284 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
in Calendar fields, 202
in call notes, 149
in memos, 216
in searches, 98
in task fields, 188
closing, Browser application, 171
compose, description of, 31
1-time phone calls, 131, 137
and saving, 89
email messages, 38
email messages from specific
service book, 39
PIN messages, 41
SMS messages, 71
using AutoText, 50
voice mail, 147
converting, measurements, 218
bookmarks, 167
copying text
in a message, 55
tips for using, 67, 80
Address Book entries, 113
AutoText entries, 51
AutoText entries for SMS
messages, 74
bookmark subfolders, 168
email messages, 38
meeting requests, 208
memos, 214
phone calls, 129
PIN messages, 41
SMS messages, 71
tasks, 187
Address Book options, 112
Alarm, 222
auto signature, 58
Calendar options, 192
call forwarding, 141
call logging, 140
current email message
options, 44
handheld options, 234
home page, 161
MemoPad options, 214
message options, 44
notification profiles, 231
Phone options, 139
SMS message options, 244
Tasks options, 186
cutting text
in a message, 55
tips for using, 67, 80
date and time
copying from network, 237
fields, 236
addresses, 125
appointments in Day, Agenda,
or Week view, 206
appointments in Month
view, 207
attachments, 184
AutoText entries, 54
call logs, 104
email messages from handheld
and desktop, 107
group addresses, 125
individual bookmarks, 168
items on Phone screen, 139
meeting requests, 211
memos, 216
messages, 104
messages using wireless email
reconciliation, 105
multiple items by date, 106
notification profiles, 232
original text from reply