1.5 Connecting the portable device to the PC
To establish a working connection between the portable device and the PC, install Microsoft ActiveSync software. This
application can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.
After installing ActiveSync, connect the portable device to the PC with a USB cable and make sure that the connection has
been established by monitoring the ActiveSync application window.
In case of devices which are not connected to a PC via ActiveSync, install Software on a clean memory card using the
card reader in the PC.
1.6 Possible installation problems
If the installation process ends with an error message, first perform the following:
• check the connection between the portable device and the PC
• reset the portable device
• format the memory card
1.7 Maps and program update
The update is performed in the same way as the installation. The installer automatically detects whether previous
program versions have been installed. On the screens with components and maps selection, the installer will display the
versions of the installed files and - if they are older than the files that are being installed - will offer to update them.
1.8 Uninstallation
You can remove the program installation from your computer by selecting the appropriate option on the second installer
screen. You will be asked to select the components and maps to be removed.
1.9 Structure of the program and map installation
1.9.1 TPC/PC
On computers with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 operating system, AutoMapa is installed by default in the
C:\ProgramFiles\AutoMapa EU directory, and maps are installed in the C:\ProgramFiles\AutoMapa EU\Maps directory.
The installer creates a shortcut to the program in the "AutoMapa EU" group, which can be accessed by choosing Start|All