To adjust your ringer melody and volume (with your telephone in idle mode):
(1) to enter Program Melody mode
(2) again to scroll through the melodies.
(3) To adjust the volume level: or
(4) to confirm your choice.
AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee ddiissppllaayy vviieewwiinngg aannggllee
To adjust the display visibility:
(1) Dial the code for the
""DDiissppllaayy aaddjjuussttmmeenntt""
(2) To select the level: or
The visibility will change with each keystroke.
(3) to confirm.
CChhaannggiinngg tthhee AAssssoocciiaattee nnuummbbeerr
The associate number (a number linked to your extension) can be another extension,
a voice message service number, or a pager number.
To change the Associate number:
(1) Dial the code for the
""AAssssoocciiaattee nnuummbbeerr -- cchhaannggee""
(2) Following the voice guide instructions: dial your personal code
(3) Enter the associate number