T o gain a tiny bit of immediate gratification, use the Preview icon button near the top right of
Since BlueGriffon does not yet know which web browser you prefer to use, you will be
rewarded with a dialog where you need to specify which one among e.g. Google Chrome,
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari or whatever browsers are installed on
your computer system. T o learn the full path to the program, you are likely to need to do
something like:
[linux] Within a T erminal window (e.g. Activities, Applications, T erminal):
[who@localhost ~]$ which firefox
[who@localhost ~]$
[OS X] Within a T erminal window (e.g. Activities, Utilities, T erminal):
[localhost: ~] who% which firefox
[localhost: ~] who%
[Windows] Select with the secondary mouse button (typically the right mouse button) a
desktop shortcut to your most-frequently-used web browser, and in the resulting
context menu select Properties. In the Shortcut tab of the Properties dialog you can see
the path to the browser, e.g. c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe