SOLEIL - TANIA - POLARIS stoves are equipped with an electronic function to detect the quantity of pellets loaded.
Thanks to the pellet load detector, included on the electronic circuit board, the stove can monitor how many kilograms
remain before the pellet load will run out at any time during operation.
The following procedure, essential for correct system operation, must be carried out the first time the stove is lit (must
be carried out by the dealer).
Before using the pellet load detection system you must first run in the loading system by loading and fully consuming
the first sack of pellets.
When completed press the reserve key to record that 15 kg have been loaded.
From this moment on the quantity of pellets remaining will be displayed on the screen in kilograms in decreasing order
The quantity of pellets loaded must be recorded in the memory every time it is loaded up. If the amount loaded is 15
kg just press the “pellet load” key; for different quantities or in the event of an error, the quantity can be entered using
the pellet reserve menu as follows.
Hold the “Menù” key down for two seconds to display SETUP. Press the + or – key at the same time to display
STT.max exit.
Press the “Menù” key to confirm and display the quantity of pellets present and the load quantity (default value is 15,
adjustable using the +/– keys)
If the pellets in the tank run out the stove cuts out and the message STOP/FIRE is displayed on the screen (see Page
N.B: Every now and again remember to reset the "pellet reserve warning" for it to function in a more reliable manner.
For any clarification please contact the authorised DEALER who performed the first 1st ignition.
sk tecnica soleil-polaris-tania multilingua_fra ristampa febbraio 2010.qxp 24/02/2010 9.10 Pagina 41