpose of this Directive is, as a first priority, the prevention of WEEE, and in
addition, to promote the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery
The WEEE logo ( ) on the product or on its box indicates that this product
must not be disposed of or dumped with your other household waste. You are liable
to dispose of all your electronic or electrical waste equipment by relocating over to
the specified collection point for recycling of such hazardous waste. Isolated
collection and proper recovery of your electronic and electrical waste equipment at
the time of disposal will allow us to help conserving natural resources. Moreover,
proper recycling of the electronic and electrical waste equipment will ensure safety
of human health and environment. For more information about electronic and
electrical waste equipment disposal, recovery, and collection points, please contact
your local city centre, household waste disposal service, shop from where you
purchased the equipment, or manufacturer of the equipment.
A.2 PC Requirement to Run ActiveSync
To connect your device to the PC, you have to installed Microsoft® ActiveSync®
program on your PC. The program of ActiveSync 4.5 and Windows Mobile Device
Center 6.1 is included in the Installation CD
Note Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 is only supported on Windows Vista.
1. ActiveSync4.5 is compatible with the following operating systems and
. Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Service Pack 4
. Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Service Pack 1
. Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 IA64 Edition Service Pack 1
. Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 1
. Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Packs 1 and 2
. Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Service Packs 1 and 2
. Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
. Microsoft® Windows® XP Media Center Edition 2005
. Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition
. Microsoft® Outlook® XP, and Microsoft® Outlook® 2003 messaging and
collaboration clients
. Microsoft® Office XP
. Microsoft® Office 2003
. Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.01 or later (required)
. Microsoft® Systems Management Server 2.0
2. Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 is currently only available for the following
versions of Microsoft Windows Vista™.
Windows Vista™ Ultimate
Windows Vista™ Enterprise
Windows Vista™ Business
Windows Vista™ Home Premium
Windows Vista™ Home Basic
Windows Vista™ Server ―Longhorn
A.3 Troubleshooting
If you encounter any problems with your device, consult the following guide and try to
solve these problems. If you are still having problems after reviewing these solutions,
please contact your service provider.
Power & Battery
I can not turn on my
Soft reset the device with the Stylus.
Connect your device to the AC adapter and check LED indicator
whether device is charging. Possibly the battery is drained off.
My device keeps turning
itself off.
Your device is designed by default to turn itself off if not used for 2
minutes. This period can be adjusted to a maximum of 5 minutes.
Refer to the Power setting in the manual for more information.
My device’s date & time
reset to factory default
if I have removed or
replaced battery.
Always re-attach the battery immediately during replacement. The data
will lose if the battery is removed for a long time.
Why my device power
reduce faster than my
Battery consumption varies from user to user due to the way it is being
used. Devices set under specific identical test conditions may be
compared objectively.
operation cannot
be performed or
Make sure you have correctly installed the ActiveSync software found
on the Companion CD that came with your device, and followed the
instructions accordingly. Restart your device or/and PC and try again.
DO NOT plug in the USB cable before loading
Make sure the ActiveSync cradle/cable is connected securely.
On you PC, make sure the Connection Settings are correctly selected
in File > Connection Settings of Microsoft ActiveSync.
is connected, but I can
not transfer data.
Make sure your have established a Partnership with the PC, and check
Tools > Options of Microsoft ActiveSync on your PC, to see if the
information type you want has been selected for synchronizing. For
more information, refer to Chapter 4.
Display & Sound
Screen freezes or no
Soft reset your device by pressing Reset button with the Stylus.
My device doesn’t make
any sound.
Check the Sounds settings by tapping Start > Settings > Personal
tab >Sounds & Notifications.
Check the Volume Control, the speaker may be muted.
What type of extension
files can set up for
Alarm tone?
The format is *.wav, and should be located under Windows.
My device’s sound only
can be heard from the
Make sure the jack is clean and free from foreign particle.
Re-insert the headset plug into the Audio Jack and then unplug it may
help sometimes.
Make sure the headset is supplied with the device.
Connection & Bluetooth
I can not connect to the
internet; Web surfing
doesn’t work.
Make sure you have set up and connected to an Internet Service
Make sure the wireless connection to your mobile Service Provider is
switched on, and that the signal is unobstructed.
Verify with your Internet Service Provider that your user name and
password are correct.
I can’t perform
Synchronization to a server allows your device to sync, over-the-air
(OTA) directly to a Microsoft Exchange 2003 Server. This allows you
to update your e-mail, contacts, calendar and tasks information
securely from any location with data connectivity. In order to use this
functionality, you do not need a PC running however it does require
your IT administrator to enable you to use this service.
I can not end a
Bluetooth connection.
Turn Bluetooth connection off with Wireless Manager.
I can not find a
particular device.
Make sure the Bluetooth function on the other device is activated.
Make sure you are within 10 meters of each other, and there are no
Make sure the other device is set in ―Visible‖ mode.
My device Operation
performs slowly.
You may have opened too many programs. To release the operation
load, you can terminate unneeded running programs by tapping Start
> Settings > System tab > Memory > Running Programs.
Reset your device by pressing Reset button with the stylus.
A warning message
about Running out of
memory” pops up on the
Reset your device by pressing Reset button with the Stylus.
Some ways to create
space on your phone
Delete any unnecessary files such as old e-mail, image files, or large
video files.
Remove unneeded programs by selecting Settings from the Start menu
and then Remove Programs.
Install the programs or store files onto the Micro SD card.
Media Player
I can not move
a file from one
folder to another
in Windows Media
Use File Manager to move the file around the device
What type of
extension files can
Windows Media
Player play?
Video formats supported: *.wmv, *.asf, *.mp4, *.avi.
Audio formats supported: *.wma, *.mp3, *.wav, *.midi, *amr.
My device can not dial
out or receive calls.
You may not locate in network coverage area. Move to coverage
area and try again
Make sure the phone is not in Flight Mode. Tab the Antenna icon
and turn off the Flight Mode.
How can I quickly find a
contact and place a
Start entering the initial letters of the Contact you want to call and the
system will automatically search and sort the contact entries on the
SIM card, in Contacts, and the phone numbers in Call History
(including incoming, outgoing, and missed calls). Then you can select
the desired number or contact from the filtered list to dial.
How do I enable the
During a call, tap Speaker On, or press and hold Talk until the
speakerphone turns on. The speakerphone icon ( ) appears in the
title bar.
To turn off the speakerphone, tap Speaker Off, or press and hold
Talk again until the speakerphone turns off.
Why is no signal with
SIM card insertion?
Make sure the SIM card is installed properly.
Network could be SIM locked. Contact your service provider for
Test your SIM in other phone, possibly the SIM card is damaged.
A.4 Specifications
System Information
TI OMAP850 200MHz + Dragon Fly
- ROM : 256 MB
- RAM : 64 MB
Operating System
Microsoft Windows Mobile Crossbow Pocket PC Edition
Main LCD
2.8‘‘ QVGA LCD display with touch panel
240 x 320 with 65k colors
Alignment Support
Portrait and Landscape
Dragonfly: GSM900/DCS1800/PCS1900
Dual GPRS class 10
Internal Antenna
Camera Module
2-mega-piexel CMOS
Max 1600X1200
117mm (L) x 61mm (W) x 16.4mm (T)
144.2g (with battery)
Controls and Lights
Navigation Buttons
-5-way Navigation pad: Left, Right, Up, Down, Action.
-One program buttons : Camera
- Three phone functions : G1 button, G2 button and End button
-Left Soft Key / Right Soft Key
-Volume buttons
-Power button
-OK button
-Start Menu button
-RESET button
Bi-color LED: Solid red for charging or the phone is using ActiveSync
to synchronize with a PC. Green blinking for having SIM card and find
net without charging. Red blinking for unread messages or missed
calls or notifications or speak on during a call.
Wireless Connection
I/O port
Sync connector
Stereo earphone
Expansion Slots
Card Slot
Micro SD card

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