Ferm 07
Extension cables
Only use an extension cable with a plug and earth, so never use damaged or flattened
extension cables. Check whether the extension cable is in a good condition. For this device
the extension cable should have a diameter of at least 2.5 mm
(this applies to a maximum
length of 20 metres). Always unroll extension cables fully before using them.
Electrical connection
Always check whether the input voltage of the motor corresponds to the mains voltage
indicated on the specification plate. The compressors are supplied with an electrical cable
and a two-pole plug + earth. It is important to connect the compressor with an earthed plug
socket. (fig. 9)
Never use the earth-wire instead of the neutral (0-wire). The earthing should take
place in accordance with accident prevention regulations (EN 60204).
3. USE
For homehold use only
NB: The information you will find in this manual has been written to assist the operator in the
use and maintenance of the compressor. Some illustrations in this manual show details which
may differ from those of your compressor.
After having taken the compressor out of its packaging (fig. 1) and having checked that it is in
perfect condition, and having noted that no damage occurred during transport, the following
acts should be performed. If not yet fitted, fit the rubber feet on the tank according to the
instructions represented in fig. 2. Place the compressor on a flat surface or at a maximum
slope of 10° (fig.3), in a well ventilated area, protected against atmospheric factors and not in
explosive surroundings. If the surface area is sloping and smooth, make sure that the
compressor will not move when in operation. If the surface area is a board or a shelf of a
bookcase, just make sure that they cannot fall down by securing them properly. For proper
ventilation and effective cooling, it is important that the compressor is positioned at least 100
cm from the wall (fig. 4).
Make sure that the compressor is transported in the right way, do not turn it upside
down and don't lift it with hooks or ropes (fig. 5-6).
Important! Before commissioning
Remove the plastic cap from the sump lid. Fill the sump with the oil supplied (250 ml). The
gauge at the bottom of the sump indicates the oil level: this should now be level with the red dot
(fig. 7 and 8).
90 Ferm
• Fyld olie på via det øverste hul på beholderlåget (fig.18) indtil måleinstrumentets
indikation på pakningen (fig. 8) er nået. Check pumpensystemets olieniveauet hver uge,
og fyld om nødvendigt.
For drift under omgivende temperature på of -5°C til + 35°C anvend syntetisk olie “SAE
10W30”. Den syntetiske olie har den fordel at den ikke mister dens karakteristisk, hverken om
sommeren eller om vinteren.
Du bør ikke hælde brugt olie ud i afløbet eller naturen.
Overhold venligst nedenstående tabel, ved udskiftning af olie.
Olietype Driftstimer
Kvalitetsolie SAE 10W30 100 eller 6 måneder
Skulle en fejl opstå, f.eks. pga. slidtage af en enhed, kontakt venligst serviceadressen på
garantibeviset. På bagsiden af denne manual finder du en tegning med alle dele, der kan
For at undgå transportbeskadigelse leveres maskinen i en solid emballage. Emballagen er så
vidt muligt lavet af genbrugsmateriale. Genbrug derfor emballagen.
Defekte og/eller kasserede elektriske eller elektroniske maskiner skal afleveres på
en genbrugsplads.
Garantibetingelser er beskrevet på det separat vedlagte garantibevis.