the “COPY” function. The notice “COPY” appearing in place of
the hour characters and the flashing serial number 1 indicating
Monday shows that conditions are ready for copying a program.
day or other days by pressing, or pressing repeatedly, the
large........or........button on the front panel of the device.
•Press the “COPY” button to copy the program of the selected
day. After copying has been finished, the flashing of the number
indicating the day that has been copied stops and will become
visible continuously, while the notice “COPY” can also be seen.
•Select the day (e.g. 3) to which you wish to copy the program
of the day copied beforehand (e.g. 2) by pressing, or pressing
repeatedly, the large........or........button on the front panel of the
device. After selecting the number that indicates the day, press the
“COPY” button to copy the program to the selected day.