282 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
viewing history, 161
viewing next and previous web
pages, 160
WTLS, 245
bullet characters, inserting, 48
cache, clearing, 163
closing, 219
description of, 32
performing mathematical
operations, 218
performing measurement
conversions, 218
tips for using, 219
using, 217
adding appointments, 200
Agenda view, 194
appointment fields, 203
cancelling meeting requests, 211
changing attendees, 208
changing meeting request
invitees, 210
changing views, 193
creating meeting requests, 208
Day view, 194
deleting appointments in Day,
Agenda, or Week
view, 206
deleting appointments in Month
view, 207
deleting meeting requests, 211
description of, 32
editing appointments in Day,
Agenda, or Week
view, 204
editing appointments in Month
view, 205
editing meeting requests, 210
enabling wireless calendar
synchronization, 199
managing appointments, 204
managing for someone else, 210
Month view, 196
navigating in Agenda view, 197
navigating in Day view, 197
navigating in Month view, 198
navigating in Week view, 197
navigating to a specific date, 198
removing attendees, 208
responding to meeting
requests, 209
setting options, 192
setting recurring
appointments, 202
status icons, 192
tips, 211
using cut, copy, and paste, 55
viewing and editing
appointments in Day,
Agenda, or Week
view, 204
viewing appointments in Month
view, 205
viewing meeting requests, 210
Week view, 195
call forwarding
customizing, 141
description, 139
disabling, 142
enabling, 141
call identity restriction, setting, 143
call logging
customizing, 140
description, 139
types of calls to log, 140
call logs
adding addresses from, 114
deleting, 104
deleting from Phone screen, 139
deleting multiple by date, 106