type of cables used and their diameter (which is determined in the project documentation).
When dealing with cables with larger diameters, their bending radius must be taken into
Appropriate length of cables must reach through the upper opening for later connection of the
charging station. At least 50 cm of the power cable and at least 150 cm of the optical / SFTP
cable (if the station's mode of communication does not use a wireless 2G/3G connection) must
reach through the upper opening of the anchoring structure. These minimum lengths of cables
must be strictly observed to enable effortless connection of the charging station.
4.5.2 Cable types
Appropriate cables for underground installation must be used when routing cables below
• Power cable
- 5-wire cable for connection to an existing installation (e.g. FG7R 5x16 mm2), 3-
wire cable for connections to a distribution network,
- The cable diameter depends on the length of the cable, way of routing, etc. The
contractor must determine appropriate cable diameters,
- The choice of the power cable depends also on the type of connection. When
charging stations are clustered together, it is important that the cable diameter
does not change. This means that it needs to be dimensioned according to the
total supply power of all charging stations, connected within a cluster.
- Standard configuration of charging stations enables power cables with the
diameter of 50 mm2 to be used for connection. If power cables with larger
diameters are needed, the charging station can be upgraded with larger
• Grounding
- The charging station needs to be properly grounded:
▪ If the station is connected to an existing installation, grounding is
executed with the grounding busbar of the existing installation,
▪ If the station is connected to an electricity distribution network,
grounding of the station needs to be executed separately. In this case,