View open apps. Double-click the Home button to reveal your open apps. Swipe sideways to see
more. To switch to another app, tap it. On iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, press the left edge of the
screen, then swipe right to switch apps.
Close an app. If an app isn’t working properly, you can force it to quit. Drag the app up from the app
switcher display. Then try opening the app again.
Search for apps. If you have lots of apps, you can use Search to find and open them. Drag right from
the Home screen to see the Search screen, or drag the center of the Home screen down to see the
search field. See .
Look around
Drag a list up or down to see more. Swipe to scroll quickly; touch the screen to stop it. Some lists
have an index—tap a letter to jump ahead.