Custom heart rate zones
Instead of using the default heart-rate zones, you can configure a custom zone or a
custom max heart rate if you have a specific target in mind. For example, elite
athletes might have a target that differs from the American Heart Association’s
recommendations for the average person. When you’re in your custom zone you’ll
see a solid heart on your tracker. When you’re not in the zone you’ll see an outline of
a heart.
For more details about heart rate tracking, including links to relevant American Heart
Rate Association information, see help.fitbit.com.
Tracking a daily activity goal
Your Alta HR tracks your progress towards a daily activity goal of your choice. When
you reach your goal, the tracker vibrates and shows a celebration.
Choosing a goal
By default your goal is 10,000 steps per day, but you may have changed this goal
when you set up your account. You can change the goal to distance traveled,
calories burned, or active minutes and select the corresponding value you prefer. For
example, you may want to keep steps as your goal but change the target from
10,000 to 20,000 steps.
Seeing goal progress
A goal progress bar helps keep you motivated. The filled in portion of the bar shown
below indicates that you’re more than halfway to your goal.
Tracking exercise
SmartTrack ensures you get credit for your most active moments of the day. When
you sync your tracker after a SmartTrack-detected exercise, you can find several
stats in your exercise history including duration, calories burned, impact on your day,
and more.
By default, SmartTrack detects continuous movement at least 15 minutes in length.
You can increase or decrease the minimum duration or disable SmartTrack for one or
more exercise types. For more information about customizing and using SmartTrack,
see help.fitbit.com.